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LATEST: Vicious Hua Hin mob attack on British family caught on video stuns the world


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When I first watched this cctv footage this morning I like most was appalled at the violence shown towards these people. It was definitely over the top and a display of hatred.

While the level of violence used was inexcusable it is clear that the old couple showed they didn't take into account where they are. The old man punched a Thai man, the old lady slapped a Thai man.

The initial fall by the son looks like he is drunk and the push simply made him lose his balance. The Father and Mother should have picked him up and got him away quickly.

They certainly didn't deserve what they got but at their age they should know diffusing a situation or simply getting the hell out of there would have been far better.

Once the violence starts (from what I see by the foreigners) The Thai men are lifted to a frenzy and seem like they want to kill them. The final kick to the lady and walking over them shows a disgusting level of a lack of respect.

This will be a dilemma for the justice system as they will have to be seen to give heavy punishment for the sake of the tourism while most Thai's will see a reaction to a loss of face for a public face slap and a punch.

I hope the disgusting pack of wolves get a heavy prison term, though I doubt it. I also hope the family recovers quickly. I'm sure the woman in particular will find it hard to forget.

Watching the cctv made me realise how easy it is to get into a terrible situation at any time. I wouldn't fight a Thai in a crowd for any reason anymore. I have in the past and been very lucky to have walked away. It seems many will come and join the fight against you and the crowd will only watch until it's over.

Remember this video footage and take care whilst you are out particularly at night.

Quite a good analysis but you are reasoning from your own point of view and not looking through the eyes of three first timer tourists who haven't got a clue. TAT and tourist agencies back home lure these unknowing tourists to buy packages to the Land of Smiles!! The most chilled out place on earth, super friendly and open-minded. Don't forget that most of these package tourists don't read up on cultural differences or dangers before travelling. To them every beach holiday is the same. They may as well be in Goa or Lloret de Mar

Fair points Dave. But behave like that in Loret, Goa, London, Cardiff or Glasgow i.e. shove, slap and punch pissed up locals in a gang and you'll probably get the same or worse.

Again, down to booze making everyone think they've super powers and diminishing the ability to judge things properly.

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they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

Did she, Not From what I could see?

Would that justify the beating they got?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Look at the video the first 15 seconds you can see 2 thai guys (black shirt and light coloured shirt carry a bottle ) having a verbal and a bit of a jostling. They start to walk off at around the 17/18/19/20 second mark your see the Brits coming through and as they pass the 2 Thais, the Brit in black sticks his left arm out and sort of grabs at the thai in light coloured shirt. The thai who was grabbed appears drunk and obviously retaliates. That's how it appears to be started from my perspective. No one else noticed the little thai girl getting body slammed into the ground as well and she hobbles/walks off.
Yes I think you are right, the son pushed him first (not hard the Thai pushed him back not hard to but I think he was drunk and sliped on the water and hit his head, the mum probley didn't see the son push the Thai man and went into one

The Thai girl who got body slamed was actually trying to stop it, the guy who slamed her I think just thought she was punching him with the other guy

The dad chucked the first punch after that they had no chance

Still attempted murder but not unprovoked

And the Thai yobs should be locked up especially the ones who punched and kicked a old lady in the head

As we all know when there is a fight Thais go over the top and have to put the boot In when someone is down, they can't just hit someone and leave it at that they have to get a few more in

I wonder where all the police was?

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There is a lot of hatred and frustration but it's not really at foreign visitor it's at other people and situations about which the Thai are powerless to act.it's easier to take it out on a foreigner and the xenophobia is almost sponsored at state level. People who have been disenpowered, humiliated and bullied will look for an easy target. I have seen Thai boiling with rage fear and depression since the coup. It's has been palpable for soe time now.

Edited by alofthailand
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There is a lot of hatred and frustration but it's not really at foreign visitor it's at other people and situations about which the Thai are powerless to act.it's easier to take it out on a foreigner and the xenophobia is almost sponsored at state level. People who have been disenpowered, humiliated and bullied will look for an easy target. I have seen Thai boiling with rage fear and depression since the coup. It's has been palpable for soe time now.

10 years everything has gone downhill in Thailand and is just getting worse and worse ...

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i would <deleted> love 20 minutes alone in a room with those rats ...dental surgery ? they would need a wizard to undo the damage i would do.

Sad thing is once again ...they will not be held to account as they will simply claim they were drunk therefor its not their fault.

Pathetic justice system , on the off chance you are caught the punishments are so light it isn't really a deterrent.

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Good advertising for LoS. TAT will love it. Good that the video has been published in the international medias showing the reality of today's Thailand. Boycott this shameless country, go to Laos, Vietnam or Indonesia, far better and more hospitality.

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For every bad Thai (and sure they can be as nasty as anyone) there are nineteen decent Thais.

More like 50/50 nationwide, but the 50% bad mostly hang out in the holiday resorts upping the odds for trouble.

I wouldn't say 50/50. In places like Phuket and Pattaya it might be closer to 50/50 but I wouldn't say those places are the real Thailand, but generally 90% of Thais are fine. As been pointed out here, the combination of alcohol and cultural misunderstandings can have sad results. I've bumped into Thai people, a quick sorry and a 'wai' and the same from the other person have been my experience.

Imagine having to wai after you apologized already, and that out of fear of repercussions(word of the day). Terrible way to live, honestly.

I sometimes bump into them in purpose because they never move out of the way. Fear is never a way to live a healthy and conscious life

In my experience the apologies from me and the other person have been simultaneous and more often than not with a smile from the Thai person. I feel sorry for you if you need to deliberately bump into Thai people. I don't understand why Thai children run in my path at Tesco-Lotus or Thais in general getting in the way, as has been pointed out they may not have the spatial awareness Westerners have, whatever it's what makes them Thai, and it's no big deal, in a funny way it has its charm. You are in Thailand remember and as much as I would like some of the comforts from back home (better A.F.L. coverage on TV, cheap Fish and Chips etc) this is their country. It gets frustrating at times but the good far outweighs the bad and you are always free to leave if you wish, just don't deliberately bump into a Thai at the airport as we don't need another Thai vs. the West international incident.

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I watch a lot of Liveleak and YouTube vids and I've never seen anyone cold cock an old lady into unconciousnous nor anyone kick an old lady in the head full force. This video is a first for me for both of those things and it wasn't even the same guy. What a mentality this country has.

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Definitely don't approve of it but the fact is the visitors started the whole business, don't argue with me about it, go watch the video and see for your self and then argue with the video! BTW the Term Thai Apologist is passe any more, really dated.

Don't tell me not to argue about it pal, watch it again without preconceived notions and then tell me it was the tourists' fault.

"Don't argue about it"....paper tigers!

If you were a policeman ( a real one) writing the report on this, based on the video, what would you say the was the first assault?

If / when you can answer that you can then check the sequence of events.

The resulting melee with people being knocked to the ground and severely and savagely, seemingly gratuitously, beaten kicked and stamped on is the result of the earlier assaults.

Watch is without bias, several times and check out all parts of the screen.

The first "assault" was the foreign male walking hand in hand with the female who didn't acknowledge the bodily contact with the Thai, he looked like he was out walking down Oxford Street on a Saturday afternoon, a simple excuse me or I'm sorry after that bump would have prevented what followed.

So the Thai male felt he had been pushed and he responded, that's where it all begins.

The first physical act of aggression that I can see is where the foreign female slapped the face of the Thai man, it really doesn't matter what was said, she struck him and he lost face.

Yep. Add the son connecting with the Thai man, in what looks like an effort to move him out the way before being shoved back in retaliation and you've got it spot on.

Interesting reaction in the UK. The Scotsman claimed it was a Scottish family and then Wales On-Line named them and identified them as a Welsh family. Both of their FB pages were full of fury and anger at the serious assault. I didn't see any comments noting that the first assaults were actually not from any of the Thais.

I am not condoning or excusing the very serious and totally unwarranted assaults these three people suffered. But moving someone out the way as the son did, then slapping one in the face as the mum did, then hitting one as the dad did is never going to end well, especially when your in a foreign country and where all are fueled by alcohol. At their time of life the British family should have known better and the Thais cannot excuse their excessive violence in any circumstances. But booze distorts reality.

Those who claim they can't see the assaults carried out by the British must need a visit to Specsavers. If they don't know what constitutes an assault, assault and battery, and gbh they should do some research.

Yeah you are right, that gang of Thai guys were just acting in self defense because an old lady slapped one of them. They had no choice but to knock them all out and then kick each of them in the head. Rule Thailand!

As for your excuse for why this happened, the man who got slapped is neither the guy who punched or kicked any of the tourists but at the start of the video he is arguing with one of his friends who KO's all of them and another guy kicks then in the head while they are out or coming round. In fact the slapee appears to be in the middle trying to stop his drunk angry friends from attacking the 2 older tourists.

Edited by KunMatt
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they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

Did she, Not From what I could see?

Would that justify the beating they got?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Maybe you need new optical correct sunglasses. If you didn't see she smacked the Thai guy first. Re look at the video and you will see that these British people started the shit

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they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

Did she, Not From what I could see?

Would that justify the beating they got?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Maybe you need new optical correct sunglasses. If you didn't see she smacked the Thai guy first. Re look at the video and you will see that these British people started the shit

and I already said it looked like more of a slap than a punch.

Justifies a punch in the face and kick in the head on a 65 year old women does it ?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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If she'd shown more concern for her son lying on the ground instead of trying to argue then maybe she wouldn't have got smacked.

She basically caused her family to get to beaten up through her own stupidity.

That is what happens when you raise your hands to another.....

Edited by Brizo
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When I first watched this cctv footage this morning I like most was appalled at the violence shown towards these people. It was definitely over the top and a display of hatred.

While the level of violence used was inexcusable it is clear that the old couple showed they didn't take into account where they are. The old man punched a Thai man, the old lady slapped a Thai man.

The initial fall by the son looks like he is drunk and the push simply made him lose his balance. The Father and Mother should have picked him up and got him away quickly.

They certainly didn't deserve what they got but at their age they should know diffusing a situation or simply getting the hell out of there would have been far better.

Once the violence starts (from what I see by the foreigners) The Thai men are lifted to a frenzy and seem like they want to kill them. The final kick to the lady and walking over them shows a disgusting level of a lack of respect.

This will be a dilemma for the justice system as they will have to be seen to give heavy punishment for the sake of the tourism while most Thai's will see a reaction to a loss of face for a public face slap and a punch.

I hope the disgusting pack of wolves get a heavy prison term, though I doubt it. I also hope the family recovers quickly. I'm sure the woman in particular will find it hard to forget.

Watching the cctv made me realise how easy it is to get into a terrible situation at any time. I wouldn't fight a Thai in a crowd for any reason anymore. I have in the past and been very lucky to have walked away. It seems many will come and join the fight against you and the crowd will only watch until it's over.

Remember this video footage and take care whilst you are out particularly at night.

Quite a good analysis but you are reasoning from your own point of view and not looking through the eyes of three first timer tourists who haven't got a clue. TAT and tourist agencies back home lure these unknowing tourists to buy packages to the Land of Smiles!! The most chilled out place on earth, super friendly and open-minded. Don't forget that most of these package tourists don't read up on cultural differences or dangers before travelling. To them every beach holiday is the same. They may as well be in Goa or Lloret de Mar

I spent six months reading Thai visa before I came to Thailand. ;) I guess I should thank all of you. I learned more by watching all of you bicker than I could of actually being there. Edited by Hiyaall
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I think Thais have latent anger and this is one way it gets expressed.

Also some ladyboys think it's okay to fight with real women just because they dress up like them. I've heard of fights getting started with the ladyboys as the instigator.

However, if there's even a sliver of a chance that the Thais will face a fight where they can get hurt they back out.


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Definitely don't approve of it but the fact is the visitors started the whole business, don't argue with me about it, go watch the video and see for your self and then argue with the video! BTW the Term Thai Apologist is passe any more, really dated.

Don't tell me not to argue about it pal, watch it again without preconceived notions and then tell me it was the tourists' fault.

"Don't argue about it"....paper tigers!

If you were a policeman ( a real one) writing the report on this, based on the video, what would you say the was the first assault?

If / when you can answer that you can then check the sequence of events.

The resulting melee with people being knocked to the ground and severely and savagely, seemingly gratuitously, beaten kicked and stamped on is the result of the earlier assaults.

Watch is without bias, several times and check out all parts of the screen.

The first "assault" was the foreign male walking hand in hand with the female who didn't acknowledge the bodily contact with the Thai, he looked like he was out walking down Oxford Street on a Saturday afternoon, a simple excuse me or I'm sorry after that bump would have prevented what followed.

So the Thai male felt he had been pushed and he responded, that's where it all begins.

The first physical act of aggression that I can see is where the foreign female slapped the face of the Thai man, it really doesn't matter what was said, she struck him and he lost face.

Yep. Add the son connecting with the Thai man, in what looks like an effort to move him out the way before being shoved back in retaliation and you've got it spot on.

Interesting reaction in the UK. The Scotsman claimed it was a Scottish family and then Wales On-Line named them and identified them as a Welsh family. Both of their FB pages were full of fury and anger at the serious assault. I didn't see any comments noting that the first assaults were actually not from any of the Thais.

I am not condoning or excusing the very serious and totally unwarranted assaults these three people suffered. But moving someone out the way as the son did, then slapping one in the face as the mum did, then hitting one as the dad did is never going to end well, especially when your in a foreign country and where all are fueled by alcohol. At their time of life the British family should have known better and the Thais cannot excuse their excessive violence in any circumstances. But booze distorts reality.

Those who claim they can't see the assaults carried out by the British must need a visit to Specsavers. If they don't know what constitutes an assault, assault and battery, and gbh they should do some research.

Yeah you are right, that gang of Thai guys were just acting in self defense because an old lady slapped one of them. They had no choice but to knock them all out and then kick each of them in the head. Rule Thailand!

As for your excuse for why this happened, the man who got slapped is neither the guy who punched or kicked any of the tourists but at the start of the video he is arguing with one of his friends who KO's all of them and another guy kicks then in the head while they are out or coming round. In fact the slapee appears to be in the middle trying to stop his drunk angry friends from attacking the 2 older tourists.

Well done you got it spot on. After Social media took it to international news I suggest that Tourist who want to visit Thailand first do a theory and practical course in "How to mind your own business in a foreign country and not to get involved in arguments with Thais." This will save them a lot in medical cost.

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When I first watched this cctv footage this morning I like most was appalled at the violence shown towards these people. It was definitely over the top and a display of hatred.

While the level of violence used was inexcusable it is clear that the old couple showed they didn't take into account where they are. The old man punched a Thai man, the old lady slapped a Thai man.

The initial fall by the son looks like he is drunk and the push simply made him lose his balance. The Father and Mother should have picked him up and got him away quickly.

They certainly didn't deserve what they got but at their age they should know diffusing a situation or simply getting the hell out of there would have been far better.

Once the violence starts (from what I see by the foreigners) The Thai men are lifted to a frenzy and seem like they want to kill them. The final kick to the lady and walking over them shows a disgusting level of a lack of respect.

This will be a dilemma for the justice system as they will have to be seen to give heavy punishment for the sake of the tourism while most Thai's will see a reaction to a loss of face for a public face slap and a punch.

I hope the disgusting pack of wolves get a heavy prison term, though I doubt it. I also hope the family recovers quickly. I'm sure the woman in particular will find it hard to forget.

Watching the cctv made me realise how easy it is to get into a terrible situation at any time. I wouldn't fight a Thai in a crowd for any reason anymore. I have in the past and been very lucky to have walked away. It seems many will come and join the fight against you and the crowd will only watch until it's over.

Remember this video footage and take care whilst you are out particularly at night.

Quite a good analysis but you are reasoning from your own point of view and not looking through the eyes of three first timer tourists who haven't got a clue. TAT and tourist agencies back home lure these unknowing tourists to buy packages to the Land of Smiles!! The most chilled out place on earth, super friendly and open-minded. Don't forget that most of these package tourists don't read up on cultural differences or dangers before travelling. To them every beach holiday is the same. They may as well be in Goa or Lloret de Mar

Fair points Dave. But behave like that in Loret, Goa, London, Cardiff or Glasgow i.e. shove, slap and punch pissed up locals in a gang and you'll probably get the same or worse.

Again, down to booze making everyone think they've super powers and diminishing the ability to judge things properly.

Aye, very true, was just discussing this with the ma back home. One should always be aware where one is and know local customs and culture but then again that is asking for the impossible. Most folks come here for the good craic, the beach and beer Leo and haven't really got a single clue what's really going on, sad but true. Even when I first came here in 97 I'd read the dangers&warnings section in The Looney Planet guidebook, 5555. One needs to stay alive anywhere, it's necessary if you know what I mean. Yeah, some people are just gormless and therefore they suffer more in the end. Fact of life

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If you were a policeman ( a real one) writing the report on this, based on the video, what would you say the was the first assault?

If / when you can answer that you can then check the sequence of events.

The resulting melee with people being knocked to the ground and severely and savagely, seemingly gratuitously, beaten kicked and stamped on is the result of the earlier assaults.

Watch is without bias, several times and check out all parts of the screen.

The first "assault" was the foreign male walking hand in hand with the female who didn't acknowledge the bodily contact with the Thai, he looked like he was out walking down Oxford Street on a Saturday afternoon, a simple excuse me or I'm sorry after that bump would have prevented what followed.

So the Thai male felt he had been pushed and he responded, that's where it all begins.

The first physical act of aggression that I can see is where the foreign female slapped the face of the Thai man, it really doesn't matter what was said, she struck him and he lost face.

Yep. Add the son connecting with the Thai man, in what looks like an effort to move him out the way before being shoved back in retaliation and you've got it spot on.

Interesting reaction in the UK. The Scotsman claimed it was a Scottish family and then Wales On-Line named them and identified them as a Welsh family. Both of their FB pages were full of fury and anger at the serious assault. I didn't see any comments noting that the first assaults were actually not from any of the Thais.

I am not condoning or excusing the very serious and totally unwarranted assaults these three people suffered. But moving someone out the way as the son did, then slapping one in the face as the mum did, then hitting one as the dad did is never going to end well, especially when your in a foreign country and where all are fueled by alcohol. At their time of life the British family should have known better and the Thais cannot excuse their excessive violence in any circumstances. But booze distorts reality.

Those who claim they can't see the assaults carried out by the British must need a visit to Specsavers. If they don't know what constitutes an assault, assault and battery, and gbh they should do some research.

I read in the UK press this morning that the son, the one he failed to acknowledge that first contact with the Thai man, works and lives in Singapore. I thought that was an interesting piece of information in that he must have known better about that first contact but didn't.

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When I first watched this cctv footage this morning I like most was appalled at the violence shown towards these people. It was definitely over the top and a display of hatred.

While the level of violence used was inexcusable it is clear that the old couple showed they didn't take into account where they are. The old man punched a Thai man, the old lady slapped a Thai man.

The initial fall by the son looks like he is drunk and the push simply made him lose his balance. The Father and Mother should have picked him up and got him away quickly.

They certainly didn't deserve what they got but at their age they should know diffusing a situation or simply getting the hell out of there would have been far better.

Once the violence starts (from what I see by the foreigners) The Thai men are lifted to a frenzy and seem like they want to kill them. The final kick to the lady and walking over them shows a disgusting level of a lack of respect.

This will be a dilemma for the justice system as they will have to be seen to give heavy punishment for the sake of the tourism while most Thai's will see a reaction to a loss of face for a public face slap and a punch.

I hope the disgusting pack of wolves get a heavy prison term, though I doubt it. I also hope the family recovers quickly. I'm sure the woman in particular will find it hard to forget.

Watching the cctv made me realise how easy it is to get into a terrible situation at any time. I wouldn't fight a Thai in a crowd for any reason anymore. I have in the past and been very lucky to have walked away. It seems many will come and join the fight against you and the crowd will only watch until it's over.

Remember this video footage and take care whilst you are out particularly at night.

Quite a good analysis but you are reasoning from your own point of view and not looking through the eyes of three first timer tourists who haven't got a clue. TAT and tourist agencies back home lure these unknowing tourists to buy packages to the Land of Smiles!! The most chilled out place on earth, super friendly and open-minded. Don't forget that most of these package tourists don't read up on cultural differences or dangers before travelling. To them every beach holiday is the same. They may as well be in Goa or Lloret de Mar

Fair points Dave. But behave like that in Loret, Goa, London, Cardiff or Glasgow i.e. shove, slap and punch pissed up locals in a gang and you'll probably get the same or worse.

Again, down to booze making everyone think they've super powers and diminishing the ability to judge things properly.

Aye, very true, was just discussing this with the ma back home. One should always be aware where one is and know local customs and culture but then again that is asking for the impossible. Most folks come here for the good craic, the beach and beer Leo and haven't really got a single clue what's really going on, sad but true. Even when I first came here in 97 I'd read the dangers&warnings section in The Looney Planet guidebook, 5555. One needs to stay alive anywhere, it's necessary if you know what I mean. Yeah, some people are just gormless and therefore they suffer more in the end. Fact of life

Just watched the video and it is one of the worst examples of Thai behaviour I have ever seen. Then went to the last post and can not believe what is being said.

Calling them "gormless" is unbelievable. Are you really telling me your Ma would watch you being pushed over and injured then just ignore who did it and carry you away? If that was my son there is no way I would be able to not have a at least a word with him although I would not try hitting him but rather get the police involved.

The question of loss of face seems doubtful to me. Although it is hard to know what happened before the push, it looked like the woman slapped a man in a white shirt but it was a man in a black shirt who escalated the violence. I think the white shirted man put in the last kick but otherwise seemed to just argue.

Talking as though it is OK to batter people because they have lost face is like saying the black shirted mans actions were justified.

The Thai men were drunk and acting like a pack of dogs and I hope they make an example of them and they rot in prison for many years especially the black shirt guy.

As for loss of face maybe a few photos of the men's family would be good as they brought up these animals to act this way and deserve to lose some face as well. It would be a good lesson for Thai families who spoil there sons all their lives turning them into mentally underdeveloped morons that are all over Thailand.

Sure punching a member of a drunk gang in the UK or Spain (not been to Goa) is a dangerous move but an old lady slapping a young lad in a crowded street is very unlikely to end up with her and her family getting a kicking like this.

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And you would think that this graphic horrendous video, koh tao murders and many more murders, suicides etc would deter people from coming here. But Thailand is like a horror movie where the audience is screaming "Don't go thru that door!" But the seemingly brainless person does just the opposite. But the audience is as brainless as the person they are screaming at because why can they audience think the person can hear them?

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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0:19The black shirt British guy pushed the Thai guy away. 0:22 the thai guy pushed back n the floor was slippery resulting in the black shirt british man fall. 0:50 Then after some argument the lady slap the thai guy in the face. 1:13 the Black shirt british man proceeded to lock the black shirt thai man in a headlock 1:13 same time the purple shirt british man threw a punch at another thai( guy who had a bottle in hand who got push by the black shirt british and push back in 0:19). Thats when the Thai gangsters retaliated. Study the video closely. Again I don't condone the acts of the Thai Gangsters but it takes 2 hands to clap.

follow the movements of the purple shirt british man from 1:08 to 1:13. it might not be clear but u can see him moving across and throwing a punch at 1:13. watch closely. He punch the thai man who had the bottle in his hand who was pushed by the Black Shirt British man in 0:19, He fell to the ground after being punch by the British man. after which he got up from the floor. Thats why the black shirt thai man broke free of his headlock and walk all the way across to punch him 1st. Mayhem Ensues Thats what actually caused the thais to start fighting.

Its not right how the Thais kick the family and the old lady when they are on the floor. But the British family started it 1st by pushing slapping n throwing the 1st punch. They even punch n knock a Thai man onto the floor. Don't tell me they r 50 n 60. A thai man got knock down on the floor by a punch. They got too much what they ask for. I don't condone violence. In this case I don't condone violent acts from both sides. Its just that the Thais were more violent in retaliation.

Why does the RTP think that its solely the fault of the Thais? Fear or Bad News for Tourism? pls do your job n investigate properly. Every expat i spoke to n when saw the video how i pointed it out in detail saw it too. it wasn't solely the fault of the thais. Please be fair.

should the thai men push back after he was push?

should the Thais punch them n knock the whole family out?

Should the Thais kick the British Family while they were on the floor?

should the Thais kick the old lady on the floor?

should the British shoved the Thai out of the way?( start of this trouble)

should the british lady slap the man?

should the purple shirt punch n knock a thai man onto the ground?

Put away your emotions for abit. I know we dont like it that the lady got kick on the floor.

But fact of the matter is the British family started it n got too much what they ask for. It takes 2 hands to clap. RTP should investigate this case clearly. I have shown the video to my wife n some friends of mine n pointed out in detail what happen. After watching it together with me. Everyone was fair in saying the British should not have started it by shoving slapping n punching the thais and the Thais retaliated too violently. Violence should never be an answer to your anger. It applies to both the British Family n the Thais in this case.

Edited by Moonmoon
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Beat us senseless Thailand; Mame,Murder and rob us and our sons, daugthers, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, wives, husbands and friends until we are no longer in denial. The government has already stated they can not guarantee the safety of our loosely clad women so where does that leave the lot of us?

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