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Water Supply-Hua Hin


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I understand there is a water problem in Hua Hin.

Does anyone have any ideas of what local authorities are doing to rectify the situation?

Is it likely that residents will have no choice but to purchase water since it would appear that no water is being supplied during this current period?

Is there any contact number where one can ascertain this information?

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Depends where you live. There was problems on soi 112 when they filled a massive water park. In the north there are areas with supply problems. Huahin dont have a big enough dam tovstore water and gets water in from Pranburi and in the near future from Petchaburi. When the Petchaburi line is completed the water problems in the north will be solved.

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I live off soi112 almost opposite the water park and never had a problem with water supply even when filling the water park. I can't remember the last time the water was cut off.

I believe there are some problems north of the town but otherwise nothing serious.

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I reside at Soy 8 and the water gets turned off here for several days running, and when it is on, there is not enough flow to fill one of the two tanks I have for water on my property. About once every 10 days I have to have water trucked in and at 300 baht per pop that can get expensive. The water is not always the best quality coming in. I have been told by friends that they have seen water trucks loading water from the dirty water in the canals. I often wonder who is making money on this deal when I hear others in Hua Hin are not having water issues and it has been an issue here for several months now. Most houses in my complex are having this same problem so where is all the water that others say they have plenty of?

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I'll tell you a secret. All you need to do is put a water pump, close to the street. The pump will take all the water form the main line;

as long as the main line has water is turned on. All you need is for the water to be turned on for an hour per day. the pump will pull all the water.

Enough if they turn on 10 % pressure. You'll take all the water from the main line. You then have the second pump take water from your holding tank to send the water to the upper floors of your house. You need to cover the pump near the road, as it will piss off the other neighbors.

I learned this 5 years ago, when there was problems with water. Everyone was buying a second and third water tank. I was watering my grass :)

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BARK , your pump pulls in all the crap from the line especially if there is a break in the pipework u suck all the dirty flood water into the system possibly causing typhoid to some other poor bugger filling a bowl to wash a child. not so clever

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