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Current Heat Wave

Gonzo the Face

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Has anyone seen any report or statistics relative to the current heat wave we are experiencing ? Like has there been before such an extended number of days where the temp cracked 38 / 100 degrees ? If so can you repeat that report.

I'm pushing 30 years here now, and I cannot recall so many consecutive days of such heat levels. Like to hear others input.


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You're right, it's also hot in Isaan. Global warning !!!

According to news reports, at least 50 towns and cities matched or broke their daily air temperature records. On April 28, the temperature in Mae Hong Son was the highest ever recorded in Thailand, reaching 44.6 degrees Celsius (112.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Please see: http://reliefweb.int/map/thailand/heat-wave-hits-thailand-india-4-may-2016

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The wife had mentioned she heard its been something like 60yrs back since a likewise heatwave in these parts.

As well, Feb. was freezing with apparently some record lows.

A Thai-guy told me this morning that Doi Tao is "dry"....thats unlikely being such a large lake...but if it is...OhOh sad.png

The picture is the Ping River in Hod (hot) area,south of the city.

Apparently its the "super El nino" weather phenomen that is behind it all. This was attributed to the cause of the massive fire in Canada last week,not to mention dozens still burning.

Weather extremes maybe the effects of global warming.


Edited by HaleySabai
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I found yesterday to be the hottest Ive experience in the 4 years that Ive been in Chiang Mai. I was a real scorcher out in Mae Rim so much so that I put off the weekly Tuesday market visit by a few hours. Once the sun went down it was a bit more bearable, but not by much.

Enjoyed a few ice cold Leos before returning home. Most of the expats I was with also agreed that it was damn hot and quite unbearable with several mentioning that the ACs are struggling to cope. Accuweather has us down for some thunderstorms come Friday but as that day approaches they keep shifting it back by a day. I just hope it happens soon as even the coconut trees around the house are feeling the heat (Dropping a lot of their branches).

So yes Gonzo I think this is one heck of a heatwave that we're having. Ive no stats and just hope it ends soon.

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I normally fare well in the hot weather but last night I had to put on the AC. That is very unusual for me, I don't like AC at night.

It is certainly the hottest May I remember and I've been here for quite a few.

Next week they all hike up to Doi Suthep, if it doesn't cool down by then they will be dropping like flies!

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Has anyone seen any report or statistics relative to the current heat wave we are experiencing ? Like has there been before such an extended number of days where the temp cracked 38 / 100 degrees ? If so can you repeat that report.

I'm pushing 30 years here now, and I cannot recall so many consecutive days of such heat levels. Like to hear others input.


I am hoping it will go down to 38 degrees soon. Been over 40 degrees for the last 6 weeks in my area.

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I have been in Thailand for over 30 years and I cant remember any year since 1983 when the heat so like this for so long. I don't mind the heat, it is the humidity I don't like. Heat is not a problem but couple it with high humidity and then it is a problem

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A thai told me that it is still getting hotter! Here in BKK it may go from 38 to 41/42 up to end May.

I would really appreciate some official line, because my ACs are struggling and I may go to KL for 10 days.


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So according to the Government the rainy season will start in about 7-10 days,

nothing to worry about then !

regards Worgeordie

Actually it will start the 15th according to the government, so only 4 more days..

I stopped spraying the garden already.

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Usually driving the scooter cools me off, but these days its like driving with a giant hair blow dryer set to high blasting you

even short distances I am sweating by the time I get to my destination. I am actually looking forward to the rain but surely after a bit i will be complaining about the rain haha

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Today is actually the hottest I've been inside my house this season, it's 6:30 and now the inside temp is 34 degrees, matches the outside air temp.

No I can't remember anything similar here, yes I'm suffering with it all but I'm actually more concerned about the rest of the year and how it might be!

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Today is actually the hottest I've been inside my house this season, it's 6:30 and now the inside temp is 34 degrees, matches the outside air temp.

No I can't remember anything similar here, yes I'm suffering with it all but I'm actually more concerned about the rest of the year and how it might be!

40 c currently in my upstairs study/office at 6.42 pm ,with just a fan .Loving it .

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Its very worrying how little water there is now... not just the hot temps.

For the last week every day in my area have been over 40 degrees.. with a high of 43 degrees.

Even with watering the garden the hot sun bakes the ground rock hard and any water evaporates in a few hours... so I have given up watering it at all now as most of it is dead anyway.. despite my massive water bills.

Even if we get rain this year I don't think its going to be anywhere near enough to fill up the reservoirs enough for the next dry season.

This is the first year of many years living here that I have seen a lot of dead rice plants in the fields around our area too.

The officials say the rains will start in the next few days... but I am not going to be too surprised if they don't!

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I have lived through a sever drought down in Pattaya /jomtien around 9 years ago .The reservoir lake was almost empty and dirty water was coming out of the taps .Supply was also on and off .Its nothing new in Thailand .

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Has anyone seen any report or statistics relative to the current heat wave we are experiencing ? Like has there been before such an extended number of days where the temp cracked 38 / 100 degrees ? If so can you repeat that report.

I'm pushing 30 years here now, and I cannot recall so many consecutive days of such heat levels. Like to hear others input.


I am hoping it will go down to 38 degrees soon. Been over 40 degrees for the last 6 weeks in my area.

Phoenix Arizona had 76 days of 100F or more, in 1993. In 1974 they had 18 straight days of 110F. Still the top State in the US for Californians to move to. Apparently many choose Hell over Tax Hell.

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Usually driving the scooter cools me off, but these days its like driving with a giant hair blow dryer set to high blasting you

even short distances I am sweating by the time I get to my destination. I am actually looking forward to the rain but surely after a bit i will be complaining about the rain haha

Was out on my motorbike today and although well covered after 10 minutes felt I was cooking. Could have grilled a steak on top of my helmet, was even going through red traffic lights too afraid to stop and get fried on the spot.

I`ve never felt heat like this before, it`s scorching. The heat even burn`t my back through my coat and tee-shirt. I saw an old Farlang man on his motorbike just wearing a vest, bald head and no helmet. I thought; is that guy crazy? His brains must have literally been boiled in that heat. I do hope this weather breaks soon, enough is enough.

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According to Indian weather forecasts the SW monsoon is not expected until mid June so expect the hot spell to last a bit longer unless we get a few more local storms.Also the El Niño index for the Indian Ocean is still high.

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0 heat

You're right, it's also hot in Isaan. Global warning !!!

According to news reports, at least 50 towns and cities matched or broke their daily air temperature records. On April 28, the temperature in Mae Hong Son was the highest ever recorded in Thailand, reaching 44.6 degrees Celsius (112.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Please see: http://reliefweb.int/map/thailand/heat-wave-hits-thailand-india-4-may-2016

Mae Hong Song reached 44.8 broke the record set I believe in 1960 set in Ultralidit of 44.6. This is the hotest since the 1960 wave

Edited by moe666
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