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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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This is what used to be called "common sense" Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’


And it was further said in that article:

The idea that one’s sexuality is a feeling and not a biological fact “is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges,” said Dr. McHugh in his article...

“In fact, gender dysphoria—the official psychiatric term for feeling oneself to be of the opposite sex—belongs in the family of similarly disordered assumptions about the body, such as anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorder,” said McHugh.

In conclusion the article also said: Its treatment should not be directed at the body as with surgery and hormones any more than one treats obesity-fearing anorexic patients with liposuction,” he said.

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In Thailand I've seen many times ladyboys use the women's toilets and seems Thais don't mind it. However, I've never seen a tomboy go into the boy's toilets...

The most important question is how would the American school girls feel when a boy who claims he is "really a girl in a boy's body" enters the girls' toilets. I guess everybody has a right for self expression, and maybe those who feel they are in the wrong gender's body should be allowed to dress, act and feel any which way they want, but non transgenders also have rights. So I guess that there are only 2 options:

1. completely cancel the gender segregated toilets / gym dressing rooms / showers and have only unisex facilities everywhere

2. add a 3rd gender facilities for transgenders (but here comes the question whether 1 facility for both ladyboys and tomboys is enough or do you need to separate them as well???)

Tomboys are lesbian women. Please don't conflate sexual orientation with gender identity. Geez! How hard is it? Edited by Jingthing
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There are a lot of racist, small minded "people" on this form.

And rightly so....The sooner Obama is gone the better.....for all the world who are watching and praying.
His term will soon be over and the next president will be Hillary Clinton.
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Schools are not the right environment for transexuals. Kids are impressionable, easily swayed by the latest fads and trends. Look at that Bruce Jenner, must be about 60 yrs old and still has absolutely no idea if he's Bruce or she's Caitlin. One minute lopping it off, next sewing it back on? Psychiatric help is urgent for any gender confused before getting the blades out and hacking away. Keep this whole mess far away from schools.

Your post info is widely known, and that's why it is happening. Kids are a tool, a device, to further special interests- they always have been. "For the children" has always been a dubious rallying cry of the left- for decades. It really means, tie down your wallet, your liberties are fleeing, certainly parental prerogative. But in this case, it really does mean for the children. The youth of America are being sexually preyed upon. Doesn't mean intercourse is involved, but this is a sexual crime wit large. No other civilization in the history of the world would have done this except perhaps in the Valley of the Children of Hinnom where they too places children on altars for the common good.

It does not surprise me one bit that Obama would personally wade into toilets... Imagine that: The president of the United States debasing the office of the Presidency of the United States by interjecting into toilet access; if a mayor he would be a yenta but President? In essence, abusing the office to pretty much fabricate a ready made civil rights issue just in time for an election- just add water and gender, and mix. After all, the Progressive Machine's primary product is victims and division.

This president has no legal or moral authority for this continued debasement of our nation . This president evidences once more the creation ex nihilo of American Victims.

Good grief Charlie Brown. Your misinformed views are exactly why an informed leader like President Obama is forced to step in. Is there any issue that you are not totally behind the curve on?

Apparently not. However, I believe we went to the moon and the earth is round. Perhaps here I break the mold you imagine. The OP is not about TV posters.

"My views..." are "why an informed leader like President Obama" has to take action; "my views?" Its seems a volume of empty space can be measured.

American policies are now entirely predicated upon the greatest division with the greatest estrangement, for the greatest amount of people (an Obama Imperative); courtesy of our 'fundamental transformation.'

One thing is sure, Obama and his (Sturmabteilung) sycophants have applied themselves:

The Earth is actually oblate spheroid in shape so not round at all. Again totally behind the curve, literally. So no you didn't 'break the mould' you actually confirmed it.

This policy is based on a sensible position to take in response to the care and nurture of certain children.

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It's a Mental Health Disorder

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Drops Major TRUTH BOMB About Transgenders…

Acclaimed Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, has just released his findings pertaining to transgenderism ...Dean James, Americas Freedom Fighters added that Dr. McHugh, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”... All such people, Dr. McHugh explained in an article for The Witherspoon Institute, “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’”

"The Witherspoon Institute is a conservative think tank in Princeton, New Jersey"

Move along folks nothing to see here

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There are a lot of racist, small minded "people" on this form. But than, the will vote for Trump.

Racist? What does Racist have to do with this subject? Your use of the word racist means you have run out of any detectable argument on your behalf ... Race is not a definition that fits in any way with the OP. You are WAY OFF TOPIC...

"Racist" Poster uses the word 'racist' in a NON RACIST argument... Wow! Seems you have lost your way ...

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It's a Mental Health Disorder

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Drops Major TRUTH BOMB About Transgenders…

Acclaimed Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, has just released his findings pertaining to transgenderism ...Dean James, Americas Freedom Fighters added that Dr. McHugh, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”... All such people, Dr. McHugh explained in an article for The Witherspoon Institute, “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’”

"The Witherspoon Institute is a conservative think tank in Princeton, New Jersey"

Move along folks nothing to see here

You wish - but you couldn't be further from the truth .... Acclaimed Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital.

up2u2 --- you have greater credentials than this renown man ? Sure you do ? hahahahahahah /not

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Men are men and women are women and we've known that for a very long time and we know which restroom we should use.

Yes but the issue is about people with a gender identity different from their birth.

You mean they 'Feel' like another gender -- but are chromosomaly not ... Feelings ... yes lots and lots of feelings .. but no scientific fact...

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Think Progress has this on their Home page:capaf-logo.gif

© 2005-2016 Center for American Progress Action Fund
Center for American Progress is described below on the site showing organizations funded by George Soros .
  • Center for American Progress: This leftist think tank is headed by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, works closely with Hillary Clinton, and employs numerous former Clinton administration staffers. It is committed to "developing a long-term vision of a progressive America" and "providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy proposals."

It could also be mentioned that John Podesta is Hillary's Campaign Chairman



When the money is followed in contemporary Progressive agenda it reads like a who's who of contrived revolution and coups. This is not hyperbole. The umbrella and satellite organizations that are behind much of the curiously timed social controversies in the US are entirely manufactured with insurgent money, today.

The money levers of the Open Society, National Endowment for Democracy, Tides Foundation, BlackLivesMatter, Ferguson, MO, color revolutions in HKG, Ukraine, Moscow, Arab Spring, Georgia, Moscow again, Ukraine again, Syria, Thailand, ad infinitum- and the manipulation of currencies to collapse economies (See Asia, 1990s)- are every single one- 100% related to effecting Progressive social policy and reducing people to vassals. This money is now openly seeding into the US political landscape, which is a fairly recent occurrence. IMO, it reflects escalation, desperation, fear.

Soros and the money that is funding the Progressive machine today, which has as its Victim de Jure this OP, want to replace the landmarks of the US with totally alien, unfamiliar, imported socialist landmarks that have previously had no cornerstone in the US. It may be argued those like me want a return to stale, traditional constructs, but the [other] wants nihilism (and we have regularly seen its handiwork with Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and others. They too first corrupted the moral space)!

Soros invented color revolutions and has been intimately responsible for countless deaths and suffering throughout the world. That he becomes a fixture on the US electoral scene proves my assertion that the US is in an insurgency.

"Transgender access to bathrooms" may or may not affect/harm/help any number of individuals, but no one contests this. The appeal to emotion aside, what [they] feel is not the issue, and [their] feelings do not translate into required infringement of others in any event. It is a contrived issue, percolated to discourse as a lever, a baton, a blunt force trauma on an entire population to further force incremental compliance- a cake, a bakery, a toilet, a church, a deacon, ad nuseaum. It is an insurgency. It makes no matter whether the soldiers have the same paymaster.

It is grossly outside the moral scope or legal authority of the US president to use Title IX to affect partisan politics; it is also an abuse of law, a congressional law, which never mentioned transgender in the US Code or CFR. Obama is a criminal; he is the best of The Gangs of New York, Tammany Hall, and the worst RICO imagined.

Progressives/Socialists have a mental health issue; this should be the issue of national debate- how to treat the mentality of a self loathing, destructive people, possessing delusions to inflict their good on the others, and do so without further fracturing an already shattered psyche.

OPs such as this reflect the debasement of our culture and the consequences of polluting posterity with equality of outcomes.

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Perhaps these people should not be allowed to use restrooms? Although I would usually think the discomfort would be for them and not for those with out any chromosomal or gender issues.

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In Thailand I've seen many times ladyboys use the women's toilets and seems Thais don't mind it. However, I've never seen a tomboy go into the boy's toilets...

The most important question is how would the American school girls feel when a boy who claims he is "really a girl in a boy's body" enters the girls' toilets. I guess everybody has a right for self expression, and maybe those who feel they are in the wrong gender's body should be allowed to dress, act and feel any which way they want, but non transgenders also have rights. So I guess that there are only 2 options:

1. completely cancel the gender segregated toilets / gym dressing rooms / showers and have only unisex facilities everywhere

2. add a 3rd gender facilities for transgenders (but here comes the question whether 1 facility for both ladyboys and tomboys is enough or do you need to separate them as well???)

Tomboys are lesbian women. Please don't conflate sexual orientation with gender identity. Geez! How hard is it?
You are wrong, Tomboys want to be a boy. So according to you tomboys are lesbian but transgender men are not gays??
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Think Progress has this on their Home page:capaf-logo.gif© 2005-2016 Center for American Progress Action Fund

Center for American Progress is described below on the site showing organizations funded by George Soros .

  • Center for American Progress: This leftist think tank is headed by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, works closely with Hillary Clinton, and employs numerous former Clinton administration staffers. It is committed to "developing a long-term vision of a progressive America" and "providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy proposals."
It could also be mentioned that John Podesta is Hillary's Campaign Chairman



When the money is followed in contemporary Progressive agenda it reads like a who's who of contrived revolution and coups. This is not hyperbole. The umbrella and satellite organizations that are behind much of the curiously timed social controversies in the US are entirely manufactured with insurgent money, today.

The money levers of the Open Society, National Endowment for Democracy, Tides Foundation, BlackLivesMatter, Ferguson, MO, color revolutions in HKG, Ukraine, Moscow, Arab Spring, Georgia, Moscow again, Ukraine again, Syria, Thailand, ad infinitum- and the manipulation of currencies to collapse economies (See Asia, 1990s)- are every single one- 100% related to effecting Progressive social policy and reducing people to vassals. This money is now openly seeding into the US political landscape, which is a fairly recent occurrence. IMO, it reflects escalation, desperation, fear.

Soros and the money that is funding the Progressive machine today, which has as its Victim de Jure this OP, want to replace the landmarks of the US with totally alien, unfamiliar, imported socialist landmarks that have previously had no cornerstone in the US. It may be argued those like me want a return to stale, traditional constructs, but the [other] wants nihilism (and we have regularly seen its handiwork with Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and others. They too first corrupted the moral space)!

Soros invented color revolutions and has been intimately responsible for countless deaths and suffering throughout the world. That he becomes a fixture on the US electoral scene proves my assertion that the US is in an insurgency.

"Transgender access to bathrooms" may or may not affect/harm/help any number of individuals, but no one contests this. The appeal to emotion aside, what [they] feel is not the issue, and [their] feelings do not translate into required infringement of others in any event. It is a contrived issue, percolated to discourse as a lever, a baton, a blunt force trauma on an entire population to further force incremental compliance- a cake, a bakery, a toilet, a church, a deacon, ad nuseaum. It is an insurgency. It makes no matter whether the soldiers have the same paymaster.

It is grossly outside the moral scope or legal authority of the US president to use Title IX to affect partisan politics; it is also an abuse of law, a congressional law, which never mentioned transgender in the US Code or CFR. Obama is a criminal; he is the best of The Gangs of New York, Tammany Hall, and the worst RICO imagined.

Progressives/Socialists have a mental health issue; this should be the issue of national debate- how to treat the mentality of a self loathing, destructive people, possessing delusions to inflict their good on the others, and do so without further fracturing an already shattered psyche.

OPs such as this reflect the debasement of our culture and the consequences of polluting posterity with equality of outcomes.

Yes, the whole world is against you, time yo stand up and do something about it.
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The answer is to not let government change this situation by force of law or any other way. Americans have a RIGHT to continue the American Traditional way of life... without submitting to a faux issue involving changing a segment of our social structure to please less than 1/2 of a percent who have a mental illness and want to be another sex/gender. These afflicted people need mental health treatment to be able to deal with their delusions.

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It's quite simple, if you pee standing up you go to the men's restroom, if you pee sitting down you go to the ladies restroom

I'm guilty of peeing while sitting down in the morning sometimes, out of sheer laziness and sloth.


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It's quite simple, if you pee standing up you go to the men's restroom, if you pee sitting down you go to the ladies restroom

Excuse me but the transphobic bigots want everyone to be forced under law to use the gender toilet of their birth gender, regardless of the current state of their gender idenitification and/or PLUMBING.

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The answer is to not let government change this situation by force of law or any other way. Americans have a RIGHT to continue the American Traditional way of life... without submitting to a faux issue involving changing a segment of our social structure to please less than 1/2 of a percent who have a mental illness and want to be another sex/gender. These afflicted people need mental health treatment to be able to deal with their delusions.

I would say the obsessed perverted bigots obsessed with discriminating against transgender people are the ones in need of psychiatric treatment.

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In Thailand I've seen many times ladyboys use the women's toilets and seems Thais don't mind it. However, I've never seen a tomboy go into the boy's toilets...

The most important question is how would the American school girls feel when a boy who claims he is "really a girl in a boy's body" enters the girls' toilets. I guess everybody has a right for self expression, and maybe those who feel they are in the wrong gender's body should be allowed to dress, act and feel any which way they want, but non transgenders also have rights. So I guess that there are only 2 options:

1. completely cancel the gender segregated toilets / gym dressing rooms / showers and have only unisex facilities everywhere

2. add a 3rd gender facilities for transgenders (but here comes the question whether 1 facility for both ladyboys and tomboys is enough or do you need to separate them as well???)

Tomboys are lesbian women. Please don't conflate sexual orientation with gender identity. Geez! How hard is it?
You are wrong, Tomboys want to be a boy. So according to you tomboys are lesbian but transgender men are not gays??

You're confused and falsely conflating sexual orientation with gender i.d.

Yes, there are transgender people both ways.

Tomboy in American culture just means a girl that enjoys more stereotyped male activities but that doesn't mean that girl thinks she is literally a boy. It also doesn't necessarily mean a tomboy girl will grow up to be lesbian.

In Thai culture, tom usually refers to masculine presenting lesbian women. Not lesbian women who think they are men. Do you think the typical tom lesbian is taking male hormones or perhaps saving to buy an add a penis operation? Get real and get educated.

I don't know the Thai slang word for actual transgender female to male transgender people. It's more rare than the other way around.

Also be careful about assuming things are exactly the same across cultures.

Edited by Jingthing
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They are toilets for christs sake,why are the Americans so embarrassed about saying toilets.When did you last see a bath in a public toilet?

Is this PC? For a country that shoots people indiscriminately,and has the death penalty.And not so long ago (and im talking the 20th century) were still burning and lynching black people They seem to have a problem with calling a toilet a toilet.Unyet they had no problem in calling African Americans by the most foulest of names.And for a country of migrants that robbed ,raped and stole from the original indigenous Americans,they have a small problem with the word Toilet.

You are misinformed. Toilets are not the problem only a smoke screen. "This week, the Justice Department and North Carolina sued each other over a state law that restricts access to bathrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms."


Now what do you think? Want your daughter changing her clothes (dressing and undressing) next to a guy? Are they OK with that in your country?

Edited by Scotwight
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In Thailand I've seen many times ladyboys use the women's toilets and seems Thais don't mind it. However, I've never seen a tomboy go into the boy's toilets...

The most important question is how would the American school girls feel when a boy who claims he is "really a girl in a boy's body" enters the girls' toilets. I guess everybody has a right for self expression, and maybe those who feel they are in the wrong gender's body should be allowed to dress, act and feel any which way they want, but non transgenders also have rights. So I guess that there are only 2 options:

1. completely cancel the gender segregated toilets / gym dressing rooms / showers and have only unisex facilities everywhere

2. add a 3rd gender facilities for transgenders (but here comes the question whether 1 facility for both ladyboys and tomboys is enough or do you need to separate them as well???)

Tomboys are lesbian women. Please don't conflate sexual orientation with gender identity. Geez! How hard is it?

I need to clarify my previous post.

I meant TOMS in Thai slang are masculine presenting lesbian woman, NOT transgender female to male persons.

In AMERICAN culture, tomboys just means girls who like more stereotyped male activities ... not indicative in itself of either transgender identity or lesbianism.

It does complicate things talking about a USA topic on a Thai forum. They are very different cultures and very different traditions around both homosexuality and gender identity.

Edited by Jingthing
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Damn there are some stupid troglodytes on this thread. Brought the wingnuts out of the holes in which they rightly hide. Right wing bigots, each and every one. OK bigots, I and other male wildland firefighters showered and changed with women after coming off the fire line more than once. Nobody gave a damn and in fact it was the women that wouldn't put up with silly rules about who showers first and separate. Much to do about nothing except in some peoples little pointy head bigoted pea brains. Hate to break to you bigots, but transgendered people have been using the "toilet" of their choice for a long time. Oh my, you may have pee peed next to one, brake out the nitro pills. Fools.

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The answer is to not let government change this situation by force of law or any other way. Americans have a RIGHT to continue the American Traditional way of life... without submitting to a faux issue involving changing a segment of our social structure to please less than 1/2 of a percent who have a mental illness and want to be another sex/gender. These afflicted people need mental health treatment to be able to deal with their delusions.

Many people have an opinion with the issue not remotely touching their lives. The video/person attached was never known to have a problem before or after sex reassignment surgery in using public restrooms. Dave, a fairly famous transgender, never had a problem using rest rooms; with the world consistently his podium for a very long time, Dave never raised the toilet issue one time. In fact, his fellow soldiers also did (EDIT:) NOT have a problem using rest rooms, showers, etc., with Dave. Later, Diane had some challenges in her life, but toilets were not one of them. As Dave/Diane is a landmark example of this very issue, the experiences here are instructive as to the legitimacy of this farce.

The attached video is one of the guys in my very small Special Forces unit (Ft. Bragg, NC, 1990s). If there was a problem using toilets post sex reassignment, I am pretty damn sure a Green Beret would have let the world know about it. He/she did not scream toilet violation because it is BS; this issue has been totally fabricated in conjunction with the dissolve parental prerogative agenda and David's God Two Daddies alternative lifestyle pogrom. Dave/Diane was a transsexual in one of the most hostile environments imaginable for such person, before, during, and after, and toilets never comprised his reprimands!

This problem is created to apply a solution. Same Progressive dialectic every time= create a problem, provide solution.

Interesting snapshot of a remarkable and challenging life. Toilets are not mentioned a single time. No where. Its contrived.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Excuse me, do at least some of you not live in Thailand? I've been in many toilets where women, men, ladyboys were all present, so what? Toiletry use is just that, use. I'm surprised some of you have not had strokes from seeing a ladyboy. Or maybe you just hide at home behind you keyboard? Oh and the only problems I have heard about is Republican politicians soliciting in the mens toilet, choke on right wing troglodytes.

There, there now sweety...don't you go and pop a cork...you are much too old to let your blood pressure get the best of you...

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The answer is to not let government change this situation by force of law or any other way. Americans have a RIGHT to continue the American Traditional way of life... without submitting to a faux issue involving changing a segment of our social structure to please less than 1/2 of a percent who have a mental illness and want to be another sex/gender. These afflicted people need mental health treatment to be able to deal with their delusions.

I would say the obsessed perverted bigots obsessed with discriminating against transgender people are the ones in need of psychiatric treatment.

You are the one who is obsessed here with your numerous posts and over the top language displaying your leftist control freak personality that anyone who disagrees with you has to be forced to accept your point of view. What's next for arguing your losing position ? ... calling everyone who opposes you a Racist. I expect it

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