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EU Dangles Free Trade Talks 'If' Thailand Takes Democratic Steps


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I find it ironic that the EU is bleating about democracy in Thailand, given the EU is not a democratic organisation and is closer to being the United facist state of Europe than people realise

It does have a democratically elected parliament.

Made up of yes men from member states that are all net beneficiaries and who vote the way they are told to vote or lose their cushy benefits.

But even if the parliament votes against something the commission always puts it through any way.

The Parliament is a tissue of lies to make the institutions that have the final word on all policy to make it appear democratic.

The commission always has the last call on everything and still have the power to make policy despite the vote results in parliament and the commission are 100% appointed.

Even MEP's will tell you that.

Thus is a quite biased representatiom of EU institutions. The real power in the EU has always been the council of ministers, composed of prime ministers from the different elected government. No decision can be made without their approval. And they appoint the European Commision members.This power is now partly shared with the parliament.
So what do the 2 presidents of the EU do then ?...the EU is a scam of the highest order and the structures are specifically designed to strip countries of their Sovereign power and well as supress democracy and have zero accountability as well as provide a large trough of selected pigs to get their snouts into Edited by Koosdedooes
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Even if they offer membership in EU, Thailand should turn it down.

If there is free trade, there should not be conditions.

No treaty or contract should be necessary if it is truly "free trade".

These UNELECTED from Brussels should go back to school to learn their English.

How in the f@#% can FREE Trade have conditions, when it has conditions then it is NOT FREE.

Anyhow Thailand has stepped back from the Shinawatra clique sell out to the EU and should tell the delegating morons, " Thanks but No Thanks" and tell them to keep trucking because their offer is nothing but a transparent attempt to empty out the resources of the region via compromising and coercive free trade agreements to benefit the EU and if it isn't the EU then it will be the US and its TPP bull crap.

In reality, a summit can only bear equitable outcomes for all involved when a balance of power and leverage exists between all parties in attendance, thus making concessions possible, even desirable and above all beneficial to all. Thailand can get better deals from trading with Russia. Wake up Thailand or I should say Thai citizens. .

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Werner Langen shakes hands with Prime Minster, Yingluck Shinawatra.

Werner Langen, a career politician, shakes hands with former caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinwatra who was removed from office by a court for an illegal abuse of power shortly after dissolving parliament herself after weeks vowing she'd never do that.

There you are, made it factual now.

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Even if they offer membership in EU, Thailand should turn it down.

If there is free trade, there should not be conditions.

No treaty or contract should be necessary if it is truly "free trade".

These UNELECTED from Brussels should go back to school to learn their English.

How in the f@#% can FREE Trade have conditions, when it has conditions then it is NOT FREE.

Anyhow Thailand has stepped back from the Shinawatra clique sell out to the EU and should tell the delegating morons, " Thanks but No Thanks" and tell them to keep trucking because their offer is nothing but a transparent attempt to empty out the resources of the region via compromising and coercive free trade agreements to benefit the EU and if it isn't the EU then it will be the US and its TPP bull crap.

In reality, a summit can only bear equitable outcomes for all involved when a balance of power and leverage exists between all parties in attendance, thus making concessions possible, even desirable and above all beneficial to all. Thailand can get better deals from trading with Russia. Wake up Thailand or I should say Thai citizens. .

Interesting isn't it that the Shinawatras, especially their clan patriarch, a convicted criminal, have wanted to advance trade deals with the US and EU.

Now the EU and US support the Shins ostensibly supporting democracy and through organizations like the Carlisle Group whom Thaksin has close connections with.

Guess when your pushing your own country's / wannabee country's agendas you have to see the bigger picture. The Shins would hand over all the US and EU wanted and roll over nicely, as long as they get their cut. No doubt they can forgive the Shins their crimes, lies and thieving as long as they hand Thailand on a platter.

So the opposition Junta go to the Russians and Chinese instead.

Luckily, Thailand doesn't have oil, gas, diamonds, rare earth metals, or is too strategically placed. Otherwise all these predator countries would be agitating a lot more to get their "group" in power. Learn from the Middle East, Ukraine and Afghanistan what playing with these big boys can lead to.

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Here is the deal breaker quote staging a free and fair charter referendum unquote

The only ones claiming that the referendum won't be free and fair are members of the Shin clan and their cronies.

And they're not exactly known for telling the truth, sticking to the rules, or acting ethically, now are they?

Remember their disgusting attempts to defame a winning candidate and the election process when they last the "safe" Don Meuang by-election?

What they should be doing is protesting the right to free speech and debate prior to any referendum.

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Even if they offer membership in EU, Thailand should turn it down.

If there is free trade, there should not be conditions.

No treaty or contract should be necessary if it is truly "free trade".

These UNELECTED from Brussels should go back to school to learn their English.

How in the f@#% can FREE Trade have conditions, when it has conditions then it is NOT FREE.

Anyhow Thailand has stepped back from the Shinawatra clique sell out to the EU and should tell the delegating morons, " Thanks but No Thanks" and tell them to keep trucking because their offer is nothing but a transparent attempt to empty out the resources of the region via compromising and coercive free trade agreements to benefit the EU and if it isn't the EU then it will be the US and its TPP bull crap.

In reality, a summit can only bear equitable outcomes for all involved when a balance of power and leverage exists between all parties in attendance, thus making concessions possible, even desirable and above all beneficial to all. Thailand can get better deals from trading with Russia. Wake up Thailand or I should say Thai citizens. .

Interesting isn't it that the Shinawatras, especially their clan patriarch, a convicted criminal, have wanted to advance trade deals with the US and EU.

Now the EU and US support the Shins ostensibly supporting democracy and through organizations like the Carlisle Group whom Thaksin has close connections with.

Guess when your pushing your own country's / wannabee country's agendas you have to see the bigger picture. The Shins would hand over all the US and EU wanted and roll over nicely, as long as they get their cut. No doubt they can forgive the Shins their crimes, lies and thieving as long as they hand Thailand on a platter.

So the opposition Junta go to the Russians and Chinese instead.

Luckily, Thailand doesn't have oil, gas, diamonds, rare earth metals, or is too strategically placed. Otherwise all these predator countries would be agitating a lot more to get their "group" in power. Learn from the Middle East, Ukraine and Afghanistan what playing with these big boys can lead to.

Actually Thailand does have oil and gas

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She looks very Prime Ministerial. Well entitled to be considered the elder stateswoman of Thai politics.

I sincerely hope you are joking, being satirical, with your tongue in cheek, you little wag you!

If not, you really do need professional help and don't sign anything whilst your judgement is soooo impaired!!

Or maybe wifey forgot your meds again?

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Even if they offer membership in EU, Thailand should turn it down.

If there is free trade, there should not be conditions.

No treaty or contract should be necessary if it is truly "free trade".

These UNELECTED from Brussels should go back to school to learn their English.

How in the f@#% can FREE Trade have conditions, when it has conditions then it is NOT FREE.

Anyhow Thailand has stepped back from the Shinawatra clique sell out to the EU and should tell the delegating morons, " Thanks but No Thanks" and tell them to keep trucking because their offer is nothing but a transparent attempt to empty out the resources of the region via compromising and coercive free trade agreements to benefit the EU and if it isn't the EU then it will be the US and its TPP bull crap.

In reality, a summit can only bear equitable outcomes for all involved when a balance of power and leverage exists between all parties in attendance, thus making concessions possible, even desirable and above all beneficial to all. Thailand can get better deals from trading with Russia. Wake up Thailand or I should say Thai citizens. .

Interesting isn't it that the Shinawatras, especially their clan patriarch, a convicted criminal, have wanted to advance trade deals with the US and EU.

Now the EU and US support the Shins ostensibly supporting democracy and through organizations like the Carlisle Group whom Thaksin has close connections with.

Guess when your pushing your own country's / wannabee country's agendas you have to see the bigger picture. The Shins would hand over all the US and EU wanted and roll over nicely, as long as they get their cut. No doubt they can forgive the Shins their crimes, lies and thieving as long as they hand Thailand on a platter.

So the opposition Junta go to the Russians and Chinese instead.

Luckily, Thailand doesn't have oil, gas, diamonds, rare earth metals, or is too strategically placed. Otherwise all these predator countries would be agitating a lot more to get their "group" in power. Learn from the Middle East, Ukraine and Afghanistan what playing with these big boys can lead to.

Actually Thailand does have oil and gas

Not enough to attract the predators though - thankfully.

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I find it ironic that the EU is bleating about democracy in Thailand, given the EU is not a democratic organisation and is closer to being the United facist state of Europe than people realise

It does have a democratically elected parliament.

Made up of yes men from member states that are all net beneficiaries and who vote the way they are told to vote or lose their cushy benefits.

But even if the parliament votes against something the commission always puts it through any way.

The Parliament is a tissue of lies to make the institutions that have the final word on all policy to make it appear democratic.

The commission always has the last call on everything and still have the power to make policy despite the vote results in parliament and the commission are 100% appointed.

Even MEP's will tell you that.

Thus is a quite biased representatiom of EU institutions. The real power in the EU has always been the council of ministers, composed of prime ministers from the different elected government. No decision can be made without their approval. And they appoint the European Commision members.This power is now partly shared with the parliament.
So what do the 2 presidents of the EU do then ?...the EU is a scam of the highest order and the structures are specifically designed to strip countries of their Sovereign power and well as supress democracy and have zero accountability as well as provide a large trough of selected pigs to get their snouts into

No treaty is applied unless signed by elected governments of member states and no strategic decision is made without the council of ministers.

The EU may be far from perfect but nothing important happens without members states'agreement.

One problem is that national governments act cowardly and prefer to let citizens blame it on the EU bureaucracy, rather than recall that it is themselves who made the decision, together with the other national governments.

If the EU is so evil, I wonder why so many countries applied to become member states, and still want to apply (OK there aren't so many non-member left in Europe).

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The photos say a lot. wai.gif

The junta installed, unelected P.M. must be seething. cheesy.gif

Yep - says that as Yingluck is involved in a court trial, which they conveniently don't mention, and couldn't accept their invitation to visit, 8 of them came here.

Glad to see my taxes are being so well spent by the career German politicians and bureaucrats who know all about democracy and have found out how to thwart it without using the military after twice failing.

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Even if they offer membership in EU, Thailand should turn it down.

If there is free trade, there should not be conditions.

No treaty or contract should be necessary if it is truly "free trade".

I didn't read were Thailand was being offered membership of the EU just that trade between the EU and Thailand could take place if democracy was seen to be strived for


Especially if a government is elected from a party that happens to favor terms the Europeans find preferable.

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Even if they offer membership in EU, Thailand should turn it down.

If there is free trade, there should not be conditions.

No treaty or contract should be necessary if it is truly "free trade".

I didn't read were Thailand was being offered membership of the EU just that trade between the EU and Thailand could take place if democracy was seen to be strived for


Especially if a government is elected from a party that happens to favor terms the Europeans find preferable.

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Here is the deal breaker quote staging a free and fair charter referendum unquote

The only ones claiming that the referendum won't be free and fair are members of the Shin clan and their cronies.

And they're not exactly known for telling the truth, sticking to the rules, or acting ethically, now are they?

Remember their disgusting attempts to defame a winning candidate and the election process when they last the "safe" Don Meuang by-election?

What they should be doing is protesting the right to free speech and debate prior to any referendum.

Your assertions are both childish in nature and grossly inaccurate and unworthy of even reply.

Naturally , serious concerns exist over the sham charter and the subsequent silencing of critics.

The actions of this government have excluded it from serious consultation which is why YS appears in this photo and not the Military representative who is self proclaimed PM.

The loss of face is breath taking and sweeping and is complete in its intension.

The Thai government is in a sunset phase of international tolerance .

The next twilight phase will involve increasingly more loss of face .

Edited by Plutojames88
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Even if they offer membership in EU, Thailand should turn it down.

If there is free trade, there should not be conditions.

No treaty or contract should be necessary if it is truly "free trade".

You obviously know very little to nothing about what free trade is and how it works.

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I find it ironic that the EU is bleating about democracy in Thailand, given the EU is not a democratic organisation and is closer to being the United facist state of Europe than people realise

But there's no fooling you, huh?

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The EU has the largest or second largest economy in the world respectively if treated as a single nation. Thailand needs the EU market more than the EU needs the Thai market. In terms of food commodities there are other world suppliers that can replace Thai products.

Unfortunately, Thailand does not currently equate to the people of Thailand - it is instead represented by an elitist minority who views itself as having sovereignty separate and superior to the Thai people's sovereignty. From that prospective, the Thai government representing the NCPO may be willing to forego free trade with the EU if necessary to protect its own domestic power.

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The EU has the largest or second largest economy in the world respectively if treated as a single nation. Thailand needs the EU market more than the EU needs the Thai market. In terms of food commodities there are other world suppliers that can replace Thai products.

Unfortunately, Thailand does not currently equate to the people of Thailand - it is instead represented by an elitist minority who views itself as having sovereignty separate and superior to the Thai people's sovereignty. From that prospective, the Thai government representing the NCPO may be willing to forego free trade with the EU if necessary to protect its own domestic power.

That looks very much the case .

And what you say is easily verified.

However , were it not treated as a single entity ...( EU) ....the second largest economy is China .

Regardless of Chinese markets .

Thailand is for the first time being distinguished between its unelected Power base NCPO and their domestic representatives prior to intervention.

It's a subtle but clear shift.

It can't be understated enough in terms of bypassing on the domestic stage the Thai authority and recognising the democratic last PM .

This reeks of policy shift and a very clear message.

The damage it has done overnight is enormous .

It can be argued that it reminds Thais that this woman is still perceived as a people's representative in a stateman's context....not the current Government.

When YS was refused permission recently to attend an EU function as invited by the EU

The NCPO they might not have envisioned it would come to them in a delegation and humiliate them.

But as trade goes their offer is both genuine but more figurative in that all parties and the world know its unlikely to be taken up as the poster above recognises , along with most observers.

But the analogy of a departing ship with a streamer connecting the shore ( EU ) and Thailand' s democratic process ( YS ) is about right.

Where Thailand embarks to on its journey giving its recent spikes in tourism of Chinese isn't such a secret.

Bon Voyage is about all that's left to be said and the photo for the historians .

The happiness promised to the population is yet to be experienced & seen , but if red cards appear and times get tough they will less likely blame the EU for their woes having recalled the offer and get together with what was once their leader.

Democracy suddenly in tougher times will appear the answer.

How they maintain that populace from acting on that solution is another matter.

But clearly times are changing and the NCPO have experienced their greatest loss of face thus far domestically , and will most likely counter punch in the not too distant future.

Edited by Plutojames88
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Until there are free elections, with no strings attached, like self made appointments and non elected Senators ,and lets not forget like previous Junta's, these appointments are all subject to corruption, as they've been tried before ,one would assume all democratic countries would be reviewing their commitments to Thailand , until it toes the democracy line, of course Thailand has been attracting other friends like Russia , China , North Korea and Somalia , so perhaps a change is as good as a holiday, then again sometimes you need to be careful of who you go to bed with...............................coffee1.gif .

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I find it ironic that the EU is bleating about democracy in Thailand, given the EU is not a democratic organisation and is closer to being the United facist state of Europe than people realise

But there's no fooling you, huh?

Well if one cannot see how the EU operates just by reading and watching the news, then said person is an imbecille, these people dont even try to hide it, ie the attempt last week to muscle in on Norways oil and gas, and bring it under the control of Brussels

A gang of money grubbing, pigs round the trough Facists the lot of them

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The EU has the largest or second largest economy in the world respectively if treated as a single nation. Thailand needs the EU market more than the EU needs the Thai market. In terms of food commodities there are other world suppliers that can replace Thai products.

Unfortunately, Thailand does not currently equate to the people of Thailand - it is instead represented by an elitist minority who views itself as having sovereignty separate and superior to the Thai people's sovereignty. From that prospective, the Thai government representing the NCPO may be willing to forego free trade with the EU if necessary to protect its own domestic power.

That looks very much the case .

And what you say is easily verified.

However , were it not treated as a single entity ...( EU) ....the second largest economy is China .

Regardless of Chinese markets .

Thailand is for the first time being distinguished between its unelected Power base NCPO and their domestic representatives prior to intervention.

It's a subtle but clear shift.

It can't be understated enough in terms of bypassing on the domestic stage the Thai authority and recognising the democratic last PM .

This reeks of policy shift and a very clear message.

The damage it has done overnight is enormous .

It can be argued that it reminds Thais that this woman is still perceived as a people's representative in a stateman's context....not the current Government.

When YS was refused permission recently to attend an EU function as invited by the EU

The NCPO they might not have envisioned it would come to them in a delegation and humiliate them.

But as trade goes their offer is both genuine but more figurative in that all parties and the world know its unlikely to be taken up as the poster above recognises , along with most observers.

But the analogy of a departing ship with a streamer connecting the shore ( EU ) and Thailand' s democratic process ( YS ) is about right.

Where Thailand embarks to on its journey giving its recent spikes in tourism of Chinese isn't such a secret.

Bon Voyage is about all that's left to be said and the photo for the historians .

The happiness promised to the population is yet to be experienced & seen , but if red cards appear and times get tough they will less likely blame the EU for their woes having recalled the offer and get together with what was once their leader.

Democracy suddenly in tougher times will appear the answer.

How they maintain that populace from acting on that solution is another matter.

But clearly times are changing and the NCPO have experienced their greatest loss of face thus far domestically , and will most likely counter punch in the not too distant future.

The Coup in 06 clearly showed General Prem that an international community wouldn't tolerate another military government in Thailand , the pressure applied was enormous, hence a caretaker government was appointed , Prayut knew this and has taken a different route , one that is both dangerous and uncompromising , which could eventually find the Thai military in the backwoods of Thai society.

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Yes, the EU is looking to print out more Euro to buy Thai goods...

That's such a profound post!

In fact, it's so profound that the author is not making any sense at all...coffee1.gif

Then let me explain it for you.

The ECB (European Central Bank) is printing unbacked Euros at an alarming rate... 1 trillion last year and another trillion a few months ago and are already talked about printing another trillion. In Quantitative Easing.

The Eurozone and all the EU banks attached to it are going down the tubes fast and so is that dodgy currency they are all connected to.

Deutsche Bank is in real trouble, the 3 top banks in Italy are equally in big trouble, the biggest bank in Austria have already applied 'bail in' strategies where they will steal money from its depositor's accounts.

The EU currency is on the verge of collapse which will bankrupt many countries and the entire EU project will cave in.....

Many people have no clue how bad the Euro economy is. Why the hell Cameron and Osborne want to lash the UK to the mast of this sinking ship is a complete mystery.

Cameron and Osborne want to stay in the EU and of course we are not in the Euro but it's effect on the EU passed on to us. As far as I know nobody on either the leave or remain side has suggested that we wouldn't trade with the EU regardless of membership. It's to do with the comparative costs of doing that both inside and outside the EU. Whilst we may want them to be lower that's because we know what they are. The costs from being outside are less predictable so in many ways it's the fear of the unknown and a lot of the debate on both sides isn't helping.

Either way we will be connected to Europe and the EU in some way.

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