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First Thai woman conquerer of Mount Everest recalls her inspiration


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As a Norwegian I know how hard it is to climb in the mountains , we have quite a few of them but not as high as the Everest . But with the right equipment and hard team work it's possible to reach the top.

In her team was another experienced Norwegian climber so she was in good hands. Well done!

Edited by balo
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Climbing mountains is dangerous and idiotic, I don't cheer when they manage it and don't cry when they get killed. Nobody forces them to do it, it's pointless and of no benefit to anyone except their own egos.

Pay your $60K or so and your on the highway to the summit these days. She sure demonstrated an impressive ability to kiss ass in that article.
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Or perhaps you just can't understand different, non-testosterone viewpoints.

Age and a bit more grey hair usually improves that. It'll help you control the urge to quote other people as well.


Shame this claimed maturity didn't give you self awareness. Not that you'll care, but welcome to my ignore filter.

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I'd hazard a guess and point out my suspicion that those who think this isn't a big deal have never made any physical commitment of any sort... i.e. running a Marathon...

Of course, you don't need to run a Marathon to have an opinion... but, having done so would go some way to understanding the commitment and effort this lady has gone to in achieving an incredible feat of human endurance.

And no, I haven't run a marathon (yet) either... but that's not really the point... some people are just way too negative and can't see anything positive..

Britain have just been celebrating the First Britain on the International Space Station.... Thailand are celebrating the First Female to Summit Everest.

These are both incredible feats involving in spades... teamwork, commitment, training, ambition, focus, technical expertise, mental tenacity, self belief....

......BUT... its much easier to dismiss them from a bar-stool... "" there are some very sad and depressing individuals around.""

Agree Richard. Don't know your country but its ironic that;- ""The Bell Jetranger III helicopter, Dick Smith Australian Explorer, was flown by Australian businessman and adventurer Dick Smith on the first solo circumnavigation of the world in a rotary wing aircraft in 1982/3. "" He is an Aussie legend who couldn't pronounce his surname properly as a kid yet grew a multi million dollar electronics business and an inspiration to anyone that ;- "what the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve".

I've climbed mountains, done some interesting adventures, helped young people recover from addictions, haven't told many about this and many more achievements, but has inspired me to live a worthwhile life with a self belief.

Good on that Thai lady. The advertising slogan comes to mind;- "if you never go, you'll never know" .

I see her publicity as worthy to inspire others to achieve "other" sorts of unrelated but worthwhile goals.

It could be that her "Royal-association" is about the wonderful achievements of "my revered and adopted King" of Thailand, who has inspired me, and will remind other Thai's to follow in his-practical and her-metaphorical footsteps.

Another of today's most inspirational people is one "Nick Vujicic" with no arms or legs who's positive encouragement will do more than some very eloquent but denigrating critics on this thread haven't done "yet" or might ever do, and Nick cant even sit on a bar stool.

There's a special reason there's not much metaphorical room on the top of Mt Everest and;- the lofty bar stool thinkers will espouse their conclusions why, the doers in life will have a different view; inspired by the Dick Smith's, the Sir Edmund Hillary's, this Thai lady and the doers in life.

"Live and let other posters live" and have their opinions, whose posts and whose names (albeit nick names) will be their only life-achievements recorded.

P.S. Just one reason there's "not much room";- RichardSmith237 summed it up in his last words above.

Edited by Goong Ying
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It seems you are of the belief that you could easily Summit Everest...

For those of us living in reality... This is a highly impressive achievement.

My Wife has difficulty with the Cold on a 3000m mountain (skiing) - Everest is life and death, pure planning and survival plus a little fortune - Its a very big deal !!!

It seems you are of the belief that you could easily Summit Everest...

That's a non-sequitur. Your conclusion cannot be inferred from what was actually said.

For those of us living in reality... This is a highly impressive achievement.

By 'us' do you mean you, your wife and your Mum or do you mean to imply agreement support from the public at large? The former is reasonable, the latter is laughable. But then we both know what you meant to imply, that your view is the 'right' one.

Its a very big deal !!!

Anything that's been done by thousands of people is not a very big deal any more than holding the Guinness Book Of Records record for jumping up and down in a bouncy castle is a very big deal. It might be a significant personal achievement but it isn't a 'very big deal'.

You might think it is, he obviously doesn't and fwiw, neither do I. The idea of a Thai flag fluttering atop Mount Everest to the oohs and aaahs of the international community is faintly ridiculous. I have no comment to make about any picture or any related issue.


There's always one...

Which is why I haven't bothered replying.....

Quote: George Carlin — 'Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.'

But, people are welcome to their own opinions... some think this isn't a big deal or even remotely impressive, I can only imagine what a depressing unenthusiastic characters they area.... some just fail to see the spark in life...

Or perhaps you just can't understand different, non-testosterone viewpoints.

Age and a bit more grey hair usually improves that. It'll help you control the urge to quote other people as well.


Right with you Richard. Seems like the only great achievement Winnie aspires to is to his own assumed "age and a bit more grey hair" that will help you Richard to control your "quoting urge". unsure.png Pardon my quote of some wise words of 2000 years ago I think says "don't condemn the speck in your brothers eye when you cant see the log in your own."

e.g. This is Winnie's wisdom in his unusual quote included in his replies;- "PM - fight on! The more you fight, the more teeth will be missing when they finally carry you out of the ring. Fight on!"

Just saying. Pardon another quote as someone said above "live and let live" .

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Or perhaps you just can't understand different, non-testosterone viewpoints.

Age and a bit more grey hair usually improves that. It'll help you control the urge to quote other people as well.


Shame this claimed maturity didn't give you self awareness. Not that you'll care, but welcome to my ignore filter.

Ouch that hurts... seems I touched a raw nerve somewhere.

Self-awareness? Oh dear my friend, you're quite a way wide of that mark. I suppose that comes from pretending to understand people without any appropriate educational basis. It's not uncommon.

Anyway, I will recline in your ignore list and contemplate how comfortable that knowledge makes me feel. It's often better to ignore what you can't respond to well. For certain clearly-defined types of people.


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