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Korean Investors Show Interest in Thailand's IT industry


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Korean Investors Show Interest in Thailand's IT industry
from The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)

BANGKOK, May 25, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Potential Korean investors are showing strong interest in Thailand's IT industry in response to Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak's visit to South Korea in March.

The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) collaborated with the ASEAN-Korea Centre in organizing a seminar on "Investment Opportunities in Thailand's IT Industry" on May 23, 2016.

The seminar was part of the Korean Investment and Market Research Mission that allowed Korean investors to explore Thailand as a potential investment destination. They gained first-hand information on the IT industry through visits to industrial sites such as the Software Park, TOT Plc, CAT Plc and Phuket Smart City. Korean investors were also able to obtain contact information for their Thai counterparts through business networking sessions.

BOI deputy secretary-general Chokedee Kaewsang said: "The government is committed to transforming the kingdom into a smarter, more innovative nation through improving infrastructure, fostering a high-tech talent pool and providing multination tech companies with a superior business climate. This year, around 3.7 billion baht will be spent on digital projects to accelerate the digital economy and develop a digital society."

Full story: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/korean-investors-show-interest-in-thailands-it-industry-300274531.html

-- PRNewswire 2016-05-25

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well I think Thailand is already WORLD class in Facebook usage and posting food pics online.

Spending BILLIONS or 1 baht will do nothing to boost the advantage of basing Thailand as an IT base.

I see this "transforming the kingdom into a smarter, more innovative nation through improving infrastructure, fostering a high-tech talent pool and providing multination tech companies with a superior business climate" and I wonder when the education will start for talent pool to emerge? they need 20 years to change that alone!

And as for a better business environment I remember that twit prayuth stating THAILAND FOR THAIS and business here now is IMPOSSIBLE to run. Visas, Work permits bribery and the like. It is a joke beyond comprehension!

Thailand talk and host as many gather fests as you like but you have missed the boat. Calling a place "Phuket Smart City" does not make it SMART at all. Hello massage city would be better! Too late and BOI approvals do not translate to DIRECT INVESTMENT.

I know I was one that decided to LEAVE

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What IT industry? Where? Do you see how much paper they use here. Just copies of my passport has cleared 3 rai in Nan

I think the IT industry in Thailand consists of:

- assembling IT items for multinational corporations

- acting as ASEAN hub for smartphone covers

No offense to the smart Thai nerds who are trying to make a difference.

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What IT industry? Where? Do you see how much paper they use here. Just copies of my passport has cleared 3 rai in Nan

OH how I agree. My 1st thought: Thailand IT????????? Huh???? I could elaborate but I suspect most TV folks know. They know how lacking this place is if they - like myself - live in a typical Thai village.

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Korean investors show interest in Thailand's IT

How so? No statements of euthusiasm from the Korean investors. They came to a seminar. There they got information on Thailand's IT industry and contact information for their Thai counterparts - all that could have been obtained from the internet.

More likely the Korean investors viewed Thailand's fledging IT industry as an interesting relic.

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BOI deputy secretary-general Chokedee Kaewsang said: "The government is committed to transforming the kingdom into a smarter, more innovative nation through improving infrastructure, fostering a high-tech talent pool and providing multination tech companies with a superior business climate. This year, around 3.7 billion baht will be spent on digital projects to accelerate the digital economy and develop a digital society."

Fine words, but Somkid lost an opportunity to show real innovation when he climbed on a plane and went for a shopping trip with a little business tacked on, instead of video-conferencing, which would have showcased Thailand's IT credentials. And been cheaper for a cash-strapped government.

Probably couldn't make it work. The rest of the world had gigabit speed, Because I live in Thailand, I struggle to get 50 kilobits sometimes.

I wonder if the Koreans were interested in swapsies, or barter. 500tons of rotten rice instead of tax breaks anyone?

Hey ho...


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