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Can a 70 year old marry a 17 year old? Famous lawyer gives his verdict on Facebook


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TIT so forget any pretence about the law, money trumps everything.


TIT? So it wouldn't happen in the civilized west?

Google a bloke called Hugh Hefner, he is a lot older than this young Thai bloke and does three (white girls) at a time. Doesn't pay sinsot though.


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In the UK, where I come from, the age of consent is 16, as it is in most European countries; however the UK and a number of other countries have "position of trust" clauses (this impacts relations between, for example, teachers and their pupils) that raise that age to 18 years in specific circumstances. The minimum age at which a person may marry in the UK and likewise in most European countries is also 16 but they require parental consent until they reach 18.

The age of consent at 16 seems to be the commonest throughout the world although there are a few countries where it is 15 or even 14. In Ireland and Portugal, it is set at 17. Until 2013, the age of consent in the Vatican City State was 12, a fact that will surprise no one who has kept themselves informed of the antics of catholic priests in certain countries. Since 2013, on the explicit orders of the Pope himself, it has been effectively, 18, the highest in Europe.

The law in Thailand seems a little opaque but I believe the age of consent in Thailand is theoretically 15 however in the light of the following case, it is probably safer to regard it as 18.

"A high profile example of this application of the law was a statutory rape charge filed against the lead singer of the Thai band Big Ass for allegedly having had sex with a (then) 16-year-old girl. The charge was filed by the girl after the singer refused to take responsibility for her baby. The singer has since been cleared of being the baby's father due to the results of a paternity test and he received 2 years suspended sentence."

If you are paying for sex then it is definitely 18, no shadow of a doubt.

One thing that does seem clear is that with the consent of the parents, the particular relationship mentioned in this article seems perfectly legal.

Something that I have never understood is people's desire to poke their damned noses into and interfere with other folk's sexual and social behavior. If it's legal it's none of your f**king business if it isn't legal, it's the Police's business and none of your f**king business. In the USA and a few other countries, politicians legislating about what people go into what toilet and what people may or may not do in the privacy of their own private space has become almost a fetish. They need to grow up!

Personally, I don't use prostitutes but I have no problem with people who do. However, if you are into paying for sex, then for your own sake, if for no one else's, I would suggest avoiding girls who might be under 18 or if you have any suspicion that they may be acting under duress.

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TIT so forget any pretence about the law, money trumps everything.


TIT? So it wouldn't happen in the civilized west?

Google a bloke called Hugh Hefner, he is a lot older than this young Thai bloke and does three (white girls) at a time. Doesn't pay sinsot though.


Why do you feel the need to say the girls are white?

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I've actually seen worse. Not that long ago, I witnessed a German 92 year old living with an 18 year old here in Udon. If that wasn't bad enough, they had already been together for 2 years. I heard he died just shortly after, but I'm still baffled and speechless about it, like <deleted> ?

(Yeah, I'm not joking)

Another couple I met in the very same village is a 86 year old (also German) being married to a 24 year old. While it's less controversial legally, biologically and neurologically, I can't help using the exact same words again, <deleted> ?

It's just not right...

My mother was born in Vietnam in 1934. I had this discussion with her. She told me this has

been going on since her childhood and has always been acceptable. The girl brings youth,

beauty and care into the relationship. Whether that be for 5-10-15 years and when the older

husband dies he leaves her set up for life. That is the way my mother tells me it was in her

time in French Indochina. coffee1.gif

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I've actually seen worse. Not that long ago, I witnessed a German 92 year old living with an 18 year old here in Udon. If that wasn't bad enough, they had already been together for 2 years. I heard he died just shortly after, but I'm still baffled and speechless about it, like <deleted> ?

(Yeah, I'm not joking)

Another couple I met in the very same village is a 86 year old (also German) being married to a 24 year old. While it's less controversial legally, biologically and neurologically, I can't help using the exact same words again, <deleted> ?

It's just not right...

but you forget they were in love cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Don't be to quick to judge, I k new an 18 year girl in Ubon that was totally in love with a 68 year old man and wanted to marry him, but he would not marry her. Most of her friends liked him a lot also. Don't know what the attraction was, but wish I knew as some of her friends were beautiful. He had no money, looked old as all get out and had teeth missing in front. Go figure.

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I've actually seen worse. Not that long ago, I witnessed a German 92 year old living with an 18 year old here in Udon. If that wasn't bad enough, they had already been together for 2 years. I heard he died just shortly after, but I'm still baffled and speechless about it, like <deleted> ?

(Yeah, I'm not joking)

Another couple I met in the very same village is a 86 year old (also German) being married to a 24 year old. While it's less controversial legally, biologically and neurologically, I can't help using the exact same words again, <deleted> ?

It's just not right...

to be honest as long as that Marriages last longer than 1 year and are registered at the embassy the girls will be taken care of for the rest of their lives !

these guys are most likely retired long enough to still fall under the old retirement laws that does grant widows pension of 60% of his pension after his death no matter how old the wife is ;-) as long as she doesnt remarry under german law ;-)

so to be honest the girls does trade a few years for a lifelong pension of most likely 800-1400 euros each month. look at all the trophy wives in western countries that do exactly the same.

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Marriage is about compatibility, name one thing they are comparable with? A juvenile and a 70 year old old man are compatible about nothing. A juvenile child doesn't know any better and a 70 year old pervert definitely should. He's probably got grand children older than her.

So, what is the correct age for a significant other of a 17 and 70 year old suppose to be?

Girls are getting married and pregnant at the age of 14 in Thailand.

And some are marrying guys, that only want sex, to get drunk, and fight.. Plus have no job or no steady income.


It's nonsense, a person that is 17 years old, does not no better..

So, she knows, exactly what she's doing.. If she doesn't, I'm sure, in his 70 years of living, he learned a lot she can teach her..

Might be teaching her things, at this very moment.. Like "drive a stick shift" or "shoot his gun".

So, it's a match made in Thailand..

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I've actually seen worse. Not that long ago, I witnessed a German 92 year old living with an 18 year old here in Udon. If that wasn't bad enough, they had already been together for 2 years. I heard he died just shortly after, but I'm still baffled and speechless about it, like <deleted> ?

(Yeah, I'm not joking)

Another couple I met in the very same village is a 86 year old (also German) being married to a 24 year old. While it's less controversial legally, biologically and neurologically, I can't help using the exact same words again, <deleted> ?

It's just not right...

but you forget they were in love cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Don't be to quick to judge, I k new an 18 year girl in Ubon that was totally in love with a 68 year old man and wanted to marry him, but he would not marry her. Most of her friends liked him a lot also. Don't know what the attraction was, but wish I knew as some of her friends were beautiful. He had no money, looked old as all get out and had teeth missing in front. Go figure.

What's her phone number?

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I've actually seen worse. Not that long ago, I witnessed a German 92 year old living with an 18 year old here in Udon. If that wasn't bad enough, they had already been together for 2 years. I heard he died just shortly after, but I'm still baffled and speechless about it, like <deleted> ?

(Yeah, I'm not joking)

Another couple I met in the very same village is a 86 year old (also German) being married to a 24 year old. While it's less controversial legally, biologically and neurologically, I can't help using the exact same words again, <deleted> ?

It's just not right...

but you forget they were in love cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

In Love with the Almighty Baht !!!!! facepalm.gif

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I've actually seen worse. Not that long ago, I witnessed a German 92 year old living with an 18 year old here in Udon. If that wasn't bad enough, they had already been together for 2 years. I heard he died just shortly after, but I'm still baffled and speechless about it, like <deleted> ?

(Yeah, I'm not joking)

Another couple I met in the very same village is a 86 year old (also German) being married to a 24 year old. While it's less controversial legally, biologically and neurologically, I can't help using the exact same words again, <deleted> ?

It's just not right...

but you forget they were in love cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Don't be to quick to judge, I k new an 18 year girl in Ubon that was totally in love with a 68 year old man and wanted to marry him, but he would not marry her. Most of her friends liked him a lot also. Don't know what the attraction was, but wish I knew as some of her friends were beautiful. He had no money, looked old as all get out and had teeth missing in front. Go figure.

Long Tongue !!! bah.gif

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Older men in many of the eastern cultures are admired and revered rather than despised and insulted as in the west.

On a visit to my home town of Eastbourne on the south-east coast of the UK two or three years back, I was walking down the main street apparently not fast enough for some folk as a teenager shouted from behind me "Get out the way you <deleted> old fart". I have yet to experience this sort of attitude here in Thailand, thankfully.

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The ancient Chinese texts on the subject of sexual relations strongly recommend relationships between older men and young women not on moral grounds but on medical grounds. I'm sure some of that philosophy has made its way down to Thailand.

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All those who like to call Thailand "only a third world country" should get off their high-horse.

Thailand has many things better than many western countries which are considered to be 'first world'.

They share the asian value of parents and respect for elders.

They have a religion which is closest to the truth instead of a simple 'faith' based one which goes about trying to force the rest of the world to convert to it.

They allow people to live as they like without the 'nanny' state in western countries which abolish all freedoms.

Get a life, and keep your nose out of other peoples.

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Can I add a rather more personal note than I think most of the previous posters are able. I am 73. My wife is 31. I was divorced in 1998, lived alone and unhappy for 14 years. Met my wife in 2012, we lived together for 3 years, to assure compatibility, married March 2015. Both very happy. I give my wife a better life style than she has ever enjoyed before - two bedroom house, swimming pool, A/C's, hot water in bathroom. When I die, which is almost certain to be well before her, I shall leave her a rich (by Thai standards) woman. To those of you who criticise - I can only say "Mind your own damned business". Good luck to them both.

Exactly so.

Couldn't agree more.

If no laws are broken, then its no-one's business but the newlyweds.

l knew a white couple in PNG, she was 65(looked younger)& he was a long haired git of 20.

They seemed very happy & no-one forced either of them to stay together.

l have had both younger & older girlfriends, much younger & much older.

To all you, "not righters" & moralisers, Butt Out, lts got jack sh!t to do with you.

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Can I add a rather more personal note than I think most of the previous posters are able. I am 73. My wife is 31. I was divorced in 1998, lived alone and unhappy for 14 years. Met my wife in 2012, we lived together for 3 years, to assure compatibility, married March 2015. Both very happy. I give my wife a better life style than she has ever enjoyed before - two bedroom house, swimming pool, A/C's, hot water in bathroom. When I die, which is almost certain to be well before her, I shall leave her a rich (by Thai standards) woman. To those of you who criticise - I can only say "Mind your own damned business". Good luck to them both.

When you die, I'm pretty sure she'll be in no rush to look for some bloke in his 70's, but probably a Thai bloke around her age.

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Older men in many of the eastern cultures are admired and revered rather than despised and insulted as in the west.

On a visit to my home town of Eastbourne on the south-east coast of the UK two or three years back, I was walking down the main street apparently not fast enough for some folk as a teenager shouted from behind me "Get out the way you f**king old fart". I have yet to experience this sort of attitude here in Thailand, thankfully.

l agree

My brother formally worked in Borneo & when l visited him l noticed that the lndonesian youth treated anyone with white or silver hair with respect.

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TIT so forget any pretence about the law, money trumps everything.


TIT? So it wouldn't happen in the civilized west?

Google a bloke called Hugh Hefner, he is a lot older than this young Thai bloke and does three (white girls) at a time. Doesn't pay sinsot though.


Yes Hefner marries women much younger than himself but they are older than this 17 year old and know what they're doing only too well.

Does this 17 year old or has she been ' encouraged ', and I'm being polite, by her parents ? What's the bet the man contacted mum and dad and worked everything out before the girl was even included ?

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And this actually needed a 'famous' Thai lawyer to tell us the info on FaceBook, this site, or anyone, anywhere, else???

Well, thanks for that. Weird, me thinking that any one of us could just have looked up this bit of 'public' information, googled it, even.

Well, that's how you get to be famous nowadays, I guess.. by others deeming you so!

And all about an old man and a young girl getting married in Thailand. Who'd a thought that could happen? Must be news!!


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All those who like to call Thailand "only a third world country" should get off their high-horse.

Thailand has many things better than many western countries which are considered to be 'first world'.

They share the asian value of parents and respect for elders.

They have a religion which is closest to the truth instead of a simple 'faith' based one which goes about trying to force the rest of the world to convert to it.

They allow people to live as they like without the 'nanny' state in western countries which abolish all freedoms.

Get a life, and keep your nose out of other peoples.

LOL. no big fan of nanny states myself but your analysis is severely distorted...

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Can I add a rather more personal note than I think most of the previous posters are able. I am 73. My wife is 31. I was divorced in 1998, lived alone and unhappy for 14 years. Met my wife in 2012, we lived together for 3 years, to assure compatibility, married March 2015. Both very happy. I give my wife a better life style than she has ever enjoyed before - two bedroom house, swimming pool, A/C's, hot water in bathroom. When I die, which is almost certain to be well before her, I shall leave her a rich (by Thai standards) woman. To those of you who criticise - I can only say "Mind your own damned business". Good luck to them both.

Exactly so.

Couldn't agree more.

If no laws are broken, then its no-one's business but the newlyweds.

l knew a white couple in PNG, she was 65(looked younger)& he was a long haired git of 20.

They seemed very happy & no-one forced either of them to stay together.

l have had both younger & older girlfriends, much younger & much older.

To all you, "not righters" & moralisers, Butt Out, lts got jack sh!t to do with you.

Congratulations and I sincerely mean that.

Back to topic using your relationship as an example: There is a lifetime of difference between a 31yo woman and 17yo juvenile child.

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If this was the biggest, most serious problem in this world... it's not ideal of course, but girls could do much worse in this country and they do all the time. Maybe the alternatives weren't to shiny either? Forget your western morals. They don't fit here. This is Thailand, and he probably has money to take care of her. Don't judge the husband based on his age, judge him based on how he treats his wife.

Happy to read your reply I was starting to think the morality police had hijacked this topic.

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Can I add a rather more personal note than I think most of the previous posters are able. I am 73. My wife is 31. I was divorced in 1998, lived alone and unhappy for 14 years. Met my wife in 2012, we lived together for 3 years, to assure compatibility, married March 2015. Both very happy. I give my wife a better life style than she has ever enjoyed before - two bedroom house, swimming pool, A/C's, hot water in bathroom. When I die, which is almost certain to be well before her, I shall leave her a rich (by Thai standards) woman. To those of you who criticise - I can only say "Mind your own damned business". Good luck to them both.

Exactly so.

Couldn't agree more.

If no laws are broken, then its no-one's business but the newlyweds.

l knew a white couple in PNG, she was 65(looked younger)& he was a long haired git of 20.

They seemed very happy & no-one forced either of them to stay together.

l have had both younger & older girlfriends, much younger & much older.

To all you, "not righters" & moralisers, Butt Out, lts got jack sh!t to do with you.

Congratulations and I sincerely mean that.

Back to topic using your relationship as an example: There is a lifetime of difference between a 31yo woman and 17yo juvenile child.

Yep, I am going to moralize and call a bs, especially on examples above.

I really and I mean really have nothing against a pimple faced 17 year old girl fancying an old geezer. Same the other way around. I think government should not put their nose into people's lives unless there is abuse going on.

However, this wedding.... I dunno. Money is being exchanged. Was this wedding girl's idea or her parents? Yep, the money part bothers the heck out of me. I call this slavery. Sorry.

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I've actually seen worse. Not that long ago, I witnessed a German 92 year old living with an 18 year old here in Udon. If that wasn't bad enough, they had already been together for 2 years. I heard he died just shortly after, but I'm still baffled and speechless about it, like <deleted> ?

(Yeah, I'm not joking)

Another couple I met in the very same village is a 86 year old (also German) being married to a 24 year old. While it's less controversial legally, biologically and neurologically, I can't help using the exact same words again, <deleted> ?

It's just not right...

Great better than OAP home ,cost less ,if you mary young thai girl its the man you should feel sorry for not the girl

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