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AP Interview: Clinton says Trump behaving like a demagogue


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AP Interview: Clinton says Trump behaving like a demagogue

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton opened her general election campaign against Donald Trump on Wednesday by accusing him of behaving like a "demagogue," likening his attacks on judges, the media, his opponents and their families to dark moments in world history.

"It's classic behavior by a demagogue," she said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "We've seen it many, many places and times in the world, and that's why I think it's so dangerous."

The presumptive Democratic nominee, who declared victory in her race against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday, a day after reaching the number of delegates needed to claim the nomination, seemed to wonder during the interview whether Trump's candidacy was little more than an elaborate political stunt.

"I don't know if this is just, you know, political gamesmanship that he thinks plays to the lowest common denominator, but whatever the reason for it is, it's wrong and it should not be tolerated by anybody," she said.

But even as she questioned the sincerity of the real estate mogul's rhetoric, Clinton said voters need to take his words seriously and called them evidence that he is untrustworthy, unqualified and unprepared for the rigors of the White House.

While the two candidates have never been personally close, their political and financial circles have occasionally overlapped over the years — especially during Clinton's time as a senator from New York, Trump's home state. Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, attended Trump's third wedding in 2005, and she said later that she thought Trump was "always entertaining."

But Clinton expressed surprise at what she described as the billionaire's descent into "conspiracy theories" in recent years.

"He always had opinions which he freely expressed," she said.

"I never really ever had any information about him engaging in bigotry and prejudice until he took up the cause of the birthers against President Obama, which is really so bizarre," she added, with an incredulous laugh.

Clinton and Democrats supporting her campaign are attempting to cast Trump as a ruthless con artist who is tricking voters in the same way he duped prospective students into enrolling into his now-defunct Trump University, a business that offered real estate seminars.

It's an argument Clinton and her aides believe will appeal not only to Democrats, but independent voters and even some Republicans worried about how Trump would manage the nation's economy and foreign affairs.

While stopping short of calling Trump a racist for his recent comments about the federal judge overseeing a class-action lawsuit against Trump University, Clinton said her rival has a "very unfortunate and divisive tendency to attack all kind of Americans."

While Clinton seeks to paint Trump as a dangerous huckster, he has spent the past several weeks since claiming the Republican nomination working to define her candidacy. Trump calls Clinton by the nickname "Crooked Hillary" and often says she belongs behind bars for her use of a private email account and server during her time as secretary of state.

"The Clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves," Trump said Tuesday as he won the final five GOP primary elections. "They've made hundreds of millions of dollars selling access, selling favors, selling government contracts, and I mean hundreds of millions of dollars."

Trump promised to deliver a speech next week focusing on "the Clintons." He's also tried to re-ignite past scandals that dogged Bill Clinton's administration, including his impeachment trial and the Whitewater land deal in his native Arkansas.

Trump has met with Ed Klein, one of Clinton's most strident critics and the author of books spreading discredited rumors about her marriage. Another influence, GOP consultant Roger Stone, is known for peddling conspiracy theories about the Clintons. There is speculation that political strategist Dick Morris, a former Clinton adviser turned adversary, may also join his campaign.

Clinton said she is unconcerned with all of it.

"I really don't pay a lot of attention to his efforts to attack me personally," she said. "I don't intend to respond to them because this is his, this is his modus operandi."

Instead, Clinton said she is banking on voters turning to her because of her comparative policy depth, arguing that a frustrated electorate is seeking "specific policies" more than "catchy soundbites" and "throwing slogans around."

For example, when asked Wednesday about the upcoming Summer Olympics in Brazil, she offered a lengthy assessment of the public health crisis caused by the Zika virus.

While Clinton said it was probably too late to cancel the Rio de Janeiro Games, as some public health officials have urged, she described the situation as "deeply distressing."

"It's really a serious public threat health and I don't know that we've heard the last word about the advice about whether people or certain kinds of people should go to Rio or not," she said. "This is not just about Rio and the Olympics, this is about a potential outbreak and epidemic."

After calling on Democrats to unify around her candidacy, Clinton said she had no regrets about her campaign against Sanders. She wouldn't offer any hints of what kinds of concessions her campaign might be willing to give the Vermont senator in the party platform.

The two campaigns and the Democratic National Committee are beginning the process of drafting the policy on which Democrats are to rally around in the fall election.

On Thursday, President Barack Obama — who defeated Clinton in 2008 — was expected to formally endorse his one-time rival, after meeting with Sanders at the White House.

"I feel very good about the campaign we ran," she said. "It's time that we move forward and unite the party."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-09

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Could list pages of the crazy dangerous rants of the trump headcase. A danger to the world.With a person like that as a commander I suggest the rest of the world will want to isolate the USA

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Could list pages of the crazy dangerous rants of the trump headcase. A danger to the world.With a person like that as a commander I suggest the rest of the world will want to isolate the USA

If it were that easy, they likely would have given it a go long ago

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Better a demagogue than a hell hound.

Here comes the rest of the wingnuts spewing more "HRC is the devil" tripe.

When you've got a candidate as pathetic Donald Trump is, all you can do is dump on Hillary. She saying the obvious. My advice would be to never bother saying anything about Trump again. He's doing a great job of doing himself in...as usual.

Who in their right mind listens to Trump run the Hispanic judge down and thinks, I'm going to vote for that guy?

Just your average week for Trump, targeting his racism at the Hispanic judge in the Trump U case. Republican party with their panties in a wringer, Trump spewing what they prefer to do in code rather than say in public. Unfortunately for them, Trump has no filter.

Not a good week for Trump as the Republican party remains toast. No saviors are coming. No alternatives to the orange buffoon. He's all yours, wingnuts.

Edited by Pinot
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Always like mainstream "interviews" of the racketeering queen. Never any serious questions about the FBI criminal investigations or the influence peddling of the Clinton foundation. No sir, the pantsuit bimbo gets a free ride from the media.

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What a sleaze-fest! Hillary and Donald as the choices for POTUS -- YUK!

My condolences to the USA, but either of these choices is bad for the rest world as well.

I'm not sure who scares me more, but I strongly feel that Hillary has been chosen by those who really call the shots, and she'll take her puppet position in the White House.

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What a sleaze-fest! Hillary and Donald as the choices for POTUS -- YUK!

My condolences to the USA, but either of these choices is bad for the rest world as well.

I'm not sure who scares me more, but I strongly feel that Hillary has been chosen by those who really call the shots, and she'll take her puppet position in the White House.

That's it - in a nutshell.

What remains to be seen is the outcome of the FBI investigations of Hillary.

Chances are her luck will hold.

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Wouldn't it be nice if these politicians who claim to have the answer to everything that ails you, would stop trying to denounce the opposition and instead give solutions to pressing problems? There again they all promise the world and provide nothing once they have been elected.

They constantly try to deflect from their own inability to govern by having a go t the opposition. They need to stop acting like children and do the job they are paid for.

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They need a leader, demagogue means this. What's the problem Hillary?

Excuse me? What kind of gibberish is this? FWIW, here's the dictionary definition of demagogue: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.

Fits Trump to a T.

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Wouldn't it be nice if these politicians who claim to have the answer to everything that ails you, would stop trying to denounce the opposition and instead give solutions to pressing problems?

So you didn't see any of the Clinton/Sanders debates? That's precisely what they did. It was a refreshing, enlightening break from the Republican candidates' name-calling and clouding the issues.

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What a sleaze-fest! Hillary and Donald as the choices for POTUS -- YUK!

My condolences to the USA, but either of these choices is bad for the rest world as well.

I'm not sure who scares me more, but I strongly feel that Hillary has been chosen by those who really call the shots, and she'll take her puppet position in the White House.

That's it - in a nutshell.

What remains to be seen is the outcome of the FBI investigations of Hillary.

Chances are her luck will hold.

Another way of saying that once again the charges will be found groundless, another time-wasting, partisan persecution.

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Trump is winning BIG and broke histories records like a sledgehammer blow through a brick wall, this to me predicts victory in November and there are good reasons for that.

Trump for president 2016-2024, time to clean up.

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Wouldn't it be nice if these politicians who claim to have the answer to everything that ails you, would stop trying to denounce the opposition and instead give solutions to pressing problems? There again they all promise the world and provide nothing once they have been elected.

They constantly try to deflect from their own inability to govern by having a go t the opposition. They need to stop acting like children and do the job they are paid for.

True. Your mostly meaning the GOP i guess.

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I wonder how many Trump supporters have no idea about the meaning of the word "demagogue"?

Maybe they should google "Hugh Chavez" and "Venezuela screwed".

Hugh? cheesy.gif


A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.

As opposed to Clinton, who wants all women to vote for her because... she's a "woman"! (Well, just.)

Pot, kettle, black.

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Could list pages of the crazy dangerous rants of the trump headcase.

And each page could be met by a page of Clinton's criminal, corrupt or shady actions.

Actions are far more serious than rants.

Either way we are doomed.

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Hitlary Clinton and her husband BillHilly Clinton had quite the racket going with their Clinton "Fun"dation. Fly around the world in the rich Canadian guy's jet take bribes from him and others and give preferential treatment to anyone from anywhere who gives money. Have a close look at the history of Bill Clinton. Arkansas Governor when an airstrip just outside Little Rock was the hub of drug imports into the U.S. Bill was a coke addict himself. Hmmm... research it yourself... guys like Clinton and Obama and Bush are not hand picked by the establishment for their strengths but rather their weaknesses.

Hillary is a cokehead also, well, according to Sally Miller anyway.lol


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Hitlary Clinton and her husband BillHilly Clinton had quite the racket going with their Clinton "Fun"dation. Fly around the world in the rich Canadian guy's jet take bribes from him and others and give preferential treatment to anyone from anywhere who gives money. Have a close look at the history of Bill Clinton. Arkansas Governor when an airstrip just outside Little Rock was the hub of drug imports into the U.S. Bill was a coke addict himself. Hmmm... research it yourself... guys like Clinton and Obama and Bush are not hand picked by the establishment for their strengths but rather their weaknesses.

Hillary is a cokehead also, well, according to Sally Miller anyway.lol


I don't know if any of that is true or not but it is totally believable thumbsup.gif

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Trump is winning BIG and broke histories records like a sledgehammer blow through a brick wall, this to me predicts victory in November and there are good reasons for that.

Trump for president 2016-2024, time to clean up.

Yup, Trump is winning big. Yup. Yup. Broke histories records!

Hitlary Clinton and her husband BillHilly Clinton had quite the racket going with their Clinton "Fun"dation. Fly around the world in the rich Canadian guy's jet take bribes from him and others and give preferential treatment to anyone from anywhere who gives money. Have a close look at the history of Bill Clinton. Arkansas Governor when an airstrip just outside Little Rock was the hub of drug imports into the U.S. Bill was a coke addict himself. Hmmm... research it yourself... guys like Clinton and Obama and Bush are not hand picked by the establishment for their strengths but rather their weaknesses.

Hillary is a cokehead also, well, according to Sally Miller anyway.lol


I don't know if any of that is true or not but it is totally believable thumbsup.gif

Oh yeah, totally believable...clap2.gif Ye gods, the wingnuts are tossing anything that comes to mind on the bullshit wall and seeing if it sticks. Let's watch for Trump to raise this turd up the flagpole to see who salutes it.

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"Clinton said she is banking on voters turning to her because of her comparative policy depth, arguing that a frustrated electorate is seeking "specific policies" more than "catchy soundbites" and "throwing slogans around."

And yet:

"The two campaigns and the Democratic National Committee are beginning the process of drafting the policy on which Democrats are to rally around in the fall election."

Wonder if Bernie knows she's claiming HIS camp and her's are now 1 in the same and are trying to get together to create something she will then claim to be all her's.

​Meanwhile, the guy elected to serve the American people who has 6 months left in that capacity is serving her.

Trump, has been thumbing his nose at both sides of the norm in typical politics and what has happened? Oh, that's right, He WON and has made 90% of the so-called elite come begging at his door. He's also got so-called world leaders of so-called world power countries sitting up late at night in bed watching him on TV sweating and murmuring "Holy Crap! We're in Trouble! The Free Ride is about to end."

Go Donald thumbsup.gif

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Some say that Hillary being nominated is an example of equality for women.

BS. Any other woman that did what she did would be in prison.

See where this Fernando fella bought himself a seat on the National Security Board? That's after mega-donations to Clinton.

"It is scandalous that Fernando could buy himself a seat at that table. And it is a sign of things to come if corrupt Hillary becomes president."


Corrupt doesn't even begin to describe Crooked Hillary! facepalm.gif

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