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Thai trans student runner places in US state championships, not everyone is pleased


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I love all the comments about "him" having a perceived unfair advantage because his biology is male with testosterone and then they fail to realize he didn't actually win anything.

Wouldnt their argument be nullified based on facts? Wouldnt they acknowledge that men are not superior?

What I see are a bunch of people without any compassion and respect in life. They just come on here pound their bigoted chests behind a keyboard and try and make themselves feel superior to others in any way they can. Typical of the crowd here lately. They just love to stir crap on transgender threads because if they did it on a gay thread it would be shut down immediately.

Seems transgender threads have become the new "gay bashing" preferred method of current times.

We are all different, what's so hard with respecting that fact?

Looks like the only bashing is being done by you, I have compassion and respect for this trannie dude, I wish him well, it does not matter that he did not win, female hip structure leads to slower running, he is not that athletic so some girls beat him. I wonder where he would have placed competing against his own gender, not his chosen gender.

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What gender is on the transgenders ID card ?

As per Thai law, he is a man. Putting a wig on,

taking hormones, and having bolt on tits does

NOT make a man into a woman. His being able

to compete against women is unfair, and only

possible in the land of loony liberals , America.

Have not researched it, but pretty sure trannies

cannot compete against women in events in


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HE is not on hormone therapy and is simply a male with long hair competing against genetically born females.

I don't think this is right in any way.

You're privy to her medical particulars? coffee1.gif

Uh, I know how to read. This story has been all over the news and those particulars discussed in detail.

He is 100% physically a boy. The only part of him that is a "girl" is his mind.

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HE is not on hormone therapy and is simply a male with long hair competing against genetically born females.

I don't think this is right in any way.

You're privy to her medical particulars? coffee1.gif

Uh, I know how to read. This story has been all over the news and those particulars discussed in detail.

He is 100% physically a boy. The only part of him that is a "girl" is his mind.

Link please.

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I remember when things like this would not be an issue because people had common sense. That's before the militant left had everyone's testicles removed.

Thailands Compulsory transgender program?.... Lol... Watch out world, there's millions of em coming your way.

That'll f¥k em!

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I've been so desperately waiting for this to happen, I'm just hoping the entire thing (as in transgenders in sports competition as a whole) will escalate to epic proportions. Can't wait to see how feminism is going to take care of that haha.

Granted, this issue takes on more than what is being discussed, because people are stupid and can't differentiate between certain closely related thins, such as something to something transition or a something to something identity. Frankly, I have no clue if a full transition with hormone therapy really "makes it happen", as in cripple a man's naturally superior upper body strenght and what have you to be on actual athletic equal footing to women +/- individual abilities.

With that said, people are conflating the 2 things, as is being demonstrated with the US bathroom bullshit right now. Now there is this massive debate about a non issue and false arguments in this regard. The retards argument is "Oh what. So whenever I feel like it now, I will wake up any given day, identity as whatever gender I want and then when I'm about in public, I use the bathroom that I decided on this morning and everything is good?" followed by the "Yea let's do just that and give perverts free and unregulated access to the bathroom they want to be perverts it, rape and stuff isn't going to be an issue, duh!". Or so are the 2 most common lines and both are just dealing the 1 same destructive argument....men getting collectively thrown into the default perpetrator/offender/rapist on standby and women are the victims, again of course, because it can't be any other way. Great job with this equality BS there feminism, but it's gone out of control long ago.

Because I mentioned it before about people being retards...nobody cared just the day before this topic got hot, nobody seems to realize that the true transgender people have been doing what they had been doing ever since and nobody gave a flying damn, yet suddenly it's an issue, how? One may argue about keeping people busy with non issues because there are elections coming up, but then again...people also don't understand that a new law will not stop criminals from doing criminal behaviour, last I checked murder still happens despite there being laws.

On the other side of the issue, there might be other things that need to be considered or discussed. And just to put it bluntly and out myself as a racist, mysogynist, transphobe, nazi supporting, women oppressing patriarchal shirtlord for just asking questions or trying to understand something in a non traditional fashion....

- why is there suddenly this trans-anything "epidemic"? It feels like 10 years ago trans-anything were a 1 in a million thing, now it "feels" like a 1 in a 1000 or at least so I am perceiving it with all these news, regulations and what have you just recently, say begining of 2015

- i am in high disbelief that the announcement of Caitlin Jenner triggered suddenly everybody coming out as trans and everybody feeling united and stuff. I'll casually throw transgender issues into the same category with being gay/incestous/stupid to say that people are still worried about coming out and facing the stigma

- I am in the personal opinion that the true gender transition is a thing I can accept, isn't normal nor frequent but is a thing that exists however unique that is. However, I do get the impression as of late that being trans is like a fashion trend and people just join for the fun of it or something (I hang around Youtube if that gives context) because being gay isn't a thing anymore

- there are arguments and debates being raised about this trans-out of control being a form of mental illness that needs to be treated, yet such a thing can't be measured or something and is pretty much the religion 2.0 as to where you can only argue on hypothesis and neither side can bring forth physical evidence to the table.

- how come the majority of trans people that I hear and see about are male to female transitions vs the other way around? This is at least my observation rather than fact checked though. According to feminism's patriarchy theory delusion at least, the (western) women are oppressed, so why would men transition wanting to be women to end up at the short end of the stick or is it (not saying it is because of THIS because it doesn't apply in most cases) because women actually get to enjoy more rights than men?

- if we just "listen and believe" as feminism wants us to believe with their "women are just as capable and strong as men", then why are sports gender seperated in the first place? Or is it that there actually is a case that women simply weren't the hunters but the gatheres and caregivers for a reason?

- will we also take the next (upcoming) wave of most definitely identified as attention seeking and mentally disturbed people from Tumbl next? Just to throw in "Otherkin" (people believing they are dragons, deers, cats etc etc) or http://mogai-flags.tumblr.com/ and those were still the "normal" ones that people nowadays, eh, identify with.

I'll stick it to the "as long as they don't bother me and don't cost me tax money" corner and be, ah what is it that they claim, "part of the problem".

What's a "shirtlord"? (Paragraph four)

Edited by farcanell
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Ice in Alaska. Perfect.

She wants to do sports. She's a trans girl. It's not like she became a trans girl to gain an edge on the girls team.

Have some freakin' compassion ...

Born a male, always a male with or without tits and a cock. If it wants to do sport it must be male sport! Compassion does not enter into it!

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What's a "shirtlord"? (Paragraph four)

Typo, supposed to be "shitlord" aka commonly known as somebody that doesn't agree with feminists and the likes.

Interesting example of misogyny in action.

Care to explain how that was misogyny exactly? That's was just as mundane of an accusation of calling Bernie a sexist/misogynist for running against Shillary.

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A rude dude thought he was personally insulting me by calling me MISS when I'm sure he knows very well that I'm a CISGENDER male that doesn't identify as a female. To that kind of WOMEN HATING mentality, to call someone a girl that doesn't identify as a girl, is an INSULT.

The point is, refer to people how THEY identify. I assume the Thai trans girl in this news story would probably prefer to be referred to as HER than HIM but of course to confirm you'd need to ask HER.

Edited by Jingthing
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The number of transgendered people seems to be alarmingly high. Why try to muscle in on a boys or girls sport, when you are clearly neither one or the other?

We have sporting events for disabled people -even a disabled Olympics. Why not transgender sporting events Wouldn't then upset anyone.

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In the U.S. the percentage of transgender people is certainly not very high at all. Way under one percent! Visibility has increased in recent years. That is true. The Thai cultural thing around "ladyboys" is a more culturally specific thing, and yes, the percentage of the Thai population that identifies that way is unusually high compared to international standards. The way different cultures deal with transgender issues does indeed vary alot. For example, the Native American berdache "two spirit" thing.

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A rude dude thought he was personally insulting me by calling me MISS when I'm sure he knows very well that I'm a CISGENDER male that doesn't identify as a female. To that kind of WOMEN HATING mentality, to call someone a girl that doesn't identify as a girl, is an INSULT.

The point is, refer to people how THEY identify. I assume the Thai trans girl in this news story would probably prefer to be referred to as HER than HIM but of course to confirm you'd need to ask HER.

I would never use the term "cisgender" excempt in a comic sense. Since the term covers more than 99% of people, we can just say male or female.... the rare but oh so vocal person that needs a different identity can call themselves whatever they like and hope it sticks. I really don't care if the person I am speaking with ends their sentence with , Kah, Krap or Jiaw .....

..still the dude in Alsaka has a bit of a mustach in the photo, needs to work on that.

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I reject it, it is a stupid new word invented by ....pink haired morons.

Thats ok some of reject your opinions.

But that doesnt mean we have to disrespect each other personally and use words such as morons to attack each other right?

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I reject it, it is a stupid new word invented by ....pink haired morons.

Thats ok some of reject your opinions.

But that doesnt mean we have to disrespect each other personally and use words such as morons to attack each other right?

Do you now or have you ever had pink or blue hair? wink.png

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I'm about as liberal minded as it gets, and I very much support the rights of transgenders, BUT ....

A "woman" who is genetically a male with the genes and body of a man has an unfair physical advantage over a woman. And even though he/she did not win the final competition, he/she displaced some women in previous competitions, which allowed her to reach the finals, and them to not.

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People are free to not use the word cisgender, but the fact remains that TRANSGENDER people do exist, so it is helpful for CLEAR COMMUNICATION to have a word to describe those that are not transgender (yes, the vast majority of people of course) when discussing transgender issues. It's being used now widely in academic circles when discussing gender IDENTITY issues.

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I reject it, it is a stupid new word invented by ....pink haired morons.

Thats ok some of reject your opinions.

But that doesnt mean we have to disrespect each other personally and use words such as morons to attack each other right?

Do you now or have you ever had pink or blue hair? wink.png

LOL since you referred to pink earlier mine is blue [emoji6]

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I'm about as liberal minded as it gets, and I very much support the rights of transgenders, BUT ....

A "woman" who is genetically a male with the genes and body of a man has an unfair physical advantage over a woman. And even though he/she did not win the final competition, he/she displaced some women in previous competitions, which allowed her to reach the finals, and them to not.

Ok then lets use your "logic"

She beat others earlier in precious lead up comps. Then she failed to win the final.

Then as you say because she beat others in the lead up comps, she displaced women. These same women who lost to her. What, they are going to take a miracle drug and then win the final comp?

May the best person win!

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