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Turkey announces fresh round of EU talks


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Turkey announces fresh round of EU talks


"We can ask the people what they think, in the same way the British are doing"

BRUSSELS: -- Turkey has confirmed that a fresh chapter of negotiations on EU membership will open on June 30.

Foreign Affairs Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told the press he will travel to Brussels for talks with EU Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans.

Chapter 33 focuses on budgetary and financial questions.

Turkish officials say they will also discuss the slow pace of the visa-free plan for Turkish nationals to enter the EU’s Schengen zone.

Mevlut Cavusoglu
On Thursday morning, Turkey’s Foreign Minister said:

“We are under huge pressure from our people, who are asking what we are doing somewhere where there is so much anti-Turk feeling.”

“They want us to take more action and eventually, if there is a blockage, to have a rethink.”

“We will go to Brussels for meetings with the European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans. We will discuss the blockage on the visa issue when we open the new chapter of negotiations.”

“The EU must also keep its promises. Under the current circumstances, Turkey cannot change its anti-terrorism legislation,” Cavusoglu said, referring to requests made by Brussels.

“Turkey could hold its own referendum”
Angered at the slow progress of the plan to waive visas for Turkish citizens entering the EU’s Schengen zone, the Turkish President hinted he may hold an EU referendum in his own country.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan says if the EU talks do not proceed according to plan, he may ask the Turkish people if they want to continue.

So far, Erdogan has always described EU membership as a “strategic goal” for Turkey.

What has the Turkish President said?
“We can ask the people what they think, in the same way the British are doing,” Erdogan is quoted as saying by the Anadolu news agency in a speech on Wednesday evening.

“We will ask them: ‘Should we continue with our negotiations to join the EU or should we bring them to an end?’”

“If the people say continue, we will continue.”

Why is everything taking so long?

Erdogan accused the majority Christian EU of not being interested in Turkey because it is a “majority Muslim country.”

“Why are you dragging your feet?”, he asked.

Agreement stalled

There are difficulties with the March agreement between Ankara and Brussels aimed at solving the migration crisis.

The EU has still not finalised plans to give Turkey visa-free access to its Schengen zone.

“You don’t keep your promises,” Erdogan said, “this is your ugly side. When Erdogan reveals your ugly side, you get angry.”

The context
Most Turkish nationals were in favour of joining the EU ten years ago
Polls suggest only half are in favour now
Turkey asked to join the EU in 1987
Negotiations were opened in 2005
Ankara and Brussels signed an agreement in March to tackle the migration crisis
Visa-free travel in the EU’s Schengen zone was part of the deal
This has not yet been finalised. The deadline is July 1.

What the leaders say
UK Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel say Turkey joining the EU is “not at the top of the list” and discussions are being conducted with “an open mind”.

The European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker says there will be no further enlargement of the EU before 2020.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-24
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It will be very interesting over the next few months what the EU will do with Turkey. My belief will be a back door entry so the likes of Cameron and Juncker can save face. Either way for their help in the Syrian crisis they will be rewarded. For the people of the UK wait and see and those who voted remain will be crying " we were lied to, again".

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Its amazing now this has come to light after the vote for leaving the EU coffee1.gif

You sure are right on that. You don't think the media and governments withheld that information till the poles closed by accident? Main stream media is getting so pathetic now. Like watching them squirm on CNN today...maggots!

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Its amazing now this has come to light after the vote for leaving the EU coffee1.gif

You sure are right on that. You don't think the media and governments withheld that information till the poles closed by accident? Main stream media is getting so pathetic now. Like watching them squirm on CNN today...maggots!

It would not surprise me thumbsup.gif

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Mr. Erdogan,

what a broken logic (as usual).

1. Imagine the people in the EU-member states would do the same, demanding a denying vote about visa-free immigration for the Turks.

2. Imagine the EU-member states would ask their people demanding the Turkish people should abandon their Muslim faith for being Christians. This means you cannot make a referendum about subjects in the souvereignity of other countries.

Edited by puck2
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Letting Turkey into the EU will be letting massive Muslim immigration (legal and illegal) into Europe.

Only a few hundred years ago the Muslims were (mainly) driven out of Europe - this is their new way back in (invasion by stealth).

One of the many reasons the UK people voted to leave - and many other European countries will be following the same path over the next few years.

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Its amazing now this has come to light after the vote for leaving the EU coffee1.gif

You sure are right on that. You don't think the media and governments withheld that information till the poles closed by accident? Main stream media is getting so pathetic now. Like watching them squirm on CNN today...maggots!

I saw the news at about 23:30 BST on Wednesday 22 June. I did wonder if it was going to swing the vote, but no-one is admitting to it doing so. My view is that the Turks are being deceived, but I could be wrong.

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Lose a Lion and replace it with a Turkey - It should be obvious what the EU will do.

One of the few positive consequence of Brexit is that the EU will now have to take into account the wish of peoples.
Europeans overwhelmingly do not want Turkey.
So, Turkey will remain outside.
In contrast, Russia ...
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