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Brexit – the view from the US


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Brexit – the view from the US

By Catherine Hardy


Special relationship will continue – Biden

Visiting Dublin, the US Vice President has reassured the UK and the Irish Republic that their relationship with the US will not change, despite the Brexit vote.

Joe Biden says the special relationship will continue.

“I must say, we had looked for a different outcome,” Biden said. “We would have preferred a different outcome. And I would imagine many of you here felt the same way. I want to assure all of you in this room that America’s special bond with the United Kingdom runs deep and it will endure, and our relationship with Ireland and with the European Union will remain the cornerstone of our global engagement.”

Parallels between UK and US – Trump

Visiting Scotland, Donald Trump says he can see parallels between the UK and US.

“You are going to have, I think, many other cases (in Europe) where they want to take their borders back, they want to take their monetary (policy) back. They want to take a lot of things back.

“I really do see a parallel between what is happening in the United States and what is happening here, people want to see borders. They don’t necessarily want people pouring into their country that they do not know who they are and where they are from. They have no idea.”

Trump, the presumptive Republican Party nominee for US presidential candidate, is predicting other countries will follow the UK’s lead.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-25

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!

ily @lilyallen

@realDonaldTrump Scotland voted IN you moron


Trump at his best cheesy.gif. The world needs leaders with such an extrem knowledge. Yes, "Belgian is a nice city", too, Mr. Trump.

Si tacuisses, ........

It's nice to hear different words from a man with a higher IQ.

Edited by puck2
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Oh my god...I am so pleased Obama is happy and he will endure, I lost so much sleep last night........not, to be fair I don't think many people in the UK are interested

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!

ily @lilyallen

@realDonaldTrump Scotland voted IN you moron


Trump at his best cheesy.gif. The world needs leaders with such an extrem knowledge. Yes, "Belgian is a nice city", too, Mr. Trump.

Si tacuisses, ........

It's nice to hear different words from a man with a higher IQ.

"Si tacuisses..." does not apply. his hairstyle speaks volumes gigglem.gif

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Wasn't it Obama during his visit in April that flat out told England that if they left the EU they would be moved to the back of the line when it came to deals?

Wasn't it Trump who said at that time that he didn't care, they need to look out for themselves and he would still treat them the same as they've always been treated, as an allie?

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!

ily @lilyallen

@realDonaldTrump Scotland voted IN you moron


Trump at his best cheesy.gif. The world needs leaders with such an extrem knowledge. Yes, "Belgian is a nice city", too, Mr. Trump.

Si tacuisses, ........

It's nice to hear different words from a man with a higher IQ.

Ah, good old Trump the Chump who does not realise that the Scottish voted overwhelmingly for remaining inside the EU!

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It is amazing how the USA always thinks their opinion actually counts for something, it doesnt. We all know in the UK the US is only interested in the US and would happily trample everyone else under foot if they thought they would gain from it.

Maybe the American people believe the crap that Obama spouts but the British dont. In short we dont care what the US thinks about the UK leaving the EU. America has enough problems that it seems incapable of resolving, a debt that is probably bigger than the whole of Europe combined yet they insist on trying to us advice.

Go home Obama you dont need you

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What goes on with the Brits...is of interest to citizens of the US...we have no dog in this fight...but like a favorite relative going thru a bit of turmoil...we wish you the best...

Obama has no clue...how his condescending, abrasive, self-serving rhetoric is one reason he will be considered one of the worst Presidents ever...except by his loyal peanut-gallery...to which he can do no wrong...the darling of the progressive liberal left...

If Clinton becomes President...she will try to figure-out how to profit personally from your struggles...

If Trump becomes President...he will work with your leadership in everyway possible to bring about the change you seek and the stability you deserve...if he profits in anyway...it will be because he offers a service to the people...not taking bribes under the table...

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I really enjoy when over educated or over ....(insert your your own verbiage) Brits rail when something happens in the US that they REALLY have NO CLUE about. I have the same feeling about when over educated Yanks...err Americans, with the same (fill in the blank)... comment on UK or EU stuff...really how much do you know or wish to pretend to know? Keep quite, read your news and laugh at all those with open mouths and closed eyes n ears.coffee1.gif

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I really enjoy when over educated or over ....(insert your your own verbiage) Brits rail when something happens in the US that they REALLY have NO CLUE about. I have the same feeling about when over educated Yanks...err Americans, with the same (fill in the blank)... comment on UK or EU stuff...really how much do you know or wish to pretend to know? Keep quite, read your news and laugh at all those with open mouths and closed eyes n ears.coffee1.gif

But I guess by your lights it's better when over educated Brits spout nonsense about the UK or over educated Yanks spout nonsense about the U.S? It's clear that content takes second place in your system of judgement. I don't give a damn about the nationality of the speaker or writer. Just the content.

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!

ily @lilyallen

@realDonaldTrump Scotland voted IN you moron


Trump at his best cheesy.gif. The world needs leaders with such an extrem knowledge. Yes, "Belgian is a nice city", too, Mr. Trump.

Si tacuisses, ........

It's nice to hear different words from a man with a higher IQ.

Ah, good old Trump the Chump who does not realise that the Scottish voted overwhelmingly for remaining inside the EU!

Is Scotland not a part of the UK? I thought it was, and that was Trumps point. He's technically right..

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Scotland, in their mind, is not part of the UK....lol

Not any more. They want to stay IN.

How is that going to work?

I suppose Trump was doing an "Anti Obama" side show.

It appears that many Brits hate Obama worse than Trump....

Scotland....well, not so much.

Anyways....Trump's statement was directed at the majority (within the UK).

Remember, Obama said Trade Agreements may be at Risk if Brexit happened.

Edited by slipperylobster
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America.... always ready to give the rest of the world its views about what it thinks.

Are the UK people interested in what America thinks about them...... NO!

You act like the "rest of the world" doesn't return the favor. On this forum it certainly does.

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America.... always ready to give the rest of the world its views about what it thinks.

Are the UK people interested in what America thinks about them...... NO!

You act like the "rest of the world" doesn't return the favor. On this forum it certainly does.

Jak speaks for himself, and I disagree with him

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I hope the Queen gives Obama a knighthood for services to the Leave campaign. In April after he told us that we must stay in the EU the Leave vote went up 2%.

Yeah - for most of his reign he's had pretty much the same effect on most Americans, too. He must give thanks daily for "executive orders". But the knighthood should go well; the kneeling & all.

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Leave was a big in your face blow to Obama. Take your globalization, one world government plans and stick em up Hillary's liberal bum...(ugly sight). As far as the future, I believe Farage and Trump will get along just fine next year.

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