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21 Year Old American Woman Recovers in Bangkok Hospital after Being Stabbed by Mugger


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Hope she makes a speedy recovery.

Now call me Mr Cynical, but I doubt whether the police would have made such a public effort if the victim were a fat, balding male sexpat whistling.gif

Get yourself stabbed, let us know how it turns out.

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TAT not there yet.

regards Worgeordie

Call the TAT lady immediately, contact the flower shop, get the TV and printed press lined up with cameras, Mention that she will receive free medical attention, confiscate all mobiles with photo or video capabilities from the surrounding crowd and do the usual "If released to social media we will charge you under the computers crime act" Catch the perp for the finger pointing ceremony and I am sure I left something out.

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How many of you have actually been attacked yourself and how many just read in the newspaper how dangerous it is ? I know of no foreigners in my direct circle that have been attacked by Thais. I do know of Thais having been attacked by Thais. So I agree that its more rare for a foreigner to be attacked than a Thai. Sure there are news reports but bad news sells good news does not.

Well, there was that girl in Koh Tao, then another girl attacked in Chiang Mai while she slept night before last.

Granny and grandpa in Hua Hin, German guy in Pattaya stabbed by Thai girlfriend yesterday, to mention just a few.

Thai Visa seems to have an endless list of foreigners being attacked by Thais.

or jumping to their deaths

Dutch girl jumper in CM yesterday, German woman in Bangkok yesterday (is that the same one as the lawyers wife?)

or being killed by Thais driving cars

Chilean cyclist

Yep, and the list is a lot longer than those, if anyone really wanted to start tallying up all the various casualties. Including the elderly farang guys who were set upon for no apparent reason by some thugs in a Thai park up in Isaan recently.

All in all, a pretty Polly Anna-esque account of life here, but then, that's kind of to be expected from a 21-year-old who's only been here for a few months and spends most of her time in school with young kids and then with her farang BF on the weekend.

Also curiously, although the article was written by a small-town newspaper back home where the young lady is from, there's actually no mention in the article of just WHERE she was in BKK when she was attacked, although she mentions something about her neighborhood being in a "business district."

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get an insurance IO of counting on good samaritans!

Where does it say she doesn't have insurance?

Fundraisers are just a convenient way for friends and family to offer support online from their computer, not sure why people freak out about them. It's not begging.

In this case apparently it's to cover the expenses of her mother going to see her.

The initial fundraising goal was only the price of a plane ticket:


We are not talking of a political fund-raiser where the donation supports your political beliefs or a charitable fund-raiser where the proceeds assist a select group of needy persons. This is a personal fundraiser for people who do not have the money to fund their own trip to be with loved ones. Good reason or bad, it is still asking strangers to support your personal needs; i.e., begging.

Edit: second sentence in the last paragraph; This is a personal fundraiser for people who do not have, or do not wish to spend, the money to fund their own trip to be with loved ones

Edited by smotherb
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This is a personal fundraiser for people who do not have the money to fund their own trip to be with loved ones. Good reason or bad, it is still asking strangers to support your personal needs; i.e., begging.

No the distinction is that in a situation like this people want to give money without even being asked. That's why they exceeded the $2000 target they set themselves for the plane ticket cost. If it was purely asking strangers to cover something the strangers would stop at $2000.

It's already at $5000. https://www.gofundme.com/2a6ndt8b.

And it's obviously mostly friends, family and extended friends / family not complete strangers. The kind of people who would insist on giving money even if you never asked, and if you said no. We have no evidence that they approached strangers, the news source in OP may have just added in the gofundme link themselves to add to the story.

The 'begging' type of fundraiser you're talking about would be e.g. someone wanting to someone to travel the world on a permanent vacation without having to work. And then posting the link themselves on thaivisa. If it succeeded (unlikely but I'd love to see the furious reactions) then the anonymous donations would stop at a certain target.

Edited by jspill
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I hope she recovers quickly and learns some life skills

Yes, well she does appear to have some skills working with children so perhaps you could pay her to come over and provide you with some lessons in life.

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Mentally disturbed everywhere , not only in Thailand .

it's forbidden in Thailand. VERBOTEN smile.png

So What!!! You can always say you took it away from the perp after you disabled him/her. Works for me.

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How many of you have actually been attacked yourself and how many just read in the newspaper how dangerous it is ? I know of no foreigners in my direct circle that have been attacked by Thais. I do know of Thais having been attacked by Thais. So I agree that its more rare for a foreigner to be attacked than a Thai. Sure there are news reports but bad news sells good news does not.

My my your mid is slipping fast

People jump[ out of buildings. Last week in Pattaya an Arab man, Hua Hin, Kho tao. Phuket, Chiang Mai in a bedroom and still on this news forum.

Yes very unusual and most of this in the last week.

Oh deary me. Alzheimera perhaps???

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Love you guys, this lady is stabbed could have lost her life and you people are taking the piss out of her. Good luck to her and best wishes for a speedy recovery. I guess a few here would have been happier if she had been taking the piss out of Thailand. There are some peole in this world who have a better outlook on life than some of the posters here

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She said it’s unusual for a foreigner to be attacked in Thailand, so the police have been highly involved in her case.

“All of my Thai friends were speechless when they heard the news, because they had never heard of such a terrible act of violence being carried out on a foreigner,

It appears not everyone watches the news, reads the Bangkok Post, or logs into Thai Visa Forum...there is nothing unusual about this case except for the naivete of the victim and her Thai friends...

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7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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" A professional sketch artist visited her in the hospital to draw a composite of the suspect, and she’s hoping it will lead to an arrest."

Unfortunately, it will be blurred when (or if) the press releases it to prevent possible loss of face to the assailant.

She's certainly an optimistic girl, if perhaps a little too naive to the dangers of Thailand. Surely this will give her a bit of a crash course in Bangkok street smarts.

That's it. Another vote for "blame the victim".

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I did not read anywhere that she did not pay her bills and neither did i read that she was unprepared for this,all i read was that she was greatful of all the support she has had for herself and the funding for the airfare for her mother,and thankful that it was not worse than it could have been.Why do you surmise these things?This report was about a young woman who was down on her luck by being attacked by some lunatic,nothing at all about what you would do about funding,nobody has asked you about your privacy.Get a life.

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Mentally disturbed everywhere , not only in Thailand .

it's forbidden in Thailand. VERBOTEN smile.png

So What!!! You can always say you took it away from the perp after you disabled him/her. Works for me.

Right, but assuming that they will buy the story, for self protection she will have to carry it with her at all times, in case of an occasional search she will find her self in some sort of trouble, I'm sure I've read somewhere that pepper spray is under the same act of forbidden drugs such as Marijuana and Kratom ... perhaps I'm wrong.

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"She said it’s unusual for a foreigner to be attacked in Thailand, so the police have been highly involved in her case" she should pay more attention to the news I guess... and also get an insurance IO of counting on good samaritans!

I hope for a fast recover.

She was legally working she had insurance.

The money is for her Mama to fly over and take of her!

"Thanks to more than $4,300 in contributions made to a GoFundMe campaign, her mother, Danyelle, will be able to fly to Thailand next week to help care for her."

A good EXPAT insurance with no or minimum deductibles, costs around 2.000 Dollar per year.

So, one, has to be good thinking if you pay so much or pay yourself in case of emergency.

I had my whole life since childhood extra Private insurance and as an Expat for nearly 2 decades.

That is about 1.500 Dollar a year - 20 years 30.000 Dollar and I had 2 Hospital stays - Motorbike accidents - once in Private once in Government Hospital, costs = 45.000 Baht = 1.500 Dollar!

So Expat Insurance - sure 100 % reasonable? whistling.gif

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This is a personal fundraiser for people who do not have the money to fund their own trip to be with loved ones. Good reason or bad, it is still asking strangers to support your personal needs; i.e., begging.

No the distinction is that in a situation like this people want to give money without even being asked. That's why they exceeded the $2000 target they set themselves for the plane ticket cost. If it was purely asking strangers to cover something the strangers would stop at $2000.

It's already at $5000. https://www.gofundme.com/2a6ndt8b.

And it's obviously mostly friends, family and extended friends / family not complete strangers. The kind of people who would insist on giving money even if you never asked, and if you said no. We have no evidence that they approached strangers, the news source in OP may have just added in the gofundme link themselves to add to the story.

The 'begging' type of fundraiser you're talking about would be e.g. someone wanting to someone to travel the world on a permanent vacation without having to work. And then posting the link themselves on thaivisa. If it succeeded (unlikely but I'd love to see the furious reactions) then the anonymous donations would stop at a certain target.

I've already given you my determination of a "begging fund": give me money because I don't want to spend mine or I do not have the money to spend--either way, the funds being raised will benefit me. It is a personal thing, it seeks to benefit you and not a group of needy people. One can beg from family and friends; and one often does.

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