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North America leaders urge against Trump's isolationism


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North America leaders urge against Trump's isolationism

OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — President Barack Obama and the leaders of Mexico and Canada pushed back forcefully on Wednesday against the isolationist and anti-immigrant sentiments that have roiled Britain and been championed by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. The leaders warned against easy solutions peddled by "demagogues" who feed on economic anxiety.

With tensions growing over terrorism and fallout from Britain's exit from the European Union, Obama acknowledged that Americans and others have reason to be concerned about their own future in a rapidly globalizing economy. He said concerns about immigrants had been exploited by politicians in the past, but he insisted he wasn't worried Americans will follow that path.

"We should take some of this seriously and answer it boldly and clearly," Obama said, without naming the Republican presidential candidate. "But you shouldn't think that is representative of how the American people think."

Gathering in the Canadian capital, the leaders defended their calls for freer trade within the continent and beyond. They argued that instead of withdrawing from the world, advanced countries should focus on higher standards, wages and legal protections that would ensure the benefits of globalization are widely felt.

"The integration of national economies into a global economy, that's here. That's done," Obama said.

Obama's comments at a news conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto came as the leaders sought to show unity amid growing nationalist movements in Europe and elsewhere, epitomized by Britain's move to leave the 28-member EU.

Though Britain's decision has rattled the global financial system, Obama said he believed the markets were starting to settle down. Still, he acknowledged there would be "genuine longer-term concerns" about global economic growth "if, in fact, Brexit goes through."

"This doesn't help," he said.

Obama said his message to British Prime Minister David Cameron and to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is largely spearheading Europe's response, was that "everybody should catch their breath." Though Merkel and other European leaders have urged Britain to start its withdrawal quickly, Obama called for a thought-out process that would be transparent and clearly understandable.

"I think that will be a difficult, challenging process, but it does not need to be a panicky process," the president said.

The Canadian and Mexican leaders largely echoed Obama's calls for staying focused on closer economic ties. Pena Nieto said Mexico sees opportunity for growth and investment by broadening its relationship with the rest of the continent.

"We are competitors, yes, but we have complimentary economies, and that will give more development to our society," the Mexican leader said.

And Trudeau said the three leaders' strategy for combatting protectionist views was to "highlight how much trade and positive agreement among our nations are good not only for the economy of the world and the economy of our countries, but it's also good for our citizens."

Yet it was Trump and his insistence that Americans are better served by reasserting independence that shadowed the leaders' meetings at the annual North American Leaders' Summit. Even as the three took the podium in Ottawa, Trump was threatening to pull the U.S. out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, chanting at a rally, "No more NAFTA."

When a reporter asked the leaders to weigh in on Trump, Obama intervened, suggesting his counterparts should be careful what they say in case Trump ends up winning.

"I'm not saying they shouldn't answer. I'm just — I'm helping them out a little bit," Obama joked.

He appeared personally insulted by Trump's claims to represent the public's best interests, accusing the presumptive Republican nominee of wrongly purporting to be a populist. He said people like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders rightly deserve label of "populist" but that Trump is merely resorting to "nativism," ''xenophobia" and "cynicism."

"We have to call this mentality what it is: a threat to the values that we profess, the values we seek to defend," Obama said later during a speech to Canadian Parliament, where a packed audience of about 1,000 interrupted him repeatedly with standing ovations. They chanted "four more years" as Obama wrapped up his address.

Ahead of the summit, Canada announced it will lift visa requirements for Mexican visitors as of December 2016, while Pena Nieto agreed to open Mexican markets to Canadian beef. All three leaders pledged to generate half of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025, and Mexico also committed to joining the U.S. and Canada in tackling methane emissions.


Associated Press writers Josh Lederman, Kathleen Hennessey and Darlene Superville in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-30

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Obama should be answering for the many Americans whose lives haven't improved under his efforts. He and his whole family are set with a $400,000 pension for life plus all the other cash and offers that will be tossed at them once he leaves office. The US is still a mess in so many areas. He should really address his own impotence as a leader.

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Obama should be answering for the many Americans whose lives haven't improved under his efforts. He and his whole family are set with a $400,000 pension for life plus all the other cash and offers that will be tossed at them once he leaves office. The US is still a mess in so many areas. He should really address his own impotence as a leader.

You mean he didn't fix the Bush fiasco fast enough for you?

Roll back the news to 2008.

Jobs, pensions, companies, houses lost by the millions.

People were jumping off rooftops by the time GWBush slithered away.

Much better now. I guess that's why Obamas popularity is so high at Hillary looks like a shoe in.

Of course right wing fake news tries real hard to convince people otherwise.

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Obama should be answering for the many Americans whose lives haven't improved under his efforts. He and his whole family are set with a $400,000 pension for life plus all the other cash and offers that will be tossed at them once he leaves office. The US is still a mess in so many areas. He should really address his own impotence as a leader.

Please take a look at the US economy in 2008 when Obama was elected and compare it to 2016 and then make corrections to your post. The country was on the verge of financial collapse in 2008. The economy is booming now. Yes, things could be better but Republicans are willing to block every effort to make further improvements to the economy and allow Americans to suffer in hopes of winning back the Executive Office.

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Obama should be answering for the many Americans whose lives haven't improved under his efforts. He and his whole family are set with a $400,000 pension for life plus all the other cash and offers that will be tossed at them once he leaves office. The US is still a mess in so many areas. He should really address his own impotence as a leader.

You mean he didn't fix the Bush fiasco fast enough for you?

Roll back the news to 2008.

Jobs, pensions, companies, houses lost by the millions.

People were jumping off rooftops by the time GWBush slithered away.

Much better now. I guess that's why Obamas popularity is so high at Hillary looks like a shoe in.

Of course right wing fake news tries real hard to convince people otherwise.

Don't bother arguing too much. People believe what they want to believe.

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Globalists, leftists, multiculturalists, "democrats", Clinton like scammers are all to block the revolutionary Trump who doesn't kiss powerful lobbyists and establishment. Unlike H. Clinton he doesn't need funds from establishment and special interests groups. Internationalism/globalism/multiculturalism a bankrupt ideologies are not in Trump cards. These belong to corrupted H. Clinton. Media run by well known group is in majority against Trump, because this way they loose control and influence over people and history in the making. No more idiotic - unnecessary wars fuelled by lies and deception. The concept of destroying the Middle East was successful however, backfired so badly that Russia and China got involved. Now they have to lie more and more and they know that Trump will end this criminal activities and end lies we heard for many years.

ISSI was formed by supporting rebels against the Syrian leader Assad. Russia supported its ally Assad. Now China added her support. Trillions of American dollars went down the drain. Who has to pay for it? American taxpayer. Clintons with their global agenda and not for profit corporation took money from the Arabs, China and this was also a working like a fifth column. those who pay ask for rewards. They got it in trade agreements and other commitments from American government. How do you call something like that? Private money in millions and delivered privileges from American government. This is crime.

No wonder they don't want Trump. They don't want to loose money whatever the cost. They do not care about the country or Americans as long as their pockets are filled with money. They do not want change. They want war, but Trump want peace through negotiations. Trump wants America to be GREAT again as she was for decades. Lyndon Johnson killed FJK and Robert Kennedy which he hated so bad. Bushes did unimaginable by making a falls war on Saddam Husain. Remember (?) when Israel bombarded building of nuclear plant as they called it preemptive strike? With Netanyahu at the top Americans followed this line of attack with the consequences of today Islamization of European Union. This is a backfire they didn;t expected to get. Case close. Not really. People are waking up. Just watch what will happen next .....................

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Oh, I know what he did to deal with Bush's mess. I voted for him twice. That's not enough. He's still president now and has been since the lagging Bush economy improved years ago. Since he's been in, the 1% have gotten even wealthier. What about that? where's his voice and solution. That's the issue which drives many people. Obama should do his job now. Many liberals are still looking for change. Obama should do more. He just should. The illegals problem has gotten worse during Obama's time in. He could have dealt with that but never cared about the laws or the feelings of so much of America. If you ask me to choose Bush or Obama. Hell yeah, Obama was better but in the end in the big pictures I just see another morally corrupt politician. He has power so he should be doing something right now.

Edited by Alive
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He doesn't have to answer anything. The media elites have wanted to commission a stone cutter since Jan 2009 to put him on Mt. Rushmore.

Great idea! Hope there's space to fit him next to Ronnie Ray-gun there. Someone who really did put the (*cough*) average working American first! Well, some Americans I suppose, like the 1%ers.

Ahhh, those were the days eh Nova?

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Globalists, leftists, multiculturalists, "democrats", Clinton like scammers are all to block the revolutionary Trump who doesn't kiss powerful lobbyists and establishment. Unlike H. Clinton he doesn't need funds from establishment and special interests groups. Internationalism/globalism/multiculturalism a bankrupt ideologies are not in Trump cards. These belong to corrupted H. Clinton. Media run by well known group is in majority against Trump, because this way they loose control and influence over people and history in the making. No more idiotic - unnecessary wars fuelled by lies and deception. The concept of destroying the Middle East was successful however, backfired so badly that Russia and China got involved. Now they have to lie more and more and they know that Trump will end this criminal activities and end lies we heard for many years.

ISSI was formed by supporting rebels against the Syrian leader Assad. Russia supported its ally Assad. Now China added her support. Trillions of American dollars went down the drain. Who has to pay for it? American taxpayer. Clintons with their global agenda and not for profit corporation took money from the Arabs, China and this was also a working like a fifth column. those who pay ask for rewards. They got it in trade agreements and other commitments from American government. How do you call something like that? Private money in millions and delivered privileges from American government. This is crime.

No wonder they don't want Trump. They don't want to loose money whatever the cost. They do not care about the country or Americans as long as their pockets are filled with money. They do not want change. They want war, but Trump want peace through negotiations. Trump wants America to be GREAT again as she was for decades. Lyndon Johnson killed FJK and Robert Kennedy which he hated so bad. Bushes did unimaginable by making a falls war on Saddam Husain. Remember (?) when Israel bombarded building of nuclear plant as they called it preemptive strike? With Netanyahu at the top Americans followed this line of attack with the consequences of today Islamization of European Union. This is a backfire they didn;t expected to get. Case close. Not really. People are waking up. Just watch what will happen next .....................

WOW. This Trump supporter really has a grasp of the situation and even figured out who killed Kennedy too.

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Globalists, leftists, multiculturalists, "democrats", Clinton like scammers are all to block the revolutionary Trump who doesn't kiss powerful lobbyists and establishment. Unlike H. Clinton he doesn't need funds from establishment and special interests groups. Internationalism/globalism/multiculturalism a bankrupt ideologies are not in Trump cards. These belong to corrupted H. Clinton. Media run by well known group is in majority against Trump, because this way they loose control and influence over people and history in the making. No more idiotic - unnecessary wars fuelled by lies and deception. The concept of destroying the Middle East was successful however, backfired so badly that Russia and China got involved. Now they have to lie more and more and they know that Trump will end this criminal activities and end lies we heard for many years.

ISSI was formed by supporting rebels against the Syrian leader Assad. Russia supported its ally Assad. Now China added her support. Trillions of American dollars went down the drain. Who has to pay for it? American taxpayer. Clintons with their global agenda and not for profit corporation took money from the Arabs, China and this was also a working like a fifth column. those who pay ask for rewards. They got it in trade agreements and other commitments from American government. How do you call something like that? Private money in millions and delivered privileges from American government. This is crime.

No wonder they don't want Trump. They don't want to loose money whatever the cost. They do not care about the country or Americans as long as their pockets are filled with money. They do not want change. They want war, but Trump want peace through negotiations. Trump wants America to be GREAT again as she was for decades. Lyndon Johnson killed FJK and Robert Kennedy which he hated so bad. Bushes did unimaginable by making a falls war on Saddam Husain. Remember (?) when Israel bombarded building of nuclear plant as they called it preemptive strike? With Netanyahu at the top Americans followed this line of attack with the consequences of today Islamization of European Union. This is a backfire they didn;t expected to get. Case close. Not really. People are waking up. Just watch what will happen next .....................

".... the revolutionary Trump..."

5555555555! Yes, revolutionary he is, indeed. Never has a person more unfit to be POTUS been a serious contender for the job.

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Globalists, leftists, multiculturalists, "democrats", Clinton like scammers are all to block the revolutionary Trump who doesn't kiss powerful lobbyists and establishment. Unlike H. Clinton he doesn't need funds from establishment and special interests groups. Internationalism/globalism/multiculturalism a bankrupt ideologies are not in Trump cards. These belong to corrupted H. Clinton. Media run by well known group is in majority against Trump, because this way they loose control and influence over people and history in the making. No more idiotic - unnecessary wars fuelled by lies and deception. The concept of destroying the Middle East was successful however, backfired so badly that Russia and China got involved. Now they have to lie more and more and they know that Trump will end this criminal activities and end lies we heard for many years.

ISSI was formed by supporting rebels against the Syrian leader Assad. Russia supported its ally Assad. Now China added her support. Trillions of American dollars went down the drain. Who has to pay for it? American taxpayer. Clintons with their global agenda and not for profit corporation took money from the Arabs, China and this was also a working like a fifth column. those who pay ask for rewards. They got it in trade agreements and other commitments from American government. How do you call something like that? Private money in millions and delivered privileges from American government. This is crime.

No wonder they don't want Trump. They don't want to loose money whatever the cost. They do not care about the country or Americans as long as their pockets are filled with money. They do not want change. They want war, but Trump want peace through negotiations. Trump wants America to be GREAT again as she was for decades. Lyndon Johnson killed FJK and Robert Kennedy which he hated so bad. Bushes did unimaginable by making a falls war on Saddam Husain. Remember (?) when Israel bombarded building of nuclear plant as they called it preemptive strike? With Netanyahu at the top Americans followed this line of attack with the consequences of today Islamization of European Union. This is a backfire they didn;t expected to get. Case close. Not really. People are waking up. Just watch what will happen next .....................

You're the only one with any sense in this thread. You won't win many friends speaking the truth though.

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Globalists, leftists, multiculturalists, "democrats", Clinton like scammers are all to block the revolutionary Trump who doesn't kiss powerful lobbyists and establishment. Unlike H. Clinton he doesn't need funds from establishment and special interests groups. Internationalism/globalism/multiculturalism a bankrupt ideologies are not in Trump cards. These belong to corrupted H. Clinton. Media run by well known group is in majority against Trump, because this way they loose control and influence over people and history in the making. No more idiotic - unnecessary wars fuelled by lies and deception. The concept of destroying the Middle East was successful however, backfired so badly that Russia and China got involved. Now they have to lie more and more and they know that Trump will end this criminal activities and end lies we heard for many years.

ISSI was formed by supporting rebels against the Syrian leader Assad. Russia supported its ally Assad. Now China added her support. Trillions of American dollars went down the drain. Who has to pay for it? American taxpayer. Clintons with their global agenda and not for profit corporation took money from the Arabs, China and this was also a working like a fifth column. those who pay ask for rewards. They got it in trade agreements and other commitments from American government. How do you call something like that? Private money in millions and delivered privileges from American government. This is crime.

No wonder they don't want Trump. They don't want to loose money whatever the cost. They do not care about the country or Americans as long as their pockets are filled with money. They do not want change. They want war, but Trump want peace through negotiations. Trump wants America to be GREAT again as she was for decades. Lyndon Johnson killed FJK and Robert Kennedy which he hated so bad. Bushes did unimaginable by making a falls war on Saddam Husain. Remember (?) when Israel bombarded building of nuclear plant as they called it preemptive strike? With Netanyahu at the top Americans followed this line of attack with the consequences of today Islamization of European Union. This is a backfire they didn;t expected to get. Case close. Not really. People are waking up. Just watch what will happen next .....................

This post raises the question: How ignorant can someone be? The answer: very.

First off, the myth that rump doesn't need funds. Then why is going after them? Just for fun. And who benefits the most from Trump's proposed tax cut? The super wealthy. Are banks and hedge funds part of the establishment? I guess you think not because Trump wants to repeal controls on them and let them start another financial collapse. Some enemy of the establishment he is.

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People were jumping off rooftops by the time GWBush slithered away.

People were jumping off rooftops a year into his pathetic presidency.

Actually, the bottom of the market was March 2, 2009.

Stock market went from 660 to 2100.

Pension retirement funds recovered.

Housing inventory is at all time low.

15 million jobs created since 2009.

Auto industry and banking stabilized.

Dollar strong.

Dependency on foreign oil at all time low.

Of course, FOX viewers don't know these things.

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Obama should be answering for the many Americans whose lives haven't improved under his efforts. He and his whole family are set with a $400,000 pension for life plus all the other cash and offers that will be tossed at them once he leaves office. The US is still a mess in so many areas. He should really address his own impotence as a leader.

By the time he reaches age 60 he will be a triple dipper into the pension system. If there is any pension reform in the future (and don't think for a minute think they are not going over it with a fine tooth comb) he will not suffer. Its truly the golden age for this class of people.

Edited by elgordo38
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Obama should be answering for the many Americans whose lives haven't improved under his efforts. He and his whole family are set with a $400,000 pension for life plus all the other cash and offers that will be tossed at them once he leaves office. The US is still a mess in so many areas. He should really address his own impotence as a leader.

You mean he didn't fix the Bush fiasco fast enough for you?

Roll back the news to 2008.

Jobs, pensions, companies, houses lost by the millions.

People were jumping off rooftops by the time GWBush slithered away.

Much better now. I guess that's why Obamas popularity is so high at Hillary looks like a shoe in.

Of course right wing fake news tries real hard to convince people otherwise.

Truth. The ultimate BS repellent. Too bad it doesn't act equally on ignorance, stupidity, and for that matter, methane-induced amnesia. So it goes.

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People were jumping off rooftops by the time GWBush slithered away.

People were jumping off rooftops a year into his pathetic presidency.

How quickly they forget, eh, Chicog? Let's face it, when referencing 'GWB' we are going to need a much better thought out euphemism than, 'presidency.' Cluster <deleted> comes immediately to mind.

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I find it funny that anyone have any reverence for ANY president this century. Both Bush Jr. and Obama were pathetic presidents, and Trump or Hillary unfortunately is not going to be any improvement. To think that Trump is good because he is "incorruptible" since he is funding it himself. Guess what there are two sides to the corruption and Trump was just on the other side of the equation actually inducing corrupt behaviour for which he is not apologetic for. Hillary should be in shackles.

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Back and forward and back again. The American election is run on accusations and fear. A bit like the British Brexit referendum. No point in shouting from the wings. The whole thing has become boring. Trump will keep backtracking on his pledges and Clinton will keep making promises she will not keep. Such is the way of ego crazed politicians.

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The majority of American news outlets are firmly in the progressive liberal Democrat camp...

The news-people and politicians will spin every word Trump says to get the maximum mileage out of their deception...

Trump is not an isolationist...but does want to sound the alarm to countries who have been ripping the US people off...by not following the agreements...

No more business as usual...either play fair or you will be punished...

The problem is with the press and politicians and President...not Trump's statements...

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The majority of American news outlets are firmly in the progressive liberal Democrat camp...

The news-people and politicians will spin every word Trump says to get the maximum mileage out of their deception...

Trump is not an isolationist...but does want to sound the alarm to countries who have been ripping the US people off...by not following the agreements...

No more business as usual...either play fair or you will be punished...

The problem is with the press and politicians and President...not Trump's statements...

Totally agree and I am an independent but vote liberal every time. Much of the left is as off in the propaganda as the far right is due to their growing automatic acceptance of everything their media pushes.

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"When a reporter asked the leaders to weigh in on Trump, Obama intervened, suggesting his counterparts should be careful what they say in case Trump ends up winning."

Good to know that even Obama doesn't think Clinton is a shoo-in. He and Biden really should have thrown their support behind Bernie.

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"When a reporter asked the leaders to weigh in on Trump, Obama intervened, suggesting his counterparts should be careful what they say in case Trump ends up winning."

Good to know that even Obama doesn't think Clinton is a shoo-in. He and Biden really should have thrown their support behind Bernie.

Good advice from Obama. Don't engage that a**hole.

Trump would probably trash their wives looks or accuse their fathers of killing Kennedy or slander them as liars or rapists or even colluding with terrorists and makeup a bunch of insulting silly nicknames too.

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