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Little England and not-so-Great-Britain


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Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

For a nation that hates the English, I don't think you should be using words like xenophobic!

I think that this will be the 4th time in two days I ask the following question on TV, and I fully expect it will be the 4th time that no answer is forthcoming:

In what way does Scotland and its people act that suggests they hate the English?

That we increasingly wanting independence from the UK no more implies that we hate the English than me leaving home at 17 implied that I hated my parents. However, if you want clear examples of how much hatred flows in the opposite direction, just read some of the Scottish threads here, or take a look at the Telegraph comments pages when the merest whiff of Sturgeon comes up.

You're wasting your time. The English will never understand how irrelevant they are in Scotland.

They spend way too much time trying to shoulder charge their way into a debate which is nothing to do with them.

Just a bunch of needy, noisy brats that can't believe it's not all about them.

Remove the English Fifth Column votes from the last referendum result and Scotland would have been independent already.

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Brilliant! RuamRudy asks: "In what way does Scotland and its people act that suggests they hate the English?" And phrodan replies with a load of anti-English racism.

You just couldn't make it up biggrin.png .

That's because this whole subject is about emotions not logic

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Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

For a nation that hates the English, I don't think you should be using words like xenophobic!

I think that this will be the 4th time in two days I ask the following question on TV, and I fully expect it will be the 4th time that no answer is forthcoming:

In what way does Scotland and its people act that suggests they hate the English?

That we increasingly wanting independence from the UK no more implies that we hate the English than me leaving home at 17 implied that I hated my parents. However, if you want clear examples of how much hatred flows in the opposite direction, just read some of the Scottish threads here, or take a look at the Telegraph comments pages when the merest whiff of Sturgeon comes up.

You're wasting your time. The English will never understand how irrelevant they are in Scotland.

They spend way too much time trying to shoulder charge their way into a debate which is nothing to do with them.

Just a bunch of needy, noisy brats that can't believe it's not all about them.

Remove the English Fifth Column votes from the last referendum result and Scotland would have been independent already.

If only....................

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Remove the English Fifth Column votes from the last referendum result and Scotland would have been independent already.

And the Brexit vote would have been 65%, we can only dream of an England without Scotland dragging us down.

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Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

For a nation that hates the English, I don't think you should be using words like xenophobic!

I think that this will be the 4th time in two days I ask the following question on TV, and I fully expect it will be the 4th time that no answer is forthcoming:

In what way does Scotland and its people act that suggests they hate the English?

That we increasingly wanting independence from the UK no more implies that we hate the English than me leaving home at 17 implied that I hated my parents. However, if you want clear examples of how much hatred flows in the opposite direction, just read some of the Scottish threads here, or take a look at the Telegraph comments pages when the merest whiff of Sturgeon comes up.

You're wasting your time. The English will never understand how irrelevant they are in Scotland.

They spend way too much time trying to shoulder charge their way into a debate which is nothing to do with them.

Just a bunch of needy, noisy brats that can't believe it's not all about them.

Remove the English Fifth Column votes from the last referendum result and Scotland would have been independent already.

laugh.png .......gawd....facepalm.gif

Fat boy speaks ! & his breath still stinks.

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Getting to the original topic. There has been an influx of propaganda and dumbing down for being English and from the UK. it is racist to be proud of your country now and we are constantly been told, we need foreigners to the jobs Brits won't do. Well that is rubbish We have 1.8 million on the dole and those I know who are, all want to work and would love to, given the chance. The only reason we are a little England because we are told so. Eroding and patriotism and making people feel guilty for where they come from, has always been the EU master plan. If the UK was so insignificant, why are the rest of Europe and the world crapping themselves for the UK leaving the EU?

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Getting to the original topic. There has been an influx of propaganda and dumbing down for being English and from the UK. it is racist to be proud of your country now and we are constantly been told, we need foreigners to the jobs Brits won't do. Well that is rubbish We have 1.8 million on the dole and those I know who are, all want to work and would love to, given the chance. The only reason we are a little England because we are told so. Eroding and patriotism and making people feel guilty for where they come from, has always been the EU master plan. If the UK was so insignificant, why are the rest of Europe and the world crapping themselves for the UK leaving the EU?

I don't think that anyone considers England as insignificant nor do i think that the EU is crapping themselves about brexit. concerned yes but they want the UK to get on with it as quickly as possible. Who wouldn't be concerned if you saw a member of your family commit suicide,it would effect everyone one way or another. I don't think bexit will be good for the UK but it may be good for the EU in that it will cause a certain amount of reforms. The Scandinavian countries who were before brexit somewhat sceptical about the EU are now overwhelmingly positive towards it as shown by the latest poll,they don't want the same catastrophe happening to them.

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Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

For a nation that hates the English, I don't think you should be using words like xenophobic!

I think that this will be the 4th time in two days I ask the following question on TV, and I fully expect it will be the 4th time that no answer is forthcoming:

In what way does Scotland and its people act that suggests they hate the English?

That we increasingly wanting independence from the UK no more implies that we hate the English than me leaving home at 17 implied that I hated my parents. However, if you want clear examples of how much hatred flows in the opposite direction, just read some of the Scottish threads here, or take a look at the Telegraph comments pages when the merest whiff of Sturgeon comes up.

You're wasting your time. The English will never understand how irrelevant they are in Scotland.

They spend way too much time trying to shoulder charge their way into a debate which is nothing to do with them.

Just a bunch of needy, noisy brats that can't believe it's not all about them.

Remove the English Fifth Column votes from the last referendum result and Scotland would have been independent already.

Racist xenophobic clap trap, rebuild the wall i say stuff em, take their British passports off them, remove the GBP from ciculation, and withdraw all the armed forces from Scotland and let them build a bridge from Aberdeen to Brussels so they can suck on Merkels nipples

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Remove the English Fifth Column votes from the last referendum result and Scotland would have been independent already.

And the Brexit vote would have been 65%, we can only dream of an England without Scotland dragging us down.

you are dragging yourselves down if Carney is right, the FX seems to think he is

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Bunnychow is getting emotional. Phrodan is going OT and vogie see's hatred. Not a good basis for a discussion.

Not getting emotional in the least...if they independence give it to them, but cut the apron strings completely is all i am saying...but thats not what they want..they want independence with "fringe benefits"...until Scotland finds another "sponsor" they will not go anywhere

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Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

I think that sometimes being patriotic does get confused with a stagnant version of what a culture and/or language.

The only constant in life is change.

Country, culture and even language changes over time. It is affected by those that immigrate often in relative proportion to imports and immigration. One of the many jokes is what is Canadian food, which many struggle with because they think for it to be Canadian it has to be uniquely Canadian.... it does not. We absorb things from all that have come before, and we will change as we absorb all things that come in the future. All you have to do is look at the English language -- which is for the most part a completely different language than what was spoken in English in the past. It has absorbed words, and made them part of the language -- which is one of the reasons why it is one of the more deadly languages (sort of like the Borg :o ).

Toronto (now Canada's largest city) which is one that I am most familiar with has had many waves of immigration - going from English Protestant where Catholics were discriminated in public service such as police etc. To being 25% Italian midway through last century, to having a large wave from Hong Kong, Indians, Caribbean, Vietnamese, mainland China.... etc. The Caribbean festival (Toronto's version of Carnival) is as part of our city as the Dragon Boat races or going out for a feast on Lunar New Year.

If you look at the world the borders have been massively redrawn over the centuries - as different political kingdoms and associations redrew things.

Patriotism is not about creating a stagnant version of oneself. Accepting change does not make you unpatriotic it makes you just part of life.

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Please do not include Scotland in your UK generalisation.

We are just as patriotic, perhaps even more so, about our country as the English are about theirs but, unlike the English, most of us also consider ourselves European and have been so for hundreds of years.

It is possible to be patriotic without being xenophobic!

I think that sometimes being patriotic does get confused with a stagnant version of what a culture and/or language.

The only constant in life is change.

Country, culture and even language changes over time. It is affected by those that immigrate often in relative proportion to imports and immigration. One of the many jokes is what is Canadian food, which many struggle with because they think for it to be Canadian it has to be uniquely Canadian.... it does not. We absorb things from all that have come before, and we will change as we absorb all things that come in the future. All you have to do is look at the English language -- which is for the most part a completely different language than what was spoken in English in the past. It has absorbed words, and made them part of the language -- which is one of the reasons why it is one of the more deadly languages (sort of like the Borg ohmy.png ).

Toronto (now Canada's largest city) which is one that I am most familiar with has had many waves of immigration - going from English Protestant where Catholics were discriminated in public service such as police etc. To being 25% Italian midway through last century, to having a large wave from Hong Kong, Indians, Caribbean, Vietnamese, mainland China.... etc. The Caribbean festival (Toronto's version of Carnival) is as part of our city as the Dragon Boat races or going out for a feast on Lunar New Year.

If you look at the world the borders have been massively redrawn over the centuries - as different political kingdoms and associations redrew things.

Patriotism is not about creating a stagnant version of oneself. Accepting change does not make you unpatriotic it makes you just part of life.

It's a bit rich for a Canadian to suddenly come along and tell the world that their culture shouldn't matter to them - I suppose you've been telling that to the native N. Americans for a some time. You can't compare modern Canada and England. Canada was built on immigration and borrowed culture in a much narrower timeframe. Diversity may be the identify of Toronto, but I doubt you can say the same thing about Quebec - and England's culture is prehistoric (I don't discuss Scotland as they now seem to be selling out theirs).

Change is inevitable, sure, but it has to be organic change at a reasonable rate - gradually, over generations The danger now is that technology is facilitating change (including mobility) at such a ridiculous pace that are waking in the morning to find our country has changed overnight. That shouldn't happen. It's a recipe for all sorts of discontent and you only have to look back over history to see how vigorously original culture has been defended.

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I see the pound has fallen to 1.30 dollars and Carney has issued a post brexit warning for the economy, working out a treat isn't it

Somewhat foolishly I had always assumed that the Bank of England and its governor were supposed to support the government and the country.

I t looks as though I was wrong.

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I see the pound has fallen to 1.30 dollars and Carney has issued a post brexit warning for the economy, working out a treat isn't it

Somewhat foolishly I had always assumed that the Bank of England and its governor were supposed to support the government and the country.

I t looks as though I was wrong.

They do but there is no point in lying.he was warning people about being careful now before taking out credit

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Without any trade deals we could put a super import tax on products that were once traditionally made in the UK.

Yep, and that is called MAD or maybe just AD (assured destruction). It would be like Canada doing that with the United States.... it would just make the elephant roll over and squish.

If the UK pushes up tariffs, the EU would respond reciprocally ending in a trade war with a 450 million strong market... The English market being a small market would be effectively destroyed in comparison (i.e. 50+% drop in GDP).

You would then have to put up a Soviet style wall to try and keep people from fleeing...

UK can always seek balance trade. UK has the technology and branding. Made in U.K. the world is a lot bigger than just EU market.

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Without any trade deals we could put a super import tax on products that were once traditionally made in the UK.

Yep, and that is called MAD or maybe just AD (assured destruction). It would be like Canada doing that with the United States.... it would just make the elephant roll over and squish.

If the UK pushes up tariffs, the EU would respond reciprocally ending in a trade war with a 450 million strong market... The English market being a small market would be effectively destroyed in comparison (i.e. 50+% drop in GDP).

You would then have to put up a Soviet style wall to try and keep people from fleeing...

UK can always seek balance trade. UK has the technology and branding. Made in U.K. the world is a lot bigger than just EU market.

but we don't have many British firms that actually makes things anymore

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Without any trade deals we could put a super import tax on products that were once traditionally made in the UK.

Yep, and that is called MAD or maybe just AD (assured destruction). It would be like Canada doing that with the United States.... it would just make the elephant roll over and squish.

If the UK pushes up tariffs, the EU would respond reciprocally ending in a trade war with a 450 million strong market... The English market being a small market would be effectively destroyed in comparison (i.e. 50+% drop in GDP).

You would then have to put up a Soviet style wall to try and keep people from fleeing...

UK can always seek balance trade. UK has the technology and branding. Made in U.K. the world is a lot bigger than just EU market.

but we don't have many British firms that actually makes things anymore

There is more to exports than just making things.

Coal and steel is temporary..................... financial services, IT etc are permanent.

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Without any trade deals we could put a super import tax on products that were once traditionally made in the UK.

Yep, and that is called MAD or maybe just AD (assured destruction). It would be like Canada doing that with the United States.... it would just make the elephant roll over and squish.

If the UK pushes up tariffs, the EU would respond reciprocally ending in a trade war with a 450 million strong market... The English market being a small market would be effectively destroyed in comparison (i.e. 50+% drop in GDP).

You would then have to put up a Soviet style wall to try and keep people from fleeing...

UK can always seek balance trade. UK has the technology and branding. Made in U.K. the world is a lot bigger than just EU market.

And the competition that exists in the rest of the world is just going to roll over and play dead to help the UK recover what it's going to lose?

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I see the pound has fallen to 1.30 dollars and Carney has issued a post brexit warning for the economy, working out a treat isn't it

Sterling is also falling against the baht over the last couple of days.

Odd, as it had stabilised for a while.

I think its likely due to the political instability (waiting for a new PM, Corbyn is under pressure, Farage has resigned) in short, politicians are running around like headless chickens as the govt. was so complacent that the referendum result would be 'remain', they didn't bother drawing up any plans in the event of a different decision.

I too was originally complacent that the UK could wait until October (?) for a new PM to be appointed, but admit I was wrong and that a new PM is needed far more quickly.

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The UK doesn't do stuff, as for financial services,right, great opportunity there for all those school leavers and people previously employed on the production line for foreign companies. i read that a lot of banks in the city a clearing their desks now to save money,even the bankers bonuses are shrinking

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The UK doesn't do stuff, as for financial services,right, great opportunity there for all those school leavers and people previously employed on the production line for foreign companies. i read that a lot of banks in the city a clearing their desks now to save money,even the bankers bonuses are shrinking

That stuff was happening waaaaaaaaaaay before Brexit......Read up on HSBC....

true but it is increasing in urgency, now some banks are considering moving some of their operations out of the UK. Pound is now 1.28 and falling

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The UK doesn't do stuff, as for financial services,right, great opportunity there for all those school leavers and people previously employed on the production line for foreign companies. i read that a lot of banks in the city a clearing their desks now to save money,even the bankers bonuses are shrinking

That stuff was happening waaaaaaaaaaay before Brexit......Read up on HSBC....

true but it is increasing in urgency, now some banks are considering moving some of their operations out of the UK. Pound is now 1.28 and falling

HSBC were training folk in Malaysia years ago to save staff expenditure in London.....

and that was before brexit,imagine the numbers now and nobody will be training people abroad how to make stuff,they've forgotten how.

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Without any trade deals we could put a super import tax on products that were once traditionally made in the UK.
Yep, and that is called MAD or maybe just AD (assured destruction). It would be like Canada doing that with the United States.... it would just make the elephant roll over and squish.

If the UK pushes up tariffs, the EU would respond reciprocally ending in a trade war with a 450 million strong market... The English market being a small market would be effectively destroyed in comparison (i.e. 50+% drop in GDP).

You would then have to put up a Soviet style wall to try and keep people from fleeing...

UK can always seek balance trade. UK has the technology and branding. Made in U.K. the world is a lot bigger than just EU market.

And the competition that exists in the rest of the world is just going to roll over and play dead to help the UK recover what it's going to lose?

Lose what, folk want UK stuff or they don't, that's business...rolleyes.gif

And history shows us quite clearly that they didn't, hence the entry into the EU in the first place. Great Britain was broke, a basket case with memories of the last time they could use the word 'great', back in 1940.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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That stuff was happening waaaaaaaaaaay before Brexit......Read up on HSBC....

true but it is increasing in urgency, now some banks are considering moving some of their operations out of the UK. Pound is now 1.28 and falling

HSBC were training folk in Malaysia years ago to save staff expenditure in London.....

and that was before brexit,imagine the numbers now and nobody will be training people abroad how to make stuff,they've forgotten how.

As you posted in another thread " I automatically dislike anybody with ginger hair, i disliked him from his photograph alone" - forgive me if I don't take your opinions seriously biggrin.png .

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