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Theresa May has a clear lead in the UK leadership contest


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Theresa May has a clear lead in the UK leadership contest
By Catherine Hardy


LONDON: -- In the UK, Theresa May has won the first round of the contest to become the next leader of the Conservative Party and the country’s next prime minister.

With 165 votes out of 329, the interior minister came out well in the lead after the first round of voting by Conservative MPs.

It means her leadership bid is supported by 50% of the parliamentary party.

There is another female candidate in second place.

With 66 votes out of 329, Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom is supported by 20% of MPs.

Former Defence Secretary Liam Fox came in last in fifth place and was eliminated.

Stephen Crabb came fourth and dropped out.

Both have since given their backing to Theresa May.

The results
329 of the party’s 330 MPs took part in a secret ballot on Tuesday 5 July.

Out of 329 votes cast:

165 – Theresa May (50%)
66 – Andrea Leadsom (20%)
48 – Michael Gove (15%)
Fourth – Stephen Crabb (10%)
Fifth – Liam Fox (5%)

What happens now?
Further voting by MPs will narrow the field to two candidates.

There will then be a vote by all the members of the Conservative Party and the winner will be announced on 9 September.

Why are the Conservatives looking for a new leader?
Because David Cameron stepped down as prime minister after the UK decided to leave the EU in a recent referendum.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-06

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And the US think HRC is bad ! This is a failed Home Secretary, corrupt and incompetent. Way to go UK. Politics in the UK like the US is in such a shambles that nobody honest or with true talent can either enter or survive. It is like watching a car crash in slow motion, you can see it about to happen,you know it is about to happen, you scream at the driver to turn/brake and the driver looks at you takes their hands of the wheel and smiles..........boom. The people of the UK and US are beyond help now. Which country can they all migrate to?

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So Fox gets knoked out in round one, no surprise there. Crabb does a deal with May and steps down backing her (look out for him in May's government) and Boris backs Andrea Leadsom ( good name but maybe "Leadsall" would be better). Gove gets more votes than predicted but it's claimed that is tactical voting at the moment.

Who would be best for the UK at the moment? May is no Thatcher but she is the devil you know rather than the unknown Leadsom and back stabber Gove. I think that is the reason May will take it quite comfortably, for better or for worse? Time will tell.

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So Fox gets knoked out in round one, no surprise there. Crabb does a deal with May and steps down backing her (look out for him in May's government) and Boris backs Andrea Leadsom ( good name but maybe "Leadsall" would be better). Gove gets more votes than predicted but it's claimed that is tactical voting at the moment.

Who would be best for the UK at the moment? May is no Thatcher but she is the devil you know rather than the unknown Leadsom and back stabber Gove. I think that is the reason May will take it quite comfortably, for better or for worse? Time will tell.

Sh!t, I'm starting to think even Robert Mugabe could do a better job than the rest of them put together. What a mess...
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There really should not be an election contest for Conservative party leader and Prime Minister because David Cameron should never have walked away from his responsibility to correct the catalogue of errors and misjudgements he has made. He has well and truly sold us down the river.

What a legacy he leaves – the PM who abandoned any European vision and condemned the UK to return to insularism, confined to a parochial backwater characterised by bigotry, ignorance and xenophobia.

YES, that WAS what motivated many Leave voters to vote the way they did, so don't bother trying to argue otherwise!

Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, prime instigators, now scurrying off as the s . . t hits the fan and the reality and enormity of the consequences of 'Brexit' now dawn on those Leave voters, misguided, misinformed and manipulated, who thought they were just making a protest vote in the face of an anticipated Remain success that didn't materialise.

It is now only a matter of time until Scotland gains independence and Northern Ireland is re-united with Eire, leaving Wales to be just another county in 'Little England'. Good luck to them both, they deserve each other!

The question remains as to whether or not our MP's, across ALL parties, who were elected to represent not only the best interests of their constituents (most of whom don't even know what their best interests are!) but of the UK as a whole, have the integrity and the balls to do the right thing and vote down any EU withdrawal in the REAL interests of their constituents and of maintaining a United Kingdom with a future that embraces, not rejects, a European vision - a move that would enhance the UK's standing in the world rather than rubbishing it as is now happening.

Sadly, I suspect that no such balls exist and, as a consequence, I despair of the sheep-like, self-serving, gutless MP's that we have elected. Keeping their seat in Parliament is so much more important to them than the future they bequeath our children.

Whoever succeeds Cameron, and it looks increasingly like it will be Theresa May, has been handed a poisoned chalice. May has already shown the shallowness of her 'integrity' - campaigning to Remain one day but wooing party backing by offering to wholeheartedly lead 'Brexit' and thereby satisfy her ambition to become PM.

Will she surprise all and have a sudden attack of integrity and the common sense to stop this stupidity going any further, after she is elected? Now THAT would be a first for any politician! Just don't hold your breath!

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Theresa May. MAYBE,?

After my winning the vote to lead this government , I of-course have the task

of pressing the trigger, to begin the exit from Europe. So, as I see the many

problems caused by this poorly explained And planned referendum, ( the most important change to our life, since the end of the Second World War.)

I propose putting to my government, a vote, to re-run this referendum, in order to get a proper mandate from our people. As now they are much more

understanding of the consequences, of exit or stay. With just a minimal win,

of only 75% of our population, with the very big threat of break-up of the U.K.

Not alone Europe, most of the voters, regret the way they voted, I wish to see

the people's mandate carried, either way, only then as your Prime Minister,

Will I be happy to lead this country forward. Whether in or out.

I do not wish to be the for-runner of the break-up of the U.K. Caused

by a poorly run "stay" brigade, and a strongly run "out" brigade. Let us now

have your decision. I ask all to vote. Yes all.


Written by her.?

No, not Theresa, just me, an old fart, now 70, in the autumn of my life, but

Very concerned for the future of my 3 Grand children, they have now, cheap

food, in plenty, life's luxuries , in plenty, all protected by a combined Union

My youth was different, dad worked hard, but little food available, luxuries

were Orange juice, armed borders, no travel. Countries fighting each other.

If you want us "OUT" then let's vote out, by a true majority. This way our

new Prime Minister, can get on doing the normal job, not spend all her time on

splitting up Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

If your with me, share, if not bothered, .........O Dear.

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If May is made PM it is likely to open a whole new can of worms as she is a 'remainer' - and I've no doubt will do her best to say/ensure 'we're not able to get a decent deal - time for another referendum'.....

Maybe you should write an appeal to Boris or Nigel.

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If May is made PM it is likely to open a whole new can of worms as she is a 'remainer' - and I've no doubt will do her best to say/ensure 'we're not able to get a decent deal - time for another referendum'.....

Maybe you should write an appeal to Boris or Nigel.

You mean instigate a 'march' or petition to go against the decision of the referendum?

Not getting your point, unless it is just a general comment without any foundation or purpose - other than trying to support the 'remain' cause.

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If May is made PM it is likely to open a whole new can of worms as she is a 'remainer' - and I've no doubt will do her best to say/ensure 'we're not able to get a decent deal - time for another referendum'.....

Don't worry, she'll outsource the who Brexit negotiation and procedure to G4S advised by all those wonderful accountant/consultants who missed so much and gave such crap advise to business and the public sector.

As soon as clown Cameron went down this path it was never going to end well. Now, things just get worse and worse.

Sad day when the only sensible politician in the UK seems to be Martin McGuiness.

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For what it's worth, May said last week:

"I want to use this opportunity to make several things clear. First, Brexit means Brexit … the public gave their verdict. There must be no attempts to remain inside the EU, no attempts to rejoin it through the backdoor, and no second referendum," she said at a press conference.

Some informed commentators have said that out of a field of almost impossibly bad candidates, May is the least bad.

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Regarding Cameron's place in all of this. It has always been the most abhorrent crime for a Captain to abandon his sinking ship, in particular when others remain on board. Cameron should be treated with the same indignation. We have a Deputy Prime Minister. Kick Cameron out tomorrow. Furthermore, any MP, Minister or PM elected (and PAID for) by the people, who willingly deserts their post should lose all rights to their 'for life' Parliamentary pension which they all get, even after only one term.

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Why not first checked the Parliament in a vote, if there exists a majority for Brexit or not in Parliament?
Should there be no majority for a Brexit, new elections would be the best for all.
Then the parties can clearly formulate their election programs.
Currently this is only chaos, snap shot and haphazardly.

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Regarding Cameron's place in all of this. It has always been the most abhorrent crime for a Captain to abandon his sinking ship, in particular when others remain on board. Cameron should be treated with the same indignation. We have a Deputy Prime Minister. Kick Cameron out tomorrow. Furthermore, any MP, Minister or PM elected (and PAID for) by the people, who willingly deserts their post should lose all rights to their 'for life' Parliamentary pension which they all get, even after only one term.

I think some people on this forum wake up in the morning feeling indignant about one thing or another and stay that way throughout the day, every day. sad.png

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Not sure if the others in the race or the voters have bad memories,

Heres a reminder,, what a useless woman she is!!




And of course this is the woman who has split up famlies in the UK and making it very difficult for us expats to take our non-eu wives to live in uk,,,!

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So far the leadership vote has shown something like this: 60% Pro EU Leader, 40% Anti EU Leader.

The Conservatives in Parliament (who want to stay) know that they are the majority and that a free vote in the Repeal debate will result in it's defeat.
That's what they want.
Unfortunately for them the Conservative Party members in the country are not divided so favourably pro-stay.
After the Parliamentary Party has chosen it's preferred (Pro-Stay) leader it then has to go to the general membership for approval.
"The new Conservative leader will be chosen in a multi-step process, in which Conservative MPs vote initially in a series of ballots in which the candidate receiving least votes is eliminated from the following ballot until only two candidates names go forward to a nationwide ballot of Conservative Party members, who make the final decision."
In order to keep them on board (and get the leader they want) all the pro-stay Parliamentary Conservatives are doing their best to convince the general membership that Brexit will take place according to the "decision" of the public, which is "final" and must be "respected".
The alleged "Order in Council Strategy" (See Oliver Letwins mention of using the "Royal Perogative" to get approval) is part of the deception.
My local Conservative MP, who voted to stay in the "Big Opinion Poll", and is unaware of my preference, responded to my email thus :

Dear Mr ******,

Thank you for writing to me about the outcome of the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union.

As you will know, withdrawing from the European Union will necessitate triggering Article 50. It is important to note that Parliamentary approval is not necessarily required for this (this is a reference to using an Order in Council)- Article 50 is invoked when the Prime Minister writes to the European Council.

However, Parliament would have to be involved with the changes to the European Communities Act.

I can assure you that I entirely accept and respect the outcome of the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union. The country has voted to leave and it is right that Government now respects the democratic will of the people and follows through on this mandate. Leave must mean leave. There must be no attempts to remain inside the EU, no attempts to re-join it through the back door, and no second referendum.

Thank you again for taking the time to write to me.

Kind regards

Oliver Letwins reference to the use of the Royal Perogative demonstrates that someone (Parliament or HM) must "sign off" the mission to Invoke article 50.

HM must be furious at the prospect of being invited to become "political" and to favour 51.9% (at the moment) over 48.9%.
Of course when she refuses to give it assent she will have not made the decision, or favoured one side or the other. She will have just "bounced" it back to Parliament.......... where it belongs........where the pro-stayers want it.
God Bless Her Majesty.
Edited by Enoon
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Yes, she is a cow on her role in making it tough on Brits bringing in their spouses... and people harp on about Farage wanting to curtail people with no connection with Britain flooding in unhindered! Having said that, she is probably the best of a dodgy bunch, for now.

Typical dourness and pessimism here, however. I don't get the doom and gloom. It was always going to be tough at first but Britain still has a massive economy and a 'generally' smart, creative populace able to move the country forward. It does not need the floundering EU to survive -- and ultimately being dragged down by it -- and certainly not people whining on about what should be. Just get over yourselves and get on with it. This is an amazing opportunity.

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As one who campaigned for BREXIT, Leadsom would be a better person to lead the upcoming negotiations, but with the parliamentary conservative party rabidly REMAIN, that was never likely to happen.

I agree but then only three years ago Leadsom was telling us that to leave the EU would be an economic disaster. Now you could take the charitable view that she has undergone as Saul did a Damascene conversion or as most political observers think and which is far more likely, she did a Boris.

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Theresa May meets with Richard Branson after Brexit for 'secret talks'

The business magnate has called for parliament to consider a second referendum over Britain's membership of the EU

My opinion of Branson had gone down hill, if he wants and opinion, maybe he should stop being a tax exile and come back and live in the UK

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Theresa May meets with Richard Branson after Brexit for 'secret talks'

The business magnate has called for parliament to consider a second referendum over Britain's membership of the EU

My opinion of Branson had gone down hill, if he wants and opinion, maybe he should stop being a tax exile and come back and live in the UK

I think you miss the point. Theresa May promised tough negotiations with the EU, but it seems that she has changed camp already, and she hasn't been elected yet.

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Theresa May meets with Richard Branson after Brexit for 'secret talks'

The business magnate has called for parliament to consider a second referendum over Britain's membership of the EU

My opinion of Branson had gone down hill, if he wants and opinion, maybe he should stop being a tax exile and come back and live in the UK

I think you miss the point. Theresa May promised tough negotiations with the EU, but it seems that she has changed camp already, and she hasn't been elected yet.

Wouldnt have expected anything less...they are all lying, cheating, two faced, money grubbing bastards the lot of them

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