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Poll: Most young people dislike GOP's Trump, say he's racist


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This is news?!!!

Only to Cons ervatives who are trying deperatly to believe Trump has a snowballs chance in Hades of beating Clinton.

I wonder what bull they will put up next, and I wonder at stage do you actually start believeing bull? That they themselves dish out.

What Fun biggrin.png

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He's racist. It's really not debatable. He may personally not be a racist, you never know what Trump really is.

Balderdash, pure spin. You have blatantly contradicted yourself once again. If he is a "racist" and it is not debatable, there is no doubt about it. You claim that, "He may personally not be a racist", because you know damn well that he isn't.

If you don't think he is a racist or sexist it is most likely because you yourself are also.

He once said "Let's make the white house the "White House"!"

He also told a female reporter to get a man to ask him a question.

Oh, please tell me how many black friends that you have so it is ok to say/defend racists.

Do you believe that David Duke is open minded?

The fact is that Trump regardless of political view point is extremely offensive and says racist, sexist and narrow minded things too often to be allowed a legitimate seat at the table.

yes, for you over the hill types, you find it refreshing to have someone who isn't "politically correct". What's wrong with being a decent person and saying things politely to people?

Clutching and straws comes to mind.

When was HRC ever a decent person?

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He's racist. It's really not debatable. He may personally not be a racist, you never know what Trump really is.

Balderdash, pure spin. You have blatantly contradicted yourself once again. If he is a "racist" and it is not debatable, there is no doubt about it. You claim that, "He may personally not be a racist", because you know damn well that he isn't.

Of course he is a racist. Everybody knows that.

Go ask a black guy.

Problem with that is that how would you know if the black guy wasn't racist?

In my experience the MOST RACIST people I have met are not white.

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He's racist. It's really not debatable. He may personally not be a racist, you never know what Trump really is.

Balderdash, pure spin. You have blatantly contradicted yourself once again. If he is a "racist" and it is not debatable, there is no doubt about it. You claim that, "He may personally not be a racist", because you know damn well that he isn't.
Of course he is a racist. Everybody knows that.

Go ask a black guy.

Problem with that is that how would you know if the black guy wasn't racist?

In my experience the MOST RACIST people I have met are not white.

Maybe trump is not a racist. Perhaps he just doesn't like black people just like he doesn't like POWs or handicapped or Mexicans or Muslims or women or American Indians or the educated.

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Conservatives hate Hilary. The viscerally loathe her. Just like they loathe Bill and Obama. That is conservative poltics today; HATE. anything liberal. Beyond that they have no ideas or policies. This is not news. What they have to do is convince 10 per cent of the 60 per cent + liberals in the USA that she is the Devil or the antichrist by November, if this does not happen, if they cannot get 10 percent to switch and vote, conservative, Trump is toast.

By the way demonizing Obama in every way possible was a very good strategy. In fact it was the only startegy after Bush jr got us in middle east adventure, and allowed the derugulators to blow up the Financial markets. Good work too ---------------------------.

Unfortunatly all it too was Bush and Obama at the funeral services to remind the nation what a idiot Bush jr was. And by the way was he drunk? With him you just don't know. 8 years of hard work and all it takes is fetal alcohol Bush with a drunk smile dancing an irish jig for it to be tossed under the bus

Trump is toast

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Conservatives hate Hilary. The viscerally loathe her. Just like they loathe Bill and Obama. That is conservative poltics today; HATE. anything liberal. Beyond that they have no ideas or policies. This is not news. What they have to do is convince 10 per cent of the 60 per cent + liberals in the USA that she is the Devil or the antichrist by November, if this does not happen, if they cannot get 10 percent to switch and vote, conservative, Trump is toast.

By the way demonizing Obama in every way possible was a very good strategy. In fact it was the only startegy after Bush jr got us in middle east adventure, and allowed the derugulators to blow up the Financial markets. Good work too ---------------------------.

Unfortunatly all it too was Bush and Obama at the funeral services to remind the nation what a idiot Bush jr was. And by the way was he drunk? With him you just don't know. 8 years of hard work and all it takes is fetal alcohol Bush with a drunk smile dancing an irish jig for it to be tossed under the bus

Trump is toast

Bush the younger is a very, very bad man but it doesn't follow that Trump is also. Other than the brand they have as much in common as you and I. You are disembling to try and connect the two, hoping to tar Trump with the Bush brush.

BTW Obama is in bed with the same scum bankers as Bush was cosy with.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Nixon though was one of the better presidents last century -- even with his lack of morals in many departments.

That's right. He opened up China

One of many things including taking opportunities (with partners) to calm down the Cold War, early arms control treaty SALT, disengaging the US from the Vietnam war (one that they were losing but had problems admitting), to name a few.

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Nixon though was one of the better presidents last century -- even with his lack of morals in many departments.

That's right. He opened up China

One of many things including taking opportunities (with partners) to calm down the Cold War, early arms control treaty SALT, disengaging the US from the Vietnam war (one that they were losing but had problems admitting), to name a few.

You might want to revise that comment on Vietnam. The military had won the fighting war, but it was the politicians that lost the peace. As usual snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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I believe it is accurate to describe him as a racist. Add to that misogynistic, megalomaniacal, ruthless, completely lacking in empathy, compassion, or kindness, physically very ugly, nearly hairless, odorous, greedy, mean spirited, and orange in complexion.

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Anyone who disagrees with their social justice views is a "racist." Fortunately, the young are glued to their phones and vote in low numbers.

While the olds are nearly 6 feet under and understand sh!t to the global diplomacy and politics in general

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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I believe it is accurate to describe him as a racist. Add to that misogynistic, megalomaniacal, ruthless, completely lacking in empathy, compassion, or kindness, physically very ugly, nearly hairless, odorous, greedy, mean spirited, and orange in complexion.

And small hands, do not forget the small hands..

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I believe it is accurate to describe him as a racist. Add to that misogynistic, megalomaniacal, ruthless, completely lacking in empathy, compassion, or kindness, physically very ugly, nearly hairless, odorous, greedy, mean spirited, and orange in complexion.

And small hands, do not forget the small hands..

If I were a betting man, which I am not, I would bet alot of money, that it is small everything. Only a man with such small stuff, could behave in the manner he behaves.

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Conservatives hate Hilary. The viscerally loathe her. Just like they loathe Bill and Obama. That is conservative poltics today; HATE. anything liberal. Beyond that they have no ideas or policies. This is not news. What they have to do is convince 10 per cent of the 60 per cent + liberals in the USA that she is the Devil or the antichrist by November, if this does not happen, if they cannot get 10 percent to switch and vote, conservative, Trump is toast.

By the way demonizing Obama in every way possible was a very good strategy. In fact it was the only startegy after Bush jr got us in middle east adventure, and allowed the derugulators to blow up the Financial markets. Good work too ---------------------------.

Unfortunatly all it too was Bush and Obama at the funeral services to remind the nation what a idiot Bush jr was. And by the way was he drunk? With him you just don't know. 8 years of hard work and all it takes is fetal alcohol Bush with a drunk smile dancing an irish jig for it to be tossed under the bus

Trump is toast

Bush the younger is a very, very bad man but it doesn't follow that Trump is also. Other than the brand they have as much in common as you and I. You are disembling to try and connect the two, hoping to tar Trump with the Bush brush.

BTW Obama is in bed with the same scum bankers as Bush was cosy with.

Bush and Trump have a lot in common. They're both idiots and relied on Daddy for their success.

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