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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' God is greatest before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies and by doing so, you are effectively helping ISIS to 'win'... They must be laughing at how simple it is to manipulate you and many others similarly to push THEIR strategy, you just make it so easy, FOR THEM.

YES get even TOUGHER on ISIS, also immigration checks and rules, step up counter-terrorism efforts, attack ISIS at every opportunity, root them out, expose their networks, BUT DO NOT ASSIST ISIS / play straight into their hands by propagating the blanket fear and division which they want/need YOU to do FOR THEM.

You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies …

Why now you do not think further?

We have already for decades division within societies.

There are many peaceful muslims, no question, but their religious ideology is not compatible with our humanitarian society culture.

Liberty, religious freedom, equality between men and women, separation of church and state, critical thinking in religion questions, etc.

In Europe we have parallel societies for decades.

How many mosques were allowed to built in the last 20 years in europe?

We were still since decades tolerant to muslims, but their religious ideology does not allow them to tolerate us.

That is the core problem.

Most of the "i am not racist but..." don t think they play Daesh game (I m not calling this ISIS or ISIL, Daesh is far more appropriate and derogatory)

they are too short minded to see this, that s why they also mostly support Trump, far right, gun ownership and all this sh!t....and play exactly the way Daesh want them to play

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Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

How many Chechen, African, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino Muslims do you know? Maybe you should stop watching TV and get out more or take off the PC race prism glasses and think a little harder.

MissAndry probably just think brown=muslim=bad... Daesh is thanking her for helping them in their cause.

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Human's time on this planet is far overdue.

They are the most idiotic result of evolution, because they have a "developed" brain, my a*rse.

Please don't tar us all with the same brush. Some of us have evolved beyond our bronze age ancestors who, in their ignorance, sought to explain the world they lived in through some god of some type.

Unfortunately the majority have not progressed beyond this way of thinking.

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There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the World today, most are peaceful of course. But reading some of these posts you would think that they are haters of everyone and hellbent of seeing the destruction of everyone who is not a Muslim.

So, as people are suggesting here the best solution is to shut boarders (like trump), well what then, coral 1.6 billion onto an Island and say "you can only travel if you behave". Completely ridiculous.

85% of the World have faint in some religion or another and I don't know why there are so many bigots on this forum but you cannot suppress peoples will to believe what they chose to believe. It will never work, not ever.

The solution to these problems is complicated and will be solved by smarter people then us, but what I am sure about is the solutionwon't involve mass bigotry and racism towards anyone.

Finally, it seems many lost their lives in what looks like a completely senseless attack. It's so very sad to see it and we can only hope that somehow someone will find a peaceful solution to this in our lifetimes..

Regressive left and social-justice warrior clap-trap. And FYI...Muslim/Islam is not a race.

Oh pardon me Religious group, better?

The rest is just silly, if you've got nothing to say then say nothing.

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Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

Open your eyes, there are plenty of white muslims.

Mainly converts, but muslim never-the-less.

And l have no problem accepting non white Christians, there are plenty of those also.

l'm with Laughing Gravy, its not a question of race, but of mentality.

Muslim are so racist: in Malaysia that they elected a Protestant for their Capital city!

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There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the World today, most are peaceful of course. But reading some of these posts you would think that they are haters of everyone and hellbent of seeing the destruction of everyone who is not a Muslim.

So, as people are suggesting here the best solution is to shut boarders (like trump), well what then, coral 1.6 billion onto an Island and say "you can only travel if you behave". Completely ridiculous.

85% of the World have faint in some religion or another and I don't know why there are so many bigots on this forum but you cannot suppress peoples will to believe what they chose to believe. It will never work, not ever.

The solution to these problems is complicated and will be solved by smarter people then us, but what I am sure about is the solutionwon't involve mass bigotry and racism towards anyone.

Finally, it seems many lost their lives in what looks like a completely senseless attack. It's so very sad to see it and we can only hope that somehow someone will find a peaceful solution to this in our lifetimes..

Nothing to do with 'hate' nobody I hope hates Muslims, but it's not really about them but the ideology they are victims of as well. Islam is a divisive, expansionist vengeful hate cult and it needs to be dealt with and soon. That fact that 1.6 million people follow a religion like this started by a child abuser and murderer just shows you how stupid humanity can be.

The children lovers are Christian in majority! they love them very very much.... So all christian should condemn and excuse themselves !

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PARIS (AP) - France declares three days of national mourning after attack in Nice.

How about a 3 day campaign to round-up and deport all undocumented Muslim immigrants, migrants, and refugees...likely more useful in preventing future atrocities.

You don't learn do you?

The guy was FRENCH!

Some words I will not write come to me when I think about your evident lack of brain!

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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

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When I see this sort of thing I often think what the end game will be and for the life of me, I can't see one.

Every few months, boom! Over and over as long as there are radicalized Muslims in our midst. How do you weed out these people? Impossible, 99% of the time they just carry on as normal immigrants. Then one day something makes them angry enough to do something like this.

You heard the generals - need to deploy more NATO troops in the eastern Europe against "Russian Threats"

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WOW. This will never end. RIP to the deceased. sad.png

Yes RIP to the deceased, but no it won't end for a while yet, we let in millions of people just recently and I but money on some of them being terrorists. The sad think is the EU will not learn from all this and close its doors

Closing the doors and sending all back that entered during the last ten years.

And then start sending those back that have an EU-passport and a passport from one of the islamic states, after removing the EU passport.

That will do the trick.

Anything else, not enough.

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Immigration needs to evolve with the realities of the times we live in…this isn't Ellis Island….give me your tired, your hopeless…doesn't apply any more.

The people doing this in Europe are not tourists…they are muslim immigrants or children of long time muslim immigrants.

Trump is right…this thing needs to be shut down for a while till some sort of plan can be drawn up.

Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

You need to come up with a better plan than a reality TV Trump plan.

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Trump's plan makes sense.

Liberals will fight such measures tooth and nail, till there are not enough liberals left to influence policy. By this time Trumps proposals of 2016 will seem liberal compared to the actions I fear will be taken.

And those actions are?

I have not seen one decent suggestion from any of you right wing bigots all I have seen is "throw them out", "shut the doors", "remove the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth", "separate them from everyone else". Generally blame a whole religious group of 1.6 billion people for the problems in the World today, not the actions of extremists or nut cases, and heaven forbid you ever look at how the West might be exacerbating the situation. nope, your thinking stops at "kill the bas*ards" and anyone who doesn't agree is a left wing liberal who will let the end of the world happen.

Did you ever read about WW2?

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PARIS (AP) - France declares three days of national mourning after attack in Nice.

How about a 3 day campaign to round-up and deport all undocumented Muslim immigrants, migrants, and refugees...likely more useful in preventing future atrocities.

You don't learn do you?

The guy was FRENCH!

Some words I will not write come to me when I think about your evident lack of brain!

He was born in France, hence his French passport.

But as it is, he also had the nationality of his country of origin.

By his deeds he showed he hates the French.

So he is not French.

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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

Persecution of Christians didn't help the ancient Rome. Instead of cultural suppression, European governments need to develop own effective counter-terrorism intelligence and reduce dependent from the USA-NATO umbrella.

Edited by istinspring
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WOW. This will never end. RIP to the deceased. sad.png

Yes RIP to the deceased, but no it won't end for a while yet, we let in millions of people just recently and I but money on some of them being terrorists. The sad think is the EU will not learn from all this and close its doors

Closing the doors and sending all back that entered during the last ten years.

And then start sending those back that have an EU-passport and a passport from one of the islamic states, after removing the EU passport.

That will do the trick.

Anything else, not enough.

So, all the Muslims that have been in the EU for over 10 years are safe? They can stay?

And this will achieve what exactly? The end of terrorism? And what if the people who are allowed to stay have babies and the Muslim community grows, is that ok then? Because you know all the extremists are all new arrivals right? And the joint passport holders that have family back home but have lived in the EU for more then 10 years, or even for their entire lives, send them back as well?

Do you know how absurd this all sounds?

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Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

How many Chechen, African, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino Muslims do you know? Maybe you should stop watching TV and get out more or take off the PC race prism glasses and think a little harder.

MissAndry probably just think brown=muslim=bad... Daesh is thanking her for helping them in their cause.

Well, I can't claim to love people who would like me to be owned by a man, not drive a car, have no rights of any kind, wear a Burka and only be allowed out in the company of male family members.

It's OK for you, all they want you to do is grow a beard and get up a bit earlier in the morning.

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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

For crying out loud fella.. It's PEOPLE doing these terrible things, religion is a belief or faith in some higher creator. They are not going to stop just because you don't build them anymore mosques. The answer is not trying to wipe religion off the face of the earth, you cannot re educate 85% of the World just because you think differently. (have you seen the film V) I have said before we will all just find something else to fight about, we already fight about a million other things.

I think you should change you name to "EYES FIRMLY CLOSED"

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Well, what will be the insipid response this time? More unity parades? A new internet meme? More hugging and saccharine hashtags? And whatever will people put on their FB photos this time?

I guess a bunch of "i am Nice" thsirts and that's about it. Up for the next one.

Where is the next attack going to be, Marseilles or maybe another one in Paris?

We all know who is behind all terror attacks in the world but media (who is controlled by politicians) don't allow us to condemn the religious group behind the attacks.

Just let dem keep on killing us until we are all dead.

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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

For crying out loud fella.. It's PEOPLE doing these terrible things, religion is a belief or faith in some higher creator. They are not going to stop just because you don't build them anymore mosques. The answer is not trying to wipe religion off the face of the earth, you cannot re educate 85% of the World just because you think differently. (have you seen the film V) I have said before we will all just find something else to fight about, we already fight about a million other things.

I think you should change you name to "EYES FIRMLY CLOSED"

If all religions were banned, the world would be a much safer and peaceful place. All gods suck and so do their stupid followers!

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No need to kill any nice fluffy by standing Muslims. Just start closing down radical Mosques, arrest hate preachers and prison or deportation, stop sharia courts, no divisive burka two finger wearing in public, close brainwashing Islamic Schools and go after terrorist web site owners. Time to say sorry but human rights are suspended until further notice.

Edited by thai3
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No need to kill any nice fluffy by standing Muslims. Just start closing down radical Mosques, arrest hate preachers and prison or deportation, stop sharia courts, no divisive burka two finger wearing in public, close brainwashing Islamic Schools and go after terrorist web site owners. Time to say sorry but human rights are suspended until further notice.

Judging by the sarcastic opening comment I am not sure how serious to take the rest of your points.

However, most of the other points are already being done are they not? So, what's new in your suggestion?

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Before all you truck haters go getting off, remember: people kill people not trucks. Should we limit the size of trucks, reduce fuel capacity, more in depth background checks on truck drivers... just what is the solution? Will France allow truck ownership to carry on this way?

Well said! It's not the truck or the fuel it was the pedophile follower that pushed his foot down and drove into the crowd...
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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

For crying out loud fella.. It's PEOPLE doing these terrible things, religion is a belief or faith in some higher creator. They are not going to stop just because you don't build them anymore mosques. The answer is not trying to wipe religion off the face of the earth, you cannot re educate 85% of the World just because you think differently. (have you seen the film V) I have said before we will all just find something else to fight about, we already fight about a million other things.

I think you should change you name to "EYES FIRMLY CLOSED"

This is wrong in my view.

A newborn baby hates no one.

Then the peaceful brain is filled by parents, teachers, media, priests, evil religious books and you have that suicide bomber.

Why it is not allowed to criticize islam?

Those who criticize the islam in public, or leaves the islamic brotherhood, or draws cartoons about it, risking there lifes.

Why tolerate the intolerance longer?

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GAZZPA, on 15 Jul 2016 - 18:09, said:


EyesWideOpen, on 15 Jul 2016 - 17:54, said:snapback.png

GAZZPA, on 15 Jul 2016 - 16:45, said:snapback.png

EyesWideOpen, on 15 Jul 2016 - 16:41, said:snapback.png

Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

For crying out loud fella.. It's PEOPLE doing these terrible things, religion is a belief or faith in some higher creator. They are not going to stop just because you don't build them anymore mosques. The answer is not trying to wipe religion off the face of the earth, you cannot re educate 85% of the World just because you think differently. (have you seen the film V) I have said before we will all just find something else to fight about, we already fight about a million other things.

I think you should change you name to "EYES FIRMLY CLOSED"

If all religions were banned, the world would be a much safer and peaceful place. All gods suck and so do their stupid followers!

Ridiculous, people do not need religion to fight and it is not going away. I see no real point in responding to this with anything remotely sensible, there is just no point.

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The point is that once you have a massive Muslim presence in your country, there is nothing you can do, apart from appease, or create a police state (which kinda defeats the object), or just accept you gonna have civilian casualties from time to time. OK, I agree, the overwhelming majority of Muslims are good people who just want to get on with their lives, but this just ain't good enough anymore. They need to be proactive, outing the potential Jihadists, and making it socially unacceptable within their own community.

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No need to kill any nice fluffy by standing Muslims. Just start closing down radical Mosques, arrest hate preachers and prison or deportation, stop sharia courts, no divisive burka two finger wearing in public, close brainwashing Islamic Schools and go after terrorist web site owners. Time to say sorry but human rights are suspended until further notice.

Judging by the sarcastic opening comment I am not sure how serious to take the rest of your points.

However, most of the other points are already being done are they not? So, what's new in your suggestion?

Where has any of it been done apart from banning the burka in one or two countries?

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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

Persecution of Christians didn't help the ancient Rome. Instead of cultural suppression, European governments need to develop own effective counter-terrorism intelligence and reduce dependent from the USA-NATO umbrella.

Terror can only be answered by terror.

But then a hundred times worse.

Within a day, not wait.

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Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

Persecution of Christians didn't help the ancient Rome. Instead of cultural suppression, European governments need to develop own effective counter-terrorism intelligence and reduce dependent from the USA-NATO umbrella.

History isn't your strong point, is it?

From the rise of the Roman republic, through the times of the empire, till the fall of Byzantium, we see "Romans" holding sway over a huge portion of the world... For a period spanning 2000 years

During that time," Rome" persecuted everyone and everything which was not "Roman" including a few Christians.... And through this vigorous suppression and persecution, an empire and way of life, lasted two millennia.

So.... It did kind of work.

And then, with typical Roman ingenuity, they adapted minority religions, reforming them into what we now term Christianity (it's often called the Roman Catholic Church for a reason)

Hell, they even stole Easter from the Anglo Saxon celebration of the goddess Eoster... (And you thought it was about christs death, didn't you?).... Such tactics were common in subduing rebels tribes and barbarians... And these tactics have resulted in who we are today.

Those that resisted, were slaughtered by the legions... End of... Unless you want to equate the development of a European counter terrorism organization to the aforementioned legions... Now that sort of suppression may once again work.

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Lahouaiej Bouhlel is from Nice and of Tunisian origin, according to local media. Police raided his flat, where he reportedly lived alone, in the Abattoirs area of the city on Friday morning. According to Tunisian radio station Jawahara FM, Lahouaiej Bouhlel hailed from the Tunisian town of Msaken, which is close to the seaside city of Sousse, where 38 people, including 30 Britons, were gunned down by terrorists in June 2015.

This seems like a wordy way to say he was, yes, an immigrant. This, for sure, was one guy, who, had he been kept out, would mean 84 dead people would still be living today.

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