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Thai sex industry under fire from tourism minister, police


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May as well close the airport then.

Or put a kid's play area in each gate area for all the families that will start visiting once the sex tourists move on to greener pastures.

Edit: I have nothing against the exchange of money for sex. But I do think that it's a poor way to draw tourists, and pretty much mutually exclusive. If sex is the draw and it's in your face, the majority of potential visitors will stay away. I'd make the same contention about the free flow of booze. The type of tourist you'll draw and the atmosphere they create will repel the majority of potential tourists.

Edited by impulse
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The minister has no idea. Get rid of the seedy side of Thailand and people will go elsewhere. People on holiday are looking for a contrast from the daily normality of life.

And there is nothing normal about Thailand!

Just think about all the Black money that this source of income brings to the country... The GDP would surely drop more than 10%. Trust me...

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I can't say much about Pattaya, having never set foot in the place. I'm sure I'm just one of many deterred from visiting by its reputation as a den of sex tourism.

Perhaps if they cleaned the place up, more people would visit. It would be a good thing for the Thai tourism industry to have a pleasant, family friendly seaside resort a short drive from Bangkok.

Remember that even on this forum, some still have their vital functions in working order...


Not sure what you're getting at here.

If they kicked out all the gogo and beer bars Pattaya would like even worse than it does now. The only reason to visit that rubble heap is the sex industry If that was taken away a good portion of everybody's favorite restaurants would die. They would pretty much have to bulldoze Pattaya and start over if they got rid of the current offerings.

Pattaya would become much less attractive with loads of empty bars and former gogos and you will find the selection of restaurants would shrink. So if you want less options of things to see and do eliminating the sex industry is a good way to achieve that. What bars remain will raise their prices. Not because they are stupid and greedy but because there would be no choice. There would be that many fewer customers and lowering prices wouldn't lure customers in who don't exist. Prices would have to go up to pay staff and rents.

All the backroom Thai style places with little girls chained to the bed in a broom closet would all be business as usual anyway. So the question to me is getting rid of the gogo bars and beer bars would accomplish exactly what? Thailand is synonymous with it's night life and people that deny this must be living on another planet.

I think even the families I see in Thailand at least walk through the red light areas because they are visually interesting places. They also have much more to offer than just sex. So almost every single business catering to tourists that is on the edge of these areas would suffer immensely. Ghost towns can be interesting places to take photos of as well but red light districts make a bit more money.

I get the feeling that some of the more enthusiastic proponents of razing the red lights districts to the ground here, are simply this way because it would annoy others. The mere title of this thread is a delight as they can seize their chance to come in and take shots at everybody and look down from their puritanical soapbox on all of the sinners.

I don't think anybody thinks this idea would be beneficial to Thailand's economy and most discussions seem to center about how much would Thailand lose?

The red light areas are pretty contained and if you don't like them or the type of person that goes there easily avoided. Your average tourist to Thailand isn't bothered by these places. Why kill the goose that laid the golden egg for no apparent reason? The only answer I can think of to that question is, that for some their high sense of morals get in the way of clear judgement and is contrary to the fun of Thailand that is "live and let live."

I didn't care for people imposing their morality upon my back home and don't think it is called for here.

Agreed, One just have to have to ask a normal tourist to try to cross the main road and in case he survives one can ask him about the laidback feeling of the place.

As someone who loves music , i found 95% of them appalling. Compared to the guys in the Philippines who genuinely love music and have great bands ( they understand what the lyrics mean also )

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May as well close the airport then.

Or put a kid's play area in each gate area for all the families that will start visiting once the sex tourists move on to greener pastures.

Edit: I have nothing against the exchange of money for sex. But I do think that it's a poor way to draw tourists, and pretty much mutually exclusive. If sex is the draw and it's in your face, the majority of potential visitors will stay away. I'd make the same contention about the free flow of booze. The type of tourist you'll draw and the atmosphere they create will repel the majority of potential tourists.

It's obvious when you look at the statistics. Take the UK as an example - most estimates are that only 10% of UK men at the most have ever paid for sex. Which means that 90% are not interested in sex tourism. Better to cater to that majority than the niche market, surely?

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May as well close the airport then.

Or put a kid's play area in each gate area for all the families that will start visiting once the sex tourists move on to greener pastures.

Edit: I have nothing against the exchange of money for sex. But I do think that it's a poor way to draw tourists, and pretty much mutually exclusive. If sex is the draw and it's in your face, the majority of potential visitors will stay away. I'd make the same contention about the free flow of booze. The type of tourist you'll draw and the atmosphere they create will repel the majority of potential tourists.

Theyll never leave. Its too cheap and they can fullfill all their fantasies with 2 at a time for less than $60

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Drug dealing probably pays a lot better than factory work, too.

Shall we just let people do that if they want?

Drug dealing is illegal. Dancing in a gogo bar and providing massages are legal.

But prostitution, brothels, blow job bars, happy ending massage and pimping are all illegal

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Is the Minister of Sports and Tourism Ms Kobkarn Wattanavrankul also on the anti-alcohol lobby too?

It seems odd enough that Sports and Tourism is under the same ministry, unless we have "alternative" sporting activities to account for like: Bat-less Ping-Pong, Your Own Foot Shooting, Olympic Hide The Sausage, Horizontal Hurdling and Wardrobe Diving.


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As ever, many people vastly overestimate the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.

As ever, the government Minister vastly underestimates the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.
I'm guessing she's probably a little better informed on the subject than you are.

I'm guessing she's actually probably not that objectively informed on the subject and aware of the economic realities at all.

This oughta' be interesting. There might come a classically ill thought-out crackdown on foreigners - certainly those are always welcome as they help satisfy that growing xenophobic thirst - but she'll never be able to touch domestic/local prostitution. Thai menfolk are probably in for a feeding frenzy.

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Catering for dirty old men isn't really applicable in the 21st century. I must admit picturing a young pretty Thai lady barely 20 years old, with a drooling fart, old enough to be her grandfather is quite repulsive. In EU this would be considered unacceptable. Regretfully, Thailand does seemingly attract the dregs of society .. the sex tourists, perverts, and criminals. Most come after failing to attract a woman in their home country, (which is not surprising). So they come to LOS, as looks/age don't matter, so long as you have a fat bank account. I have witnessed 60 year-old men acting like a 21 year-old, which just looks ridiculous. Would be nice if Thailand cleaned-up it's act. The bars, and whore-houses were catering for the US service men at the time of the Vietnam war, well those days are gone. Time to clean-up the image of the country that is for sure.

Wow, a real live-and-let-live type of guy!

A perfect example of the kind nanny-state, judgemental thinking so many are trying to escape from in Farangastan.

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Catering for dirty old men isn't really applicable in the 21st century. I must admit picturing a young pretty Thai lady barely 20 years old, with a drooling fart, old enough to be her grandfather is quite repulsive. In EU this would be considered unacceptable. Regretfully, Thailand does seemingly attract the dregs of society .. the sex tourists, perverts, and criminals. Most come after failing to attract a woman in their home country, (which is not surprising). So they come to LOS, as looks/age don't matter, so long as you have a fat bank account. I have witnessed 60 year-old men acting like a 21 year-old, which just looks ridiculous. Would be nice if Thailand cleaned-up it's act. The bars, and whore-houses were catering for the US service men at the time of the Vietnam war, well those days are gone. Time to clean-up the image of the country that is for sure.

So, according to you, prostitution in Thailand is primarily due to sex tourists rather than local Thai men? Ok - let's consider that. Let's have a look at your sources. (You DO have sources?)

Edited by hawker9000
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Drug dealing probably pays a lot better than factory work, too.

Shall we just let people do that if they want?

Drug dealing is illegal. Dancing in a gogo bar and providing massages are legal.

But prostitution, brothels, blow job bars, happy ending massage and pimping are all illegal

Prostitution is regulated, not illegal.

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Sorry boys , but I don't think one of you would want to see your sister, daughter, girlfriend on the streets ? I have no answers to this huge problem, and I think it's all a bit too late anyway to do much about it. If there had been an obligation to educate Thai kids in school , they in turn , would have their children educated. This not being the case has thrown millions of kids into brothels and bars, and turned young men into thugs, transvestism and violence. It's evidence can be seen every day on the streets of all tourist Venus, cities, and is now hitting the smaller quieter towns of the north. We've all seen the nice girl from reception, or at the 7/11 ending up selling herself for money she never dreamed of making. It's all about money nowadays. The girls all want to shop in the fancy stores and buy the latest fashion bags, which she / he will never earning normal wages. The manicure shop I use once a month is full to the top of these young Thai girls, having manicures and pedicures , extensions and all the rest, spending 1500 baht in an hour or two ! I do not mean, as some will say, I have this right and they don't !!! Just that in one busy shop doing hundreds of girls a day, 90 per cent are street/ bar girls. Have a look in any mall ! The boys/ men want the same, clothes, cars and big bikes, money to drink and smoke. So, what can the government do about all this, I have no answer.

Only a small part of this problem is about education. When you invest four years of your life for a degree, and graduate with the ability to only increase your wages by 3,000-5,000 baht per month, something is wrong. It is the elite, the government, and perhaps the Japanese manufacturers (there are over 7,000 Japanese companies working in Thailand today) who have insisted that wages be kept artificially low, for all of this time, and done little to improve the lot of the workers. It creates a difficult situation for the average Thai. Work 60 hours a week, or longer, for 8,000 to 12,000 baht per month. Get a four year degree, and hopefully you can increase your pay to 15,000 per month, and perhaps work 5-10 hours per week less. Not what I would describe as an amazing choice.

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Yes I am sure the girls in the bars making serious money,

will be so happy to work in a factory making 10,000 baht

a month. But I guess no more marriages to farangs ,

as I am pretty sure the factory life would make it difficult

to meet Mr. Right...

Only an idiot marries a tart from a bar, most meet on the internet these days anyway

So where did you come from Thai3 that you are so much better then the "tarts of the bars" ?

What Thai3 is not considering is that quite a few of those tarts are on these "hook up" sites.

If in fact the government pulls off what they want to eventually do and change the landscape then these sites will explode. Time to invest in more servers..

Edited by Friendly Stranger
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Good luck to her, it's an industry riddled with crime, disease, drugs and despair. The country might start to be a decent place with less of it, although you cannot get rid of it completely, filth is best swept away as much as possible.

Good luck to her, it's an industry riddled with crime, disease, drugs and despair."

Nice sentiments, but do away with the "industry" and watch crime, disease, drugs and despair double. Vast numbers of people in the "industry" have made better lives, many have found life partners and some happiness. There will always be "casualties" and it is they that the government must help.

Do away with this "industry" and watch tourism numbers plummet. If Minister Kobkarn thinks all people come here for the warm and fuzzy feeling of being in Amazing Thailand with its pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, magnificent ancient temples and unique foods, she is in serious denial of reality.

Remove the "night life" from Pattaya and Bangkok and other tourist areas and watch the streets empty and the public outcry. Tens of thousands of people not actually engaged in the "industry" actually make a living selling food, souvenirs,hotel rooms and other peripheral things.

The Minister needs another look at the major ramifications of this so-called plan. I didn't even mention that three letter word.

Who would even consider finding a life partner in a dirty prostitute

They're people. Calling them dirty is a bit unpleasant.

What I don't get is who would consider a life partner from a completely different generation who they barely even have a language in common with, let alone interests, hopes, dreams etc.

Because generally the expats who get involved with, I am really searching for a way to say this, a partner! that they have no conversation with, no emotional relationship with probably can't handle a real relationship in Thailand or anywhere else.

To get back to the original topic, I have been travelling the world since 1968. At times I craved 'company' and availed myself of the local offerings. I call it physical release. At no time did I ever feel the need to form any kind of relationship with the other business partner in the deal.

I am still unsure if Thailand can sooner rather than later shake of the tag that it has. If it can do then it will have absolutely no effect on the income from the tourist industry. It will take some time and I wouldn't be prepared to guess how long it would take.

The 'sex industry' exists in every country in the world basically because there is a need for it, a point that whether you agree or not exists. Might get an argument from Queen Victoria and John Brown on that one.

Eventually it will change but, as the old expression goes everything changes but things will stay the same.

I don't agree that clearing the very apparent 'industry' in Thailand will drive it underground therefore make it more corrupt or dangerous is a really valid point, how much more corrupt and dangerous could it be?

I could go on longer if I hadn't had so much single malt. biggrin.png

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Funny that a news story about sex has more posts than anything else, 15 pages of posts, in just 9 hours.. hahaha

Seems everyone is interested in sex, one way or another !!! tongue.png

Like they say, "Thailand, 'without' the sex is just another third world country."

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Sorry boys , but I don't think one of you would want to see your sister, daughter, girlfriend on the streets ? I have no answers to this huge problem, and I think it's all a bit too late anyway to do much about it. If there had been an obligation to educate Thai kids in school , they in turn , would have their children educated. This not being the case has thrown millions of kids into brothels and bars, and turned young men into thugs, transvestism and violence. It's evidence can be seen every day on the streets of all tourist Venus, cities, and is now hitting the smaller quieter towns of the north. We've all seen the nice girl from reception, or at the 7/11 ending up selling herself for money she never dreamed of making. It's all about money nowadays. The girls all want to shop in the fancy stores and buy the latest fashion bags, which she / he will never earning normal wages. The manicure shop I use once a month is full to the top of these young Thai girls, having manicures and pedicures , extensions and all the rest, spending 1500 baht in an hour or two ! I do not mean, as some will say, I have this right and they don't !!! Just that in one busy shop doing hundreds of girls a day, 90 per cent are street/ bar girls. Have a look in any mall ! The boys/ men want the same, clothes, cars and big bikes, money to drink and smoke. So, what can the government do about all this, I have no answer.

Only a small part of this problem is about education. When you invest four years of your life for a degree, and graduate with the ability to only increase your wages by 3,000-5,000 baht per month, something is wrong. It is the elite, the government, and perhaps the Japanese manufacturers (there are over 7,000 Japanese companies working in Thailand today) who have insisted that wages be kept artificially low, for all of this time, and done little to improve the lot of the workers. It creates a difficult situation for the average Thai. Work 60 hours a week, or longer, for 8,000 to 12,000 baht per month. Get a four year degree, and hopefully you can increase your pay to 15,000 per month, and perhaps work 5-10 hours per week less. Not what I would describe as an amazing choice.

And a girl on the street or bar can earn at least 1,000B a night, and I have heard some sexy attractive ones can earn a months factory workers wage in a night !! with 7 or 8 short time tricks... . I know one very attractive girl that wants 5,000B for the night, 2 nights work and she made a months wage, plus got a few lady drinks and probably a meal too... Then they can sleep all day.... If I was a girl , I know what I'd be doing.. hehe.

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Watch the GDP plunge 30-60%. gigglem.gif

How can you say that when all of tourism is only about 10%???

You guys need to get out of the tourist areas more, Thailand has a large industrial sector and exports products worldwide!!

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Funny that a news story about sex has more posts than anything else, 15 pages of posts, in just 9 hours.. hahaha

Seems everyone is interested in sex, one way or another !!! tongue.png

Like they say, "Thailand, 'without' the sex is just another third world country."

You don't have to go far to get sex in the Phillipines, Cambodia or Vietnam !!!!

When girls can make a heap more money from sex than working 12 hours a day in some sweat factory, there will always be plenty that will ...

A lot of girls love that life, drinking, playing games, meeting guys,, why would they not enjoy that ? as men like meeting girls and doing the same..

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