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Tasteless Poison Fruit & Veg,


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Are you fed up of buying carots the size of cucumbers,potatos & melons the size of footballs ect off the local market? me too,we use the Kings farm shop in Udon Thani as mush as possible,im pretty sure all the fruit & veg are organic, the carotts are small finger sized,the tates are excellent,the fruit is real tasty.

Ok, its more expensive, but there is normally about 50 people waiting for the new delivery,these are other shopkeepers who make a big mark-up on the prices after buying in bulk. [wish they sold meat!]

Anyway,it seems though people do appreciate healthy natural food.

Since i gave up all proccessed food 6 months ago, i feel a better person, tinned ,packet,hydrogenated oils,stopped all that crap!

Im not trying to convert anybody,but the following link does make a good read, its long,so scroll down to find the section that interests you,


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hi lickey.

i agree with you, we try to grow most of our own, we have growing carrots off to a tee now,

dont buy potatoes, we grow sweet potatoes, i think they taist better,

we manage to grow most ourselfs,

pork our own

chicken our own

duck our own,

eggs our own,

i do buy rice,,lol

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hi lickey.

i agree with you, we try to grow most of our own, we have growing carrots off to a tee now,

dont buy potatoes, we grow sweet potatoes, i think they taist better,

we manage to grow most ourselfs,

pork our own

chicken our own

duck our own,

eggs our own,

i do buy rice,,lol

Well done Jake, since i had to give up the farm,health and family reasons, we only have a 10metre sq backgarden at our town house,in which we have limes,chillis,ginger tumeric galangol & garlic,all natural and good.

What made me post this is the overuse of chemicals here, i had made some muck heaps with food waste and rice husks,it was full of worms and steaming,this was dug into 10 raised salad beds,growing onions,carrots,garlic cucumber potatos and other herbs & spices, all was growing well,

One weekend we decided to go away for a break,Mrs asked if i had a job for Mr poo,our farm oddjob man, i said yes, he can weed the salad beds,iwent to look on our return, everything was dead,he h ad sprayed the lot with some weedkiller,glsophate roundup or similar,nothing grew for near 6/8 months after.

I Think soon after this i started the topic Farmers Sob Stories, it might be in the archives somewhere and was very popular at the time,

Cheers, lickey..

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hi lickey.

i agree with you, we try to grow most of our own, we have growing carrots off to a tee now,

dont buy potatoes, we grow sweet potatoes, i think they taist better,

we manage to grow most ourselfs,

pork our own

chicken our own

duck our own,

eggs our own,

i do buy rice,,lol

Well done Jake, since i had to give up the farm,health and family reasons, we only have a 10metre sq backgarden at our town house,in which we have limes,chillis,ginger tumeric galangol & garlic,all natural and good.

What made me post this is the overuse of chemicals here, i had made some muck heaps with food waste and rice husks,it was full of worms and steaming,this was dug into 10 raised salad beds,growing onions,carrots,garlic cucumber potatos and other herbs & spices, all was growing well,

One weekend we decided to go away for a break,Mrs asked if i had a job for Mr poo,our farm oddjob man, i said yes, he can weed the salad beds,iwent to look on our return, everything was dead,he h ad sprayed the lot with some weedkiller,glsophate roundup or similar,nothing grew for near 6/8 months after.

I Think soon after this i started the topic Farmers Sob Stories, it might be in the archives somewhere and was very popular at the time,

Cheers, lickey..

Down on the farm rings a bell.thumbsup.gif

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A lot of food in Thailand is tasteless, eggs, chicken,tomatoes ,farmed fish, off the top of my head

Agreed Donny, the flavours of real food are disguised with spices, also the age of them, even so, natural foods l ike meat are full of antibiotics to make them grow quick.

im afraid us town dwellers cant do much about this, PigeonJake seems to have it sorted though.. top blokeclap2.gif

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hi lickey,

im just glad your still about mate, i hadnt heard from you in a long time or seen you on here,

i must admit when i go and kill a couple of our cockerals they dont look as good as the chicken in tesco all trusted up nice,but ours sure does taist a lot better, if there older ones they go in the curries, if nice and young ones for all other dishes,

our pork, well i know what they have been eating we sell 30 ish a month when we chop them up i allways keep the loin for us we must have 30 loins in the freezer,

our pigs do get baged feed as i buy it straight from the mill now, but they also get veg, tomatoes, sweet potato, corn, they get what ever is ready to eat for us and them,

i was even thinking of doing a couple just for me and giving them plenty of malasis to see if it made them sweet, i give them all a bit of malasis as a treat i soak cork in malasis water for a few days,take it out put it on card board cover it over and it starts to sprout they go mad for it, i used to give my racing pigeons in england sprouted barley very good for them, so i thought well the pigs can have just about the same but with corn,

take eggs, our duck eggs are the best eggs ive ever had, ( they get the sprouted corn too), they have a run of about a quarter of a rai, they do have pellets but they also get ram mixed with malasis, they too get veg and they eat what they want to find themselfs, you want to see them jumping about getting them flys when its rained, you know the ones that just apear in there millions, they love them, but as i say there eggs, wow,

we have 3 typs of duck, karkie for eggs, peking for egg amd meat, and moskovies for eating and sitting the others eggs,

im glad your ok lickey, i used to love reading your writings years ago,

take care old pal

jake,, busy earning a bit extra in scotland, yes i still go away now and again,,lol

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Blimey Jake, sounds like you are more or less self-sufficient, just the beer & Scotch to go!!,

The reason stated this thread was that the cassava planting season has begun and seeing the pick-ups with 20 bags of chemicals going past our place made me think farming hasnt changed much in the last 10 years,It was in my 3rd year of farming i decided to go organic, and sell all our stuff at the house rather than by bulk, bananas,papaya,tamarind were best sellers, then i got sick,i dont know if it was inhaling Bat shit dust that gave me a lung abbcess,endema ect,but a possibility i supose?

So nowadays i try for a healthy diet, i dont really trust the market meats but dont have much choice,and i love pork fillett!!! its 75bht about half kilo here, Ive gone off pork mince since reading there could be Borax in it. so i always use the food blender and make my own for burghers,sausages,sheperds pie ect.

Jake, perhaps you remember [it might have been in the Organic forum] i described how my dad would move the free range chicken run to another part of our 1 acre garden in Silly Suffolk,the ground would be bare,no weeds,just chicken shit ect all over, the house straw would be spead over the ground and dug in, left for a month of so then planted with potatos and various other veg,they were the best taters ever, just a plateful with a bit of butter and chopped spring onion,mmmm. Just an idea Jake, you might like to try a chicken "tractor" in your run..

The duck eggs you mention,i bought some by mistake a few years ago,the shell was a lot harder than chicken and a bit more money, i must buy some more to see if the yolks have the same golden yellow colour as my dads chickens did, they never got any bought meal, just house scraps and worms from the ground.otherwise the local egg yolk are near the same colour as the white, useless for health!!.

OK Jake, good to catch up again,its been a long time, keep well mate..

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