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2 shot dead after taking hostages in Normandy church

Jonathan Fairfield

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This is all getting out of hand. Not ALL are jihadist related, but most are. I don't think that kid in Munich was, Ft Myers nightclub wasn't

Are you sure about that? The murderer was a Muslim and he was at a mosque on Friday, the day before the massacre, for evening prayers.

Whoops. Sorry, I got confused with the gay nightclub, mass murder in Orlando. There are so many these days. wai.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The media are doing their level best to find new ways of avoiding saying that these are Muslim attacks, deflect the reality by suggesting that if there is no straight link to Isis then they are not "real card carrying terrorists".

The reality is that all Muslims are being programmed and have been programmed always for jihad against the "other" and subjugation of the "other" to be the main event in righteous Islam.

For the media and the politicians to try to suggest that these are lone wolf attacks and the work of outcasts, mentally ill and "disenfranchised" are disingenuous in that it is the whole Muslim population is exactly the demographic of jihad, hence the army of terrorists is living amongst their sworn enemies, us, and that realisation and recognition is just what they cannot bear to admit to the public.

The public is real peed off with this nanny state bs and can see exactly the horrific magnitude of the problem, millions of jihaddis living in the west, each and every one pre programmed to flip one day. Its fine with their god to do anything, however depraved.

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The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

More pony.

Muslim leaders, political, community and religious, throughout Europe and elsewhere have joined in the condemnation of this attack; as they have done for all others.

Indeed, the Muslim world, from the leaders mentioned above to ordinary people demonstrating in the streets and online, has been condemning terrorism in the name of their religion for well over 20 years; tens of thousands of fatwas have been issued against the terrorists for example.

For some reason, even though the Western media has recently started to pay some attention to them, they are largely unreported in the West.

I have posted many links to such condemnation in the past; here's a current one:-

Normandy attack: Pope pays tribute to murdered French Priest as religious leaders call for people of all faiths to unite

Suleman Nagdi from the Federation of Muslim Organisations called on people of all faiths to join together in the wake of the attack.

He said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Rouen and France as they come to terms with yet another barbaric attack.

“The Federation of Muslim Organisations condemns this most incomprehensible and reprehensible act of murder....."

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We must realize that the terrorists will not give up until we stop them, Mr. Hollande said after meeting with the priests family...The French must know that they are threatened..." (The New York Times)

Must be the non-sequitur of the year...and the people have known for years, it's the out of touch political elites that have had their heads in the sand. There's no hope for France with a bozo like this in charge!

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Peace in Islam does not mean lack of violence, but lack of dissent. Germany and France are now experiencing how Islam strives for peace. But will they learn anything from this? All they seem to do is put the best spin on all these events.

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One of them was on probation and wearing an electronic tag. He was under partial house arrest. This was because he tried to join his mates in Syria

Imagine what would be happening now if this attack was 2 christians killing an imam in a mosque.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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It would seem that Europe is starting to wake up and realize that putting people from the Islamic world into a western civalisation simply doesn't work. The luvvies, lefties and liberals (3 L's) need to start realizing this and although there are some nice Islamic people, the religion does not allow for integration. I can see that soon something big will happen. I can see more of these attacks happening all over Europe. If you go and live in these Islamic countries they don't allow for other, cultures to prosper or even have a say. It is there way or none. So how on earth do the 3 L's, as I call them, expect them to assimilate. The sooner they wise up and send people back to a land that doesn't allow freedom of choice and liberalism, the better/ These people will not integrate and the sooner they leave, then Europe will be calm again. I know some people won't like what I say but how long must this continue, before people wake up and realize mass migration has caused this.

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I am so glad I have never really been a part of any religion. But it is sad that just because I am Turkish, many assume that I am Muslim; and you can guess the rest sad.png In fact, that's why I hate Islam even more. I hereby call on at least the Turks to renounce Islam ! I am serious !

I understand you totally, as you obviously have seen it from first hand. But the way your country is going with your president, it is becoming more of a Muslim state than ever and after the failed coup, I feel it will spiral even more. Sadly Turkey is doomed, I feel.

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Imagine what would be happening now if this attack was 2 christians killing an imam in a mosque.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Certain people would be having a party! Not many people loosing sleep! I could go on

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I'm concluding that this almost daily wave of attacks is a consequence of Brexit, which must translate into the perception that they are disliked by Europe and perhaps about to be rejected. Once the deportations begin it will get worse. What a mess.

Your post is beyond idiotic. 'Brexit'? Like the refugees/economic migrants know what that even means, never mind the fact negotiations for exit haven't even started. Christ .. (no pun intended).

BTW, has it occurred to anyone else that this neoliberal Hollande/Merkel instigated disaster is unstoppable? Syria? Bomb 'em Afghanistan? Bomb 'en. Libya? 'Bomb 'em. Notwithstanding their countries were invaded for their oil anyway. Bomb the entire continent of Europe to eliminate that which you've recently welcomed? Who is sane here? This Will Never End. Ever.

Brexit is all about anti-immigration. The immigrants know that, and the hostility towards them has already been seen on the streets as a direct result of Brexit. Why suppose that immigrants don't read the news or social networks? They are certainly aware of the mounting anti-immigrant vibe. Where am I losing you?

The sociology of these attacks is transparent. They're all feeling more threatened - for good reason - and nothing incites violence more than feeling threatened.

First of all the Brexit was not only about migrants but had much more to do how Brussels is run. So in your theory those attackers that are part of ISIS feel threatened by the Europeans. Most governments in Europe were horrified when Mutti Merkel opened the gates and I was last October for two weeks in Berlin (Kreuzberg/Neukoelln) and my Muslim friends told me Merkel is nuts and even those liberal Muslims told me without documents no one should enter the country.

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People are crazy not to think that when push, comes to shove, so called moderate Muslims will take the side of the extremists.

Moderate Muslims don't get involved because the extremists are controlling large areas and those moderate Muslims are frightened.

Its the liberal Muslims that are the only one that are against the fanatics. I have seen fights between Liberals and Fanatics in Berlin but the liberals are to small in numbers as the moderates don't side with anyone and look the other way.

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So called "Moderate" Muslims say that "there will always be extremists", but they feed on the same rulebook, the Quran as the extremists.

So will they step up and stop hiding behind that argument as an excuse for failing to confront the problem? ..... ...Unlikely.

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If Islam is such a compatible and beautiful religion, why not all the "liberal" politicians in Europe convert to it so that the continent will be in peace? I mean they are all about embracing and welcoming Muslims right?

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If Islam is such a compatible and beautiful religion, why not all the "liberal" politicians in Europe convert to it so that the continent will be in peace? I mean they are all about embracing and welcoming Muslims right?

Islam isn't compatible with Islam. Sunnis like nothing more than killing Shia and vice versa

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“British churches on full alert as French priest is forced to his knees and brutally murdered at his alter by ISIS”………….. The same British Churches who want open borders and mass immigration.

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If Islam is such a compatible and beautiful religion, why not all the "liberal" politicians in Europe convert to it so that the continent will be in peace? I mean they are all about embracing and welcoming Muslims right?

Islam isn't compatible with Islam. Sunnis like nothing more than killing Shia and vice versa

But at the end of the day, a non-Muslim is the bigger infidel.

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I'm concluding that this almost daily wave of attacks is a consequence of Brexit, which must translate into the perception that they are disliked by Europe and perhaps about to be rejected. Once the deportations begin it will get worse. What a mess.

Your post is beyond idiotic. 'Brexit'? Like the refugees/economic migrants know what that even means, never mind the fact negotiations for exit haven't even started. Christ .. (no pun intended).

BTW, has it occurred to anyone else that this neoliberal Hollande/Merkel instigated disaster is unstoppable? Syria? Bomb 'em Afghanistan? Bomb 'en. Libya? 'Bomb 'em. Notwithstanding their countries were invaded for their oil anyway. Bomb the entire continent of Europe to eliminate that which you've recently welcomed? Who is sane here? This Will Never End. Ever.

Brexit is all about anti-immigration. The immigrants know that, and the hostility towards them has already been seen on the streets as a direct result of Brexit. Why suppose that immigrants don't read the news or social networks? They are certainly aware of the mounting anti-immigrant vibe. Where am I losing you?

The sociology of these attacks is transparent. They're all feeling more threatened - for good reason - and nothing incites violence more than feeling threatened.

Thoughts keep coming in to my head like

a Sandwich short of a picnic

a few beers short of a six-pack

one brick short of a load

not playing with a full deck

as mad as a sack full of ferrets

out to lunch

as nutty as a fruit cake

as mad as a hatter

the lift doesn't go to the top floor

the lights are on, but nobody's home

not hitting on all six cylinders

not the sharpest tack in the box

a few fish short of a hatstand

a few penguins short of a lawnmower

you actually accused another poster of submitting a post that was 'intellectually bereft' after your contribution of

I'm concluding that this almost daily wave of attacks is a consequence of Brexit, which must translate into the perception that they are disliked by Europe and perhaps about to be rejected. Once the deportations begin it will get worse. What a mess.

you have got to be having a laugh. Remember only two things are infinite, and one of them is the Universe.

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Every preacher of Islamist hate, radical Islamic activist and every community that harbours or defends them must be sent back to the country they came from.

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The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

More pony.

Muslim leaders, political, community and religious, throughout Europe and elsewhere have joined in the condemnation of this attack; as they have done for all others.

Indeed, the Muslim world, from the leaders mentioned above to ordinary people demonstrating in the streets and online, has been condemning terrorism in the name of their religion for well over 20 years; tens of thousands of fatwas have been issued against the terrorists for example.

For some reason, even though the Western media has recently started to pay some attention to them, they are largely unreported in the West.

I have posted many links to such condemnation in the past; here's a current one:-

Normandy attack: Pope pays tribute to murdered French Priest as religious leaders call for people of all faiths to unite

Suleman Nagdi from the Federation of Muslim Organisations called on people of all faiths to join together in the wake of the attack.

He said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Rouen and France as they come to terms with yet another barbaric attack.

“The Federation of Muslim Organisations condemns this most incomprehensible and reprehensible act of murder....."


Some of these organisations and spokespersons seem to play both sides. Govt funding has been an incentive to take part on the anti terrorist bandwagon until they get found out. Then they attempt to cut all ties. Reeks of opportunism on the part of moderate muslims and their organisations.

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The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

More pony.

Muslim leaders, political, community and religious, throughout Europe and elsewhere have joined in the condemnation of this attack; as they have done for all others.

Indeed, the Muslim world, from the leaders mentioned above to ordinary people demonstrating in the streets and online, has been condemning terrorism in the name of their religion for well over 20 years; tens of thousands of fatwas have been issued against the terrorists for example.

For some reason, even though the Western media has recently started to pay some attention to them, they are largely unreported in the West.

I have posted many links to such condemnation in the past; here's a current one:-

Normandy attack: Pope pays tribute to murdered French Priest as religious leaders call for people of all faiths to unite

Suleman Nagdi from the Federation of Muslim Organisations called on people of all faiths to join together in the wake of the attack.

He said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Rouen and France as they come to terms with yet another barbaric attack.

“The Federation of Muslim Organisations condemns this most incomprehensible and reprehensible act of murder....."


Some of these organisations and spokespersons seem to play both sides. Govt funding has been an incentive to take part on the anti terrorist bandwagon until they get found out. Then they attempt to cut all ties. Reeks of opportunism on the part of moderate muslims and their organisations.

These are a joke, like this one: http://www.fmo.org.uk/

15% of 1.5 billion are for sharia law. Go figure.

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Hollande is history next year.

New business venture in France to put your money into.


President Hollande struggled to contain a damaging political row last night as critics accused him of failing to crack down on radical Islam and opposition leaders called for Guantanamo Bay-style prison camps to be set up in France.


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I thought the definition of a "moderate muslim" was a radical out of ammo.

A radical Muslim will kill you. A moderate Muslim will cheer on the radical Muslim as the latter is killing you.

It's really not that bad but it is true that there a large base of people that would never act out terror, but either support it or will never do anything to oppose it. So when people say that less than 1 percent of global Muslims are active terrorists, that is deceptive. The actual support base is indeed much larger. But that doesn't justify demonizing all Muslim people or the religion of Islam (which might be tempting for some, but it just makes the terror problem worse to frame things that way).

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I thought the definition of a "moderate muslim" was a radical out of ammo.

A radical Muslim will kill you. A moderate Muslim will cheer on the radical Muslim as the latter is killing you.

It's really not that bad but it is true that there a large base of people that would never act out terror, but either support it or will never do anything to oppose it. So when people say that less than 1 percent of global Muslims are active terrorists, that is deceptive. The actual support base is indeed much larger. But that doesn't justify demonizing all Muslim people or the religion of Islam (which might be tempting for some, but it just makes the terror problem worse to frame things that way).

In the war against Islamic fundamentalists not going far enough, puts us in much greater risk than going too far.

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It is a vicious cycle. Obscene terror attacks as in the church will indeed increase Islamophobia, unfairly on the majority of Muslim people that find such attacks disgusting. But experiencing Islamophobia will tend to alienate even more Muslims and creating more potential recruits to active Jihadist terrorism. This is the plan of Islamic Jihad whatever the current flavor of the day. Wipe out Al Queda, wipe out Daesh/ISIS and you don't wipe out anything, they'll simply REBRAND.

They want far right wing xenophobic leaders to rise, as in Poland, as might happen in France and the USA, etc. Total polarization is their goal. They are out for total war ... so they have a lot in common with western right wing leaders.

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Hollande is history next year.

New business venture in France to put your money into.


President Hollande struggled to contain a damaging political row last night as critics accused him of failing to crack down on radical Islam and opposition leaders called for Guantanamo Bay-style prison camps to be set up in France.


Yep...maybe by this time next year France too will be headed by a woman.

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