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Wife who tossed naked sideline girl out of condo apologizes after being charged with defamation


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2 hours ago, virtualtraveller said:

Give her a break, she overreacted sure, but wouldn't any women or man react similarly to such a situation. 

Not recording it and displaying it to the rest of the world - no. Think of the harm she did to the other woman.

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2 hours ago, clockman said:

Slander and libel laws, put in place by criminals. To protect criminals. This is another reason for third world status.

Though what you say is true, I don't see what it has to do with this case, Even though some might think of the sideline girl as some sort of "criminal", I think that's a bit harsh.

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Only in Thailand would she be charged like that.

Anywhere where else she would be hailed a heroin for throwing the girl out.

I seriously doubt that it is legal to make and distribute a video like this without the permission of the "star" in "anywhere else", no matter what the provocation. I think she would be facing criminal charges in almost any other country in the world.

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Only in Thailand would she be charged like that.

Anywhere where else she would be hailed a heroin for throwing the girl out.

Rubbish! By all means kick the girl out, but you don't record it on video whilst verbally abusing the girl and leaving her naked in the hallway, then have it posted online. 2 wrongs don't make a right.

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4 hours ago, taotoo said:


Why blame the cheating husband when you can blame a woman instead. I like the idea of hailing heroin though.


He isn't her husband. He is, or was, her boyfriend. It's in the report if you bothered to read it before commenting. Second paragraph. Doesn't take long.

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Interesting values and social competences.

Why did the wife throw out the girl and not the husband; after all the girl came because of the husband?
Who is the husband who manages to remain in the background; another VIP-boy in hiding?

We'll never get to the bottom of this story which, in my unimportant opinion, is anyhow absolutely irrelevant to the public interest and happening countless times all over the Land, ongoing and ongoing. 

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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


He isn't her husband. He is, or was, her boyfriend. It's in the report if you bothered to read it before commenting. Second paragraph. Doesn't take long.


It also says wife/husband, though not sure what difference it makes or why it bothers you.

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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

Only in Thailand would she be charged like that.

Anywhere where else she would be hailed a heroin for throwing the girl out.

the problem is not that she threw the girl out !!! but that she filmed it and posted it on the net Defamation is a quiet serious thing anywhere but worse in Thailand !!!

And by the way she would not be hailed as a hero in my country ! we are relatively well educated and would blame the boyfriend instead !!!

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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

Only in Thailand would she be charged like that.

Anywhere where else she would be hailed a heroin for throwing the girl out.


Oh, I don't know.  I can see some ambitious lawyer or crusading rights activist in the states making some sort of assault case against a woman doing this.  The young girl, who WAS inside the home as a guest of the husband, whether you approve of the circumstances or not, was ejected from the home naked. 'Not sure how much or what kind of force, if any, might've been involved, but that would take the matter to yet another level.  

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10 hours ago, captspectre said:

the Thai's KEEP saying that prostitution is against the Law in Thailand! so--- what's with the defamation? the hooker was servicing the husband, but in Thailand nothing is at is seems. I thought only mia noys were protected.


Naked photos of a Thai girl on your phone is a criminal offense. 

Publishing those photos online is a computer crime punishable by 10 years in jail.

It doesn't matter how or why you obtained the photos, having and publishing are the crimes.

Edited by MissAndry
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I think that this is a load of old cods,over reaction of the maximum kind.Some ones trying to make money out of this seedy,slimy little escapade.

The guy is arseole lucky that he didnt get his knob cut off and is now feeding the ducks.

God save us from more puerile journalism such as this.

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