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New York Muslims accuse Trump for stoking Islamophobia over imam’s death


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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Where are they when women and children are killed by powerful bombs and attacks all over the world committed by members of their own faith? That is the question we all want to hear answered.


This question or similar has been posed many times and in response links have been provided showing individual Muslims / Groups speaking our against Islamist / Muslim sectarian violence. You well know time and time again such content is ridiculed as being false, lacking sincerity etc etc.


In some Muslim majority countries security forces and civilians make significant sacrifices by way of loss of life fighting against Islamists; surely their can be no better example of 'protest' yet with minimal international media coverage. Muslims working together to protest the violence in Australia, providing charity support for for non Muslims and so on very rarely gets coverage in mainstream media yet the bigots messaging get massive coverage. Below is an example media report from the UK.




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22 minutes ago, simple1 said:


This question or similar has been posed many times and in response links have been provided showing individual Muslims / Groups speaking our against Islamist / Muslim sectarian violence. You well know time and time again such content is ridiculed as being false, lacking sincerity etc etc.


In some Muslim majority countries security forces and civilians make significant sacrifices by way of loss of life fighting against Islamists; surely their can be no better example of 'protest' yet with minimal international media coverage. Muslims working together to protest the violence in Australia, providing charity support for for non Muslims and so on very rarely gets coverage in mainstream media yet the bigots messaging get massive coverage. Below is an example media report from the UK.





Everyone is rightly fearful of Salafist extremism - none more so than those in direct contact with them: the Muslims being killed in their thousands, those being enslaved and raped and murdered by the shitty forces forces of the Daesh medieval quasi state. There is common cause to make with the Sunni, the Shi'ite, the Sufis and Amaddyas who know first hand that they, the Salafist extremists, offer nothing other than a retrograde spiral into a dark past full of slavery and intolerance. No one need make common cause on anything other than the destruction of Isil and if necessary their patrons. Apart from that, let all differences of peaceful intent multiply. But please, let's not be so simple and backward looking as to try to live out a childish but dangerous fantasy of the Crusades and so make of potential and actual allies enemies.


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7 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Interesting that the murderer has been arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment already. Some Justice Systems work expediently when required.


The only aggressive hostile religion I encountered in and around the English Midlands - West and East was Islam. Many immigrants, first, and second generation Muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh origin seem to be the most aggressive in insisting they can do as the see fit in accordance with Islam; can impose Sharia law in areas where they dominate; create an unpleasant and threatening attitude to non Muslims around Mosques, especially on Fridays; and treat non Muslim females with contempt and whores.


They will bring there own rivalries and factions with them and expect to resolve them as their relations do back home. 


The UK fails to police Muslim areas correctly, adopting a policy of tolerance and PC "see the big picture" mentality. You cannot have a two or multi tiered police system where some are treated specially because of their religion. Policing must be uniform to all. I hope the US doesn't make the same mistake. 





He must have pleaded guilty.

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Of course it has nothing to do with the attitudes and practices of Muslims, such as stoning gays and apostates, flaying women who have been raped, and of course the ever classic women not being allowed to drive, that has stoked Islamophobia in America and throughout the civilized world.

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4 hours ago, dageurreotype said:

Islamophobia eh? Just this week, two wealthy muslims were deported from the US (Texas) for keeping slaves. Their defence 'Islamophobia' - 'The prophet kept slaves, therefore slavekeeping is part of Islam and you are Islamophobic'. They were ordered to pay $60,000 to their slaves in compensation before they were thankfully sent home.

I think perhaps you should use sources a bit more objective in their reporting. The couple used no defense as they plead guilty.  They accepted responsibility for their actions and with some prodding from the judge apologized to the two women.



Religion had nothing to do with it. This happens regularly in Singapore with Chinese and their Indonesian muslim maids. Even worse in India.


Slavery today is not a religious issue, it is an economics and social issue as it always has been. Shame on you for using this to further your anti-muslim agenda, fairly typical for your type.



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2 hours ago, simple1 said:


This question or similar has been posed many times and in response links have been provided showing individual Muslims / Groups speaking our against Islamist / Muslim sectarian violence. You well know time and time again such content is ridiculed as being false, lacking sincerity etc etc.


In some Muslim majority countries security forces and civilians make significant sacrifices by way of loss of life fighting against Islamists; surely their can be no better example of 'protest' yet with minimal international media coverage. Muslims working together to protest the violence in Australia, providing charity support for for non Muslims and so on very rarely gets coverage in mainstream media yet the bigots messaging get massive coverage. Below is an example media report from the UK.






You do make a good point, one I do believe. Although many accuse the media of being very liberal, it is interesting that they seem to have little to no interest in reporting any of this. What is that all about? A racist agenda? News that is not particularly sexy? I would be curious about this. That slide show on the page you linked is particularly disturbing, and shows authorities In Turkey (one might expect it there, with that despot leader of theirs) and Belgium, resisting the demonstrations people are participating in, who are showing their disdain for IS. Amazing. 


One other aspect of this, is that the Muslim leaders, who are in a position to get news coverage, have been extremely reluctant to speak out. The presidents, the princes and kings, the top clerics, the men who have great influence. The only one that comes to mind is Abdullah II of Jordan. He is a great man of courage, and a giant in the region, in my opinion. How many others of his stature are speaking out. Please name them, if possible.



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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Of course it has nothing to do with the attitudes and practices of Muslims, such as stoning gays and apostates, flaying women who have been raped, and of course the ever classic women not being allowed to drive, that has stoked Islamophobia in America and throughout the civilized world.


No, that's not what has stoked the Islamophobia in America and the "civilized" world as the stuff you blame has been going on for a long time. What has stoked it is the acts of a few demented groups over the past 15 years or so that has come close to accomplishing exactly what they set out to do. 


Also, the stuff you mentioned is practiced by an extremely small minority of muslims worldwide and is pretty well confined to a specific culture and geographic area. In fact, as an example, there is likely more Mormons, as a percentage of the total, that practice polygamy and arranged child brides then muslims that do stoning. I didn't see you condemning all Mormons when Warren Jeffs was convicted.  Why not? Because he was a white middle age American male?


Step back and minute and listen to yourself. You are doing exactly what the extremists want you to do. Create an atmosphere of hatred against all Muslims, it plays completely into their agenda and makes you the same as them.




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10 hours ago, thaihome said:


No, that's not what has stoked the Islamophobia in America and the "civilized" world as the stuff you blame has been going on for a long time. What has stoked it is the acts of a few demented groups over the past 15 years or so that has come close to accomplishing exactly what they set out to do. 


Also, the stuff you mentioned is practiced by an extremely small minority of muslims worldwide and is pretty well confined to a specific culture and geographic area. In fact, as an example, there is likely more Mormons, as a percentage of the total, that practice polygamy and arranged child brides then muslims that do stoning. I didn't see you condemning all Mormons when Warren Jeffs was convicted.  Why not? Because he was a white middle age American male?


Step back and minute and listen to yourself. You are doing exactly what the extremists want you to do. Create an atmosphere of hatred against all Muslims, it plays completely into their agenda and makes you the same as them.




Maybe because i see a qualitative difference between polygamy  (people voluntarily living in plural marriages) and throwing gays off rooftops and stoning people to death for adultery. But you go ahead and keep making your straigned arguments for a culture that is incompatible with Western values in the service of your ideology of Multiculturalism. 

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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


One other aspect of this, is that the Muslim leaders, who are in a position to get news coverage, have been extremely reluctant to speak out. The presidents, the princes and kings, the top clerics, the men who have great influence. The only one that comes to mind is Abdullah II of Jordan. He is a great man of courage, and a giant in the region, in my opinion. How many others of his stature are speaking out. Please name them, if possible.




I can't be bothered to research / list all senior Muslim leaders who have spoken out against terrorism. but some leaders that do immediately come to mind are El Sisi and from Indonesia and Malaysia. Fatwa's against terrorism have been announced by a number of groups around the world such as the 70,000 Imams from India, the Grand Mufti of Australia etc etc...





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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


One other aspect of this, is that the Muslim leaders, who are in a position to get news coverage, have been extremely reluctant to speak out. The presidents, the princes and kings, the top clerics, the men who have great influence. The only one that comes to mind is Abdullah II of Jordan. He is a great man of courage, and a giant in the region, in my opinion. How many others of his stature are speaking out. Please name them, if possible.




I can't be bothered to research / list all senior Muslim leaders who have spoken out against terrorism. but some leaders that do immediately come to mind are El Sisi and from Indonesia and Malaysia. Fatwa's against terrorism have been announced by a number of groups around the world such as the 70,000 Imams from India, the Grand Mufti of Australia etc etc...





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3 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Maybe because i see a qualitative difference between polygamy  (people voluntarily living in plural marriages) and throwing gays off rooftops and stoning people to death for adultery. But you go ahead and keep making your straigned arguments for a culture that is incompatible with Western values in the service of your ideology of Multiculturalism. 

You missed the point. A  very small percentage of muslims practice stoning or throwing gay men off rooftops but you continue to condemn some 1.6 billion people based on that small percentage in specific geographic and economic areas.


By the way, Warren Jeffs was not given a life sentence without parole for voluntarily living in plural marriages.  He was convicted of overseeing a system of arranging marriages of sheltered minor girls to old white men.



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16 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

If only they would become this upset when one of their own killed innocent people in the name of Islam.

Indeed! Man arrested for the murder said to be Latino, hopefully not the start of a tit for tat vendetta on the basis of religion.


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10 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Indeed! Man arrested for the murder said to be Latino, hopefully not the start of a tit for tat vendetta on the basis of religion.





That IS an interesting twist.


Personal grievance or have the Catholics started an offensive?



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"Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law. But in some other countries, especially in Eastern Europe and Central Asia – including Turkey (12%), Kazakhstan (10%) and Azerbaijan (8%) – relatively few favor the implementation of sharia law. "


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18 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Of course it has nothing to do with the attitudes and practices of Muslims, such as stoning gays and apostates, flaying women who have been raped, and of course the ever classic women not being allowed to drive, that has stoked Islamophobia in America and throughout the civilized world.

Actually, American Muslims have a more tolerant attitude towards gay marriage than do Protestants or Mormons:



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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, American Muslims have a more tolerant attitude towards gay marriage than do Protestants or Mormons:



So American Muslims have decided to enter the 21st Century...let's all throw them a welcome party; but what do we do with the other 99.9 percent of the Mohammedans in the world?

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On 8/15/2016 at 0:19 PM, Caps said:

Interesting that they come out and start voicing concerns now!   Its a shame they they can't do it when a Kafir gets killed or maimed.  If they did they might get more respect

You probably only watch Fox News, there are countless of muslims who voiced their anger after Daesh killings.

Do I have to remember all the racist posters here that most of the people killed by Daesh are muslims?


On 8/15/2016 at 0:49 PM, mtls2005 said:

Once you whip up the pitchfork & torch crowd, especially the poorly-educated, marginalized, white racist males they are difficult to control.


But blaming this on Trump is like blaming the founding of ISIS on Obama. Oh wait.

"poorly-educated, marginalized, white racist males they are difficult to control"

Plenty of them just answered with stupid posts in this thread

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23 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So American Muslims have decided to enter the 21st Century...let's all throw them a welcome party; but what do we do with the other 99.9 percent of the Mohammedans in the world?

Leave them alone, stop bombing them to bring "freedom" stop using them for US and Europe interests, stop trying to make the people believe "we are the good guys", stop removing their leaders because they don't suit our "ideology" start to report the civilian killed by bombings, drones and shells from US and Europe, stop sending arms to "moderate rebels"...that would be a nice start

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18 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So American Muslims have decided to enter the 21st Century...let's all throw them a welcome party; but what do we do with the other 99.9 percent of the Mohammedans in the world?


6 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Maybe because i see a qualitative difference between polygamy  (people voluntarily living in plural marriages) and throwing gays off rooftops and stoning people to death for adultery. But you go ahead and keep making your straigned arguments for a culture that is incompatible with Western values in the service of your ideology of Multiculturalism. 



18 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Of course it has nothing to do with the attitudes and practices of Muslims, such as stoning gays and apostates, flaying women who have been raped, and of course the ever classic women not being allowed to drive, that has stoked Islamophobia in America and throughout the civilized world.

So before, you make no distinctions about Muslims and then you concede that there is. And still you generaldce to say that 99.9 percent of Muslims favor the most extreme version promulgated by Isil and Saudi Arabia. Had you bothered to do even the most rudimentary research, you'd find that the actual case is quite different. But you'd rather be intoxicated on righteous anger than be right.

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On ‎15‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 0:25 PM, Steely Dan said:

The Orlando killer is currently standing trial for the murder of 48 people, he is citing Islamic scripture to justify murdering homosexuals, yet the press and even (double face palm) some gays tried to blame it on the Republicans.


Am I missing something here?  How can a dead man stand trial let alone cite Islamic scriptures?  The excuse for a human was shot dead by police on the night of the attack.

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3 hours ago, thaihome said:

You missed the point. A  very small percentage of muslims practice stoning or throwing gay men off rooftops but you continue to condemn some 1.6 billion people based on that small percentage in specific geographic and economic areas.


By the way, Warren Jeffs was not given a life sentence without parole for voluntarily living in plural marriages.  He was convicted of overseeing a system of arranging marriages of sheltered minor girls to old white men.



Vast majorities of Muslims approve of these practices (as shown in the Pew opinion surveys of Muslim social attitudes) and would commit them if not stopped by their governments, which only prevent such action because of the opprobrium they would received from secularized Western societies. 


So Jeff was CONVICTED of a crime in a civilized Western country for what is perfectly legal in most of the Muslim world. 


I'd stop digging if I were you.

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53 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:




So before, you make no distinctions about Muslims and then you concede that there is. And still you generaldce to say that 99.9 percent of Muslims favor the most extreme version promulgated by Isil and Saudi Arabia. Had you bothered to do even the most rudimentary research, you'd find that the actual case is quite different. But you'd rather be intoxicated on righteous anger than be right.

So are you saying that the variant of Islam practiced and promulgated by the nation that is acknowledged by Mohammedans as the "Guardian of the Holy Places" is somehow incorrect...that's like saying that the Vatican's understanding of Christianity is deficient; and I'm sure as the vast majority of the world's Christians would disagree with that statement, so would the world's Muslims disagree with your's.

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1 hour ago, GeorgesAbitbol said:

Leave them alone, stop bombing them to bring "freedom" stop using them for US and Europe interests, stop trying to make the people believe "we are the good guys", stop removing their leaders because they don't suit our "ideology" start to report the civilian killed by bombings, drones and shells from US and Europe, stop sending arms to "moderate rebels"...that would be a nice start

Somebody's gotta straighten those people out.

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51 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Somebody's gotta straighten those people out.

Yeah and will it be you and your Trumpet, right?

By straighten you mean stop them being gay?:coffee1:...cause Trump and republicans are not the best to promote gender equality and tolerence...

I m curious to know why you didn t enrolled in the Army yet or work as a border patrol in US.

Your lack of knowledge about Islam is quite abysmal (the difference between the differents views (Sunni, shia), the fact that you bend some facts and omit others speaks also quite well.

I will not speak about the obvious lack of geo strategy knowledge you show in your posts, but FOX do his job quite well on you, that's for sure. 

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16 minutes ago, GeorgesAbitbol said:

Yeah and will it be you and your Trumpet, right?

By straighten you mean stop them being gay?:coffee1:...cause Trump and republicans are not the best to promote gender equality and tolerence...

I m curious to know why you didn t enrolled in the Army yet or work as a border patrol in US.

Your lack of knowledge about Islam is quite abysmal (the difference between the differents views (Sunni, shia), the fact that you bend some facts and omit others speaks also quite well.

I will not speak about the obvious lack of geo strategy knowledge you show in your posts, but FOX do his job quite well on you, that's for sure. 

Do you have any actual facts to put forward or does hurling personal insults constitute an intelligent argument in your mind?

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19 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Do you have any actual facts to put forward or does hurling personal insults constitute an intelligent argument in your mind?



You should know better.   ;)  The hurling of personal insults is the only way these lot can argue.  They have nothing to offer by way of facts so how can they provide a constructive debate.  Just look at how he assumes, guesses and twist things.  Sought of reminds me of certain people employed by CNN and other lefty establishments.  When they cannot put forward something factual they resort to deflecting, misinformation or downright untruths.  Oh, I forgot how they add words to embellish their own BS.  You silly boy, you should know that they're always right, at least in their own minds.. :wai:

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47 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Do you have any actual facts to put forward or does hurling personal insults constitute an intelligent argument in your mind?

Well just re read your previous posts and look at the facts, it is not personnal insult, just a statement :

For exemple comparing Christian /Vatican with Islam. As the difference between Shia and Sunni is much closer to Protestant/Christian and I am quite sure a lot of protestants do not agree with the Vatican..this is one exemple among the many ones you said previously.

I am not the one who want to "straighten" all Middle East, neither the one who put all together billions of Islam followers for the 0.1% of crazy Daesh followers.... I am not the one who quote a survey and use only the numbers you need to mark your point...and so on and so on....


Your posts remember me a sad version of "groundhound dog"...

17 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



You should know better.   ;)  The hurling of personal insults is the only way these lot can argue.  They have nothing to offer by way of facts so how can they provide a constructive debate.  Just look at how he assumes, guesses and twist things.  Sought of reminds me of certain people employed by CNN and other lefty establishments.  When they cannot put forward something factual they resort to deflecting, misinformation or downright untruths.  Oh, I forgot how they add words to embellish their own BS.  You silly boy, you should know that they're always right, at least in their own minds.. :wai:

I am not the one praising/having a pic of the most famous guy nowdays shooting personnal insults and yet approve them.


The TRUTH is : billions and billions of muslims in this world : less than 0,1% are willing to do any Djihad....

The lefties seem to be more right than the righties, just because we can see 30 years of republican sh!t in middle east...remember who were against islam there? You bombed them, they were not angels but for sure time was better when they were in charge...and yet you still refuse to see it comes from here.....

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1 hour ago, GeorgesAbitbol said:

Well just re read your previous posts and look at the facts, it is not personnal insult, just a statement :

For exemple comparing Christian /Vatican with Islam. As the difference between Shia and Sunni is much closer to Protestant/Christian and I am quite sure a lot of protestants do not agree with the Vatican..this is one exemple among the many ones you said previously.

I am not the one who want to "straighten" all Middle East, neither the one who put all together billions of Islam followers for the 0.1% of crazy Daesh followers.... I am not the one who quote a survey and use only the numbers you need to mark your point...and so on and so on....


Your posts remember me a sad version of "groundhound dog"...

I am not the one praising/having a pic of the most famous guy nowdays shooting personnal insults and yet approve them.


The TRUTH is : billions and billions of muslims in this world : less than 0,1% are willing to do any Djihad....

The lefties seem to be more right than the righties, just because we can see 30 years of republican sh!t in middle east...remember who were against islam there? You bombed them, they were not angels but for sure time was better when they were in charge...and yet you still refuse to see it comes from here.....


I really hope you know what you are on about as I sure the heck do not. I don't think I remember you anything,  I think the word you are looking for is remind.  Now we're into exaggerations I see.  To help you, it has been concluded that there is about 1.5 billion Muslims, not billions and billions as yo state.  Further,  I didn't bomb anything and get your facts straight, the west was not fighting a religion but murderous regimes, however, I do agree that they were where they should not have been.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing wouldn't you agree?   ISIS brought religion into it as did a number of other middle eastern dictators but if you don't know, which you should, Muslims are killing more of their own than any western government has. Given the way you articulate I would be amazed if you even knew what ground hog day was about.  Have a nice day. :wai:

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