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Khao San vendors to petition government  on vending restrictions


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16 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

keep the sidewalks for the tourists and citizens to walk on!! 


Why should we be forced to walk on the crowded roads where the drivers are more than happy to run you over knowing there is no accountability for their actions. 


I hope they eliminate all of the sidewalk vendors on Sukhumvit 11 as well. Good riddance.


I don't want to see anyone lose their livelihood but it's better than someone losing their life!!!


Make designated areas AWAY from the sidewalks where vendors can sell their wares legally instead of just paying the BIB for the privilege. 



They've already clamped down on Soi 11 Sukhumvit. All the great cocktail bar VW Kombi's have long gone. The vendors along Nana stretch of Sukumvit Rd have had hours reduced that they are allowed to trade yet they allow all these pop-up bars. Makes no sense. Anyway many love the street stalls and long may they live and I've never heard of a stall taking a life. Maybe some drunk farang has died stepping into the traffic but that is self inflicted and no fault of the vendors

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not sure the presence or not of street vendors on khao san road or anywhere else in bangkok will adversely impact tourism.


making Bangkok's pavements easier to negotiate may in fact encourage more families, elderly and/or disabled tourists to visit


other beneficiaries will be local elderly and disabled whose lives are made unnecessarily  difficult and dangerous by the selfish actions of street vendors.


the street vendors need not suffer financially, they just need to operate their business in a legal and more considerate way

Edited by samsensam
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I suspect this is motivated by

A. Reducing police power by reducing their unofficial income

B. A lot of money has been spent by the freeholder to renovate the fixed shops on kho San (and phra artit road), and its difficult to make it pay and increase the rents when the shopkeepers probably complain their shops are made invisible by street vendors.


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5 hours ago, retoohs said:

They've already clamped down on Soi 11 Sukhumvit. All the great cocktail bar VW Kombi's have long gone. The vendors along Nana stretch of Sukumvit Rd have had hours reduced that they are allowed to trade yet they allow all these pop-up bars. Makes no sense. Anyway many love the street stalls and long may they live and I've never heard of a stall taking a life. Maybe some drunk farang has died stepping into the traffic but that is self inflicted and no fault of the vendors

When is the last time you were on soi 11? Yes when the junta first came in they cleaned up all the VW bars. Go there now, there are sidewalk stalls that place seating well onto the street. Only a matter of time i=until someone eating there is ran over by a car or the never ending cement trucks rolling by. There are more vendors there now than ever. Long may the pedestrians live, get rid of the sidewalk urchins!! The BIB have no right to sell the sidewalks for their own benefit and to the detriment of everyone else. There should be designated areas where people can legally sell their wares. Then they can pay for legit licenses instead of giving cash to corrupt cops.

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38 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

There should be designated areas where people can legally sell their wares. Then they can pay for legit licenses instead of giving cash to corrupt cops.


That would be a great solution if it could work.  All the street vendors should band together and buy a nice plot of land near KSR, or on Suk, or wherever and create a market area.  Heck, maybe the government might even buy the land and rent it out.  


Or maybe the pick another soi close by and close it off to vehicle traffic and allow street vendors to set up shop in the streets (not the sidewalks).  


Many of these shops on KSR and on Suk are paying high rents for their space only to have cops selling the space in front of their shops to people who keep customers from coming in.  


I understand that the street vendor has some charm but their need to make money should not be allowed to infringe upon the safety or legitimate business interests of others.  



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23 hours ago, digibum said:


That would be a great solution if it could work.  All the street vendors should band together and buy a nice plot of land near KSR, or on Suk, or wherever and create a market area.  Heck, maybe the government might even buy the land and rent it out. 


Better yet, there are vacant lots all over Bangkok -many in prime locations- with the owner just waiting for the land value to go up.  Instead of just breeding mosquitoes, clean them out, pave them minimally and rent out spaces for the vendors with the caveat that it's over when the land sells- maybe in a year, maybe in 2030.  Perfect interim land use.  


I'm expecting to see more of that when they finally (and wisely) implement land use taxes.  No more sitting on a vacant urban mosquito farm for decades without some contribution to the coffers.  Maybe even offer the landowner a tax break if they can show they're contributing to neighborhood harmony by making space available for tourist traps.

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5 minutes ago, impulse said:


Better yet, there are vacant lots all over Bangkok -many in prime locations- with the owner just waiting for the land value to go up.  Instead of just breeding mosquitoes, clean them out, pave them minimally and rent out spaces for the vendors with the caveat that it's over when the land sells- maybe in a year, maybe in 2030.  Perfect interim land use.


I'm expecting to see more of that when they finally (and wisely) implement land use taxes.  No more sitting on a vacant urban mosquito farm for decades without some contribution to the coffers.  Maybe even offer the landowner a tax break if they can show they're contributing to neighborhood harmony by making space available for tourist traps.

In Singapore they moved all the food vendors into areas like you suggest- much better.

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On 8/25/2016 at 3:17 AM, lamyai3 said:


Khao San road has been a major tourist destination in South East Asia for decades now, and a major part of what defines it and draws people is it's vendors. It hasn't been a traffic thoroughfare for a very long time.

You obviously have not seen the motor cycles that tear down the road honking tourists who are in their way.  I am there every day; only the taxis and tuk tuks are stationary waiting for the next gullible tourist to pay an exorbitant price.


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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In Singapore they moved all the food vendors into areas like you suggest- much better.


Yes it amazed me that even in the most hi-so mall (under the marina sands hotel) they have a huge foodcourt which is perfect.


It also has great waterfalls and is a great mall. Outside is a nice area to sit and relax with an icetea or so, there are boats stopping at the pier, they just have it all....Also that garden is awesome.


But it isn't for cheap backpackers which is great as well.


Is that bakery from Gordon Ramsey open now? And how is his bread?

Edited by Thian
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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

From the photos this road is now closed to traffic. Is that actually the case? If it is, what is the problem with vendors?

If it isn't it should be.

No, it is not closed to traffic. Taxis, tuk tuks and motor cycles still use Khao San road. Near Burger King you will see many tuk tuks waiting for tourists. There should be a small area at the end of the road so taxis can pull in for 1 minute to offload passengers. But that would interfere with the tuk tuks who are waiting.

There should be a barrier at each end operated by one person.  Or deliveries allowed between a certain time, eg 11am til 3pm

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