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"Please don't let me be a widow when I am still young" - Adult star "Nong Nat" waits at sick Harold's side


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"Please don't let me be a widow when I am still young" - Adult star "Nong Nat" waits at sick Harold's side



Image: Sanook


BANGKOK: -- Former Thai sex star "Nong Nat" who married Harold the aging American businessman, is reportedly at his bedside in a hospital ICU.


She has posted a heart wrenching picture as Harold tries to recover in intensive care - but she is right by his bedside should he need her, reported Sanook.


Though the latest installment in the drama of their lives seems a tad more OTT than ICU after she admitted that he had just caught a cold from a bedtime kiss.


Pictures of shapely Nong Nat - otherwise known as Nat Kesarin who used to roger all comers in Thai porn flicks - appeared on Instagram.


She said that both of them had been ill in recent months: "We are not your average couple, " she said. "We have persevered for the last two months and are always at each other's side.


"He was stubborn. He thought he would never get sick. He caught a cold giving me a goodnight kiss".


Nat said that she was always at his bedside in the daytime - regrettably she is unable to attend to his needs at night as there is no other bed in the room, just a chair.


She mentioned that Harold had been coughing: "The air con was so cool and we couldn't turn it down," she said. "So I wound a cloth around his throat".


This was apparently to warm him and thankfully it did the trick and Harold slipped off into the land of nod.


Rather dramatically, perhaps, she added with a hashtag: "I don't want to be left a widow as I am still a young woman".


Harold and Nat's marriage was announced earlier in the year and their story has been the fodder of much online comment. Harold is not short of a bob or two having business interests in his homeland and China.


No word was available from doctors about his condition and it was not immediately apparent exactly where the hospital is.


But we are hopeful that Nat will keep us updated on social media.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-07


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"He caught a cold giving me a goodnight kiss"

Amazing!!! Being a porn star now qualifies her to be a M.D. and diagnose causes of illnesses. 


I'm sure she is much more qualified to "diagnose" his assets and give a prognosis as to how long it will be before they are her's. 

Edited by jaltsc
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It's sort of the Kardashian model.  Everybody thinks you're talentless trash so figure out a way to capitalize on it.  Find new lows to stoop to just so that people will pay attention even if they're screaming that can't believe how low you've stooped.  You can turn millions of people hating you into a product that you can sell.  


She's trying to turn their life into a reality television sort of drama.  Oh, Harold is on his death bed.  Whoops, he recovered.  Just a cold.  And she picks up 5,000 Instagram followers.  

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26 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

"The air con was so cool and we couldn't turn it down," she said. "So I wound a cloth around his throat".


......could explain his breathing difficulties......


OMG, Is that her defence. 


Picture this, the nursing team enter a room to find her bent over poor old Harry, with a cloth around his throat, choking to death. She says to them. "but, but the air con was too cold and we couldn't turn it down, so I climbed on top of him and wrapped my new Jim Thomson scarf around his neck. He is turning blue from the cold, not lack of oxygen. No, No nothing like that . . . honest, Ka."

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If you marry a prostitute you takes yer chances......Is it any coincindence that they got married and now he's in ICU with her snapping selifies? A lot of men need a reality check. If you can go into a relationship FULLY accepting that someone is with you based purely on financial gain then....ok, your an idiot, but its a free world. The reality paints a different picture for me though. How many times do you see farang walking around places like Nana with an obvious prostitute, hand in hand like they are lovers on a first date!!! The attitude that is put out in public is in line with the "good on you Harold....get it while you can" In reality a lot of these men are deep down wanting relationships based on genuine like, love, trust, compatibility etc.....The problem is they KNOW  they wont get it with a 25 year old Thai woman when they are 65, it just wont happen!!! So, they end up like Harold, in ICU with a money grubbing, virtually brain dead Thai woman that thinks its all just part of her Facebook update routine. 


Its OK gentlemen to admit that we can actually have meaningful relationships with women based on something other than just fincancial gain. Its NOT weak to admit that we want a woman in our lives that genuinelly finds us attractive, funny...fascinating even. Its right to want genuine relationships EVEN IN THAILAND! They can be found, just usually NOT with ex prostitutes. If you want a rent a girlfriend then JUST RENT HER...why marry? I cant for the life of me see the point???? But no, they will continue to puff out their chests and proclaim that all they want is some good sex and, at the end of the day ALL women are prostitutes anyway........right????????


No, not right. Grow a pair of balls and admit that you are being naive. I wish Harold the best. I am skeptical that his missus does

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9 minutes ago, aussieinthailand said:

Er yeah they do have a TV and remote in the ICU rooms.

Genuine ICU rooms do not have tv in.

Private hospitals wanting to make money putting people in so-called icu rooms do.

I have experience of genuine ICU ROOMS BEING IN THEM TWICE.

No food on tables no tv no nothing.

My wife was only allowed in  wearing mask/gown/ overshoes/gloves.

Everything was sterile, not the same as in Harolds photo.

Anyone saying different wants to go and check genuine ICU.

My wife had to leave her bag/mobile/ books outside nothing absolutely nothing allowed in the room.

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20 minutes ago, The stuttering parrot said:

Such a charming lady.

Wont be to long until his bank account will be on life support with a do not resuscitate form signed by the porn star.

where was his self respect ? who would marry a prostitute  if you were living in your own country. beggars

be leaf 

Edited by catman20
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