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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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3 hours ago, Chivas said:

Naive beyond belief !!  Its classed with Crack, Cocaine and Heroin for a reason


There are many laws which are ass-backwards and harmful.  Show a female nipple on a video or TV and establishment hacks will say, "You broke the law!  You must pay the full penalty!"   Show a male nipple, and it's ok, as long as the censor knows the gender of the revealing person.  Some men have larger and flabbier breasts than females, and some females have become males, and vice versa, .....so you see, the nipple rule is as ridiculous as the drug laws.  Except the people banning nipples from sight know something about nipples.  In contrast, the people making laws about drugs know nothing first hand about the drugs.  They only know the worst-case scenario alarmist hyper-puritanical witch-hunt mentality wrong findings of hyper-establishment anal-retentive <deleted>.  They're destroying lives based on their profound ignorance and mean-intentions.


2 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:

Borrocks. Thais get the same jail time


 It depends whether they're rich and well connected or not.  It's night and day.  Rich boy won't even

see the inside of a holding cell.  Thai justice is immensely subjective.  They don't even pretend to abide by the 'justice is blind' stuff of western justice systems.  

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For every thing that has been said on this thread so far with regards to the toxicity of said drugs and whether they are harmful to the users or not is totally irrelevant, I'm sorry, but laws are laws, if you knowingly use/deal or distribute drugs in this country then be prepared to pay the consequences.


All you bleeding hearts out there that say the penalty is too harsh - <deleted>, They both did wrong in the eyes of the law, time to pay the consequences, I don't give a flying phuck if they never come out let alone be sent back to their respective countries to finish off their stints.


They ought to be grateful that they don't have a death sentence hanging over them.


Really, some of the tosh that is spouted on this forum is unreal.


This is Thailand, they do it their way, get over it and move on.

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I'd bet dollars to donuts that the main reason the Aussies got such harsh sentences is they didn't play ball with authorities.    Thai officials want everyone to play by the rules.  Here they are:


>>>  You get caught, you act very sorry, meek, and show you're will to do and pay anything to get free.

>>>  You go with the script the police give you:  they want you to A. admit guilt.  B. show remorse, C. agree to the large sum of money paid to cops to get your buns out of jail and out of Thailand.  Note: the suggested money amount is negotiable.

>>>  If you hang tough and ask for a lawyer, you make the cops unhappy.

>>>  If you hang tougher and claim you're innocent, you make the cops doubly unhappy.

>>>  If you don't agree with their demands/suggestions for money, you're only digging a deeper hole for yourself.


That's my theory on why the young farang men were given draconian sentences, and also ripped off re; additional money (supposedly owed) after they were in custody.


In sum: If you don't play ball with the jailers, they're gonna grill your ass.


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Funny! The couple who run a pharmacy in town, both in their 70s, asked me if I knew anybody who wanted to buy any ecstacy or acid last week.

"Nobody buy anymore", they said. I was a tad spechless and wandered off with a grin. Another day in Thailand to remrmber!


A lad in the village was frisked by the cops. They found 3 meth pills in his pocket.

In court he was asked if they were for him; he thought it would be better for him if he said "No, I got them for friends". So be got a 6-year prison sentence for intent to supply, of which he served just over 3. If he'd said yes, he'd have been fined around ฿100,000 and sent on his way!


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7 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I grew up in the UK in the 80s and was a teenager in the 90s - MDMA is neither addictive, nor 'hard', it simply needs to be treated responsibly.

As a parent, I'm perfectly happy for my kid to take he when he gets older, as I did and much of my generation did when I was younger. Not in this country though, it's unfortunately backward in terms of drug legislation.


I'd far prefer my son to be taking ecstasy as a teenager than for him to be binge drinking like most kids do.

Me too, only I was a decade behind you so missed out on the original rave scene! Still I bashed my way through many a weekend and MDMA is one of the safest substances you can consume if it is legit and pure. It has actually been given the go ahead for a trial on the used of it in psychological therapies in the US if I am not mistaken ..


MAPs is a great organisation and one of the PDHs working with them is the infamous Professor Nutt who is from my home town of Bristol; a great guy who was fired for saying MDMA is safer that horse riding lol

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Staggering the length of sentence.  I think the argument that because a certain drug hasn't had an adverse effect on you that it is safe is not always valid.  In my time I have taken lots of different "soft" drugs including cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine, amphetamine and in my youth LSD.  I seem to have survived fairly unscathed but one of my friends from way back then ended up in a mental hospital after a bad trip on LSD.  He tried to drive his car across a river to get away from something pretty horrible in his head.  He went on to suffer from nightmares for many years


I don't think it is so much about the drugs or indeed the booze that we consume, it is about the effect they have on you.  When I get drunk I usually fall asleep (often in the bathroom), but for some, alcohol inspires them to fight or drive into ditches.  Same thing for the drugs, they effect different people in different ways at different times.


Having said that, given the amount of recreational drugs available just about everywhere, to sentence these men to life or fifty years is grossly unfair. I understand the deterrent factor but there needs to be a balance

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The sentences are draconian and way too high. Frankly, all drugs should be legal. If you want to sit in your home and take coke, meth, etc go ahead. However, I would make it illegal in public .  If  it was all legal- we wouldn't need huge budgets for enforcement, courts, jails and other things associated with keeping people locked up. Drug cartels would cease to exist. The money saved could be spent on educating people about the dangers of using drugs and  providing treatment for those who are addicted. in addition, people who need to get 'high' from alcohol or drugs are suffering from a neuroses that should be treated. Governments try ad control too much of a person's private life. I am not advocating usage of drugs or alcohol- I simply wouldn't want people to be incareratd unless their usage infringed upon another person's life,

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7 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I grew up in the UK in the 80s and was a teenager in the 90s - MDMA is neither addictive, nor 'hard', it simply needs to be treated responsibly.

As a parent, I'm perfectly happy for my kid to take he when he gets older, as I did and much of my generation did when I was younger. Not in this country though, it's unfortunately backward in terms of drug legislation.


I'd far prefer my son to be taking ecstasy as a teenager than for him to be binge drinking like most kids do.


Words escape me. 


What is the content of the ecstasy tablet ?

What other compounds are present ?

How was it made ?

Who made it ?

How do you know it is safe ?


To risk your son's life by preferring he be taking ecstasy rather than binge drinking is a being an irresponsible parent. (Yeah I said it).


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I don't know any of these guys and I am so happy I don't. If it were the kid of a friend I would be devastated, if it were my kid I can 't even imagine how I would survive such a hard punishment on him/her.

The guys in here who support the sentence have no heart and no humanity. 

Yes this drug is illegal but NO it does not kill or create addiction like cigarette and alcohol does. It is a f(^$(_)(&* corrupt system that allows for rich kids to get away with a slap on the wrist for murder and put in jail someone for using a harmless drug.


I don't even wish the bible or law book basher to see this in their own family but I would love for them to imagine what it would be if a close relative got caught for a stupid act like this.

How on earth can you tell a kid who did not harm anyone that he deserve 50 years in these conditions, how despicable can you be to wish this on anyone who is not a hard criminal

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7 minutes ago, autanic said:


Words escape me. 


What is the content of the ecstasy tablet ?

What other compounds are present ?

How was it made ?

Who made it ?

How do you know it is safe ?


To risk your son's life by preferring he be taking ecstasy rather than binge drinking is a being an irresponsible parent. (Yeah I said it).


If it is MDMA crystal (which is not difficult to locate especially back home) then it is pure, and you can buy regency test kits online to test what you have is MDMA

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8 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


The Government in the Philippines is doing exactly that as we speak.

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Those trying to use the "you don't know what it;s mixed with" miss a huge point.

Drug dealers and the chemist that makes it want to make money. They DO know what they put in it and they know that if they put something in it that can kill people then they have a major problem. So they make sure that what ever they mix it with isn't going to kill you.

An awkward ickle fact, but, as you'll see in the replies....people will try and swerve that.


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1 minute ago, Franky Bear said:

Those trying to use the "you don't know what it;s mixed with" miss a huge point.

Drug dealers and the chemist that makes it want to make money. They DO know what they put in it and they know that if they put something in it that can kill people then they have a major problem. So they make sure that what ever they mix it with isn't going to kill you.

An awkward ickle fact, but, as you'll see in the replies....people will try and swerve that.



Oh so all the kids that have died from ecstasy, in the UK over the past few years, that was, what ?  Unfortunate !

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MDMA (extazy) is a peaceful drug which makes people love each other. Unlike alcohol - it is not day-to-day drug. From medical point of view it is much less harmful than many antibiotics sold legally and that often leave people disabled for the rest of their life. And unlike many drugs sold in the pharmacies with their fake and prejudiced trials - this one was ACTUALLY tested by millions over a 40 years period and showed no signs of a serious danger for human beings' health. Still people get life-imprisoned for possessing it. 

Edited by Zikomat
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8 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...



I agree with you, the World does not need Drug Dealers, Terrorist or Drug users caught a third time. Same punishment execution !!


To me due process if caught pushing drugs or dealer boss, simple "Drugs in hand 9MM to back of head" Done

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1 minute ago, autanic said:


Oh so all the kids that have died from ecstasy, in the UK over the past few years, that was, what ?  Unfortunate !

Often it is due to either mixing it with alcohol or other substances, over heating to drinking too much water. 

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I get it, drugs are bad and dealers need to be punished.  However what I don't get here is the imbalance of sentencing. You can kill several people with your car and get a Thai baht 10,000 fine.  You can stab a man to death and the charges never heard in Court (read German many stabbed to death by youths on Samui). It goes on and on. 2 life sentences for selling Ecstasy. What was he supplying the world?  I just don't get it, never will.

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8 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


Then we should execute every cigarette manufacturer / seller for the people who died from a cancer resulting of too much smoking...
Education is the key ! 

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16 minutes ago, Franky Bear said:


you'll never recover from such an amazing howler...ever. Best thing to do is ignore this thread matey. 


My bad for not being "down" with the nasty shit that is mixed with E's. seems you are though.

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Just now, Vermor said:

Then we should execute every cigarette manufacturer / seller for the people who died from a cancer resulting of too much smoking...
Education is the key ! 

Every weapon manufacturer and seller as well... think about it.. weapons kill more than drugs.

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