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Whole fresh eggs taste like fish.


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are you really sure that they simply haven't gone off?


are they fresh from far?

from local market?


or from modern supermarket?


non-refrigerated or from local markets wouldn't last that long in the heat,

and you don't know just how long the market has them sitting there...



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being used to having free range off a farm back home,it really scares me seeing eggs stacked to the rafters outside on the road in this heat,also eggs on supermarket shelve's,have had a few bad one's that were well in date.

but dont we all love eggs.

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I will try buying eggs at a supermarket. I have been buying in a 7/11 style store. Thanks to everyone. 


Seeing eggs unrefridgerated in Thailand startled me also. 


Does anyone have a favorite brand???


i will have a look around Teusday when I get in town. 

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19 hours ago, GaryB1263 said:

I will try buying eggs at a supermarket. I have been buying in a 7/11 style store. Thanks to everyone. 


Seeing eggs unrefridgerated in Thailand startled me also. 


Does anyone have a favorite brand???


i will have a look around Teusday when I get in town. 

having tried many,i will only eat TESCO fresh eggs,10 pr.box,the label on top SEE THE GREEN CHICKEN, i find the yolks are a nice

orange colour.a bit dearer than the run of the mill eggs but i get on well with them.

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I haven;t bought eggs in a grocery store since I permanently left Samui in 2003!  I buy fresh duck eggs from the lady that raises ducks in my village and sells the eggs commercially.


Always fresh!

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Could have been fed a commercial feed that's fish based. As for eggs in the West that are refrigerated.  They need to be. As the protective barrier is washed off. In country's that don't refrigerate, they still have the natural protective barrier. They say either way is pretty much the same. Unless you leave a washed egg out.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/17/2016 at 5:28 PM, meatboy said:

being used to having free range off a farm back home,it really scares me seeing eggs stacked to the rafters outside on the road in this heat,also eggs on supermarket shelve's,have had a few bad one's that were well in date.

but dont we all love eggs.

agreed.  I have had many eggs in thailand that didn't quite taste proper.  Storing and dating of the egg cartons is highly suspect.  The concept of rotating stock in some of the restaurants I have toured seemed to be very haphazard

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I know what you mean. We buy our eggs from the small corner Tesco Lotus now. 30 packs medium size. Always great and super fresh. Look like small eggs but huge yolks. Even big c eggs we found were <deleted>. More often than not the yolks would break when you broke the eggs and the whites were thin and ran everywhere. Always seemed like older eggs. Small Tesco lotus the go

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