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Danish man conned me of 100 million baht while I had cancer -  Thai woman begs PM for justice


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2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


[I am 99% sure she didn't put in 1 red cent, whoever that has nothing to do with anything]


It has everything to do with this... It is the whole reason the Topic exists.... The Danish Man is not willing to give back 51% of the Shares, which are apparently valued at 100 million baht...   This whole discussion / thread revolves around why this may be... 



No one is debating the law...  no one questioned the decision of the Judge.




if the court has decided and she is not happy with the verdict she can appeal to the higher court. how can the PM intervene in personal matters when he has so many important decisions to make about running the country.

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3 hours ago, seahorse said:

I wouldn't be surprised if he's just taking what was his to start with.

Ah the joys of married life especially when your rich. I presume she married  him out of love. There are many claims of how love enriches ones life until one comes across this type of story. He apparently has the financial clout to keep her at bay. As my sainted old grandmother used to say "A fool and his money are soon parted" Stay tuned to see if she gets to cash her "winning" lottery ticket. I have a feeling the system will bend over backwards to help her. Just a hunch of course. 

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Some troll posts also a general flame against forum members and a disrespectful racist term have all been removed, all removed posts from the same new member who needs to read the following forum rules before he posts further:


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I'd like to know a little more about how "the shares were transferred from her control by her husband".  I don't know how that could be done without her permission unless she was declared legally incompetent.  It sounds like she just got duped by her husband, like maybe he promised her something in exchange for signing the control over to him or someone else (a Thai).  If she could prove that she might be able to sue him for breach of promise, otherwise she'll probably just be out of luck, and out of THB 100 MM.   

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35 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Have a look at the family and friends of the complaining wife and the posters they are holding up.


Do they look like investors with 100 million baht to chuck around to you?

It doesn't really matter as the assumption is that he gave his wife 51% of the shares in order to start the business.  Presumably this is why the court order awarded her 50%?


But as Richard_Smith237 pointed out - at the moment its all pure speculation. 

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1 hour ago, jerojero said:

Hope he is back in Denmark, or an army knock could be at his door tomorrow!

good point. hope he had the sense to get the hell out of town. may not be so easy with a business and property. this is probably an extremely rare case where a foreigner has managed to keep his business. in all fairness he should have probable lost it for trusting her in the first place. having said that i have to say that half my business is in my girls name, but she is different.

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10 minutes ago, billsmart said:

I'd like to know a little more about how "the shares were transferred from her control by her husband".  I don't know how that could be done without her permission unless she was declared legally incompetent.  It sounds like she just got duped by her husband, like maybe he promised her something in exchange for signing the control over to him or someone else (a Thai).  If she could prove that she might be able to sue him for breach of promise, otherwise she'll probably just be out of luck, and out of THB 100 MM.   

it is a fairly common practice to forge signatures and have them witnessed by a lawyer. remember the case in phuket where a camera crew went to the lawyers office? the lawyer had witnessed the forged signature of a man for 500thb who then lost his property to loan sharks. he was paid 500thb to witness the signature and said on camera it was common practice. lawyer like everyone else here should not be trusted as they seem to act with impunity.

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Most guys, when setting up a company are happy to list the Thai gf or wife on company documents.  Nobody goes into a relationship thinking it's going to tank.

I knew I was retiring. Was planning on building a house. Had been with my then gf for a couple years.

My lawyer asked if I was planning on getting married in the future.  So he had me start everything and didn't list her as a director or even a shareholder.

I even took his advice and never listed her on the tabian ban. She used a neighbor for that.

Ten years later she tried to get the house. Or half of it. She went to a dozen lawyers and they all said that everything was a pre marital asset. 

She was however responsible for half the debt she ran up.

For this case. Who knows. It does sound like she was going after what she is entitled to legally.  But we don't know even half the story.

If she helped build a business and it was post marriage profit. It's a whole different story.

It's just that that rarely happens here. It does sometimes.  But Las Vegas odds would probably side with the guy.

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Ironic that the foreigner does something bad in the eyes of a Thai law that is possibly more fair than that of his own country, but he scores points in a land where he may easily have fallen victim to a complete lack of justice and/or bias against him.


Meanwhile, a bunch of rice-pickers and their quaint little 'We're not ready to do business fairly yet' system are left blowing steam, not having got their fingers on the foreigner's money.


Yeah but cancer so visa restrictions because of good people.

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


However, whats more likely (again, we can only speculate).. the Danish Man moved 'Money' in to Thailand to start up his business which to make legal in Thailand he had to award 51% of the business to his Wife. 


The Wife, now a 51% partner is demanding her share of 51% of the business valued at 100 Million Baht.



I too would assume that what you've suggested above is the likely way this situation came to be.


And, under Thai law, once the guy made his wife a 51% shareholder in their company (even if she never paid a dime), he made her legally entitled to that share of the company.


The above fallout being one of the many reasons why I'd always be hesitant to undertake any kind of business in Thailand as a foreigner where Thai partners needed to be involved -- not to mention the literal circus that is the Thai civil justice system.


I understand the glee of other posters here at seeing the same thing happen to a Thai woman that has happened to so many farangs who have been cheated out of their business interests.  But in this case, the woman is legally entitled to what she's claiming.

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good lesson to be learned. when your girl does you a favor letting you put your house in her name or making up the 51% of the  companies share holders she is not really doing you a favor. dont put anything in your thai girls name. i broke the rule only because my business while it generates income has no assets. better option is to just not do anything regarding property or business in thailand. everything is stacked against us. sounds like this guy might have got away with it though even though he would have had to break the law to do it.

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1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

Have a look at the family and friends of the complaining wife and the posters they are holding up.


Do they look like investors with 100 million baht to chuck around to you?

A perfect cross section of Thailand's Nouveau Riche  

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


Assets 'Gained' after marriage - This would imply that the business 'made' 200 Million Baht since marriage, 50% of which was awarded to the 'ex-Wife' following divorce.  


However, whats more likely (again, we can only speculate).. the Danish Man moved 'Money' in to Thailand to start up his business which to make legal in Thailand he had to award 51% of the business to his Wife. 


The Wife, now a 51% partner is demanding her share of 51% of the business valued at 100 Million Baht.


Again - I very much doubt that 100 Million Baht was made since the start of the Marriage or Since the Business started, rather a Significant cash injection from the Danish Guy is the majority of that 100 million baht. 


But - Its all speculation: The Story is quite thin on facts... 





I question the 51% ownership in as much that, I thought the Thai business partner only gets a 49% share. This makes it legal and the principal investor has complete control over the company. Otherwise a foreign investor hands full control of a company to the Thai partner. Who invests in a country without keeping full control over that company?     

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3 minutes ago, CharlieK said:


I question the 51% ownership in as much that, I thought the Thai business partner only gets a 49% share. This makes it legal and the principal investor has complete control over the company. Otherwise a foreign investor hands full control of a company to the Thai partner. Who invests in a country without keeping full control over that company?     


Many foreign men........ If the pages of TV are to be believed.

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As usual

The farang comes to Thailand and because of Xenophobic laws has to marry or befriend a Thai to operate business here.
So he does and i guarantee the woman did Sweet FA to work or help the guy, except as he became more successful and his co ltd grew she realised she was 51% holder.

She probably bullied him and threatened him for the money so he removed her as he saw fit...
Either way she didnt work for the money and only was entitled to it due to draconian laws, bar girl suddenly becomes a multi millionaire etc.

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21 minutes ago, dfp said:

It seems like some forum members have difficulty to distinguish between Danish and Dutch. The headline clearly states "Danish man".


I made that very mistake... While clearly knowing the difference between Danish and Dutch...  by the time I'd read the posts and made my reply I'd mistakenly typed Dutch - Just a silly oversight, already pointed out by another Poster. 



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Another reason why it's important to set the company up properly.  Yes the Thai's have to own 51% and the foreigner 49%.  But the you split the shares you give them preference shares (need 10 shares per vote) and you keep all the ordinary shares (need 1 share per vote).  That way even if the Thai have 51% you still maintain full control of the company through voting rights.  Easy to set up and any good lawyer will tell you to do this when setting up a new company for you.  


Like most people here, I doubt very much she had anything to put into the company to begin with.  Let's see if she can show where she got the money to put into the company 


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