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Body in the freezer latest: police say cut up body likely to have been frozen for eight years - suspect "romantically linked" to corpse


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39 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

All this business must have come as a horrific blow to the family of the deceased.....condolences to them and I prey they never see some of the the remarks in posts on here.    What's even more curious.....the "sickos" on here making those remarks are calling these people "sick"......"if only we could see ourselves as others see us".


What do you know about the family that we do not, assuming there is even a family? Has it  dawned on you that these were allegedly hardcore criminals. They forged documents that were used to provide cover for some very bad people. Those people allegedly included murderers, terrorists, child molesters, rapists etc. 


5 hours ago, Thechook said:

A gay relationship.  These 3 guys must be one sick group to keep a chopped up corpse For 8 years.


Homosexuality has no bearing in this matter. The health literature indicates that when people  retain corpses it is because there has been a strong psychological dependency. Think of the Bates Motel and Norman with his mother's rotting corpse.Other times, bodies are retained to ensure that social benefits can be collected.


2 hours ago, sahibji said:

no one missed the deceased for eight years. were any police or missing persons reports filed anywhere.weird and unimaginable.


If these were old guys and forgers, it is doubtful they had any family relationships left. These people tend to burn bridges and alienate their families. Forgers are professional liars and cons. They start with their families and then expand into other victims.



All in all very exciting.  BTW, a body left in a freezer for 8  years will be rather   dried out. It will also be a rather disgusting  blob because I expect there was freezing and thawing and the body has some advanced decomposition. The stench alone would be horrific.

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21 minutes ago, BruceMangosteen said:

It should easy for law enforcement officials to determine if the body was chopped up before or after being frozen. It could be a crude suicide. Remember, Vince Foster cut his own head off, placed it on a park bench, and then ran and jumped into a river and it was determined it was suicide by drowning. The late Mr. Foster was Secretary Hillary Clinton's secret lover. Suicide is a strange thing. I wouldn't be surprised if this soul didn't freeze himself to death then cut himself up to make it look like murder. 


Another debunked myth. You Trump lovers are pathetic. 6 investigations, all concluded that the man with a history of depression killed himself.

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1 hour ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yes it is confusing! Just because you find a frozen body in a freezer doesn't mean the he was murdered automatically. You need to find the cause of death. For all we know he could have died for a drug overdose.


Or maybe after he looked at the cost of a Western Funeral he found it cheaper to get a freezer and store him their. At least then, when he is talking to his dearly departed he can still look him in the eyes when he is doing that. 


Or maybe he planned or bringing his beloved back home with him and when he goes, for a normal funeral, but is the worlds worst procrastinator. Many of us have stayed in Thailand a lot longer than we planned. So he may have planned to do that the following week, but put it off to the next month, and then the next year and now 8 years. Who Knows?  

For sure mate. He probably died cleaning the freezer and they left him/her there.  Definitely an 'Overstay' The Junta will probably send his/her Family the Visa overstay fine and the power bill to keep the freezer going.

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43 minutes ago, BruceMangosteen said:

It should easy for law enforcement officials to determine if the body was chopped up before or after being frozen. It could be a crude suicide. Remember, Vince Foster cut his own head off, placed it on a park bench, and then ran and jumped into a river and it was determined it was suicide by drowning. The late Mr. Foster was Secretary Hillary Clinton's secret lover. Suicide is a strange thing. I wouldn't be surprised if this soul didn't freeze himself to death then cut himself up to make it look like murder. 

Still peddling that old hoax Jerry?

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It's all just rumors of course, but I believe the shooter killed before and somehow it's connected with this body - as he was the one easily shooting in the cop - it's usually hard if you've never shoot before.
Just thoughts, don't pay too much attention.

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21 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

if the deceased was murdered they the murderer would have got away clean if they had just disposed of the corpse instead of keeping it.

Which is why Altzeimers patients daren't take up serial killing :)

Edited by evadgib
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1 hour ago, Borzandy said:

8 years frozen,  with regular power cuts, it's at least strange or smelly.

If something or someone is frozen to the extent this poor man was, it would take days to thaw out even in hot weather. Refer to the Iceman killings 

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2 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

Wanted: a Thai woman, who may or may not be married to one of them, and who could confirm or not confirm that some pieces of the corpse's neck may or may not be missing...


It does say the police were confused. Don't think it takes much to confuse them though. If the guilty doesn't just cough up and confess I imagine the Police sit around saying "what do we do now? Nobody is telling us what happened?"


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1 hour ago, BruceMangosteen said:

It should easy for law enforcement officials to determine if the body was chopped up before or after being frozen. It could be a crude suicide. Remember, Vince Foster cut his own head off, placed it on a park bench, and then ran and jumped into a river and it was determined it was suicide by drowning. The late Mr. Foster was Secretary Hillary Clinton's secret lover. Suicide is a strange thing. I wouldn't be surprised if this soul didn't freeze himself to death then cut himself up to make it look like murder. 

Wow, someone just opened Pandora's Box of conspiracy theorists.   Congratulations for linking the topic of a corpse in Bangkok to Hillary's secret lover.  :rolleyes:   

Remember folks, there's an 'ignore' feature on ThaiVisa. Just hover the mouse over the poster's name and choose 'ignore.'   Less garbage to wade through on your way to serious posts.  

Edited by Fookhaht
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Quite some mystery. I am sure it will never be solved by the police as they have enough trouble solving who dunnits like corpses over balconies. Yes it is far beyond the capacity of the law enforcement departments in Thailand. Unless someone comes forward and unravels the mystery for them it will remain a mystery.

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I'm pretty sure they cant tell how long a body has been there for once its frozen. Not to exact years anyway.

Maybe the methods used now have improved but when Richard kuklinski (The iceman) was freezing bodies and dumping them the police couldn't tell when the people died until he told them.

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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

All this business must have come as a horrific blow to the family of the deceased.....condolences to them and I prey they never see some of the the remarks in posts on here.

    What's even more curious.....the "sickos" on here making those remarks are calling these people "sick"......"if only we could see ourselves as others see us".

Come on mr deadly earnest; stop preying (sic) then go and get yourself a sense of humour. Or should that be 'sense of humor'?

Some form of necrophilia/paraphilia. You couldn't make this stuff up. No one here means any disrespect to the deceased or his family, it's just so bizarre it's funny.

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2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


Another debunked myth. You Trump lovers are pathetic. 6 investigations, all concluded that the man with a history of depression killed himself.


Agreed.  But after years of sporting that tinfoil hat it's damn hard to make your appearance back here on planet earth. :rolleyes:

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