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Prominent British rights activist Andy Hall, fearing for safety, leaves Thailand


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1 hour ago, Artisi said:

Want to change places with him, how about you make some very pointed and legitimate complaint about the company involved  and see how you fair long term.

But I wouldn't as 1. I'm not a thai so I keep out of there buisness and 2. I'm not a dogooding tree hugger. legitimate 555555

Edited by Deepinthailand
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5 hours ago, Squeegee said:


Nobody recommends working in Thailand. Holidaying once upon a time, yes, but Thailand was never a "great" place to work. This is yet another example of your content-free nonsense posts.


It's going to be fun seeing if you are capable of a realistic thought.


Well, would you be kind enough to please substantiate your opinion about working in Thailand. What do you do?  Are so qualified in so many different fields and disciplines that you can make such a sweeping judgment?


Can't say I like any of Desperate Dan's nonsense and fully support Andy, in his decision to leave, but please stick to the subject.

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10 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Andy Hall will be on BBC World News at 9.30pm (Bangkok time) live from Paris.


Thanks for the heads up will be sure to miss the self  opinionated fool spouting even more rubish now.

Whilst I remember (old age thing) thread headline prominent British rights activist Andy Hall, 

Ask around today on FB with my UK mates no one has heard of him there. not that prominent then.

Edited by Deepinthailand
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8 hours ago, Goingmad said:

Same as when some Hollywood movie stars went after Nike about 6-8 years ago; saying that it was wrong to make shoes in Thailand for $ 2.00 / pair and sell for $100 in the states. Nike got tried of the the bad press and moved to Vietnam.

2,000 Thai's lost their jobs. Many from the same families. Nike was paying 10 % more then average wage. The workers were happy. Then they lose their jobs; and the Hollywood Stars shut up ! Sad.

Just because they worked there doesn't mean they were happy.  And defending this position by saying no one forced them to work there is untenable.  I worked in a job for many years that I loathed but couldn't find anything that wasn't even worse.  Just quitting and doing nothing was not an option because I needed an income.  I agree that it is quite nauseating when ignorant celebs jump on this bandwagon but at the same time, exploitation such as this needs t be highlighted or nothing will ever change.  I can only speak for myself but I would not want to purchase something that was produced in what is tantamount to slave labour. 

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12 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Andy Hall will be on BBC World News at 9.30pm (Bangkok time) live from Paris.


I Know what it will be already.


I'm being harrased, I've done nothing wrong , he bad man.


Now he is out of TH he will be able to show us all the evidence he has been hiding that proves.


The mafia killed Hannah & David


Natural fruit and now a chicken company were using slave Labour.

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5 hours ago, bamukloy said:

Sorry to say, but I cant help but think the whole exercise was pointless. All is achieved is disrupting peoples lives.


If any of these supposed abused workers lose their jobs they will end up despising people like Andy, , after all, they chose the job in the first.


If a cheap product is taken off the shelf, many consumers will also despise his cause.

Consumers want cheap stuff..and dont ask questions


This kind of reminds me of old story.. when a guy beating up on his lady, the hero think he must comes to save the day.. only then the guys lady bashes up the hero.lol


Or the one who save young girls from a bar..only she go back there the next day because the money is good and she have no better offer.


So was it worth it Andy?

What you achieve? 


Business as usual for the rich guy.


Now it is you that have a life looking over your shoulder and   thinking how you could have much easier and carefree life in Thailand if i only did mind my own business.

Yes, far better to ignore injustice and enable - and therefore, by default, support those behind it.

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3 hours ago, happy Joe said:

As usual, the British activist proceeds by allusions without any evidence or obvious fact to substantiate his remarks.


Good riddance for Thailand and us, Westerners living in this nice country.


Your reference to he who "proceeds by allusions without any evidence or obvious fact to substantiate his remarks." could easily be applied to your own response. 

Edited by stephen tracy
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Thanks for the heads up will be sure to miss the self  opinionated fool spouting even more rubish now.
Whilst I remember (old age thing) thread headline prominent British rights activist Andy Hall, 
Ask around today on FB with my UK mates no one has heard of him there. not that prominent then.

Yes, quite right, shame on Andy Hall for sticking up for the rights of poor migrant workers in Thailand and Myanmar. What a fool, wasting his time trying to improve their lives. Then he runs off like a coward to France when his life gets threaten.
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Heart-warming to read all the posts here


But tomorrow it is back to “Where can I buy the cheapest this or that?” Without any regards for the workers making the products or that they use the cheapest way possible to dispose of the toxic coming out of the back of the factory


You can all do something for the workers, not just Andy. Just look where the product is made when you are shopping! Maybe the extra Baht goes to give someone a decent life, or is invested in cleaning the s**t coming out from the sewers and funnels on the factory


And yes, I know, it is a problem today, but I always chose Made in EU, Japan, Australia, USA etc. because I know that the chances are higher for the workers to get paid so they can live a life. And I might have a chance to go swimming in the lakes, or to see a bird or something else exciting. And for all of you with children, it should be a very simple choice

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Good move to leave Andy - I was worried your 'campaign' was not going to end well for you if you stayed and fought them.  I am sure you will keep up the campaign from OSeas - and maybe something good will come of it.


As someone else has mentioned, this issue is related to another hot topic about many Expats thinking about leaving.  That an Expat can be subjected to such threats, and have very little (if any) legal protection, is part of the reason that many Expats are thinking of leaving. It is getting worse not better, and it may get a whole lot worse next year.  Sure, if you stay clean and dont create waves you should be OK, but more and more I hear of unlucky Expats who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or they upset a hiso and are being punished (for not doing like the Thai in other story today and not thinking to prostrate one's self).




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31 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Yes, far better to ignore injustice and enable - and therefore, by default, support those behind it.

That is unfair - this aint the west. It is better and wiser to look away and not get involved here.


My Thai wife is adamant that we will not stop if there is an accident - she knows why and I believe her (and others on TV).

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36 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Yes, quite right, shame on Andy Hall for sticking up for the rights of poor migrant workers in Thailand and Myanmar. What a fool, wasting his time trying to improve their lives. Then he runs off like a coward to France when his life gets threaten.

Or sticking his nose in to other countries a fairs.  we're does it say by an official source that his life was threatened. and I don't mean a mate of a mate or he said it beacuse I have not read that anywhere.

Plus how does closing a factory down thus putting said workers he was supposed to be helping out of work improve thete lives then.

Edited by Deepinthailand
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12 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

That is unfair - this aint the west. It is better and wiser to look away and not get involved here.


My Thai wife is adamant that we will not stop if there is an accident - she knows why and I believe her (and others on TV).


It's not as unfair as rampant exploitation, whether it be here on in the West. It certainly could be argued that it is wiser to look away if your concerns are purely looking out for yourself, but it's not "better" to look away and ignore a problem that will fester.  It's a bit like witnessing a nasty crime - like a child rape - and not doing anything to stop it. 

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14 hours ago, Kerryd said:

No doubt he will write/publish more in the future. He'll just be doing it from a place where he won't get thrown in jail for speaking the truth.



    Those people won't throw him in jail. Buried in a rice field perhaps, yes. 

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New charges have been brought against Andy Hall by the chicken farm in what he calls "judical harrasement"

Yet he supported 14 workers that tried to sue them first for 1.3 million dollars for compensation.


Both cases have to use them same thai laws and courts


The guy is a hypocrite.

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12 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

No not true at all where have I ever said what you describe me as saying against thai people being used. I am glad the tree hugger has left. but no where ever have I said what you are now claiming about thai people so please before you spout your morale judgments on people based on your non existent fact. what exactly are you doing about what you percived to be wrong apart from popping up in forums like this anonymous I may add. And making things up.


While you never specifically said you were against any people being used, calling the man such a derogative term such as "tree hugger" and saying you were happy he left (in a since deleted post) certainly implies you don't support what he was doing - ergo...


And I stand by my judgement.


I'm not doing anything because I freely admit that I'm nowhere near as brave as the likes of Hall and other banished expats (and Thais), and I never, once, professed to be any kind of activist - and that doesn't preclude me from discussing others' activism on a discussion forum (where nearly everyone, including yourself I may add, is anonymous).

Edited by jamesbrock
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Or sticking his nose in to other countries a fairs.  we're does it say by an official source that his life was threatened. and I don't mean a mate of a mate or he said it beacuse I have not read that anywhere.
Plus how does closing a factory down thus putting said workers he was supposed to be helping out of work improve thete lives then.

I was being sarcastic.
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12 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Name the chicken farmer as well (see the Reuters report) and actively get the Embassy of the European Union involved. Unknown to most, the latter exists and nobody really knows why and what they do. 


The Embassy of the European Union?  You've made that up, unless you know where in Thailand it is, of course, or you have some other reference to it.   Why would there be such an institution when all the members of the EU already have their own diplomatic missions?

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23 minutes ago, jamesbrock said:



While you never specifically said you were against any people being used, calling the man such a derogative term such as "tree hugger" and saying you were happy he left (in a since deleted post) certainly implies you don't support what he was doing - ergo...


And I stand by my judgement.


I'm not doing anything because I freely admit that I'm nowhere near as brave as the likes of Hall and other banished expats (and Thais), and I never, once, professed to be any kind of activist - and that doesn't preclude me from discussing others' activism on a discussion forum (where nearly everyone, including yourself I may add, is anonymous).

He is a tree hugger pure and simple I have deleted no posts on this matter and I stick with the fact I an happy he has gone. but I accept  your apology for miss quoting me

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Good.  He should leave Thailand.  Typical arrogant westerner.   Why doesn't he go back to his own country and tell the Brits what to do?


If you don't like it here, then you should leave.   Why do so many westerners, including many of whom will likely reply to this post, complain about Thailand and still stay here?   If you don't like it, then leave.


- Frank

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Good.  He should leave Thailand.  Typical arrogant westerner.   Why doesn't he go back to his own country and tell the Brits what to do?
If you don't like it here, then you should leave.   Why do so many westerners, including many of whom will likely reply to this post, complain about Thailand and still stay here?   If you don't like it, then leave.
- Frank

Typical response from a person who doesnt have the capacity to mount an argument. He has done more for the country than you Im sure.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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1 minute ago, 2fishin2 said:


Typical response from a person who doesnt have the capacity to mount an argument. He has done more for the country than you Im sure.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


So can you enlighten me and others of exactly what the man has done for Thailand then please, as it seems to me he has actually caused more hardship and trouble for those he claims to be fighting for. Then deserts them to look after number 1.

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10 minutes ago, 2fishin2 said:


Typical response from a person who doesnt have the capacity to mount an argument. He has done more for the country than you Im sure.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Andy Hall helped over 80 people lose their jobs in the chicken farm, so most probably doing nothing has helped them more.

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26 minutes ago, FrankThai said:

Good.  He should leave Thailand.  Typical arrogant westerner.   Why doesn't he go back to his own country and tell the Brits what to do?


If you don't like it here, then you should leave.   Why do so many westerners, including many of whom will likely reply to this post, complain about Thailand and still stay here?   If you don't like it, then leave.


- Frank

There's no such thing as a country without issues that need dealing with, meaning one would be left permanently adrift should you attempt to highlight them.  And here lies the point.  Hall was not complaining, he was highlighting and unjust and exploitative situation.  Blowing the whistle on economic backwardness, which will not benefit Thailand in the long run, quite the opposite.  Why should express anger over an activist pointing out injustice is something of a mystery.  And in my case, where would I go, should I leave?  I was born in the UK but never actually lived there.  I've been an expat since I was 2 years old, and as a result don't really have a home country.  Thailand has been a good substitute for many years, most of my friends are Thai, and all of them have applauded Mr Hall's actions, with one expressing the view that it required an outsider to bring the case to light as "no Thai would have done so", as he put it. 

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