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Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests


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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


Prove it. Prove that the protestors are paid. It's a BS claim. There are  many millions of US citizens who are alienanted and they have  many. many different opinions. Right, left, centrist, special interest supporters, they all  will come out to protest when so motivated. No one needs to pay them, anymore than the violent anti freedom of choice  protestors are paid, or the KKK is paid, or BLM is paid etc.

So now that it has been demonstrated that is was not a BS claim, and the ads on craigslist have been posted is there any chance you would like to correct the post regarding "No one needs to pay them".


Apparently, based on the craigslist ad someone does need to pay them. Heck at $18 dollars an hour (630 baht an hour) I might consider becoming a part time paid protester.  However, unlike many of these protesters I can only work in the evening because I have a real job that I have to go to every day.

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On ‎11‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 2:26 PM, boomerangutang said:


      I am American, and I'm extremely concerned that rednecks outvoted sensible people.

If you were sensible, you'd see that attitude was one of the main reasons you lost.

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13 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

Now we have people that think they know who needs, what counseling? I'd say anybody that supported or supports the orange fascist needs counseling.


Doing what, playing golf....lol? I have a good life, thank you very much. My public behavior  is the same as here, no keyboard warrior. I know the world, know the politics, know the pigs and know the racists that populate this forum. I was raised with their ilk. Funny how I don't encounter these racist, bigoted comments from 99.9% of the expats I talk with. BTW,  aside from being an USMC Sgt Vietnam Vet, I was a cop, stick that one up where the sun doesn't shine. Yep emotional trauma, you have to be human to have just a little bit. Leaves a lot of posters out. Rage, Rage against the dying of democracy.


How in hell does a human being think that taking a fellow Vietnam USMC Veteran to the Wall is a symptom of emotional trauma? Oh I know, never been there, never done that. <deleted> right? Maybe even an officer, wow I'm impressed, NOT!


I met real military at the US Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Vientiane last week, don't think some of the posters here would qualify. I'll be going back to party with the guys, most of you are definitely not only not invited but not welcome.


The orange monster is no populist, just a con man that some fools believed. Wanna' buy some snake oil...lol.


I hope the protests against a fascist never stop until he and his cabal are driven out of not only office but into GitMo.


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All these actions by Americans are supportive of immigration because by the looks of it there will be no one in america capable to lead in the next generation.. With new generation holding on to teddy bears and playing with play doh. America will need immigrants to take over because they will be the only ones in america with a grasp of reality.

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Every organization has paid employees, so what is your exact problem. There is nothing that says protesters are being paid, but then again the right wing only sees what it wants to believe. Oh my oh my, somebody unknown and untraceable must have paid for the buses, ah well duh. That's more than likely true and what of it? Like nobody ever paid for Republican buses, right? Rage, rage against the dying of democracy and the rise of fascism.


The idiot in chief hired a known white racist and alt-right, a nazi sympathizer and a wall streeter at that. We are looking at what is shaping up to be truly the inmates running the asylum. And some people are still listing bratbart a lying right wingnut alt-right rag as a source, get a life.


Estimates of 100,000 strong in LA, go, go, go. Yes, thankfully they will be the new leaders.


No, unfortunately nobody has led the US since the Reagan cabal took office and began the destruction of America.


On one thing I think most of us can agree, the Clinton was the wrong person. Bernie would have walked all over him and might have even had to take the gloves like he should have with the Clintons.


I must learn how to play cow pasture pool someday, really interesting people on the pasture, yawn.

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On 11/12/2016 at 10:21 PM, Fore Man said:

Grabbed this from CNN, who recent biased reporting I grew to dislike, but with this snippet, I have to agree:   


"For these outbursts you can thank 50 years of piss-poor education in American civics, the devolution of our constitutional order in the face of a Progressive onslaught against its institutions, the hyperventilating, lying, unscrupulous press (and their willing accomplices in the NeverTrump right), and a handful of other factors I am probably forgetting right now but all contributing to this result: When significant numbers of people hysterically believe the country just elected Hitler, what do you expect?"


It wasn't originally from CNN, of course. The author is Julie Ponzi, and it was posted on American Greatness, where she's an editor. The CNN piece covers reactions to the protests from Trump supporters.









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There are indications that many of those arrested protesting did not even vote. If you are against a candidate and do not vote you deserve whoever gets elected. You should also be too embarrassed to go out and protest and get arrested.  If you do not like Trump there will be another election in four years. That is plenty of time to figure out how to get registered to vote, fill out the minimal paperwork and figure out how to cast a ballot next time around. In my opinion, you should not be pissing and moaning (never mind rioting) about election results if you could not even be bothered to do your civic duty and vote in an election that was obviously important to you. 


Does anyone believe you should be on the streets protesting the election results if you had the opportunity to cast a ballot but were simply too lazy, or too apathetic to do so?




Edited by Ahab
wanted to add news link
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2 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

For 'Outrage and fear' read Soros and other globalists. Incidentally I wonder where Obama and Clinton are, surely it's high time they told the demonstrators to go home before someone is killed.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Obama & his sidekick Hillary gave no skin in the game anymore.

now watch as their true nature shines thru like soot

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8 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

Nope JT is no racist, but there are plenty on this forum that are and with the election of the fascist orange monster they are coming out of the asylum. Fortunately they are the minority of expats, just loud keyboard warriors. I have a chip and my shoulder doesn't droop, comprende' ese'?



I am sure that some racists voted for Trump, and I am equally sure that some racists voted for Hillary. Trumps election was not about racism, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, fear of Islam, or any other fear you want to list. It was about voting for change. A change from Republican leadership, and most importantly a change from Democratic leadership. Trump beat sixteen other Republican "leaders" in the primary, Hillary (and by default Bernie and the other Democrats that ran). It could be but is very unlikely that most Republican Americans are racist and Trump was the best fit, or it could be (and more likely is) due to the fact that he is the one candidate out of all of them (including Bernie Sanders) that actually has a shot at changing the system.


Name calling does not bolster your arguments, when everyone is labeled as a racist the label becomes meaningless.

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12 minutes ago, Ahab said:


Trumps election was not about racism, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, fear of Islam, or any other fear you want to list.


 In your opinion. That doesn't mean your opinion reflects the reality.

I watched his campaign closely. It WAS about all those things.

Now elected, he picks a man who ran a white supremacist, Islamophobic, misogynistic, antisemitic, and homophobic website to be his MOST IMPORTANT adviser ... there in the oval office with him when he makes all important decisions.


Again, this is not to assert that all trump voters are racists, etc. HOWEVER, they all did support a campaign based on all those forms of disgusting hatred.


"Donald Trump ran a campaign of racist demagoguery against Muslim Americans, Hispanic immigrants, and black protesters. He indulged the worst instincts of the American psyche and winked to the stream of white nationalists and anti-Semites who backed his bid for the White House. Millions of Americans voted for this campaign, thus elevating white nationalism and white reaction to the Oval Office.
Millions of Americans are justifiably afraid of what they’ll face under a Trump administration. If any group demands our support and sympathy, it’s these people, not the Americans who backed Trump and his threat of state-sanctioned violence against Hispanic immigrants and Muslim Americans. All the solicitude, outrage, and moral telepathy being deployed in defense of Trump supporters—who voted for a racist who promised racist outcomes—is perverse, bordering on abhorrent."

(Software issue, can not use quote tool)




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22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

 In your opinion. That doesn't mean your opinion reflects the reality.

I watched his campaign closely. It WAS about all those things.

Now elected, he picks a man who ran a white supremacist, Islamophobic, misogynistic, antisemitic, and homophobic website to be his MOST IMPORTANT adviser ... there in the oval office with him when he makes all important decisions.


Again, this is not to assert that all trump voters are racists, etc. HOWEVER, they all did support a campaign based on all those forms of disgusting hatred.


"Donald Trump ran a campaign of racist demagoguery against Muslim Americans, Hispanic immigrants, and black protesters. He indulged the worst instincts of the American psyche and winked to the stream of white nationalists and anti-Semites who backed his bid for the White House. Millions of Americans voted for this campaign, thus elevating white nationalism and white reaction to the Oval Office.
Millions of Americans are justifiably afraid of what they’ll face under a Trump administration. If any group demands our support and sympathy, it’s these people, not the Americans who backed Trump and his threat of state-sanctioned violence against Hispanic immigrants and Muslim Americans. All the solicitude, outrage, and moral telepathy being deployed in defense of Trump supporters—who voted for a racist who promised racist outcomes—is perverse, bordering on abhorrent."

(Software issue, can not use quote tool)




Sorry but we seem to have opposing views on this topic. Your claim regarding "he picks a man who ran a white supremacist, Islamophobic, misogynistic, antisemitic, and homophobic website to be his MOST IMPORTANT adviser" appears to be misguided or at least misinformed.  Do a search on Brietbart for the words Jew, or Israel, or white supremacy and you will have thousands of search results, as you read them let me know how many of them turn out to be anti-semitic or anti-Israel, or in support of white supremacy.  The answer will be none of them, you are being fed propaganda by the left.  


Andrew Brietbart and his website are none of the things you quote them as being. I don't agree with everything on the website but I have seen enough to know that it is absolutely not as it is being portrayed in the leftist media (i.e. Slate).


I actually like the guy just based on the left's reaction to his pick and the fact that what is being put out it just is not true.

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I'm sure many didn't vote and the reason quite often for that. It's called the electoral college. Only about 10 of the 50 states have any chance of a different than obvious result. Like Oregon was going to go with trump ...

I live in Hawaii until February 2017 when we are moving to Thailand. I voted Libertarian. Hillary won the state with over 60% of the vote. Unless you vote Democrat in Hawaii your vote is not going to matter for President, but that has not deterred me from voting in every single Presidential election that I was ever able to vote in.

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I was talking about his website so don't play diversionary games.


I think I trust the ADL over you, dude.

I've perused a number of the articles he published. 

Click baiting filth capitalizing on hatred of every minority you can mention. 

The KKK and Nazis celebrate the installation of Bannon. They got his message. A propagandist of hate has no business in the white house. We've entered  a danger zone now. 






"It is a sad day when a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists - is slated to be a senior staff member in the 'people's house,' said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. "We call on President-elect Trump to appoint and nominate Americans committed to the well-being of all our country's people and who exemplify the values of pluralism and tolerance that makes our country great."


People are trying to the NORMALIZE what's happened. The leader of the ALT-RIGHT movement, a white supremacist movement installed to such high power. May be normal in other historical regimes we all know about, but for Americans, this is horrifying. 


trump of course is president elect soon to be the most powerful man in the world. He picked him for this. People paying attention would have expected as much, but now that he has done it, the worse expectations are beginning to come true. And people wonder why there are protests. Come on now! (As Obama would say.)

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1 minute ago, Ahab said:

I live in Hawaii until February 2017 when we are moving to Thailand. I voted Libertarian. Hillary won the state with over 60% of the vote. Unless you vote Democrat in Hawaii your vote is not going to matter for President, but that has not deterred me from voting in every single Presidential election that I was ever able to vote in.

You're one person.

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Jingthing, I appreciate your opinion, your strong feelings on this issue, and the fact that you are not name calling. I do disagree with your characterization of Brietbart. By the way how many times have you actually visited the website?

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21 minutes ago, Ahab said:

If I thought he was anti-Semitic, or supported white supremacy I would be against him.  I just don't see it.

This is the game apologists for Bannon are playing. Like it can't be proven 100 percent he's a hater in his heart, so it supposedly doesn't matter that he's a major leader of an explicitly WHITE SUPREMACIST political movement (ALT RIGHT) and that he published Breitbart many many disgusting hate bait click articles. Not OK. Not normal. There is a large segment of decent Americans that will NEVER accept the alt right ascendancy as normal. But again, the KKK and Nazis party about this. 



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49 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

This is the game apologists for Bannon are playing. Like it can't be proven 100 percent he's a hater in his heart, so it supposedly doesn't matter that he's a major leader of an explicitly WHITE SUPREMACIST political movement (ALT RIGHT) and that he published Breitbart many many disgusting hate bait click articles. Not OK. Not normal. There is a large segment of decent Americans that will NEVER accept the alt right ascendancy as normal. But again, the KKK and Nazis party about this. 




He doesn't seem like someone I'd want to know but your extreme hyperbole leaves what you say subject to being disregarded as dishonest.




So I just checked out this website everyone is talking about. Clearly partisan for the right but there are many website links posted here that are clearly partisan for the left.  Hey, here's something:



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TERRENCE PETTY needs to man up and say the truth, that it's outrage by a rabble of disappointed sore losers that their preferred candidate lost, and fear that they will have the GOP in charge.

This is about breaking stuff, and mob mentality. They have every right to protest, but none to riot.

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On ‎15‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 2:05 AM, sgtsabai said:

Now we have people that think they know who needs, what counseling? I'd say anybody that supported or supports the orange fascist needs counseling.


Doing what, playing golf....lol? I have a good life, thank you very much. My public behavior  is the same as here, no keyboard warrior. I know the world, know the politics, know the pigs and know the racists that populate this forum. I was raised with their ilk. Funny how I don't encounter these racist, bigoted comments from 99.9% of the expats I talk with. BTW,  aside from being an USMC Sgt Vietnam Vet, I was a cop, stick that one up where the sun doesn't shine. Yep emotional trauma, you have to be human to have just a little bit. Leaves a lot of posters out. Rage, Rage against the dying of democracy.


How in hell does a human being think that taking a fellow Vietnam USMC Veteran to the Wall is a symptom of emotional trauma? Oh I know, never been there, never done that. <deleted> right? Maybe even an officer, wow I'm impressed, NOT!


I met real military at the US Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Vientiane last week, don't think some of the posters here would qualify. I'll be going back to party with the guys, most of you are definitely not only not invited but not welcome.


The orange monster is no populist, just a con man that some fools believed. Wanna' buy some snake oil...lol.


I hope the protests against a fascist never stop until he and his cabal are driven out of not only office but into GitMo.


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On 11/15/2016 at 2:05 AM, sgtsabai said:

Now we have people that think they know who needs, what counseling? I'd say anybody that supported or supports the orange fascist needs counseling.


Doing what, playing golf....lol? I have a good life, thank you very much. My public behavior  is the same as here, no keyboard warrior. I know the world, know the politics, know the pigs and know the racists that populate this forum. I was raised with their ilk. Funny how I don't encounter these racist, bigoted comments from 99.9% of the expats I talk with. BTW,  aside from being an USMC Sgt Vietnam Vet, I was a cop, stick that one up where the sun doesn't shine. Yep emotional trauma, you have to be human to have just a little bit. Leaves a lot of posters out. Rage, Rage against the dying of democracy.


How in hell does a human being think that taking a fellow Vietnam USMC Veteran to the Wall is a symptom of emotional trauma? Oh I know, never been there, never done that. <deleted> right? Maybe even an officer, wow I'm impressed, NOT!


I met real military at the US Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Vientiane last week, don't think some of the posters here would qualify. I'll be going back to party with the guys, most of you are definitely not only not invited but not welcome.


The orange monster is no populist, just a con man that some fools believed. Wanna' buy some snake oil...lol.


I hope the protests against a fascist never stop until he and his cabal are driven out of not only office but into GitMo.


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