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File Sharing


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I have used alot of file sharing programs over the years, limewire, kazaakite, bittorrent, etc. A question that often arrives these programs have alot of spyware and "damage youe computer" could anyone explain the reasoning behind this?

Thanks All :o

Limewire runs on the same network as Bearshare. I have the pro version but it's really nothing special so stick with the free one.
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Kazza used to install adware and spyware on your computer, but not anymore. The problem is people download alot of trojans via file sharing because they aren't careful. Without a good set of antivirus, and antispyware programs scanning in real time you are asking for trouble. Also, if you are trying to download a song and it's size is listed as 125kb, then that's probably a trojan renamed to fool the foolish into downloading it.

Few if any of legal downloads are infected this way. You get most of the viral stuff in program cracks, and copied software. It's easier to hide malware in programs than in photos or podcasts.

Edited by cdnvic
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There is direct connect, hotline and carracho, Rapidshare of course. There are so many options it all depends exactly what you want to share. My ISP has blocked all p2p and so I'm looking for other ways of getting things, and there are a few really good places like media max that you might want to check out.

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From what I understand TOT is the only isp where you can use p2p software to it's potential.

I did however hear that they have some kinda "traffic shaping" on the bronze and silver packages ?(I heard rumours about it)

Not sure about that as i'm a gold subscriber.

Works fine for me I might add.

(I have no idea about TOT's sattelite connection, the above is for adsl)

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thanxs for the info ,

i used to be able to use

Azureus , Limewire and Bearshare .................

now days if I launch any p2p the internet grinds to a halt ,

perhaps it's port forwarding that I need ?

no idea how to do this on a LAN network ,

googled the subject extensively with no success ............

any suggestions welcome .........

( on the subject of file sharing that is ............... :o )

ps cyber biz ??? surposted to be 512 up / 1024 down is my connection

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I was with TT & T for awhile, dreadful after the first month........now I use TOT and its far superior. Slows down when the kids come home but picks right up again later in the evening. Not sure which package but its 799 bht per month.

I also use Limewire Pro and disagree with the poster who said the free version was as good......it simply isnt, but with the free version it simple to obtain the professional version.

The reason why I use Limewire Pro is because you can check each file with Bitzi to see if it is genuine........saves hours when you can avoid d/l ing duff and dodgy files


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I was with TT & T for awhile, dreadful after the first month........now I use TOT and its far superior. Slows down when the kids come home but picks right up again later in the evening. Not sure which package but its 799 bht per month.

I also use Limewire Pro and disagree with the poster who said the free version was as good......it simply isnt, but with the free version it simple to obtain the professional version.

The reason why I use Limewire Pro is because you can check each file with Bitzi to see if it is genuine........saves hours when you can avoid d/l ing duff and dodgy files


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I was with TT & T for awhile, dreadful after the first month........now I use TOT and its far superior. Slows down when the kids come home but picks right up again later in the evening. Not sure which package but its 799 bht per month.

I also use Limewire Pro and disagree with the poster who said the free version was as good......it simply isnt, but with the free version it simple to obtain the professional version.

The reason why I use Limewire Pro is because you can check each file with Bitzi to see if it is genuine........saves hours when you can avoid d/l ing duff and dodgy files


There is not much of a difference between pro and free limewire. In general users should research more on limewire settings as many believe that setting at a higher download speed eg adsl claiming to be T1 would make a difference, however it is the opposite. Also the limewire pro for free on limewire (ripped) contains some file that lets people upload without showing on your limewire control panel....beware!

On a lighter note .... Merry Xmas to free p2p...lol

Edited by lopburiguy
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There is nothing wrong with file sharing as such, provided you are not breaching copyright. :D

Good to read that from a moderator :D.

There's more than one mod watching this thread with interest.



Does that mean that TV mods are interested in file sharing just like ... normal people? :D

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I also use Limewire Pro and disagree with the poster who said the free version was as good......it simply isnt, but with the free version it simple to obtain the professional version.

The reason why I use Limewire Pro is because you can check each file with Bitzi to see if it is genuine........saves hours when you can avoid d/l ing duff and dodgy files


There is not much of a difference between pro and free limewire. In general users should research more on limewire settings as many believe that setting at a higher download speed eg adsl claiming to be T1 would make a difference, however it is the opposite. Also the limewire pro for free on limewire (ripped) contains some file that lets people upload without showing on your limewire control panel....beware!

On a lighter note .... Merry Xmas to free p2p...lol

Pro is superior than the free version and of course, if you use Bitzi, you can find a genuine copy of Limewire Pro to download.............no virii, spyware, nothing. Bitzi even gives you the clickable link so that Limewire can download it for you straight away, check it out

a little logic goes a long way sometimes


Edited by JustAnotherFarang
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I haven't updated my pro since June so maybe its gotten better. I hadn't noticed much better search results and the d/l speed was only marginally better. Certainly not what Limewire had hyped them to be. I'll upgrade this week and see whats changed.

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Does anyone use these with tt&t maxnet, I ve got a 1mb connection and I use bit tornado. Since ive moved house and got a new service and modem I cant get this to work properly ive had a play with the ports and managed to get a few of them do download although download speeds were very very slow

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As I mentioned before Jared, I had TT&T for 3 months and it was great for 1 month and then went right downhill to the point that even if I connected, nothing was downloaded...........

I spoke to a TT&T technician who was honest enough to admit that they blocked most p2p traffic, especially in the day and even at night because TT&T lease a very small amount of bandwidth from TOT and then cram as many of their customers into the pipeline.

Of course, TT&T will always tell you that its the same problem for everyone, everywhere, it simply isnt true, they have little bandwidth but they are greedy and overfill it naive customers. Having used both services I can say without a doubt that TOT have a far superior allocation of bandwidth and allow p2p 24hrs a day, full speed at night, everynight and thats for the cheapo 512k package at 799bht

Just my observations but I would suggest contacting TOT and asking if you can switch phonelines, they did it all fro free when I told them I already had TT&T

Good luck, happy d/l


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  • 11 months later...

This thread went to sleep a long time ago, but I thought I'd ask if, as of late 2007, folks have any updates to the TOT/Maxnet comparison regarding P2P, etc.

I upgraded from HiNet to Maxnet a couple of months ago. Couldn't get TOT in my town to check our line - bunch of bureaucratic bimbos with nothing on their minds but shopping and 'cow', no interest in new customers.

The Maxnet speed was better than what I had with HiNet. I'll go into details later if this thread wakes up :o , but I've had mixed results with uTorrent recently.


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