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Kanchanaburi chase drama as two hoodlums shot dead by police


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Summary justice......I love it.  No trial costs, no jail costs, and just maybe a deterrent value?


The cops aren't always right, but I believe that if you run, you're target practice.


In the event of a car chase, I'm an advocate of a helicopter and marksmen being the first tool to use.  At the first opportunity where there will be no collateral injury, shoot to kill.  A car at high speed has the potential to kill many people...a marksman can prevent that happening.


Those involved in running from cops are at the bottom of the scale, and not required in society, ANY society.


I'm over pussy footing by Australian cops, and authorities, on this issue.


Well done RTP.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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4 hours ago, saminoz said:

Hmmm, you take everything the RTP say at face value?  The offside tyres are intact and the car looks level to me.  The other photo in Manager ONline seems to show the nearside rear still inflated as well.


This is typical of the Thai Police who overreact (as unprofessional as they are) and then make up stories to match their version of events (Koh Tao anyone?).


How about a non-lethal takedown?  The car had obviously been rear ended (by the RTP?) and looked to be leaking fluids.  Perhaps they could have been waited out.


I don't believe for a moment anything the BiB, mafia that they are, says in connection with their duties.

Oh God,dumb babblers are the hell.

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11 hours ago, Loeilad said:

so every bullet will be accounted for and every slug recovered and a full report handed to the courts?...I would be very surprised

It shouldn't be hard to sort this out.

1.Police set up a roadblock requiring all vehicles to stop for inspection.

2. This car crashes through this and several other roadblocks.

3. Occupants of fleeing vehicle open fire on police at each checkpoint.

4. Police return fire , disable the vehicle and in an exchange of fire, the fleeing gunmen are killed.

What is it about this story you find hard to believe? This isn't  Kansas. 

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I think even if they are hoodlums or not and even if they behaved themselves really silly there are some other, more peacefully solutions to stop a car than shooting them down. It reminds me of the golden era of Wild Western somehow ......

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Don't really know what these guys deal was. No mention of drugs or cash.

Now they are dead we will never hear. Weapons, anti retroviral drugs,

tattoos. Oh well, when you engage with police, running check points

and exchange of gunfire you have to expect this outcome. Condolences

to their parents.


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57 minutes ago, Honthy said:

I think even if they are hoodlums or not and even if they behaved themselves really silly there are some other, more peacefully solutions to stop a car than shooting them down. It reminds me of the golden era of Wild Western somehow ......

"....there are some other, more peacefully solutions to stop a car than shooting them down. "

That comment is as cute as your avatar. These  lowlifes ran three checkpoints, shot at police with intention to kill and you want them to have a nice chat with the cops over coffee? It was a case of it's them or us. Fortunately no cops or innocents died. The police did not instigate this, the punks did.  They went ahead, they made my day.


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13 hours ago, webfact said:

Still the occupant now in their disabled vehicle refused to give up and the decision was taken to shoot into the body of the car and kill the occupants.

The rest of the article may or may not be factual but I'm a bit perplexed with this bit "Still .....in their disabled vehicle [they] refused to give up and the decision was taken to shoot". Were they still shooting at this time? Refused to give up is not clear. Also where were the (fatal) shots into the car. Windscreen? 

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9 hours ago, Mangkorndang said:

"Both men were heavily tattooed."   The relevance of this is ?
Oh sorry I forgot.  In LOS tattoos instantly make you a criminal.     Shoot away BIB.

I think the fact  3 guns were used to shoot at the police was more the reason the BIB fired back rather than the tattoos.

Think about it.

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9 hours ago, Docno said:

No causal effect, but there is a correlation... a colleague of mine, for instance, did a study that found that having three or more tattoos was a good predictor of having significant disciplinary issues ('going to the brig') in the army. It doesn't mean that everyone with lots of tattoos is a criminal or that ink-free people are all saints, but there does seem to be a correlation. And it's important to note that this correlation is probably diminishing as tattoos become more the norm in each generation...  

what a bunch of bull@#$t

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8 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

It shouldn't be hard to sort this out.

1.Police set up a roadblock requiring all vehicles to stop for inspection.

2. This car crashes through this and several other roadblocks.

3. Occupants of fleeing vehicle open fire on police at each checkpoint.

4. Police return fire , disable the vehicle and in an exchange of fire, the fleeing gunmen are killed.

What is it about this story you find hard to believe? This isn't  Kansas. 

well assuming you weren't  there, what is the source of your information?

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11 hours ago, Loeilad said:

so every bullet will be accounted for and every slug recovered and a full report handed to the courts?...I would be very surprised

Let me help you little bit here. Not at all. The Thai police, laws and judical system does not work like in your home country.
Some people say it doesn´t work at all, while others ay that it works it´s own little peculiar way. How ever, that is not the point here!

There are 3 good reasons for why there´s no need for bullet and slug counting.

* As a first point there is a long chase where police are hunting a car with to people that are shooting wild and running trough ceckpoints without stopping.
Someone must have recorded this event, as everything else today.

* Second there is a car that is stopped with evidence of recently fired guns.


* As a last point, it would be impossible to find all the slugs if they were shooting while driving.

Out of the information in the article, it actually seems like there is not much to investigate here too. Just silly trying to put down
the work of the police when it´s done the right way. There is enough cases where you can doubt their work anyway.

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You are naive and uninformed to the point of risibility...all information regarding this incident has cone from the police....I'm pointing out that there is no accountability here...whether or not the story is wholely or partly true is completely irrelevant...It seens you  are just the kind of person this junta relies on to get by.

There ALWAYS needs to be a full inquiry

Edited by Loeilad
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15 hours ago, Mangkorndang said:

"Both men were heavily tattooed."   The relevance of this is ?
Oh sorry I forgot.  In LOS tattoos instantly make you a criminal.     Shoot away BIB.


Well, that was the issue in Indonesia as well: people being tagged for death because they had tattoos, regardless of any criminality. In Islam a tattoo is a sign of a nonbeliever ( being haram). It's a slippery slope to make a nexus, as in this article, between having a tatt and being a crook ( nothwithstanding the fact that these two appear to have been ratbags...it doesn't justify extra judicial killing).

Edited by Prbkk
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1 hour ago, Loeilad said:

You are naive and uninformed to the point of risibility...all information regarding this incident has cone from the police....I'm pointing out that there is no accountability here...whether or not the story is wholely or partly true is completely irrelevant...It seens you  are just the kind of person this junta relies on to get by.

There ALWAYS needs to be a full inquiry

As always I have to point out the obvious twice. It doesn´t work like it does in your country here.
Just like it, or leave it. Another option is to not care som much about the things you can not change.
Much other options you just don´t have. Maby got it now?

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17 hours ago, thai3 said:

Hoodlums lives matter, er well no they don't.


Not when they are guns blazing with the police in ear shot of a school. Good result that it was only said hoodlums that got it.

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If this event had taken place in the Philippines, a lot of the readers would be unsure about whether the police could be trusted to truthfully report the facts.  Here it seems the "hoodlums" deserved all they got. Where is the difference?  And yes the tyres in the OP photo do not look like they were shot out as claimed by the police. Maybe they just missed.....

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9 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"....there are some other, more peacefully solutions to stop a car than shooting them down. "

That comment is as cute as your avatar. These  lowlifes ran three checkpoints, shot at police with intention to kill and you want them to have a nice chat with the cops over coffee? It was a case of it's them or us. Fortunately no cops or innocents died. The police did not instigate this, the punks did.  They went ahead, they made my day.



I don't want to criticize your avatar.... I do not like cats.

Basiically agree, but the reason why most of the similar actions are usually finished by not killing the bad boys is that police can get information when theey alive. Some evidences helping the work of the police may be found in the car but a living hoodlum can speak. Surely they were deeply involved in crime, not because of their tattoos, just before .....


Otherwise, mybe in your country you do not know, but in Europe police have road blocks  which definitely stops the car....

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4 minutes ago, Honthy said:

I don't want to criticize your avatar.... I do not like cats.

Basiically agree, but the reason why most of the similar actions are usually finished by not killing the bad boys is that police can get information when theey alive. Some evidences helping the work of the police may be found in the car but a living hoodlum can speak. Surely they were deeply involved in crime, not because of their tattoos, just before .....


Otherwise, mybe in your country you do not know, but in Europe police have road blocks  which definitely stops the car....

Thank you. Interesting points you make. OK. I'm Canadian and very likely, had the same situation occurred with the fleeing suspects shooting at police, there is a very good chance the RCMP would have taken the same action, that is shoot to kill. When the lives of police officers are on the line and all attempts at stopping the suspects have failed, then what the cops did was "To serve and protect". 

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