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Just a parking problem - but Thai man kicks phad Thai seller in the head in anger


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2 hours ago, optad said:

She gets a kick in the head and green shirt basically keeps on cooking. Crazy stuff.

I saw a very similar incident years ago in Chulia St, Penang. Chinese family running a roadside food stall like this one. A customer was having an arguement with the son behind the stall and the son threw a big meat cleaver at the customer. The customer put up his arm to block the cleaver but the cleaver struck his forearm and a big piece of flesh was hanging down. The son who threw the cleaver froze on the spot and just stood there rigid in shock at what he's just done. But mum next to him kept on working, she was shouting at her son in Chinese but she never missed a beat, kept on preparing food for the other customers standing around.

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5 hours ago, trogers said:

Typitcal behaviour of humans to use brawn when brain is lacking...


I think still a Small minority.   Bonehit ads for sure, but not a lot.  Having said that, It would appear that there Is a higher (certainly a high) Incidence among Thai males.


One would think, that at 58, he'd picked up his bag of commonsense on his path through life, and some of the aggression dissipated, but It appears not In his case.


Can't edit...should be 'boneheads' In first para.

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3 hours ago, Mook23 said:

Nice high kick for an old guy! Strong woman too. Obviously superior race them thais! Imagine this happening in the west. Farlang would break his own neck doing the kick and female would ko instantly. Good old farmers genes are amazing!!! ????

they are bloody tough people the thais.

Good fighters.

Thats why 95% of the times the farangs want to have a go the farangs end up losing.

The woman pad thai seller  looked like she had a sturdy jaw, didnt even go down. 

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4 hours ago, freebyrd said:

Every time I see something like this, I remember that ridiculous Thai phrase that rang in my ears at every turn when I lived in TL, "Khon Thai Jai Dee", which is absolute b*ll*cks. All this talk of being a non confrontational people :omfg:.


I say the woman and her husband were certainly  doing their best to be "non-confrontational" .....especially the hubby.

Both non-reaction & full-on reaction IS Thai character.....but,they all runaway in the end.


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3 hours ago, fruitman said:


In the west the husband sure would have hit him back, the coward...kicking a woman in the face from the back when she's not aware of it. And after that he grabs in his pocket, guess he has a gun ready for the husband.



Of course that is the usual "reaction" of most farange... however,The Thai will show a deeper presence of mind, knowing that a calculated beat-down later will be more advantageous to a knee-jerk punch-fest now,that could escalate into someone being killed.  Plus by not reacting he retains the position of "victim" that will be in his favor when the cops get involved. 'Revenge' will be a time of his own choosing.

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29 minutes ago, catinthehat said:

Even a poor excuse for a ball-less scumbag. Blindsided cheap shot to a "woman".

Disgusting. Wish I was there. He's be in the hospital now.

lol. most women "defenders" happen to be wifebeaters themselves ;-)

if i was there and saw this i wouldn't mix-in whatsoever. i would eat my pad thai and shout "oh hoo" when his shin met her jaw ;-)

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A Thai woman working hard to support her family then is attacked by a low coward. No matter his grievances the customers chose to park their bikes away from the main road.

A coward a thug then unbelievable people on here condemning her for working hard in her business. Please the persons here defending this creep get a ticket home as soon as possible so we don't need to read your complete diatribe 

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9 hours ago, seajae said:

typical really, thai men see nothing wrong with attacking women or kids especially when their backs are turned. One has to wonder if it is the only way they can defend their tiny manhood, truly pathetic and if its not attacking women it ganging up so they have a better chance of winning the fight, they are simply cowards.

Right on....a Farang would never dream of behaving like that?

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Looks like is has been an ongoing feud, again not to condone violence my vehicle was heavily scratched overnight as I parked in the "wrong place" on a public road on Thonglor.

What with the oil poured down drains and waste left to rot,,, these stalls should be regulated. Silly last remark I know.


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1 hour ago, Winkburn said:

Yes just knock the hard working woman trying to support her family Putred remarks from anti Thai readers

I am not knocking anyone, how long have you been in Thailand? if you cannot work out what my post means

you may as well just run along.

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6 hours ago, Seismic said:

While i certainly dont condone his actions (which seem to becoming the norm these days rather than the exception), It looks to me like he originally approached the woman and asked her if the bikes parked there belonged to her customers and she totally ignored him. He then had to ask the customers to move them himself. She said she had no problem with him, but he clearly says around 2:50 mins that this problem happens every day. This looks like a rather long running simmering dispute that finally came to the boil to me.

maybe he should have bought a pad thai....LOL

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He started off talking nicely to her(even though its a daily occurance) and she completley ignored him. He asked the thai youths to move their bikes and to give them their due they did, you can see him touching the arm of one and thanking him.  He hardly made contact with her more a scuff to the neck than anything else, but maybe she will think more carefully before ignoring his polite requests in the future.


Even the womens husband told her to stop talking and didnt really do much which leads me to believe she had it coming, there is more going on here than what is shown in the video.

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It is hard to decide. Either the growing number of video cams results in more pratts or the growing number of pratts results more video cams.

Otherwise, if someone can go down enough to watch a Thai soap he can see bullies enough  ... well, not only in Thai soaps

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I`ve had this done to me, whereas I have a complaint and then totally ignored in the hope I`ll get bored and walk away that only escalates the situation and winds up the complainant even further. The neighbour probably had every right to park his vehicle in that space and yet the woman gave him an up yours I don`t give a toss attitude.


The woman should had acknowledged the man and then dealt with it rather than let the man`s frustration turn to that level. She deserved everything she got.

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