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Koh Phangan hospital backtracks after pregnant English tourist is unable to pay medical bill

Jonathan Fairfield

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From what I have read about this The woman had insurance but was not aware it did not cover pregnancies To be honest I have traveled with my wife with travel health insurance but truly never bothered to look if pregnancy was covered  .

After reading this you can be sure I will read the fine print more closely to make sure it is covered  under her policy 

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1 minute ago, Straight8 said:


Listen to this guy.


8 pages later still here, replying to posts. If it is such a waste of time, what are you doing here, I'm kinda confused.


It's an open forum, people are allowed to share their opinions, are they not?


So before you go and accusing me or anyone else putting someone down, re-check your posts & tell me who is putting who down.


You wanna play the hero role, cool.. but  Stop being a hypocrite!!


At least I got a laugh out of that one!
"8 pages later still here, replying to posts..."  hahaha Very funny
I guess it's just something you can't help, some kind of habit formed through your life. I wish the best for you to perhaps be able to see a positive side of something somewhere without being skeptical. I have no idea how you came about to speculate that I've been on here for 8 pages of comments!? I just made a comment a few minutes ago after reading the article and reading a few comments.
Yep, all are free to share. And it would be nice if people could do it with some sort of reason and not so crude. Just a personal preference, if I'm allowed....
Yep, I accused you of putting down the girl. Absolutely. If that is putting you down... so be it.
Speaking of still commenting... I wonder how far back in the comments you started in.... I just came on a few minutes ago pal.
Yeah, wasting time with you.
No further

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10 minutes ago, Sig said:

At least I got a laugh out of that one!
"8 pages later still here, replying to posts..."  hahaha Very funny
I guess it's just something you can't help, some kind of habit formed through your life. I wish the best for you to perhaps be able to see a positive side of something somewhere without being skeptical. I have no idea how you came about to speculate that I've been on here for 8 pages of comments!? I just made a comment a few minutes ago after reading the article and reading a few comments.
Yep, all are free to share. And it would be nice if people could do it with some sort of reason and not so crude. Just a personal preference, if I'm allowed....
Yep, I accused you of putting down the girl. Absolutely. If that is putting you down... so be it.
Speaking of still commenting... I wonder how far back in the comments you started in.... I just came on a few minutes ago pal.
Yeah, wasting time with you.
No further


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45 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I am not familiar with the NHS or other Western countries but they don't normally as national policy originate drugs or get patents on them but they certainly could. The problem is that the Pharmaceutical companies and the insurance industry both private entities are holding the whole health industry hostage. Because of this they raise prices to a an unsustainable level and this is passed along to the consumer who can not afford it. Take the profit out of all this and let the Government provide healthcare. I assure you that the US Medicare system and the NHS does not pay anywhere near the prices that the average consumer pays for drugs.

A perfect example of the greed in the drug industry occurred in the 90's when the AIDS drugs were invented. Thailand had a huge Aids crisis and people were dying because neither the Thai government or the Thai consumer could afford the price of these drugs. The Thai government broke the US patent and made the Aids drug itself for a very low cost and thousands of lives saved in Thailand.  What is also interesting about this case is the Us Trade Rep lodged a formal protest against Thailand but Thailand won the case as there is a special provision for a country to break an international patent when lives are at stake.

Again, take the massive profit out of healthcare and the pharmaceutical companies, if they want to stay in business, will have to accept a fair, but much lower price for what they develop and sell. If they refuse, the patents can be broken and countries develop their own pharmaceutical industry. The cheapest drugs in Thailand are available at the Government Pharmecutical Agency not at private drugstores.

You're Asian. why would you have respect for intellectual property?  Thailand also cheated on the statin drugs.  Probably had a purple polyester suited unveiling complete with 12 honored speakers and other high ranking officials.


1) Can you name one short term medical insurance company that covers pregnancy?  Let alone one that issues travel medical coverage?


2)  Can you name one place where a private hospital would NOT cost more than its government counterpart?


3)  What came first...hospitals overbilling insurance companies or insurance companies refusing full reimbursement?  That, I don't know...and that is even more reason to look at your policy and do a little research before you hit the ground.

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18 hours ago, Strange said:


Never, EVER, give up that passport. 


Single most important thing to a foreigner here in Thailand, second is bug-out cash and credit cards. They get you by the balls (or uterus).


Also its a real chickenshit maneuver/probably illegal to take someones only travel document and hold it hostage. Let alone its wasn't even an official person, just hospital people. Pretty pathetic on the hospital and infuriating just reading it. 


As for the rest of the topic, well, Full Moon Party, 3 months pregnant, no money..... 


I don't know how to read your post. On the one hand you appear to be saying that someone should be able to abscond without paying a hospital bill, and on the other you appear to be of my mind that someone that is pregnant and goes on holiday without actually checking the travel insurance covers pregnancy deserves zero sympathy.

Of course the hospital are within their rights to hold her passport as security to ensure she does NOT abscond. They are not a charity.

Plenty of young backpackers hand over their passports to m'bike rental places as security against them not returning the bike. Now that really is being stupid. Obviously, common sense is not taught at school.

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31 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

From what I have read about this The woman had insurance but was not aware it did not cover pregnancies To be honest I have traveled with my wife with travel health insurance but truly never bothered to look if pregnancy was covered  .

After reading this you can be sure I will read the fine print more closely to make sure it is covered  under her policy 

I don't know if you ride m'bikes when on holiday, but as most policies require additional payment to cover m'bikes, I would hope everyone reads their policies if they do.

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51 minutes ago, ParadiseLost said:

Want to bet the most vocal critics have never been to a full moon party, or any kind of party for that matter? Most likely never even set foot on KP...? 


Their envy is hidden with false modesty (I would never...), while their pretend indignation (how dare you...) is used to mask the obvious paranoia their bitch comments display. A kind of closeted hypocrite, armed with a keyboard and nasty disposition, spending way too much time alone, best years long gone.


Add alcohol and the world is theirs... Young people wanting to have fun are condemned and anyone having a differing opinion is attacked without concern for manners, dignity, etc. etc.


Just put Trumps face to their comments and it all makes sense?


I have been to the FMP a few times, much like going to the zoo.

I could be put in the category of a critic.

Back when I used to contribute to a well known travel forum, I would always decry the effect the FMP had on the beach ( which, incidentally, used to be one of the very best beaches in Thailand ).


Stayed on KPN many, many times.

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1 hour ago, Straight8 said:

have been living in Thailand for 13 years and had dealings with hospitals many times including surgery, Like I said rounded up to 20k and we are talking about this particular case not anyone elses


the hospital were taking the p I ss period


1 hour ago, Straight8 said:


Many times? Try taking better care of yourself Smeds!!! :thumbsup:

what on earth are you going on about ? what a stupid pointless post


that is exactly what I am doing, a few procedures and regular checkups

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Unbelievable all the judgmental people on here having a go at this woman. Have you ever been to a full moon party? You do know you can sit down there, right? You do know you can have a really relaxing, chilled out night in the fresh air, right? You do know you don't have to drink or smoke? 


Furthermore, how do you feel when someone judges you as a sociopathic old pervert who moved to Thailand to marry/sleep with a woman/women half his age because he can't cope in the real world, afford western living standards or relate to a woman with an average level of intellect?


It's not nice, is it? 


This lady was coming to the end of her trip, which very possibly was a bit of traveling she wanted to do before having the baby (completely safe at 2-3 months of her pregnancy), so she didn't have much money left (or maybe she did but took a stand as she knew she was being ripped off), and she went along to the full moon party. 


Perhaps she did overdo it, perhaps she did stay up too late for a couple of nights in a row. She is living and learning, like you did once, when you were young. 


I feel sorry for your partners, I really do. 

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First of all- I am not Asian- I am an American Caucasian if that makes any difference and I have a dau that works in a very large American hospital and I have worked in the Insurance industry so I know it well.

As far as intellectual property- look up the concept of compulsory licensing and you will find that any country that deems it has a health emergency such as Aids can break  a patent and can reproduce the lifesaving drug.  Thailand did exactly what it should have done and other countries did the same. the American Government not only protested but threatened Thailand with trade sanctions-lost the case and there were no sanctions applied. People have a right to live and I could care less whether the Pharmaceutical industries lose money because of it.


The only private hospital that I know of that is cheaper than a government hospital- is St. Jude's Children's Hospital in the Us- it is completely free and funded entirely by donations.


My argument with hospitals and the insurance industry is that they are in league with each other. It is the equivalent of price fixing and needs to be stopped.  The way to stop it is to have every Government in the World take over the provision of healthcare for their citizens and pay hospitals and medical providers and Big Pharma  a fair amount not the ridiculous amounts they charge. America is the worst in this regard. It has the most expensive healthcare in the World and not necessarily the best.


The European, Canadian and Japanese systems are the best because they are Socialistic and have taken most of the profit out of healthcare. No person- ever- in any country of the World should ever be denied healthcare based upon lack of money. It is not only immoral but a violation of the Universal Right to Life.


I am saddened at the attacks on this young woman. She may have been careless but so was I when I was this age and many of us were.  I don't care whether she was drinking; using drugs; or  had no insurance- she has a right to get proper medical treatment. 

"  Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”  I hope most of you know who the speaker was.

Edited by Thaidream
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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

<snip> No person- ever- in any country of the World should ever be denied healthcare based upon lack of money. It is not only immoral but a violation of the Universal Right to Life.


From Article 25 of the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care ...


But as this is a non-binding convention, it ain't much of a big-stick.

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8 hours ago, louse1953 said:

I met a woman in Kan that was 8 and half months pregnant and still smoking,wanted a small baby and pain free birth!!!!!I think she had another fag after i took issue with that response.



   The sad part is that such people can reproduce. Of course do such women not know who banged them up. A small nicotine baby? Gossh. 

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47 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

First of all- I am not Asian- I am an American Caucasian if that makes any difference and I have a dau that works in a very large American hospital and I have worked in the Insurance industry so I know it well.

As far as intellectual property- look up the concept of compulsory licensing and you will find that any country that deems it has a health emergency such as Aids can break  a patent and can reproduce the lifesaving drug.  Thailand did exactly what it should have done and other countries did the same. the American Government not only protested but threatened Thailand with trade sanctions-lost the case and there were no sanctions applied. People have a right to live and I could care less whether the Pharmaceutical industries lose money because of it.


The only private hospital that I know of that is cheaper than a government hospital- is St. Jude's Children's Hospital in the Us- it is completely free and funded entirely by donations.


My argument with hospitals and the insurance industry is that they are in league with each other. It is the equivalent of price fixing and needs to be stopped.  The way to stop it is to have every Government in the World take over the provision of healthcare for their citizens and pay hospitals and medical providers and Big Pharma  a fair amount not the ridiculous amounts they charge. America is the worst in this regard. It has the most expensive healthcare in the World and not necessarily the best.


The European, Canadian and Japanese systems are the best because they are Socialistic and have taken most of the profit out of healthcare. No person- ever- in any country of the World should ever be denied healthcare based upon lack of money. It is not only immoral but a violation of the Universal Right to Life.


I am saddened at the attacks on this young woman. She may have been careless but so was I when I was this age and many of us were.  I don't care whether she was drinking; using drugs; or  had no insurance- she has a right to get proper medical treatment. 

"  Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”  I hope most of you know who the speaker was.

As long as people believe that they should "be fruitful and multiply," my pile of stones are ready to protect what I have spent 50 years saving and does not belong to the government or any Socialist preaching poor Christian.

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

The European, Canadian and Japanese systems are the best because they are Socialistic and have taken most of the profit out of healthcare.


Not a very popular view around expat circles in LOS, as a lot of people have come here with the purpose to loose all the socialist crap from back home, including being taxed to death, mind control etc etc.


Btw, do you have any idea what level of corruption that goes on in the so called 'socialist non-profit healthcare' and who benefits from it?



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I am not into mind control; taxes or most things government propogate- but there are some things that Government must provide and one of them is Healthcare and the other Education. Unfortunately, they do a poor job in both due to an uncaring public and a selfish attitude.

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18 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Taking the passport or not is irrelevant.  Try leaving a hotel with any amount due whether true or not, and watch how fast the old security guard tries to stop you and if you resist some cops show up pretty quickly.  You won't make it down the street or to the airport. 


In which case you call your Embassy. Past that, I make no claim as to your Embassy's response.

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13 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I am not into mind control; taxes or most things government propogate- but there are some things that Government must provide and one of them is Healthcare and the other Education.


Well that's fine, however I'm into free choice on a free market, where I get to choose my own healthcare and education, paying with my own hard earned money (non or minimum taxed) without being scammed by a bunch of corrupt politicians pretending to look after the interests of the public.


If I don't like the services I'm provided I simply go somewhere else. Can't do that if the government already scooped up the funds through taxes.


Central government should be kept to an absolute minimum as power always corrupts sooner or later.

Edited by ThailandLOS
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1 hour ago, DogNo1 said:

Has any poster here ever been young?  When I was her age,  I did a lot of risky things.  For half of my life I have had no health insurance. 


I hear ya, but did you do all those risky things in a 3rd world country with no cash, and pregnant? 


What do you think about doing all that stuff, but being a pregnant female? 

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Do not hand over your passport... more easily said than done.


Hospital asks for ID, you let them look at your passport and they do not hand it back... if you are being admitted they could say they are keeping it safe for you, (if they do so make sure you get a receipt or it is documented they have it in their care).


Being pregnant is not a preexisting medical condition... so if after taking out a policy one finds out they are pregnant, if the insurance company says that there is higher risk would not the policy holder be able to cancel their holiday and the insurers reimburse them??? 


Reading what is available re travelling while pregnant I smell a rat... and the one here is the Hospitals would prefer the patent to to settle the bill they are less likely to question it, a insurance company is more likely to find over priced and unnecessary procedures, and negotiate it down a lot.




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Why would anyone be silly enough to hand over your travel document passport to some car rental company or hospital administrator you would not give them your air ticket home so why give them your most important travel document, try leaving Thailand with no passport ding ding overstay money money .    

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All industrialised countries have  national healthcare except the USA. These are all Socialistic in that they are controlled by the Government and funded through various payroll deductions or taxes. The main area of corruption in these systems is low when compared to the corruption in the American system of insure/ Big Pharma and Hospital/Provider intermingling. The American

Medicare system is funded by a percentage taken out of one's salary and one becomes eligible for it when Age 65 or is disabled. Medicare will only pay a certain amount for provision of service and drugs. The corruption part comes in when unscrupulous providers use fake documentation and get reimbursed for services never provided. However,having the government control healthcare reduces the cost and forces providers and pharma to provide the services reasonably or they won't get the business. Ameerica could solve its healthcare problem overnight if it simply expanded Medicare to everyone.

Thailand also has a plan called the 30 Baht scheme in which those below a certain levbel of income can get services at a government hospital for 30 Baht and others are covered under the Thai Social Security Act. Of course, part of the budget is subject to misappropriation just like in the West.

The only people in Thailand not covered are those who are retired expats who cannot get affordable insurance and their passport countries do not allow overseas coverage (although we have already paid into the scheme) and visit tourists who may or may not have travelers insurance with its many exclusions.

The solution is simple by tacking on a 20 Baht fee to an airline ticket to Thailand and designating for the foreign healthcare fund. There are more than 20 million tourists per year- do the math. As far as the expats are concerned -instead of 1900 baht for an extension of stay raise it to 2000 baht. Everyone gets a medical card good for free medical treatment paid out of the foreign health fund. The first year the fund  should generate about 500 Million Baht and grow continually thereafter dependent upon usage.


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41 minutes ago, Thaidream said:


<snip> The solution is simple by tacking on a 20 Baht fee to an airline ticket to Thailand and designating for the foreign healthcare fund. <snip2>

Great. Simple.  Let's do it next week. Cover every foreigner who ever needs to go to a hospital for 500 million baht a year. No problem.

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6 hours ago, TSF said:

100,000 baht for 1 night, an ultrasound, and a ride to Surat. Hospital was shafting her with the bill, then when it blew up and back down fast. Typical sly scumbags. Should be an international investigation into hospital rip-offs in LOS. Back some years ago when I was active on the Thailand Travel Forum there were reports all the time of ridiculous bills made up by Thai hospitals. One Aussie woman reported she felt ill and went to a hospital at Koh Samui, had a consultation with a doctor, was given some meds...14,000 THB charged against her travel insurance. Out and out fraud. 


But yeah, I know, it's their country, they can do what they like....blah..blah...blah

What is the difference between a taxi driver who trying to scam you with a manipulated taximeter and a hospital with an inflated bill?
There is no difference.
The mind setting is identical.

Reminds me of an old story where a guy drowned in the sea and was flooding dead in the sea for over 12 hours.

When they fished him out of the sea, at the beach a resuscitation was attempted.
I asked the hospital staff why they were doing this senseless measure.
Answer: We can write this resuscitation effort on his bill, - smile, smile -
I thought it was a joke, but it was not.

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

What is the difference between a taxi driver who trying to scam you with a manipulated taximeter and a hospital with an inflated bill?
There is no difference.
The mind setting is identical.

Here are a few differences 

1) Without a taxi you'll be able to walk, you can own a car, bike and various methods of public transportation, etc.

Without a hospital you might die. You can't own a hospital and equipment, and no, there are no alternatives unless you believe in that shaman nearby.

2) Taxis are owned by locals, The hospital in question is owned by a foreigner.

3) A Taximeter (manipulated or not) works as you proceed, an inflated bill is something you'll see ONLY when you'll arrive to your final destination.

4) Taxis don't pick you up when you're sick and in need for urgent care. Hospitals do. 

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