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US top spy says Russian cyber attacks a ‘major threat’


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55 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

And yet some, mainly Trump supporters, deny all of this.  Incredible.  From your NPR link:



The intelligence report on Russia's interference in the U.S. elections concludes that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered an "influence campaign" that aimed to help President-elect Donald Trump.


"Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency," the public version of the report from the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Agency states. "We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."


They definitely achieved some of their goals, and did have an impact on the elections.  Even if it was just to undermine public faith in the democratic process. 

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1 minute ago, impulse said:


I don't believe him, either.  But I'm inclined to believe the hundreds of thousands of whistleblower documents he's been instrumental in publishing.

Including the mass of health records he released on Turkish women?  He's a criminal and should be prosecuted.  That's illegal.  You can't pick and choose what you like when hacking info like this.

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

And yet some, mainly Trump supporters, deny all of this.  Incredible.  From your NPR link:

They definitely achieved some of their goals, and did have an impact on the elections.  Even if it was just to undermine public faith in the democratic process. 


So did Fox News.  Owned by an Aussie/American.  More importantly, owned by one family.  Talk about undermining the faith in the democratic process.

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Including the mass of health records he released on Turkish women?  He's a criminal and should be prosecuted.  That's illegal.  You can't pick and choose what you like when hacking info like this.


Nowhere did I pass judgment on the whole guy.  I just pointed out that the work he has done (and the risks he has taken) have exposed many lies of the intelligence people who are now claiming "the Russkies did it".   For that, I owe him a debt of gratitude- even if I'd want to string him up by his private parts for other things he's done. 


It'll be 20 years before w know what really happened.  Maybe 50, or maybe never.

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They have a vested interest in providing security against threats.  Russia seems to be giving them plenty of opportunities to provide this security.  Get rid of the threats would be a great start.

If anything - all the Russians did was very low level hacks. Podesta gave out his email in a phishing attack and Clintons insecure server.

These hacks revealed what total scumbags Podesta and Clinton where, along with the collusion of media organisations with the DNC.

Hacking? More like a public service

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14 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

These hacks revealed what total scumbags Podesta and Clinton where, along with the collusion of media organisations with the DNC.



Would have loved to see the RNC emails. Guessing it would have been a lot sketchier considering the players.

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5 hours ago, impulse said:


I don't trust them, either.  But I only use those names as examples of whistleblowers and the entities that publish the leaked information.  Like Daniel Ellsberg and Bastion Obermayer, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude.  And others would line them up against a wall and shoot them if they could get away with it.


And, like the Panama Papers and the Pentagon Papers before them, thousands to millions of documents paint a picture that may be a lot different than what's been claimed by the people mentioned in those documents.



If a source, like Wikileaks, almost exclusively deals with exposing information pertaining to one side, or more accurately, serving the interests of another side, it is suspect. Doesn't necessarily mean the information revealed is not true, but perhaps painting a partial (and therefore biased) picture by what is exposed. In this sense, Wikileaks can be seen as tool for influencing public opinion - and somewhat similar to the things it claims to go against.



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If a source, like Wikileaks, almost exclusively deals with exposing information pertaining to one side, or more accurately, serving the interests of another side, it is suspect. Doesn't necessarily mean the information revealed is not true, but perhaps painting a partial (and therefore biased) picture by what is exposed. In this sense, Wikileaks can be seen as tool for influencing public opinion - and somewhat similar to the things it claims to go against.

Well, I guess when a politician threatens to assassinate you, the gloves come off.

Next lesson, don't set your password to 'password'

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On 1/6/2017 at 2:13 PM, craigt3365 said:

When has the US hacked a political party's computer servers in a foreign country, just before an election, and passed on the data to another organization for publishing on the internet?  Only one example is needed.  Otherwise, it's not hypocritical.


You think they would publish it in the major news papers when they hack a political parties computer?


The CIA has done far worse things than disturbing an election, and there are plenty of examples of that.


Did you say something about hypocrites?

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4 hours ago, Allstars said:


You think they would publish it in the major news papers when they hack a political parties computer?


The CIA has done far worse things than disturbing an election, and there are plenty of examples of that.


Did you say something about hypocrites?

Where did I saw newspapers? LOL  And where did I say the US has never meddled in other nations politics?  I'm specifically referring to the recent hack by Russia and publishing the results on Wikileaks. 


Guaranteed Russia has meddled in other nations politics, and I'm sure there are other nations that would fall into this category also.


Best to use hypocrite in a proper reference:


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On January 6, 2017 at 11:57 AM, Baerboxer said:

Maybe they should have a re-run, and another, and another until all the reasonable, clever, caring, democracy loving voters were enough to make sure she won?


No re-run needed.


There were already nearly 3 million more of the reasonable, clever, caring, democracy loving voters than the con-man got

the first time around.


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Trump praised the FBI when they released a statement, a week before the election, saying that Weiner's emails may include some text from HRC, though at the time, no one in the FBI had read any of the emails.   It was just what Trump needed to nudge his numbers up to win.  


Now Trump is dissing the same FBI when its findings (Putin skewed the election in favor of Trump) coincide with 16 other US intelligence agencies, including CIA and NSA.


Connect the dots......

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Additionally, when Trump was stumping, he was reading text (to his cheering redneck audience) taken directly from Russia's propaganda newspaper; SPUTNIK.


Soon after, it was found; the Sputnik text was categorically wrong, and had been mis-quoted from a prior article in another magazin.  Just one of the many reasons why Putin and his buddies love the fact that an easily-manipulated dufus like Trump will soon be in the power seat.

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        As important a factor in the whole equation is the large portion of American voters who voted for Trump.  They proved how easily duped/manipulated they can be - both by Trump and by Putin's cyber agents. The US is unsafe to the extent its people dwell in stupid realms.   Stupid people put Trump in power, so now all Americans (easily-duped and others) will suffer under his dangerous rule.


         Incidentally, lap dog Pence just came out publicly - dissing US intelligence services - while supporting (what choice does he have?) Trump's idiotic praising of Putin, Assange and others of their ilk.   Russkies and other foreigners are laughing at Trump and his sheeple for electing such a dufus as leader.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the stuff released was true ?

So while the release may have affected the election, it did so by informing the voters how the Clinton Campaign was trying to manipulate the process and dupe voters..

So once voters learn the truth, they voted accordingly

Are you saying that it was wrong for the voters to have had the information that came out?

I'm a fan of all whistle blowers and really could care less if the emails came from the Russians or a non state party as Assange from Wikileaks has said.

The emails just proved what many of us were saying all through the primaries.. that the DNC was actively favoring Clinton over Bernie and were doing all they could to ensure Clinton was the Democratic candidate

So I blame the DNC and the Democrat party big wigs... as if Bernie was the candidate, we would all be saying President Sanders right now..

To me it is a non story that Russia has spies and tries to use propaganda to influence people's opinions in the US and every where else in the world

Surely all major governments try the best to do the same.. only difference is where the line is drawn

In Russia maybe they use hackers, while in US they used State Department funds to donate to organization against a certain candidate from a certain Middle eastern Democracy

and wasn't their many stories of NSA Tapping world leaders phones? Also sure that is not the limit, as US has a long history of supporting certain candidates or in some cases leaders who were dictators the last never even let their people have a democratic vote

But don't get me wrong , I'm not saying that is a bad thing in every case.. just that it is a pretty common thing that most governments are involved in to varying degrees

So long as is just propaganda or releasing embarrassing truths, I'm actually ok with it.

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And before you call me a racist, idiot, redneck or Neanderthal (e.g. Your apparent view of a Trump supporter)

Also just want to add that in addition to the above, was also ok with the New York Times publishing Trumps taxes, even though those were also illegally obtained...

Again for the same reasons... I think voters had the right to know that he may not have paid any taxes

Also didn't think it anything wrong with releasing the 'Access Hollywood' tapes

As far as I'm concerned , no such thing as too much information when comes to political candidates

When they run for office, they give up their right to keep these things private

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39 minutes ago, CWMcMurray said:

And before you call me a racist, idiot, redneck or Neanderthal (e.g. Your apparent view of a Trump supporter)

Also just want to add that in addition to the above, was also ok with the New York Times publishing Trumps taxes, even though those were also illegally obtained...

Again for the same reasons... I think voters had the right to know that he may not have paid any taxes

Also didn't think it anything wrong with releasing the 'Access Hollywood' tapes

As far as I'm concerned , no such thing as too much information when comes to political candidates

When they run for office, they give up their right to keep these things private

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The tax documents were not illegally obtained.  They were sent to the NY Times via mail, and authenticated.




Agree with you about political candidates, but the servers hacked belonged to a private organization.  Where do you draw the line?  Me?  If it's illegal, it's illegal and should be pursued.  Hard to pick and choose what laws you want to follow and which ones you don't.  A slippery slope for sure.

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The tax documents were not illegally obtained.  They were sent to the NY Times via mail, and authenticated.




Agree with you about political candidates, but the servers hacked belonged to a private organization.  Where do you draw the line?  Me?  If it's illegal, it's illegal and should be pursued.  Hard to pick and choose what laws you want to follow and which ones you don't.  A slippery slope for sure.

For the taxes, they were authenticated.. meaning they were real... but Trump and his

Organization deny they provided them

They were mailed anonymously... and if Trump did not authorize the person to send them, it means who ever sent them did so illegally

In the same way that no one from DNC or Podesta deny that the emails released by Wikileaks were true

So to me its the same as Clinton emails

But I'm ok with both

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On 1/6/2017 at 0:19 PM, craigt3365 said:

You're completely missing the point.  This isn't about Trump and Hillary.  This is about a hostile foreign power trying to influence the election process.  It's been proven.  Sad some can't see this.  The proof is there.


There has been plenty of news reports about this over the years.  Involving Russia, China, etc.  I guess you've just not seen them?


Nobody is saying the US hasn't done this.  That's a deflection...


Rightly or wrongly the US Democrats are coming across as poor losers looking for a bogeyman to blame and too poison the next President by torpedoing his intention to rebuild cordial relations with Russia.


The US has done more than issue fake news, propaganda and taking down politicians when it suits their interest. Now it seems they want to claim that Russia, again without any proof accept their own security services assertions, hacked their election. The inference being Russia helped Trump and he wouldn't have won without that help.




And yet still no comments on the lying, cheating, and manipulations the DNC and Clinton's were exposed in making sure she won their party's nomination and won the election?


Obama openly supported the UK Remain faction and warned of consequences of Brexit including getting little if any help from the US under his administration. Was that to help desperate "Dave" Cameron or his close friend Mrs. "wannabee ruler of EU Merkel - a friend so close his intelligence services felt the need to bug her phone! Hardly deflections. The point is you can't lie, tell everybody to do what you say not what you do, then make unproven accusations based on assertions, which happen to support your political agenda, and expect anyone intelligent to believe you. Or do you still think the Obama Administration, the DNC and Hilary and family don't lie?

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On 1/6/2017 at 4:34 PM, boomerangutang said:

Baerboxer says; "show us the proof then?"


       CIA and other US intelligence services have their means for gathering intelligence. If Trump or his fans don't like the CIA's findings, are they going to continually say, "show us the proof!" 

If unidentified bomber jets were flying from Russia toward the US, would Trump and his fans say, "I won't believe you until you show us the proof!"   Then, when proof is shown, Trump and his fans would say; "That's not conclusive proof. We want more proof, ......and more proof, .....and more proof."


       Trump and his echoers are sounding very immature.  Trump is supremely subjective (like a 9 year old bratty girl) about every thing that comes his way.  Everything in his world is either love or hate, and those sentiments can get reversed in a NY minute, depending on whether it burnishes his ego or not.   


      Trump's Christmas card for 2015 showed just him in front of an Xmas tree.  No family, no kind greetings.  He's egotist #1.   What a loser he will be.  I will publicly celebrate when he's brought down in flames.


So you don't like Trump. But you are prepared to take the word of the CIA and American politicians, some of whom have just been exposed for lying and cheating? 

And it's o k for the US to bug the German Chancellor's phone (and how many more in Europe)?


Not to mention the very large cash "donations" from Saudi Arabia and Germany to Hilary and Bill's wonderful foundation? No political favors there.



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On 1/6/2017 at 7:29 PM, boomerangutang said:

        As important a factor in the whole equation is the large portion of American voters who voted for Trump.  They proved how easily duped/manipulated they can be - both by Trump and by Putin's cyber agents. The US is unsafe to the extent its people dwell in stupid realms.   Stupid people put Trump in power, so now all Americans (easily-duped and others) will suffer under his dangerous rule.


         Incidentally, lap dog Pence just came out publicly - dissing US intelligence services - while supporting (what choice does he have?) Trump's idiotic praising of Putin, Assange and others of their ilk.   Russkies and other foreigners are laughing at Trump and his sheeple for electing such a dufus as leader.





Whereas anyone who voted for Hilary was what? Highly intelligent, perceptive, beyond reproach and absolutely right?


Do you read your posts before hitting send? Do you think your view, and only those with similar views are allowed - because the PC neo-liberal left do. You'll fit right in with the Stalinists.

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11 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Rightly or wrongly the US Democrats are coming across as poor losers looking for a bogeyman to blame and too poison the next President by torpedoing his intention to rebuild cordial relations with Russia.


The US has done more than issue fake news, propaganda and taking down politicians when it suits their interest. Now it seems they want to claim that Russia, again without any proof accept their own security services assertions, hacked their election. The inference being Russia helped Trump and he wouldn't have won without that help.




And yet still no comments on the lying, cheating, and manipulations the DNC and Clinton's were exposed in making sure she won their party's nomination and won the election?


Obama openly supported the UK Remain faction and warned of consequences of Brexit including getting little if any help from the US under his administration. Was that to help desperate "Dave" Cameron or his close friend Mrs. "wannabee ruler of EU Merkel - a friend so close his intelligence services felt the need to bug her phone! Hardly deflections. The point is you can't lie, tell everybody to do what you say not what you do, then make unproven accusations based on assertions, which happen to support your political agenda, and expect anyone intelligent to believe you. Or do you still think the Obama Administration, the DNC and Hilary and family don't lie?

I'm sure there is some of that going on.  Blaming this hack for their problems.  But, it is possible Russia did impact the election.  Nobody can prove it one way or another.  So, unfortunately, they've got every right to complain about it.  And the president-elect is making it worse by going against the findings of every US intelligence organization and many private organizations.  Makes Trump look like a fool. The hack happened, no denying that.


Fake news?  Sources, please.  If you're talking about dodgy websites, they are everywhere now.  Every country.


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       CWMcMurrey opines; "So while the release may have affected the election, it did so by informing the voters how the Clinton Campaign was trying to manipulate the process and dupe voters. So once voters learn the truth, they voted accordingly. Are you saying that it was wrong for the voters to have had the information that came out? "


         Boomers responds:  I'm in favor of voters getting all the info possible on all candidates.  What's pertinent about Putin successfully backing Trump is:

The Russkies intercepted dirt on both major candidates by chose to only release dirt on HRC and not Trump.   Any level-headed person who followed the campaign knows that Trump has mountains more dirt than HRC.  


        Who admitted they're a pussy-grabber?  Who changed policy as often as a neon light flickers?  Who has zero experience in government or foreign affairs?  Who didn't release their tax statements (and who never will)?  Who has over 3,000 lawsuits against him while repeatedly and continuing to rip-off workers?  


          Those are just some of the things we already know about Trump.  What if the Russkies had released the reams of shit on Trump which they surely have?  


          Do you see the pattern here?  The Russkies purposefully released only shit which hurt HRC, and just as purposefully withheld worse shit on Trump.  Now that Trump will be the top exec, he will be easily manipulated by Russkies.  Why?  Because, the Russkies (and Chinese and others) very likely have mountains of ugly shit which they could threaten to release on The Divider, if he doesn't play ball according to their rules.  


        Is Trump a Russian agent?  Probably not, but he can be easily blackmailed.


         What if Russkies or others have strong proof showing Trump violently raped 14 year olds?   Not far-fetched, when there are already accusations and court proceedings alleging that happened.  What if the Russkies had access to Trump's tax statements which showed Trump (A) illegally avoided taxes and/or (B) has business interests which are deeply involved with foreign governments, friend and foe.  


        It's already been shown that Trump has deep involvements with at least one large Russian bank.  How involved?  Trump is also known to owe large amounts of money to Chinese banks.  Conflicts of interest on the horizon?  You bet your fuzzy dice there are.

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

Whereas anyone who voted for Hilary was what? Highly intelligent, perceptive, beyond reproach and absolutely right?

Do you read your posts before hitting send? Do you think your view, and only those with similar views are allowed - because the PC neo-liberal left do. You'll fit right in with the Stalinists.


I didn't say "anyone who voted for Hilary was....highly intelligent, perceptive, beyond reproach and absolutely right?"

Those are Baerboxers words - made to look like I said them.  


       But since BB broached the subject:  Yes, I do think HRC voters are smarter than Trump voters, on average.  Even if HRC voters were dumb, they'd still be smarter than Trump fans.  Need some reasons?  Here are a few:


      Trump voters believed Trump for 5 long years when Trump said Obama was a Kenyan Muslim.   Many still believe that.


        Trump voters, if asked, will tell you that unemployment went up during the Obama years.  It didn't.  Unemployment numbers went down markedly.


       Trump voters, if asked, will swear that the DJI went down during the Obama years.  Au contraire, the DJI went up dramatically.


       As for morals:  Trump voters, many of which are Bible-thumpers, seem to have no problem with Trump self-admittedly grabbing the pussy of any attractive female who comes within arms length of his pussy-grabbing hands.  HRC fans wouldn't tolerate that.


       Trump voters believe Trump when he says, "Believe me, I would love to release my taxes, and I'll do it as soon as the audit is done."   In contrast, HRC voters have known for years that Trump is a conniving liar who will never release his tax statements.  If that were the only lie Trump told, then he would just be a heel.  But he's much worse than that because he lies every day, and his lies are much bigger and more dangerous than the few little lies HRC has told (gunfire at an airport in a war zone, for example). 



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"there are many Americans who believe with some justification, that Putin helped Trump win" (WP )
Pathologically, Trump prefers his fiction to reality: the latter is too disturbing or uncomfortable for him.
It is indeed serious: in front of a madman ( an individual who twists the facts to correspond to his fiction), one is like at the edge of a precipice.
He narrated for four years that Obama was not born in America, (thus President illegitimate) ... He characterized the accusation of hacking carried out on order of Putin  to favor Trump, of "witch hunt"
.. He can no longer deny everything ,  this is serious, and it's just the beginning !
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Opl opines, "He can no longer deny everything."


        Perhaps not 'everything,' but he can certainly deny everything which doesn't heap praise upon him.   He's a very low quality individual.  Name-calling, pussy-grabbing, denigrating of any person or organization which doesn't praise him, lying every time he utters a sentence.....     Despicable person.  American rednecks deserve the worst Trump has to offer (loss of jobs, less security at home and nationally, an influx of corrupt and idiotic leaders in Wash D.C., etc) -  for voting for him.   


        Europe is suffering under an influx of hoards of unemployed angry sex-craved Muslim men. The US will suffer under Trump and the dumb & dangerous people he surrounds himself with. Which is worse?  You tell me. 

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18 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I'm sure there is some of that going on.  Blaming this hack for their problems.  But, it is possible Russia did impact the election.  Nobody can prove it one way or another.  So, unfortunately, they've got every right to complain about it.  And the president-elect is making it worse by going against the findings of every US intelligence organization and many private organizations.  Makes Trump look like a fool. The hack happened, no denying that.


Fake news?  Sources, please.  If you're talking about dodgy websites, they are everywhere now.  Every country.



Someone hacked the DNC and Hilary's private server and released the information through Wikileaks. Assange wouldn't miss such a juicy opportunity regardless of the source.

However, this has been turned around to let's shoot the messenger. And let's bring back an old bogeyman from the past as a convenient bogeyman. Whereas the actual content, that the DNC and Hilary were prepared to lie and cheat to get her into office seems to have been all swept under the carpet. 


The Intelligence Services, who weren't in agreement, but now seemingly are, (did someone instruct them?), assert (which is to say they are guessing based on what they think rather than any actual proof) that is was Russian government operatives under Mr. Putin's personal command. Really. And did Mr. Obama personally command his operatives to bug Mrs. Merkel's phone? 


Trump is, in his own awkward way, I think, suggesting that this all looks too pat for comfort. Services disagree and suddenly agree and agree with the DNC. The initial statements were worded in such away that people would think the actual election and election results were hacked - which they weren't.


The hacks and information released may have helped Trump by swaying some voters - but I seriously doubt that any swapped sides because of them. Maybe some abstained rather than vote for someone who very dubious activities were being exposed. Who knows - nobody and never will.


Too non Americans it really does look like the DNC establishment being caught with their pants down and trying to divert, deflect and blame others whilst lashing out in annoyance; and the fact America and the CIA have interfered in other countries' elections and governance for years makes them seem hypocritical. This isn't America, or the American people but one political party who were caught doing wrong, paid the price at the ballot box and now are doing everything they can to cover up by discrediting all else. Shame on them. America deserves much better.

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26 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Someone hacked the DNC and Hilary's private server and released the information through Wikileaks. Assange wouldn't miss such a juicy opportunity regardless of the source.

However, this has been turned around to let's shoot the messenger. And let's bring back an old bogeyman from the past as a convenient bogeyman. Whereas the actual content, that the DNC and Hilary were prepared to lie and cheat to get her into office seems to have been all swept under the carpet. 


The Intelligence Services, who weren't in agreement, but now seemingly are, (did someone instruct them?), assert (which is to say they are guessing based on what they think rather than any actual proof) that is was Russian government operatives under Mr. Putin's personal command. Really. And did Mr. Obama personally command his operatives to bug Mrs. Merkel's phone? 


Trump is, in his own awkward way, I think, suggesting that this all looks too pat for comfort. Services disagree and suddenly agree and agree with the DNC. The initial statements were worded in such away that people would think the actual election and election results were hacked - which they weren't.


The hacks and information released may have helped Trump by swaying some voters - but I seriously doubt that any swapped sides because of them. Maybe some abstained rather than vote for someone who very dubious activities were being exposed. Who knows - nobody and never will.


Too non Americans it really does look like the DNC establishment being caught with their pants down and trying to divert, deflect and blame others whilst lashing out in annoyance; and the fact America and the CIA have interfered in other countries' elections and governance for years makes them seem hypocritical. This isn't America, or the American people but one political party who were caught doing wrong, paid the price at the ballot box and now are doing everything they can to cover up by discrediting all else. Shame on them. America deserves much better.

It wasn't "somebody".  It was Russia with Putin directing it.  Saying this is a bogeyman is incorrect.  The intelligence services never disagreed, except on the point was it done to impact the election in Trump's favor.  Other than that, they've been 100% in agreement all the time.


You're still missing the point and deflecting.


As I've asked many members here, give just one reference to where the US hacked another country's political computers and published the info on the internet.  Just one.

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       CWMcMurrey opines; "So while the release may have affected the election, it did so by informing the voters how the Clinton Campaign was trying to manipulate the process and dupe voters. So once voters learn the truth, they voted accordingly. Are you saying that it was wrong for the voters to have had the information that came out? "
         Boomers responds:  I'm in favor of voters getting all the info possible on all candidates.  What's pertinent about Putin successfully backing Trump is:
The Russkies intercepted dirt on both major candidates by chose to only release dirt on HRC and not Trump.   Any level-headed person who followed the campaign knows that Trump has mountains more dirt than HRC.  
        Who admitted they're a pussy-grabber?  Who changed policy as often as a neon light flickers?  Who has zero experience in government or foreign affairs?  Who didn't release their tax statements (and who never will)?  Who has over 3,000 lawsuits against him while repeatedly and continuing to rip-off workers?  
          Those are just some of the things we already know about Trump.  What if the Russkies had released the reams of shit on Trump which they surely have?  
          Do you see the pattern here?  The Russkies purposefully released only shit which hurt HRC, and just as purposefully withheld worse shit on Trump.  Now that Trump will be the top exec, he will be easily manipulated by Russkies.  Why?  Because, the Russkies (and Chinese and others) very likely have mountains of ugly shit which they could threaten to release on The Divider, if he doesn't play ball according to their rules.  
        Is Trump a Russian agent?  Probably not, but he can be easily blackmailed.
         What if Russkies or others have strong proof showing Trump violently raped 14 year olds?   Not far-fetched, when there are already accusations and court proceedings alleging that happened.  What if the Russkies had access to Trump's tax statements which showed Trump (A) illegally avoided taxes and/or (B) has business interests which are deeply involved with foreign governments, friend and foe.  
        It's already been shown that Trump has deep involvements with at least one large Russian bank.  How involved?  Trump is also known to owe large amounts of money to Chinese banks.  Conflicts of interest on the horizon?  You bet your fuzzy dice there are.

You mention that the Russians have dirt in both candidates but only released stuff on Clinton?

And that the stuff they have on Trump is way worse but they are holding back in order to blackmail Trump?

How could you possibly know any of this? It seems like you are just making things up?

Also agree all the things you mention about Trump came out before the election, as it should have, and voters took them into account.

I don't know what the Russians did or didn't do but did watch interviews with Assange from Wikileaks and he advised that if he had anything on Trump he would have released it in an instant

Also the only stuff he had on Trump was already released by others before it came to him, so nothing for him to do

Although you have to admit that plenty of bad stuff came out against Trump and I also think it was good that it did.

I am sure if anyone had info on Trump they surely would have released it as well. The last few months before the election it seemed that anyone with anything on Trump was coming out saying everything they could and papers and news agencies all reported it.

If you have some intel on 'worse stuff' about Trump, then no need to hold out.. just release it

Of course please do help ensure it is real and true...

As do not believe that Trump is the rebirth of Hitler or satan's baby ... or that he will start World War III and destroy the USA

Wether like him or hate him... he's only president for 4 years .. if he does a lousy job, he will be voted out at the end of his term

And America will survive...

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