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accidental jabbed by stop baby needle


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my wife gives our dog  and people around

the needle for the dogs and cats to stop baby's

as most cant put the needle in there cat or dog 

i hold the animals skin up to put needle in 

today dog moved and needle went in my arm 

what will happen to a person


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Troll post removed.


Topic moved to the Health forum.


I have to give a cat saline solution subcutaneously.   It's pretty easy for the needle to go through and to get a poke.   It's sort of a one person job. 


Let's wait for some of the more experienced health care people to comment. 

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1 hour ago, Crossy said:

Provided Wifey is following reasonable equipment sterilizing protocols / using new needles I doubt you will have issues.


If she's not, and is using the same needle over again, then ...

I'll finish that one off if I may......Then you may be in trouble.

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If you were simply stuck by the (presumably sterile) needle nothing whatsoever will happen to you.


If she actually injected you with the dose, then you may have some decrease in libido and possible mood changes/depression for a while, it will gradually wear off.

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@opalred Do you know the name of the stuff your wife uses?


We have two young dogs (1M, 1F) who will go through a "dangerous phase" before the vet will fix either of them.


We love our doggies but don't want baby doggies, could be a solution before they get the permanent job done.

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i do have to add 1.5 cc for small dogs and cats

3cc for larger dogs

a tip when you do . play with them on lap or between legs 

rubbing around ears they like 

the other hand rub back and lift up skin

get wife jab in under skin  on angle so don't the  hurt animal

different to jabbing person in thick muscle or large bum

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