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Affirmation Of Freedom To Marry

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Hi chaps,

On the affirmation of freedom to marry i was wondering what should i write about my monthly income because i am an agency worker my hours and pay are irregular. i was thinking of adding "approx ££££" or "up to ££££" but i don't want to tinker around with the sample format if possible.

also is it mandatory to add an employers letter to this? i can't get a letter from my employer at this time because i have finished my most recent contract and have not worked in the last month. I can ofcourse provide a bank statement but this shows different amounts every month.

I can't see it being a major problem but i want to be sure before i go to the embassy on friday.

one more thing what time do they accept the affirmations , i have read conflicting accounts on the days and times that they will allow you to do this.

cheers :o

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Within reason you can alter the wording of the affirmation as long as you don't change its meaning. When my wife and I married I wasn't working, so I amended the affirmation to read "I am a civil servant by profession and have £ X in the bank with which to support my wife". Also, you don't have to provide any evidence of your income.

The consular section, according to the embassy website, is open:-

Opening Hours:

Monday - Thursday 0800-1100, 1300-1530

Friday 0800 – 1200 only


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thanks for the quick reply scouse, you are a star!

i have just been looking around thaivisa and i read one post which said that the embassy actually have the affirmation letter already typed up and all you need to do is fill in the blanks. Is this true for the british embassy?

i don't intend on filling in the blanks but maybe others who read this would prefer to do that.


Edited by Duality
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Maybe i didn't make it clear but what i meant was i read a post that the embassy have samples at their consular section for people to come and fill in therefore skipping the hassle of actuallly typing and printing it themselves. I don't know if this is true or not and thats why i ask those of you in the know.


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As far as I'm aware, they don't have such templates at the British embassy consular section. To be honest, it's easier to prepare the affirmation prior to going to the embassy rather than trying to fill it in whilst in the confines of their small waiting room.


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  • 4 years later...

Sorry to drag up this old thread, but seeing as my question is on the same topic, I thought it would be best,

I'm British and would like to register my new marriage here in Thailand.

I am aware that I have to go to the British embassy to obtain the affirmation of freedom to marry document, and then have it translated, and then both copies certified by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Is there a sample of the document available such as the one above (the document in the link above has been archived) ?

Also, the steps I have mentioned above, is that it? I have not been previously married, so that will not be a problem. I assume that once I get that done, I can get the registration done at my local amphur (as opposed to the amphur of the province in which my wife's ID was registered)?

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Sorry to drag up this old thread, but seeing as my question is on the same topic, I thought it would be best,

I'm British and would like to register my new marriage here in Thailand.

I am aware that I have to go to the British embassy to obtain the affirmation of freedom to marry document, and then have it translated, and then both copies certified by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Is there a sample of the document available such as the one above (the document in the link above has been archived) ?

Also, the steps I have mentioned above, is that it? I have not been previously married, so that will not be a problem. I assume that once I get that done, I can get the registration done at my local amphur (as opposed to the amphur of the province in which my wife's ID was registered)?

Your embassy will have the appropriate document.

You can marry at any Amphur.

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@TehBen - I used the sample Affirmation from the UK Embassy website when I was married last month. I just retyped it in the same format and added my personal details. Just a couple of things on the wedding process....try to make sure the translation of your affirmation is totally spot on before you hand it in to the MFA. They are very strict and refused mine because of one letter, something wrong with my surname. I had to have a new translation done (there is an office in the bookshop at the MFA that does translations) and then hand it in again. So we lost an afternoon waiting around and also 450baht for the original incorrect translation.

Also yes you can marry at any amphur office, but I believe if you marry outside of your wifes province and presuming she wants to change her surname, I believe this has to be done within the district or office where you were married.

Edited by toddmeister
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@TehBen - I used the sample Affirmation from the UK Embassy website when I was married last month. I just retyped it in the same format and added my personal details. Just a couple of things on the wedding process....try to make sure the translation of your affirmation is totally spot on before you hand it in to the MFA. They are very strict and refused mine because of one letter, something wrong with my surname. I had to have a new translation done (there is an office in the bookshop at the MFA that does translations) and then hand it in again. So we lost an afternoon waiting around and also 450baht for the original incorrect translation.

Also yes you can marry at any amphur office, but I believe if you marry outside of your wifes province and presuming she wants to change her surname, I believe this has to be done within the district or office where you were married.

Good advice

There are also a number of people hanging around the foyer of the MFA offering translation services.

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While we're on the subject. How long is the 'freedom to marry' document eligibile for? I got mine back in March (it's dated the 16th). My wife and I had the Thai wedding ceremony over Songkran, but we've still not got around to getting it legalised. I hope it's not a 3 month period of eligibility otherwise I've wasted a lot of time and money...

Sorry to the OP for hijacking, but any confirmation on this would be greatly appreciated!

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