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SWEDEN AT BREAKING POINT: Police make urgent plea for help as violent crime spirals

Jonathan Fairfield

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3 minutes ago, ResandePohm said:

Try using google before making such an inaccurate statement. Then you will see that several Arab nations are taking in more refugees than any Western Nation. For example Lebanon and Jordan also Turkey which is Muslim if not Arab. These nations are getting little if any financial help from the West.

Your comments are very prejudiced and ill informed.

First of all it is their problem ( the Muslim world) so they should solve it theirselves.


As for Turkey not receiving financial help, I suggest you use Google yourself on that one, as you suggest to another poster.


But anyway, why would those nation need to receive financial help from the west, did they ever help the west?

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43 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

Maybe you should ask the Swedish people if they want more Muslim immigrants 

Of course they don't want more. Sweden's infrastructure is already over stretched coping with those they now have. They don't have sufficient schools, housing, medical facilities etc. That is why Sweden has already taken steps to reduce the inflow. Now so called refugees must have legitimate travel documents i.e. a passport or at least a valid ID. They are also in the process of repatriating those that are not legitimate refugees but are economic migrants.

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3 minutes ago, ResandePohm said:

Of course they don't want more. Sweden's infrastructure is already over stretched coping with those they now have. They don't have sufficient schools, housing, medical facilities etc. That is why Sweden has already taken steps to reduce the inflow. Now so called refugees must have legitimate travel documents i.e. a passport or at least a valid ID. They are also in the process of repatriating those that are not legitimate refugees but are economic migrants.

How Sweden became an example of how not to handle immigration

We’ve taken in far too many people and we’re letting them down badly – especially the children




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32 minutes ago, Allstars said:

First of all it is their problem ( the Muslim world) so they should solve it theirselves.


As for Turkey not receiving financial help, I suggest you use Google yourself on that one, as you suggest to another poster.


But anyway, why would those nation need to receive financial help from the west, did they ever help the west?

First the problem is not theirs alone. If it was, then there wouldn't be a problem in the western countries. The problem arose because western countries were interfering in the internal politics of these Arab nations. In particular the USA who is just after the Arab oil. Therefore it is now a global problem.


Second I was referring to Arab nations that the OP mentioned not Turkey. That said Turkey is pressurizing the west to get the money by threatening to permit more refugees to cross over to the EU 


Third The Arab nations taking in refugees are struggling to cope. If they were given more financial help then they could take in more refugees and thus alleviate the pressure on the western countries. So they are helping the West.


Does that answer you queries or do you need more detail (some people need to be spoon fed)

Edited by ResandePohm
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5 hours ago, ResandePohm said:

You say you commented objectively which is a totally false statement. Your comments were very subjective and ill informed.


It is true that I do not support the fascist Duck but neither do I support the PC socialist extremes of Sweden. The true solution to the problem will be a compromise in the middle that will guard their societies from terror while at the same time showing compassion for those who really need it. The fact that most refugees are young single men who should really be at home fighting for a better life for their families but who have instead chosen to flee and become economic migrants, IMO they should to be sent back home. In any event this is an inherently Swedish problem and knowing the Swedes they will resolve it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Duck or his trumpetiers who really should be concentrating on much more acute internal problems, like for example the US’ archaic gun laws and home grown terrorists which kill more Americans than any Muslim immigrant.


Finally calling someone a “maggot” solely because they disagree with you is a typical Duck tactic used when he has no legitimate argument to come with and really shows how ignorant he is.


Hey, if you cannot keep it polite. Don't post!


You obviously have not read or read and could not follow the flaming I got on a different thread and then you have the brass balls to try and lecture me.


So according to you It is acceptable for me to be called a racist and for you to accuse me of being ignorant but referring to one who issues such insults as a maggot is unacceptable. Thank you for that clarification. 


How would you suggest I refer to them? "You most wiseness" " Oh illuminated one" "your excellence" "oh ye of such profound knowledge" come on give me a clue. 


I must be be more careful in future.



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why blame Sweden? just bc they dont believe in fascism and discrimination? or Trump like racist antics?


maybe it was a mistake to accept that many muslim especially all those Kurds but again, i dont blame them to provide shelter and safety.


hope they solve the situation soon. just implement some hard sentences for violent criminals.

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9 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Interesting comments.Some are indeed racist and reflect ignorance and others are contradictory. 

The one accusing Sudanese of whatever and they can not fit...they will not change their culture to fit, let me ask you and many of us here, how many if you has abandoned "his" culture and adopted local culture?

As a matter of fact you can find the brits, froggies, Ozies Yanks etc are concentrating and living together in 1 particular area and indeed not scattered and meltinh into the community .Stop being IGNORANT &  HYPOCRITE.?

What area in Thailand is this?


How many Brits/Froggies/Ozies/Yanks are married to Thai nationals? Then tell me how many Muslim immigrants are married to Swedish nationals?


People from UK/France/Australia/USA do not need to give up their respective cultures to adopt Thai culture as all these cultures blend in with Thai culture without problem. 




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10 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Interesting comments.Some are indeed racist and reflect ignorance and others are contradictory. 

The one accusing Sudanese of whatever and they can not fit...they will not change their culture to fit, let me ask you and many of us here, how many if you has abandoned "his" culture and adopted local culture?

As a matter of fact you can find the brits, froggies, Ozies Yanks etc are concentrating and living together in 1 particular area and indeed not scattered and meltinh into the community .Stop being IGNORANT &  HYPOCRITE.?

And yet, strangely enough, we do not teach our children teach to treat the locals as moral inferiors, nor infuse them with a religion which is used as an excuse to randomly kill their fellow citizens. Perhaps that is because we consider the local nationals as acceptably marriageable, without forcing them to accept and conform to different religious beliefs.  

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Ahem, note the news source...

Daily Express = Breitbart = right wing propaganda. It is not a newspaper, it's a bullshIt paper. I'm no leftie, but i take anything the Express, the Mail, and the Sun et al print, with a pinch of salt.

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16 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

Ahem, note the news source...

Daily Express = Breitbart = right wing propaganda. It is not a newspaper, it's a bullshIt paper. I'm no leftie, but i take anything the Express, the Mail, and the Sun et al print, with a pinch of salt.

This has also been printed in,believe or not the Swedish press,but nice try :whistling:.

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Pat Condell saw it coming 6 years ago...


1st Dec 2010:


19th May 2014


4th Nov 2015:


Go to Youtube and click on "Show more"


Then go to some of the links.


Have a nice day.








Edited by JetsetBkk
Ordered by date.
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Unfortunately they will never get the assistance because they are not allow to disclose the reason for the spiraling crime spree.  So, Sweden descends into chaos due to it's own embracing of extreme political correctness.  Pretty soon half of Sweden will be a no-go zone for Swedes, but if they address the real problem, native Swedes will be the one's thrown into jail.  So long Sweden, and thanks for all the fish!

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On 1/30/2017 at 10:15 AM, Mickmouse1 said:

Interesting comments.Some are indeed racist and reflect ignorance and others are contradictory. 

The one accusing Sudanese of whatever and they can not fit...they will not change their culture to fit, let me ask you and many of us here, how many if you has abandoned "his" culture and adopted local culture?

As a matter of fact you can find the brits, froggies, Ozies Yanks etc are concentrating and living together in 1 particular area and indeed not scattered and meltinh into the community .Stop being IGNORANT &  HYPOCRITE.?


Interesting analogy, but completely inappropriate. How many people living in Thailand are milking the Thai government for housing and money? I would bet it is close to ZERO. All of these economic migrants to the West are just coming for the free ride. Sorry, but people choosing to live in a foreign country and paying for everything on their own is much different than a bunch of people coming to leech off the citizens. Try again. Oh, and Islam is not a race.

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On 30/01/2017 at 8:15 AM, Mickmouse1 said:

Interesting comments.Some are indeed racist and reflect ignorance and others are contradictory. 

The one accusing Sudanese of whatever and they can not fit...they will not change their culture to fit, let me ask you and many of us here, how many if you has abandoned "his" culture and adopted local culture?

As a matter of fact you can find the brits, froggies, Ozies Yanks etc are concentrating and living together in 1 particular area and indeed not scattered and meltinh into the community .Stop being IGNORANT &  HYPOCRITE.?

Far from ignorant and hypocritical. Most bring money with them most are not about hating people because of religious beliefs. Non will get any assistance in any form.


Go to the hospital and the bill has to be paid before you leave or a Thai insurance company has to agree to pay the bill. 


You are comparing apples and oranges to make it look like the bad non Thai likes to have some creature comforts of home. Or you have given more proof that people are not willing to change so why would a bunch of refugees change?

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On 1/29/2017 at 8:15 PM, Mickmouse1 said:

As a matter of fact you can find the brits, froggies, Ozies Yanks etc are concentrating and living together in 1 particular area and indeed not scattered and meltinh into the community


Right, but they don't start excluding all of their non-kinds. cf Birmingham, UK



Edited by AGLV0121
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Sorry, Sweden. You had to be the canary in the mine for the rest of the western world, when it comes to lax vetting of immigrants from troubled areas.  We only hope the rest of the western world heeds your sacrificial-lamb warning before it's too late for them as well. 


When it comes to self-preservation, unfortunately, bleeding-heart compassion has its limits. 

Edited by Fookhaht
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10 minutes ago, Fookhaht said:

Sorry, Sweden. You had to be the canary in the mine for the rest of the western world, when it comes to lax vetting of immigrants from troubled areas.  We only hope the rest of the western world heeds your sacrificial-lamb warning before it's too late for them as well. 


When it comes to self-preservation, unfortunately, bleeding-heart compassion has its limits. 

There is a difference between bleeding-heart compassion and stupidity or incompetence.   The situation in Europe is not helpful to political refugees.   The unfettered access given to all and sundry has made the situation much worse for those who have no option but to seek asylum.  


During the time I spent in Syria, there were a lot of people who lived in fear of the regime, but none of the people I dealt with desired to leave the country.   With the exception of those who fell afoul of the regime, life was not bad.   The people of Syria had lived under dictatorial rule for a very long time.  


Now, with millions in need of assistance, much of the world is turning its back on them because they are simply overwhelmed with the huge number of people who have entered and the difficulty with dealing with people who were not properly vetted in the first place.  

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13 minutes ago, Scott said:

There is a difference between bleeding-heart compassion and stupidity or incompetence.   The situation in Europe is not helpful to political refugees.   The unfettered access given to all and sundry has made the situation much worse for those who have no option but to seek asylum.  


During the time I spent in Syria, there were a lot of people who lived in fear of the regime, but none of the people I dealt with desired to leave the country.   With the exception of those who fell afoul of the regime, life was not bad.   The people of Syria had lived under dictatorial rule for a very long time.  


Now, with millions in need of assistance, much of the world is turning its back on them because they are simply overwhelmed with the huge number of people who have entered and the difficulty with dealing with people who were not properly vetted in the first place.  

Unfortunately, bleeding-heart compassion (translation: extreme or blind compassion) is often intertwined with stupidity or incompetence, because the heart emotions cloud the intellect and senses.  


On another front, I am very fond of Merkle's tremendous compassion for the world's repressed, but wondering when she's going to have second thoughts.  Just a matter of time. 

I think we both made the point of improper/lax vetting, albeit from two different perspectives.  

Edited by Fookhaht
Added Merkel example.
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1 hour ago, Fookhaht said:

Unfortunately, bleeding-heart compassion (translation: extreme or blind compassion) is often intertwined with stupidity or incompetence, because the heart emotions cloud the intellect and senses.  


On another front, I am very fond of Merkle's tremendous compassion for the world's repressed, but wondering when she's going to have second thoughts.  Just a matter of time. 

I think we both made the point of improper/lax vetting, albeit from two different perspectives.  

Swedish people should have implemented Islamic ban. Bit of confusion at start but get to keep your culture. 


Shame. Used to be nice place. 

Edited by funandsuninbangkok
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1 hour ago, Fookhaht said:

Unfortunately, bleeding-heart compassion (translation: extreme or blind compassion) is often intertwined with stupidity or incompetence, because the heart emotions cloud the intellect and senses.  


On another front, I am very fond of Merkle's tremendous compassion for the world's repressed, but wondering when she's going to have second thoughts.  Just a matter of time. 

I think we both made the point of improper/lax vetting, albeit from two different perspectives.  


I don't know why people keep on posting misinformation concerning Merkel. Merkel has  on a number of occasions expressed regret regards last year's influx of asylum seekers & economic refugees. An example provided below, though I must say there were other governments just as responsible for lack of situation awareness / preparation regards the issues facing the EU, so good on her for taking responsibility, rather than spreading the blame.




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1 hour ago, simple1 said:


I don't know why people keep on posting misinformation concerning Merkel. Merkel has  on a number of occasions expressed regret regards last year's influx of asylum seekers & economic refugees. An example provided below, though I must say there were other governments just as responsible for lack of situation awareness / preparation regards the issues facing the EU, so good on her for taking responsibility, rather than spreading the blame.




Well thanks for making my point, and good on Merkel!

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:


I don't know why people keep on posting misinformation concerning Merkel. Merkel has  on a number of occasions expressed regret regards last year's influx of asylum seekers & economic refugees. An example provided below, though I must say there were other governments just as responsible for lack of situation awareness / preparation regards the issues facing the EU, so good on her for taking responsibility, rather than spreading the blame.




A quote from the link:-


" On Monday, Merkel admitted she had failed to sufficiently explain her refugee policy".... 


How often have I heard that from politicians - 'it was down to a misunderstanding by the electorate because we didn't explain it properly'!


I'm sure there are better links where Merkel has admitted that it wasn't just a "misunderstanding" by the electorate, and that her 'open borders' policy was a mistake.

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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

A quote from the link:-


" On Monday, Merkel admitted she had failed to sufficiently explain her refugee policy".... 


How often have I heard that from politicians - 'it was down to a misunderstanding by the electorate because we didn't explain it properly'!


I'm sure there are better links where Merkel has admitted that it wasn't just a "misunderstanding" by the electorate, and that her 'open borders' policy was a mistake.

Cherry picking, she elaborates a great deal more than just your quote

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:


I don't know why people keep on posting misinformation concerning Merkel. Merkel has  on a number of occasions expressed regret regards last year's influx of asylum seekers & economic refugees. An example provided below, though I must say there were other governments just as responsible for lack of situation awareness / preparation regards the issues facing the EU, so good on her for taking responsibility, rather than spreading the blame.





9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

A quote from the link:-


" On Monday, Merkel admitted she had failed to sufficiently explain her refugee policy".... 


How often have I heard that from politicians - 'it was down to a misunderstanding by the electorate because we didn't explain it properly'!


I'm sure there are better links where Merkel has admitted that it wasn't just a "misunderstanding" by the electorate, and that her 'open borders' policy was a mistake.


6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Cherry picking, she elaborates a great deal more than just your quote

That one quote in that one article, makes the other comments null and void (IMO).


But, as I pointed out in my previous post, I'm sure there are better articles in which she has admitted that the open borders policy was a mistake - and not just because "she had failed to sufficiently explain her refugee policy".


I've heard the ridiculous politician' excuse of 'the people didn't understand because we didn't explain well enough' too often, which tends to make me a bit bad tempered when I read this as an explanation by politicians.... 


Precisely how stupid do they think are if they think 'I didn't explain well enough' (after 'explaining' for many months) is a valid excuse?


Don't answer that - we all know! :lol:

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