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Trump dismisses Russia controversy as 'scam' by hostile media


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But Hillary hasn't gone, she is tweeting her usual identity politics "the future is female".
Obama hasn't gone, he's still in Washington with his new organization to preserve his legacy.


Look, I understand that since you can't defend Trump you feel the need to attack  Clinton, and Obama. But both cleared out of Washington. Other than the Inauguration, I don't think either have been back?


Let it go, if you can. You might even feel better?

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8 minutes ago, Linzz said:

I dunno the girls on Fox are not so bad as eye candy


What could go wrong hiring "eye candy"? 


Fox News under federal investigation over Ailes settlement payments




It would have been cheaper if he had just hired hookers.




Edited by mtls2005
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2 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

But Hillary hasn't gone, she is tweeting her usual identity politics "the future is female".
Obama hasn't gone, he's still in Washington with his new organization to preserve his legacy.


Look, I understand that since you can't defend Trump you feel the need to attack  Clinton, and Obama. But both cleared out of Washington. Other than the Inauguration, I don't think either have been back?


Let it go, if you can. You might even feel better?

Apparently Obama is still in Washington which rather unusual for an ex President only a couple of miles from the Whitehouse. If you read my  quote from the NY Post he has set up an organization to fight his successor. So I don't need to feel better but looks like he does. I will let it go if he does.



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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

  Proper diplomacy would probably help.  From both sides.


Yes. The NYT, and a few other papers, throughout the election wrote stories as though they were on the Clinton payroll. It went far beyond bias and fell far short of being news.  


At this point even if Trump does find a way to pull his head out of his a** and operate like a commander in cheif, I think the majority  of the MSM is too blinded by prejudice to report  it or even notice.                                                        




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46 minutes ago, Linzz said:

Apparently Obama is still in Washington which rather unusual for an ex President only a couple of miles from the Whitehouse. If you read my  quote from the NY Post he has set up an organization to fight his successor. So I don't need to feel better but looks like he does. I will let it go if he does.



LOL, the only thing missing there is the claim that Warren Buffet is paying for it all.

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:

Apparently Obama is still in Washington which rather unusual for an ex President only a couple of miles from the Whitehouse. If you read my  quote from the NY Post he has set up an organization to fight his successor. So I don't need to feel better but looks like he does. I will let it go if he does.



I wish Obama the best of luck.  There are a lot who are against Trump.  Hard not to be considering his lies and damage he's causing the US.  And the absolutely disgusting things he said about Obama and his family.  100% totally uncalled for. 

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What a bunch!! Yes Trump is a bit of an oaf, and yes he can run his mouth off and say some really stupid things, but if you are not more worried by the IC and the stance they have taken, then you are crazy. All this shows is that the USA is and has been run by the large autonomous organizations like the NSA and CIA for years, and they seemingly can do whatever they want to achieve the goals they want to achieve bypassing the votes of the American people and now bypassing the American President.

Obama had his chance to change something but he blew it, he pretty much wasted the best opportunity any US president has had in past 50 years to push through serious change and now that chance has landed wit Trump, who most definitely wants to change everything. The IC or Deep State, have no interest in change, they are happy with the world as they have shaped it over past 50 years. Trump is a threat to them and they are going all out to discredit him, which to be honest doesn't seem that hard, given his character. 

It's just so weird that now all the theories about a deep state in the US are coming true, that people aren't massively worried and prefer to exist in some sort of bubble.


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5 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

What a bunch!! Yes Trump is a bit of an oaf, and yes he can run his mouth off and say some really stupid things, but if you are not more worried by the IC and the stance they have taken, then you are crazy. All this shows is that the USA is and has been run by the large autonomous organizations like the NSA and CIA for years, and they seemingly can do whatever they want to achieve the goals they want to achieve bypassing the votes of the American people and now bypassing the American President.

Obama had his chance to change something but he blew it, he pretty much wasted the best opportunity any US president has had in past 50 years to push through serious change and now that chance has landed wit Trump, who most definitely wants to change everything. The IC or Deep State, have no interest in change, they are happy with the world as they have shaped it over past 50 years. Trump is a threat to them and they are going all out to discredit him, which to be honest doesn't seem that hard, given his character. 

It's just so weird that now all the theories about a deep state in the US are coming true, that people aren't massively worried and prefer to exist in some sort of bubble.


I thought the USA was run by the Illuminati! :w00t:


The Deep State?  Seriously?  Wow...great conspiracy theory.  A good reason people aren't worried.  It's just a conspiracy theory.

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39 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

What a bunch!! Yes Trump is a bit of an oaf, and yes he can run his mouth off and say some really stupid things, but if you are not more worried by the IC and the stance they have taken, then you are crazy. All this shows is that the USA is and has been run by the large autonomous organizations like the NSA and CIA for years, and they seemingly can do whatever they want to achieve the goals they want to achieve bypassing the votes of the American people and now bypassing the American President.

Obama had his chance to change something but he blew it, he pretty much wasted the best opportunity any US president has had in past 50 years to push through serious change and now that chance has landed wit Trump, who most definitely wants to change everything. The IC or Deep State, have no interest in change, they are happy with the world as they have shaped it over past 50 years. Trump is a threat to them and they are going all out to discredit him, which to be honest doesn't seem that hard, given his character. 

It's just so weird that now all the theories about a deep state in the US are coming true, that people aren't massively worried and prefer to exist in some sort of bubble.



Trump  IS an enlightened, responsible, visionary leader, a man pruned to be the leader of a world that confronts unprecedented problems; he deserves complete confidence.

This was once again proved during the press conference the world watched. 

The press conference was totally reflective of how the WH is run, and of course, so is  the country.




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I just read this morning  an article from a group of professionals about Trump and his behavior,

These people make a living out of understanding behavior like Trump's behavior

They have a code that prohibits the m  from commenting publically on such erratic behavior

unless that person allows them a full analisys as a patient

Trump is lucky there as they are prohibited from commenting on his behavior by their professional code.



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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

The media are basically corporations, with revenue numbers to hit and stockholders to answer for.  They publish news because you'll read it.  One reason you don't read about an outbreak of crabgrass in St. Louis on the national news.  Nobody would read it.  But when the president lies and pulls these shenanigans, it's big news and gets more viewers/readers.  They just go where the money is.

Loved the crabgrass bit!!

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3 hours ago, Redline said:

That may work in his business because he dictates everything in his business.  Unfortunately, he is in charge of a Democracy now.


Well, not a democracy for long, if he has his way. A more authoritarian form of government suits him, and his agenda, and his personality far more closely. 

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"“He said he was gonna ask a very simple, easy question,” Trump exclaimed, interrupting Turx. “And it’s not, it’s not, not—not a simple question, not a fair question.". The best way to understand it is as the product of narcissism so epic that it crowds out moral concern. Turx asked about Jewish fears of anti-Semitism. But the only thing that interested Trump was the possibility that people might consider him anti-Semitic. So he turned a question about Jewish victimization into a parable of his own victimization by a Jewish reporter."




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6 hours ago, Linzz said:

I think the media should ignore Trump because they feed of each other. It's symbiotic relationship.Only thing is they would both die from no readership and no publicity

Hmm Trump has a died in the wool following that "feed" on his nonsense flip flops and double backs. You could tell this 40% that the world is flat according to Trump and they would swallow it. Some of these are almost on a "war" footing waiting for the TRUMPet call to war. If Trump is ever backed into a corner with his small vocabulary of "magnificent" words not resonating I could foresee the call to arms. 

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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Hmm Trump has a died in the wool following that "feed" on his nonsense flip flops and double backs. You could tell this 40% that the world is flat according to Trump and they would swallow it. Some of these are almost on a "war" footing waiting for the TRUMPet call to war. If Trump is ever backed into a corner with his small vocabulary of "magnificent" words not resonating I could foresee the call to arms. 

I agree that Trump is not the accomplished orator Obama is and he holds your attention in cringe mode.

Here  is another point of view you probably wont agree with, but it makes an interesting read since you're talking of war footings




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16 minutes ago, balo said:

I wonder what type of drugs he's on to be able to carry on like this every day , 


he is not on drugs, but mentally in problem. Look at this from USA   medical report s


Some have suggested that Mr Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

People with this condition often show some of the following characteristics, according to Psychology Today:

  • Grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people and a need for admiration
  • They believe they are superior or may deserve special treatment
  • They seek excessive admiration and attention, and struggle with criticism or defeat

This describes Trump to a tee and he is not fit to be a president OR a businessman.. Sad thing is my wife has the same attributes 

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  6 hours ago, stevenl said:

LOL, the only thing missing there is the claim that Warren Buffet is paying for it all.

2 hours ago, Linzz said:

No, George Soros


As soon as I saw stevenl's comment I want to post what linzz wrote (but I just had a mobile phone handy at the time.).  The difference being that Linzz probably doesn't mean it as a joke.

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