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Four dead in family massacre in car park at Nonthaburi municipal offices


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44 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

Tragic event. 


What are the implications of filing for a divorce in Thailand? In the West, the guy loses 1/2 of his shirt and usually the custody of the children plus the requirement for alimony? Is it the same here?

Rather straightforward query & observation of fact. However, precariously close to criticism of The Sisterhood and not tolerated these days. ergo, no responses.

Have you noticed that the worst Feminazis are men?

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What efforts are made to regulate guns in thailand?


statistically murder by guns is very high in thailand when standardized....I haven't seen thailand suicide rates though according to the police it is off the charts for foreigners in LOS ?

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2 hours ago, bangkokorbust said:






This happens in rural Australia on a monthly basis. You don't have to have low IQ,






No it stuffin doesnt, unfortunately it doe happen where men take their own life because of crushing debt, rarely do they take the rest of the family with them.

Sad to see the young one killed may the three this thing killed rest in peace.

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5 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Another shinning example of how the fragile Thai male ego simply cannot handle rejection.


It has nothing to do with a Thai ego, same happens in the US at a crazy rate. Some men cannot stand to be rejected

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2 hours ago, bipper said:

What a load of B......! This happens every day of the week in the west, more than in the US though I don't disagree with the argument you make about education. It's as low over there as here in many ways and a gun culture almost as bad to boot.

Assuming your point about other countries is right, that doesn't make what I said B. What I said is still valid.

As for your point about the West, well might apply in selected cases, perhaps, perhaps not, but not to the same level, based on my experience.

An example from a drive this evening, lasting about 25 minutes, just now ending, saw about 3 or 4 cases.

But my key original point was, it's not Thai bashing, it stupid behaviour bashing. Even if stupid behaviour happens everywhere, it's still just bashing the stupid behaviour that we observe here. It's simple, it's clear, it's not B.

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9 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

They probably originally split up because he traded her in for a younger model.


Tragic for the other 3 victims


More likely they split because he has a bad temper, drank and beat her. 

The ending certainly speaks to his violent inclinations and disrespect for their lives.

Edited by animatic
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Because it's common in Thailand and if you know anything about the country you would know how the "egos and loss of face" are unacceptable to such an extent that death to all is preferable

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Your off your rocker if you think this is loss of face. This purely a jealous and possessive man who decided if I can't have her no one will.. It has zero to do with loss of face. If it did then every divorce would end with death here. The misunderstanding of the Loss of face here is staggering

Happens the world over and the West don't understand loss of face

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20 hours ago, fantom said:

I am familiar with many of the points raised by this very sad case, however mainly from a western viewpont and practice. Does anybody on this forum know what options were available to this woman. For example if she went to the police do they have any protocols in place ? Also is there anything along the lines of family shelter? do any of the temples provide shelter?

I am wondering just what practical options are open to a woman  locked into a violent / abusive relationship in Thailand.

I am not sure in Thailand if women badly abused (physical violence) are still consider domestic problem so police refuse to intervene until someone dies.

Anyone has knowledge of how far the violence perpetuate before police will stop this violence or has the legal authority to intervene? Someone day in and day out beat his wife can get away with this violence?

I think in Britain it comes under "assault and battery" you will be charge with this crime whether you are married or not.

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39 minutes ago, zaZa9 said:

Grow up all you Thai bashers out there.



But then again, without all the usual posters coming on here to give the Thais a kicking at any chance they can, how else can they fill their sad miserable lonely days? 

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18 minutes ago, Winniej said:

What is it a pro Thailand article then? 

I think you need to have your cognition tested if thats what you got out of the original post..

Or is that a very VERY sad attempt at humor? 

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7 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Another shinning example of how the fragile Thai male ego simply cannot handle rejection.


Or is  that another  sad  example of  how  fragile human ego too often cannot accept possible  good  reason for  rejection ?

Race, ethnicity   or location  is  unlikely to  alter the statistical outcome.

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7 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

this is wrong i see it everyday on the roads and many other places but you have to observe it and let go of your  rose-colored specs to see it  


anyway back on-topic and this murderous, selfish pig who kills because he loses 'face'  scum plain and simple scum

I actually see it on the roads as well. But again, its rare that they even use the horn compared to my home country sweden.

I see angry and upset thais occasionally, but i have never seen violent behavior except on the news.


Are there violent thais? Ofcourse.

Are there more violent thais than other nationalities? I doubt it.

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8 hours ago, BlindMagician said:


Its not anti Thailand, its anti the highly prevalent behavioral characteristics that we all know are part of the relatively low level of educated masses in this country. Keep your own xenophobic subconscious interpretations out of it - just look at the facts, the daily behaviour of so many random people that one might observe.

"xenophobic subconscious interpretations..."


This fits you perfectly, clueless blind magician.

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8 hours ago, balo said:

Problem is in other countries we have doctors and psychiatrists that could have prevented it from going this far, that man was clearly mentally ill and dangerous with a gun. I feel sorry for his son. RIP.

Mentally ill?  The husband was pissed because he was watching his fragile life, everything he cared about in the whole world, go right down the toilet.  I feel sorry for the father who survives and must live with the memory of his dead child and grandson.  I really feel like there ought to be more sympathy expressed for this terrible tragedy.  Life is hard when you are poor and do not have the education needed to lift yourself up.

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Whatever the reasons Thai or Western this is indeed a tragic, highly emotional case. You have to see both sides of the coin. Distraught father/ husband. We cannot judge. The mind is fragile. These things happen all over the world I.e. Murder/ suicide. RIP to all the victims in this very tragic state of affairs

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12 hours ago, Notadoctor said:

I can't believe that some people are so low as to turn this into an anti-Thailand tirade.

Really, the foul stench of pompous presumption and 'Western' chauvinism suggests some few of these posters should either lay off the sauce or find themselves a  fighter to knock some sense into their biased brains--or what remains of such tissue. I'm not at all surprised that the majority of posters know that murder(s)>suicide is far from rare when a contested or contemplated separation between a woman and an abusive man gets the heat turned up. FACT is that murderous 'would-be' exes are most often already 'domestic' abusers. What *may* have been 'off the blotter' was whether police had previously been 'passive partners of permission' WRT domestic disputes gone violent--and this, too, IF it had been,  is FAR from a *Thai*  'deficit of responsibility,' as previous histories of violence are common as dirt in any and every culture where male dominance is yet to become an artifact of ugly traditions (and in certain cultures, is regarded as 'god-given right!)

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