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World scorns Thai lies on rights, democracy


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50 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

Just curious how the junta has effected you personally?

For Thais unless they are politically outspoken there would be no change to their lifestyles.

Thais are accustomed to coupes


If the military overthrew the (I assume) elected government in the country where you come from there would be no change to the lifestyle of the average citizen. Would that make it OK?

You say Thais are accustomed to coups. I'm confused, is that an argument for junta rule??

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If the military overthrew the (I assume) elected government in the country where you come from there would be no change to the lifestyle of the average citizen. Would that make it OK?
You say Thais are accustomed to coups. I'm confused, is that an argument for junta rule??

How does it affect you? And yes maybe you were not in Thailand at the the time but it was close to civil war so yeah good they stepped in unless of course you prefer thousands dead.

The only people making a song and dance are farang.. So keep your nose out of it, your just a tourist.. Or like you said go elsewhere in Asia. Up to you
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1 minute ago, bangkokorbust said:

How does it affect you? And yes maybe you were not in Thailand at the the time but it was close to civil war 

No it wasn't. Not even remotely. 

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As long as Thailand makes itself available as a "black site" for US torture purposes, they need not worry about their egregious abuses of human rights. Their willingness to play ball with America's military industrial complex has won them immunity from all forms of backlash.

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No it wasn't. Not even remotely. 

You live in the sticks don't you?

The killings the violence the bombing of Central world the shut down of Suvarnabhumi yellow shirts marching on red shirts. The recruiting of thousands of farmers marched onto BKK , Bangkok paralyzed by protests . Nobody in control of the country and the police did not want to get involved.... It was flash point.. How do you think a civil war starts, by invitation?

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4 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

You live in the sticks don't you?

The killings the violence the bombing of Central world the shut down of Suvarnabhumi yellow shirts marching on red shirts. The recruiting of thousands of farmers marched onto BKK , Bangkok paralyzed by protests . It was flash point.. How do you think a civil war starts, by invitation?

I could live in Addis Ababa for all it matters. Thailand was not close to a civil war.

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35 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

How does it affect you? And yes maybe you were not in Thailand at the the time but it was close to civil war so yeah good they stepped in unless of course you prefer thousands dead.

The only people making a song and dance are farang.. So keep your nose out of it, your just a tourist.. Or like you said go elsewhere in Asia. Up to you


I think many people believe the military was complicit in setting up the conditions that allowed them to justify a coup.

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Gosh, I never heard that one before. How imaginative.

Ok I take it back on the condition you answer this question.

With bangkok paralyzed by protests the government impotent. Police not getting involved. Thousands of of red shirts in trucks heading towards BKK. The opposition whipping the crowd into a frenzy

How did you think it would de escalate ?

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1 minute ago, bangkokorbust said:

Ok I take it back on the condition you answer this question.

With bangkok paralyzed by protests the government impotent. Police not getting involved. Thousands of of red shirts in trucks heading towards BKK. The opposition whipping the crowd into a frenzy

How did you think it would desculate?

Bangkok was not paralyzed, parts of it were. I was flying in and out regularly, using the MRT and SRT, stayed in hotels and was not particularly inconvenienced. Nor would I imagine were countless thousands of others. Your question is therefore irrelevant. 

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1 minute ago, baboon said:

Bangkok was not paralyzed, parts of it were. I was flying in and out regularly, using the MRT and SRT, stayed in hotels and was not particularly inconvenienced. Nor would I imagine were countless thousands of others. Your question is therefore irrelevant. 

You are right, Baboon. As someone who was living and working in BKK throughout the Suthep agitations, I can say that in the final days before the coup, things were - if anything - quietening down. There was NO genuine sign of an imminent civil war - and no hard evidence of such has ever been produced.


The whole thing was a staged putsch, long planned between Suthep and Prayut - to wrest power away from the ''upstart" Shinawatras and the ordinary Thais, who at last had some sort of say (however imperfectly) in how their country was being run. Democracy could not be allowed to grow and develop, at any cost. It had to be STAMPED OUT.


And that is where we are today.

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Bangkok was not paralyzed, parts of it were. I was flying in and out regularly, using the MRT and SRT, stayed in hotels and was not particularly inconvenienced. Nor would I imagine were countless thousands of others. Your question is therefore irrelevant. 

City center is all that matters. Why would you think some back alley 20 miles away would matter? Your strugglimg.

So how do you think it would have de escalated, keep in mind thousands of reds were on there way.. We'll documented on TV . your dodging the question.

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6 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

City center is all that matters. Why would you think some back alley 20 miles away would matter? Your strugglimg.

So how do you think it would have de escalated, keep in mind thousands of reds were on there way.. We'll documented.. your dodging the question.

Suvarnabhumi is a back alley?

Don Mueang is a back alley?

Hualampong is a back alley?

Makkasan is a back alley?

Lower Sukhumvit is a back alley?

I'm not struggling at all.

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Suvarnabhumi is a back alley?

Don Mueang is a back alley?

Hualampong is a back alley?

Makkasan is a back alley?

Lower Sukhumvit is a back alley?

I'm not struggling at all.

They shut down Suvarnabhumi lol that shows you the government lost control and you didn't even know that !

So you can't tell me how it de escalates obviously. Don't you feel embarrassed in front of the forum.?

Maybe a soccer match?

I will leave you alone, go learn a bit more on the internet. It's all there, have a good one.

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6 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:


They shut down Suvarnabhumi lol that shows you the government lost control and you didn't even know what!

So you can't tell me how it escalates obviously. Don't you feel embarrassed in front of the forum.?

Maybe a soccer match?

I will leave you alone, go learn a bit more on the internet. It's all there, have a good one.


Suvarnabhumi was shut down by protesters in 2008. How is this relevant to events you are claiming happened in 2014, six years later?

Edited by baboon
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12 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Prayuth and his henchmen think nothing of bad reports about them....they are the centre of everything Thai.

Foreign governments will not change the way this administration thinks and goes about it's fraudulent business..... and they obviously believe all things foreign are irrelevant.




Well it's true as far as Thailand is concerned foreigners, are quite irrelevant. Do you really think that the outside world has any influence on the country ... about zero !

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Suvarnabhumi was shut down by protesters in 2008. How is this relevant to events you are claiming happened in 2014, six years later?

Your right but it would have been next. They already showed how easy.

That's the difference of character between us you ask me a question I answered straight away but you just dodge.

Here's what would have happened. As the gatherings got larger and larger and with government out of control and as what did happen they took over the TV station forcing yingluck out via police escort. TV stations always are the power play. As the thousands of reinforcements arrived in trucks waving flags

... How do you think it would have de escalated.?

Over to you

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6 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

Your right but it would have been next. They already showed how easy.

Here's what would have happened. As the gatherings got larger and larger and with government out of control and as what did happen they took over the TV station forcing yingluck out via police escort. TV stations always are the power play. As the thousands of reinforcements arrived in trucks waving flags

... How do you think it would have de escalated.?

Over to you

The army could have stopped the protests inside 24 hours, without using (much if any) force. That would have allowed the free (constitutional) election to be held, resulting in a government, red or yellow, chosen by the people.


Instead they chose a coup, and installed themselves as the government. This arguably brings closer the risk of a civil war....



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7 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

Your right but it would have been next. They already showed how easy.

Here's what would have happened. As the gatherings got larger and larger and with government out of control and as what did happen they took over the TV station forcing yingluck out via police escort. TV stations always are the power play. As the thousands of reinforcements arrived in trucks waving flags

... How do you think it would have de escalated.?

Over to you

It was deescalating, so why is how I imagine it might deescalate in any way a pertinent question?

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The army could have stopped the protests inside 24 hours, without using (much if any) force. That would have allowed the free (constitutional) election to be held, resulting in a government, red or yellow, chosen by the people.


Instead they chose a coup, and installed themselves as the government. This arguably brings closer the risk of a civil war....



24 hours? That has never happened. That's a dictatorship. People must be allowed to protest. What your suggesting is the worst case scenario. Total oppression

Not even in Egypt did that happen

It's exactly what would happen in north Korea

I've never heard of the army stepping in the first day anywhere on the planet

You are actually pro communism.

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6 minutes ago, JAG said:

The army could have stopped the protests inside 24 hours, without using (much if any) force. That would have allowed the free (constitutional) election to be held, resulting in a government, red or yellow, chosen by the people.


Instead they chose a coup, and installed themselves as the government. This arguably brings closer the risk of a civil war....



Yes it only enhances the risk of a civil war. Preventing something that wasn't even close to being a reality (excluding the south for one minute) was never the real goal of course. People like Bangkokburst seem to think they know about Thailand, yet the sheer stupidity that is shown by suggesting the army stepped in to prevent a civil war, shows a total lack of knowledge about the real reason the coup happened.



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Yes it only enhances the risk of a civil war. Preventing something that wasn't even close to being a reality (excluding the south for one minute) was never the real goal of course. People like Bangkokburst seem to think they know about Thailand, yet the sheer stupidity that is shown by suggesting the army stepped in to prevent a civil war, shows a total lack of knowledge about the real reason the coup happened.

So your basically suppressing the right to free speech by crushing a protest in 24 hours

Haha oh the irony because that's what you 2 claim the junta is doing now..

You can't make this stuff up!!
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"The unending litany of negative assessments from overseas regarding rights violations and the suppression of democracy in Thailand leaves no doubt that the military-led government has failed abjectly in its efforts to explain or justify what’s happening here."


This military has failed at EVERYTHING, they could not be more useless. People both in thailand and living elsewhere wouldn't piss on thailand if they were on fire. 

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4 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

So your basically suppressing the right to free speech by crushing a protest in 24 hours

Haha oh the irony because that's what you 2 claim the junta is doing now..

You can't make this stuff up!!

I don't see anything in my post suggesting surpression of freedom of speech, nor did I suggest anywhere that a protest should be crushed within 24 hours.


Maybe reading the post again would do wonders ?


As to claiming what the junta does, there is overwhelming evidence about human rights violations by the Junta, the very reason this thread exists.



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The Army stepping in was nothing more than a convienent excuse to carry out there agenda. It was handed to them on a plate and they took it ! It was never necessary or needed . Ohh apart from they hadn't had one for awhile !! 

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I don't see anything in my post suggesting surpression of freedom of speech, nor did I suggest anywhere that a protest should be crushed within 24 hours.


Maybe reading the post again would do wonders ?



The 24 hours was for jag.

So when should have they gone in exactly? Don't you think the country needs to sort out its political problems without calling in the army straight away?

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