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Appeal Tribunal In May, Advice Please

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Can anybody help point me in the right direction, advice wise for an upcoming visa tribunal. My stepdaughters visa was refused and the appeal was unsuccessful and now we have a date for the tribunal. I have been quoted 20 hours work by a specialist lawyer needed to prepare the case @£240 per hour and £600-800 for representation on the day. Its a little out of what i thought it would cost so i am going to try and represent her myself. I know there will be loads who think i am stupid but I just don't have the big bucks to spend.  Has anyone attended a tribunal before? what is the set up etc? The visa refusal was for really pissy reasons and in the appeal i countered all his reasons for not issuing a visa with solid evidence. He also made made some errors which i pointed out, but i dont think these appeals ever work, do they?? So tribunal advice please...or a good cheap lawyer, if such a thing exists. 

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Tribunal advice is probably beyond the scope of the expertise here but there is a guide:


This tells you what is likely to happen on the day.


My advice would be to make sure you have all the paperwork clearly presented, their arguments and your counter arguments. I have heard of situations where the Home Office have not even turned up!


Generally Judges are sympathetic towards people representing themselves and will help with the legal technicalities of presenting your case. They should take your inexperience into account. You will hardly be the first person required to represent themselves because of cost.

Obviously they will make a judgement based on the facts.


There may be some help available from Citizens Advice but I have to say they did not have anyone suitable to give my sister in law advice. That was a family court problem though.


Best of luck!


If you are brave then perhaps post more information (with names etc obscured). there are some knowledgable people posting here but remember these will only be opinions and not legal advice!

Edited by bobrussell
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If we know the type of visa applied for, I'm assuming settlement, and the reasons for the refusal, we may need to be able to advise you on your appeal.


We do, though, need the exact reasons as given by the ECO. So if possible can you post the actual refusal notice, after removing all names and any other identifying information.

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