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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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3 hours ago, Crowes said:

Another baseless story put out by the liberal media to delegitimize Trumps presidency.  Throw shit at the wall and see if it will stick. Tune in next week for another "Sources say" breaking news story.

no another story that adds to the evidence that proves that Trump is not fit to hold office

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5 minutes ago, myfriendu said:

anyone who believes this fake news is a moron 


I'd say anybody who writes it off as fake news without any basis of facts is a moron. 



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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

There are 42 posts on here so far, would you like to say that to everyone? Why are you even reading the thread? We are discussing everything that is all over the news at the moment. Do we need your permission? I have not said anything that is not based on an informed knowledge of the intelligence community. Thank you for your comments, but no more are needed.

No, not all, just the usual suspects.  You are the most reasoned though, usually, but you've allowed yourself to get swept away, and that's a shame. 

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5 minutes ago, myfriendu said:

anyone who believes this fake news is a moron 

the simple fact if it was true, As President he gets to decide what is classified and what is not classified.

and as a fact only the Russians and Syria are doing the job against isis ,so if it was true its the best thing the orange one has done in his short time in office 

Yes, that's true. It was not illegal.  And tomorrow he could reveal to every hostile nation exactly what intelligence we are getting on them and how we got it and the sources are. And that wouldn't be illegal either.  

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Just now, Andaman Al said:

Anyone who believes this is not significant is a moron. There is no smoke without fire and Gen McMaster has just been on TV and chose his words very carefully. The President can decide to declassify information ONLY when that information is sourced and owned by the US. When the information is given by an ally then it can only be declassified by the originator/owner. Yes Trump can try and do what he likes BUT the US will lose intelligence allies and as a result will be far less safe.


The fact you try and defend Trump on this is a good indicator of your make up and values.

Comey's gone.
Priebus next. im defending him doing something worth while ,any one with a iq knows whats going on in syria ,news is coming out priebus is the leaker ,of this fake news ,president kushner pulls the orange ones strings  

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6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The President can decide to declassify information ONLY when that information is sourced and owned by the US


He's not broken any laws,  just a breach of common sense and trust. How to handle classified info is at the pres' discretion, which in this case he has none. 


As yet it's too soon to judge what actually happened. It's all 'he said; she said' until a named source is willing to testify what actually was said.

Edited by Rob13
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2 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

No, not all, just the usual suspects.  You are the most reasoned though, usually, but you've allowed yourself to get swept away, and that's a shame. 

I think if you read my posts on this thread concerning the matter you will see nothing that is unreasoned. Please cut and paste those bits you feel qualify your statement. Have a pleasant day.

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3 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

I'd say anybody who writes it off as fake news without any basis of facts is a moron. 



the fact is there are no facts 


Come out (NYT, CNN, Politico, CBS, ABC, NBC, ...) of the woodwork? all fake news 

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Just now, myfriendu said:

the fact is there are no facts 


Come out (NYT, CNN, Politico, CBS, ABC, NBC, ...) of the woodwork? all fake news 

So we'll just dismiss every piece of info we don't like because it's all fake anyway. ....eyeroll.

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2 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


He's not broken any laws,  just a breach of common sense and trust. How to handle classified info is at the pres' discretion, which in this case he has none. 

If you read my posts you will see that I say he has not done anything illegal. He can declassify what he wants, however he CANNOT declassify intelligence given to him by an ally below the intelligence grade the ally currently holds that information at. He would NEED permission from the allied intelligence agency to do that. Is that so hard to understand?


There was no intellect involved or no considered decision involved in the process of Trump leaking the info. he did it in error because he washouts bragging about what he nows and what he gets.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Is that so hard to understand?

Yes. You say 'he would need'...by who;'s claim would he need to do this. As far as US law goes,  he's in the clear. Stupid move but within the law. 

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8 minutes ago, myfriendu said:

Comey's gone.
Priebus next. im defending him doing something worth while ,any one with a iq knows whats going on in syria ,news is coming out priebus is the leaker ,of this fake news ,president kushner pulls the orange ones strings  

Thanks for the irony of including in your post 'any one with a iq knows whats going on" , it gave me a good giggle if nothing else.

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it's even more 'interesting' that he told the US Navy to stop working on a 'digital' system for carrier takeoffs.....

he told the US Navy to stick with steam power....

because 'only Albert Einstein can understand'.... computers.


and so now the Pentagon is working on what to do.. not with the Russians... not ISIS.... and not North Korea.....

but..... what to do about Trump. 

not joking. for real. not fake!

All Hail the POTUS that is the mostest.


Edited by maewang99
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2 hours ago, impulse said:


Can't disagree with you there.  But as far as a legal issue- it's not.


For another example, look up why the SR71 isn't called the RS71.  LBJ bragging out of turn...


It has grown downright wearisome listening to the right in their never-ending efforts to deflect. What LBJ or Kennedy may or may not have done 40-50 years ago have precisely zero bearing on what Comrade Trump has done. Whatever LBJ or Kennedy did may well have been deserving of criticism, but again, that was 40-50 years ago and is irrelevant. 


As to legality, I mentioned on another thread that this was perfectly legal. The President is the ultimate "decider" of what should be revealed and what shouldn't and has every legal right to reveal whatever he chooses to whomever he chooses. However, legality is not the issue. It would be perfectly legal for Trump to finish his latest Twitter episode tonight and decide "Aw, what the hell", and launch nuclear missiles at North Korea. He has that legal right. But, as in this case, legality is not the issue. The issue is whether or not it is in the best interests of the country or the world. Launching nuclear missiles at North Korea would not be. Revealing sensitive national secrets to a recognized enemy is not. And, I'm sorry, but a country that has been acknowledged by every intelligence service in not just the U. S., but in virtually every Western nation as having meddled in our democracy is not a country that I would regard as an ally. So putting forth the argument that Trump can do it because it's legal does not hold water. It would be "legal" for him to say that the country is in peril due to the rampant divisiveness, the escalation of violent incidents, and the "untrustworthiness" of the media, and then declare martial law. Are you ready to let him do so? Legality and wisdom are often two totally different things. Trump is demonstrating this daily. While he may possess one, he is most definitely lacking in the other.

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Thanks for the irony of including in your post 'any one with a iq knows whats going on" , it gave me a good giggle if nothing else.

then thats a good thing ,the story came from Wapo so the fake news jump on it ,just wait and see,the tail trying to wag the dog  

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1 minute ago, Rob13 said:

Yes. You say 'he would need'...by who;'s claim would he need to do this. As far as US law goes,  he's in the clear. Stupid move but within the law. 

I have said about 5 times that he has not broken US law, lets say certainly not on the face of it. However, do you understand how exchange of intelligence works? He CANNOT declassify anything he does not own. he does not own this information and declassifying it without the correct consultation and authorisation could lead to the execution of any undercover operatives involved in the intel gathering operation or the compromising of the operation. If he decides to do that with US owned and harvested intelligence that is his call. It is NOT his call to do that with privileged information he has been entrusted with by another ally. Information so sensitive that it was withheld from other US Government agencies. He now risks a complete close down on further intel from that ally (and others who will see now that their intel is no longer secure with the USA) and has therefore broken his oath of office to ensure he does whatever he can to ensure the safety of the US.


Sad days indeed for US intelligence services and the reputation of the US.

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


I'm sorry, but I love Trump so much.


I also love Tommy Cooper... the same child-like manner, and so convincing that you really have to appreciate the genius that is required to pull it off. Truly funny clowns are few and far between - but I think these two are on a par.


Let's not forget Les Dawson, who played piano in the same way that Trump plays President. It's a very measured performance that gives such a realistic comedy.


Who ever thought comedy could be so complicated.

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7 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

It has grown downright wearisome listening to the right in their never-ending efforts to deflect. What LBJ or Kennedy may or may not have done 40-50 years ago have precisely zero bearing on what Comrade Trump has done. Whatever LBJ or Kennedy did may well have been deserving of criticism, but again, that was 40-50 years ago and is irrelevant. 


As to legality, I mentioned on another thread that this was perfectly legal. The President is the ultimate "decider" of what should be revealed and what shouldn't and has every legal right to reveal whatever he chooses to whomever he chooses. However, legality is not the issue. It would be perfectly legal for Trump to finish his latest Twitter episode tonight and decide "Aw, what the hell", and launch nuclear missiles at North Korea. He has that legal right. But, as in this case, legality is not the issue. The issue is whether or not it is in the best interests of the country or the world. Launching nuclear missiles at North Korea would not be. Revealing sensitive national secrets to a recognized enemy is not. And, I'm sorry, but a country that has been acknowledged by every intelligence service in not just the U. S., but in virtually every Western nation as having meddled in our democracy is not a country that I would regard as an ally. So putting forth the argument that Trump can do it because it's legal does not hold water. It would be "legal" for him to say that the country is in peril due to the rampant divisiveness, the escalation of violent incidents, and the "untrustworthiness" of the media, and then declare martial law. Are you ready to let him do so? Legality and wisdom are often two totally different things. Trump is demonstrating this daily. While he may possess one, he is most definitely lacking in the other.

Well said that man.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I have said about 5 times that he has not broken US law, lets say certainly not on the face of it. However, do you understand how exchange of intelligence works? He CANNOT declassify anything he does not own. he does not own this information and declassifying it without the correct consultation and authorisation could lead to the execution of any undercover operatives involved in the intel gathering operation or the compromising of the operation. If he decides to do that with US owned and harvested intelligence that is his call. It is NOT his call to do that with privileged information he has been entrusted with by another ally. Information so sensitive that it was withheld from other US Government agencies. He now risks a complete close down on further intel from that ally (and others who will see now that their intel is no longer secure with the USA) and has therefore broken his oath of office to ensure he does whatever he can to ensure the safety of the US.


Sad days indeed for US intelligence services and the reputation of the US.

the day the orange one became president is the day usa lost all its crumbling reputation ,now a laughing stock of the world only good thing is kushner is pulling the strings and wont let this reality show host who was elected by the people go too far 

god bless america ,the lunatics are running the asylum 

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13 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I have said about 5 times that he has not broken US law

13 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

He CANNOT declassify anything he does not own


If it's not illegal then he can do it. As far as owning it, the intel was given to the US freely by a trusted ally, that would clear any ownership problems. It was his intel for him to handle as he saw fit. 



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2 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

If it's not illegal then he can do it. As far as owning it, the intel was given to the US freely by a trusted ally, that would clear any ownership problems. It was his intel for him to handle as he saw fit. 



"The King can do no wrong."

You're right, he could do with it as he saw fit. And what he saw fit to do with it was really stupid and destructive.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

"The King can do no wrong."

You're right, he could do with it as he saw fit. And what he saw fit to do with it was really stupid and destructive.

And that's the real issue, a destructive moron at the helm. Time for Congress to step up and do their job, and cut the partisan BS. Trump's not acting as a conservative anyways. 

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7 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

If it's not illegal then he can do it. As far as owning it, the intel was given to the US freely by a trusted ally, that would clear any ownership problems. I was his intel for him to handle as he saw fit. 



ABC is reporting the intel was from a "partner", and was so sensitive, it was not shared with allies. 


The only Senator sound bytes that weren't colored with bias and nonsense, was from John McCain (go figure) who said they would find out this week if  (A) it actually happened and (B) if it did happen, what the intel was.  



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