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Dog attack in Chonburi housing estate – neighbor refuses to take responsibility


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As a westerner who understands (a little) Thai culture, I know there is nothing that I can say or do that will change the way most Thais think about 'making merit' by feeding stray animals (and never killing them).


IMO complaining on TV about Thais doing it, and demanding they dont do it, is at best a waste of time, and at worst is bigotted.


My advice is that should a dog near you be a serious problem, and you decide that you want to do something about it, then do something about it - but dont tell the GF/wife or any other Thai (or anyone).  One thing many TV posters need to know about Thai culture is that it is 'up to you' about everything. Do something and keep quiet about it and they wont have a problem with you doing something as long as they dont see/know you did it. If a soi dog disappears or dies, they wont investigate how or why - unless it is obvious you did something.


Thais will never accept being told what is right or wrong, by someone who doesn't understand their culture. And that is whether they are right or wrong - which clearly they are about feeding soi dogs. Yes, they should be looking after ownerless dogs like is done in most western societies - but the cultural barriers to moving things in that direction are huge and will tahe a long time.  


Meanwhile - what you do about a dangerous dog is up to you (something or nothing).




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On 5/18/2017 at 9:52 PM, Bagwain said:

100 % Bullshit. You obviously haven't hot any real dog experience. Soi dogs will always make you know that you have ventured into their area! A silent bight is normal in a household with a <deleted> <deleted> dog!!  She is typical dog scared which they know and couldn't stand up to the alpha dog and stop the attack. End of story there! How ever they need to be culled!! I am a dog lover!!  


The problem with your viewpoint is that 'soi dog' is not a breed.


Every pack is different. If you have a pack of large aggressive dogs lead by a strongly dominant leader, you have a problem.


Normal 'Thai dogs' tend not to be a problem but can be if the pack leader is an aggressive breed; they will follow the leader.

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On 5/20/2017 at 8:58 AM, ELVIS123456 said:

As a westerner who understands (a little) Thai culture, I know there is nothing that I can say or do that will change the way most Thais think about 'making merit' by feeding stray animals (and never killing them).


IMO complaining on TV about Thais doing it, and demanding they dont do it, is at best a waste of time, and at worst is bigotted.


My advice is that should a dog near you be a serious problem, and you decide that you want to do something about it, then do something about it - but dont tell the GF/wife or any other Thai (or anyone).  One thing many TV posters need to know about Thai culture is that it is 'up to you' about everything. Do something and keep quiet about it and they wont have a problem with you doing something as long as they dont see/know you did it. If a soi dog disappears or dies, they wont investigate how or why - unless it is obvious you did something.


Thais will never accept being told what is right or wrong, by someone who doesn't understand their culture. And that is whether they are right or wrong - which clearly they are about feeding soi dogs. Yes, they should be looking after ownerless dogs like is done in most western societies - but the cultural barriers to moving things in that direction are huge and will tahe a long time.  


Meanwhile - what you do about a dangerous dog is up to you (something or nothing).





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Also, contact other victims in thailand that have been bitten by soi dogs and take a class suit to sue the Soi Dog Foundationa nd other dog activitists groups and also celebs that support the Soi Dog Foundation etc, these hypocrites make a lot of fuss when  soi dogs and strays are so called "abused" by humans but when the dogs that they so call protect harm humans, these hypocrites keep quiet. It was these Soi Dog Foundation  and other animal activists that made law changes to laws that persecute humans that punish these stray animals that are a pest to humans. 

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An off topic troll post has been removed.


And one more off topic also illegal troll post about how to kill  dogs has been removed.

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Pulled into HomePro parking lot on my motorbike. Was still moving slowly when I felt a sharp pain in my left calf. A dog had bitten me and drew blood.
Totally silent attack with no warning whatsoever.

Impossible according to some of the "dog experts" here...

It must have been a ghost.
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Also, contact other victims in thailand that have been bitten by soi dogs and take a class suit to sue the Soi Dog Foundationa nd other dog activitists groups and also celebs that support

I don't think you can do
"class action suits" in Thailand

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The girl in the video looked reserved when she approached the area.  The dogs picked up on that before the alpha dog attacked,. I always make sure to make a lot of noise if I feel a pack of soi dogs are getting too close. It worked so far. 

Edited by balo
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On 5/18/2017 at 9:59 AM, Bangna Betty said:

Very scary to be bitten like that. I hope she heals quickly.

An interesting issue with soi dogs - many people are motivated to feed the soi dogs and feel sorry for them.  But for the rest of the time NO-ONE is taking any responsibility for them.  There is a kindly person feeding soi dogs near us and while I understand his desire to help, he should understand that by feeding them he is creating a pack of dogs and it is the local community that has to put up with the dog poo all over the place, the barking and the fighting. 

What is the solution to the soi dog problem? 

The logic solutions are against the law ........

So you can do nothing against this problem ......nor any other problem (like : noisy neighbors,overhanging trees ,dog shit 

on your doorstep, parking on front of your garage, loud motorcycles waking you up every night......+100 more)

Even if you buy a quiet piece of land ,with no houses around ......as soon as your house is build .....Thai or other noisy people will come live near to you and make your life miserable .......... 

That's why i sold my house and moved to a more civilized country,and only come on a holiday  to please my wife.

This was my logical solution and i feel very happy now.

When i read these stories ,it confirms my solution was a good one.

No more swimming against the stream.


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Having just come back from Japan did not see even one stray dog and all the dogs I did see were on leads and looked like very well bred animals, never even heard one bark. If you complained about a dog there it would probably get put down, here it's the usual refusal to accept responsibility and a 4 million stray dog problem that nobody does anything about.

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i hope newbies to thailand read this and START  to understand where they are; thailand is a highly person-self-centered place; in this particular case, it was explained to me (by a smart thai) that if it is in a public place (street for example) that i can do anything i want or feel necessary to an aggressive dog that appears intent on biting; that is NOT the case on private property; example neighbor's yard (yes, i have 8 dogs) 

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