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430kg of marijuana found near banks of Mekong

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On 5/29/2017 at 3:46 AM, Stargrazer9889 said:

Pot smokers will always defend the weed. Guess that is why they are called pot heads, as weed really does affect the brain

  Drugs of all sorts affect the brain, and the thought processes, but the drggies will mostly deny that fact as well.

Just saying.


...and drunks will always defend their booze along with cigarette smokers who will likewise always defend their right to kill themselves with their drug of choice.


Avoid looking at the facts, for God's sake! In Portugal where all drugs have now been decriminalized with spectacularly positive results or the Netherlands where pot has been legally tolerated for as long as I can remember without society falling apart or productivity dropping (hint: it's one of Europe's richer countries). Don't let the facts get in the way of your bigoted options eh!

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To the pot smokers, You are right that I have my own opinion just like you do, and it is across the fence from

yours, but as I have mentioned, Don't worry be happy, guys, chill out that we have opposite opinions.

My alcohol fueled opinion is not bigoted, just different,  so go ahead and defend yor precious pot, better

yet, come to Canada and smoke up with the PM as he is about to change this countries drug laws.


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What's these two geezers gonna do when the world legalise weed outright? Cos it will happen and then your arguments and lifetime fighting the senseless fight will be for nothing. Not a smoker myself of the puff anymore but when it goes legal in thailand I'll hit it.


Wake up please

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39 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

People do not go putting fentenal or other poisons in Beer, unless they are out to kill someone deliberately.

Car fentenol is even very deadly and killng lots of people now. I hve had many friends who started into drugs

by smoking pot, then headed for other drugs as pot did not give them the high they craved.  So yes alcohol can kill

but so do drugs, legal or not.  I also do not go out and buy suspect alcohol from a back alley, but in a regulated

store, and I have brewed up my own beer and wine and neither product killed me like a bad batch of drugs surely can.

See the difference? In your legal drug country, maybe you have a better chance than America or Canada, so count yourself

lucky, and toke up man, relax!


You seem to be a bit blinkered about the realities of life. 


My first point would be that a member of my family used to be a consultant physician in one of the largest hospitals in Europe and I was surprised when he told me that somewhere around 75% of the admissions into his department were either directly or indirectly due to alcohol abuse.


My second point concerns illicit alcohol; something of which you seem to be completely unaware! 10s of 1000s of people die or are blinded or otherwise crippled every year in India, Pakistan, Russia, other developing countries and more recently the UK every year due to the effects of illicitly manufactured alcohol. It is usually the inclusion of methanol (wood alcohol) that does the damage. It's a popular ingredient because it's very easy to obtain and tastes much like ethanol (the real deal). Unfortunately, even a relatively small dose can blind you.

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5 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

To the pot smokers, You are right that I have my own opinion just like you do, and it is across the fence from

yours, but as I have mentioned, Don't worry be happy, guys, chill out that we have opposite opinions.

My alcohol fueled opinion is not bigoted, just different,  so go ahead and defend yor precious pot, better

yet, come to Canada and smoke up with the PM as he is about to change this countries drug laws.


I don't smoke pot although I have done so in the past. I do drink alcohol, however, I am not prepared to deny the facts as demonstrated by hard scientific research just to please you. You belong to the same camp as a recent British prime minister who asked the government advisory panel on drugs and drug abuse to prepare a report on the subject. 

The report said that alcohol and tobacco were by far the most damaging drugs in society by every single criterion. The worst of the illegal substances were heroin and crack cocaine. Cannabis was so harmless that they recommended either legalizing of at least placing it in the lowest class of drugs to reduce the penalties for possession and dealing to a minimum. So did the Prime Minister accept the advice of his expert panel - nope - he sacked the chairman of the committee for reaching a conclusion he didn't like! You remind me of that ex-prime minister!


I know this is not the way the world is heading what with Trump and all that, but I prefer science to bigoted twaddle!

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On ‎28‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 0:16 AM, rooster59 said:

Lt Wirat Lapthaisong, chief of a special task force with the Northeast border drug suppression centre, was alerted by an informant that a pile of bags had been spotted on a road in Moo 9 village in Tambon Dongbung in Bueng Khong Long at 11pm.


So the special task force didn't know about the measly 430kg of dope, they were just 'lucky' that they were alerted by an 'informant' ! Keep up the good work ..........

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I will never go to those countries that you named becase of their 3rd world standards, and in Canadas north where I lived for

10 years, the locals also drank a home brew of antifreeze and wood alcohol, which killed one an blinded 3 more,  so yes I do

know that illicitly made alcohol can kill too. Thanks for your story of it.  so guy I am not so blinkered as you think, I am just

old.  so your second point and your relationship with some physician is noted, as I also have 3 doctors and 4 nurses in

my family tree as well, but they are in the back ground of this discussion.

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12 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I will never go to those countries that you named becase of their 3rd world standards, and in Canadas north where I lived for

10 years, the locals also drank a home brew of antifreeze and wood alcohol, which killed one an blinded 3 more,  so yes I do

know that illicitly made alcohol can kill too. Thanks for your story of it.  so guy I am not so blinkered as you think, I am just

old.  so your second point and your relationship with some physician is noted, as I also have 3 doctors and 4 nurses in

my family tree as well, but they are in the back ground of this discussion.

So you won't have to take my word for the fact that the Accident and Emergency departments of just about every hospital in the western world are overflowing with drunks who have injured themselves and drunks who are in medical danger through alcohol consumption especially at weekends.

If you are so well informed, why do you talk such complete rubbish then?


Oh and by the way, I'm no spring chicken either!


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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

People do not go putting fentenal or other poisons in Beer, unless they are out to kill someone deliberately.

Car fentenol is even very deadly and killng lots of people now. I hve had many friends who started into drugs

by smoking pot, then headed for other drugs as pot did not give them the high they craved.  So yes alcohol can kill

but so do drugs, legal or not.  I also do not go out and buy suspect alcohol from a back alley, but in a regulated

store, and I have brewed up my own beer and wine and neither product killed me like a bad batch of drugs surely can.

See the difference? In your legal drug country, maybe you have a better chance than America or Canada, so count yourself

lucky, and toke up man, relax!


it's "Fentanyl" that I believe you are referring to.


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Thanks for your check spelling, and in Canada Fentanyl, and the deadlier car Fentanyl is killing a lot of drug users these

days.  Bigoted Twaddle seems to be an expression from Britain, or Europe.  My opinion may be bigoted but I prefer to just think

of I as different than some of the other commenters on this forum.


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On 29/05/2017 at 2:51 AM, robblok said:

The remark was made to be silly and funny... 430 kg enough for a few days.. that is impossible. The drug laws here are crazy they allow a hard drug (alcohol) that does huge amounts of damage but are against a drug that causes far less damage and could replace alcohol for some.


Anyway I don't have to defend myself to the likes of you as you have absolutely no knowledge about drugs, thankfully the rest of the world is slowly catching on and decriminalizing drugs. But I don't do weed/ pot here for 2 reasons.. danger.. and it ruins my diet.. the moment I take it I have no control about my eating habits.. and I would end up a fat blob.. that is the last thing I would want. I am a sports man in good shape and like to keep it that way.


I do wonder if you drink alcohol.. given that its classified a hard drug with far more dangers then pot.. Most people drink.. I am no exception.. but for me its so little would be less then a liter in three months on average. 

Me I like Tea and coffee, but drink too much of it, last count we did was 30+ cups a day every day


Drugs I know nothing about?


OK I have to bow to your knowledge as it sounds like you know more about me than I do. I just have to ask you do you know that top D dealer I helped to put away, how is he and a his mates, are they ok? Now the other guys who broke into houses to steel to fuel their d habit and  that guy 5 years ago that stabbed a female to death to get her bank card to get cash again to get dr>>>. Do you want me to ask you more about my life? hey what about the time a shooter came through my door after handing over that guy who dealt dr>>>? You know nothing I am afraid.


Drugs are the scum of the earth anyone who uses them have a brain malfunction. If you cannot be happy in a normal life and need drugs to get through, you are a weak and unable to enjoy a life like the rest of us, so insecure and second-rate. Drugs as we know make the user unstable, untrustworthy and susceptible to leading a life of crime.


Now I wish you  a nice evening, go and have a cool shower and give that sports body a lie down down on the grass to relax, ps grass you do not smoke i mean.


Ps I wish you could see what I was doing today, it would make you a laughing stock here on TV if you did.


Enjoy your night old mate.

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17 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Thanks for your check spelling, and in Canada Fentanyl, and the deadlier car Fentanyl is killing a lot of drug users these

days.  Bigoted Twaddle seems to be an expression from Britain, or Europe.  My opinion may be bigoted but I prefer to just think

of I as different than some of the other commenters on this forum.


Fentanyl, Tramadol, Oxycontin and all the other opiate pain killers that doctors, particularly, in the US are doling out like Smarties are killing folk by the score! They are apparently the main "gateway" drug to heroin in many areas now. 


How else would I describe someone who, in spite of all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, insists on hanging on to total nonsense beliefs? That is what you are doing. You are a typical case of "anecdote times two = evidence" and "correlation = causation". Both nonsense concepts!


There is something you seem to have missed. It seems like you have this crazy idea that everyone who uses drugs goes on to suffer terribly from them and likely die of them. The reality is absolutely nothing like that at all! Very, very few people indeed who use drugs, even drugs like cocaine, crack and heroin, go on to become hopeless addicts. There are a vast numbers of "users" in the music industry (no great surprise there), in banking, in the legal professions (including judges), in the world of politics (should be no surprise to a Canadian) in fact in all the professions and in all walks of life who "use" recreational drugs of all kinds and who never become addicted to them, who hold down very responsible, often high pressure jobs and function as absolutely normal members of society. The ones that you actually get to hear about; the ones you see as physical and mental wrecks on the street are the exceptions not the rule! My guess would be that there are far more people out there who have been damaged by alcohol,  who have damaged other people with alcohol, who have destroyed their families with alcohol and indeed die of alcohol related problems than ever there are who are similarly afflicted by illegal drugs. How do I know this? Well, I was an habitual drug user for most of my adult life - not just pot but just about everything. I'm retired now and I don't touch anything other than alcohol these days, not even tobacco, but I am still in touch with a lot of the people I knew back then when we were all "using" and most of them are, like me, not using anything other than alcohol - some still smoke pot - others still do the odd line of coke or speed but we are all older and we've all calmed down a bit now. Most have raised families, bought houses and generally done what most people do! Not one of my circle of friends has died of illegal drugs, one has died of tobacco (lung cancer), two have died of drink (one of acute pancreatitis and one of cirrosis of the liver) the rest are still going strong and seem to be in pretty rude good health. Even the one who were dumb enough to get themselves hooked on heroin seem to have managed to get themselves off it again and are fully back as functioning members of society. This is why people like you annoy me. You have no idea what you are talking about - zero experience of that world and yet you feel qualified to argue with people who actually do know what that world is like. People like you do massive amounts of damage - people like you are the reason why politicians feel they cannot decriminalize drugs despite the fact that just about every expert in the world says that that is the way to go; as they have done in Portugal. Guess what; in Portugal addiction rates are plummeting, the social harm done by drugs is reducing daily and even the reactionary, right-wing opponents of decriminalization have now all admitted that, as a policy, it is working brilliantly and they will not go back to old oppressive policies if they get elected.


That is why I call you a bigot and why I describe what you say as twaddle - because it's true! 



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22 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Me I like Tea and coffee, but drink too much of it, last count we did was 30+ cups a day every day


Drugs I know nothing about?


OK I have to bow to your knowledge as it sounds like you know more about me than I do. I just have to ask you do you know that top D dealer I helped to put away, how is he and a his mates, are they ok? Now the other guys who broke into houses to steel to fuel their d habit and  that guy 5 years ago that stabbed a female to death to get her bank card to get cash again to get dr>>>. Do you want me to ask you more about my life? hey what about the time a shooter came through my door after handing over that guy who dealt dr>>>? You know nothing I am afraid.


Drugs are the scum of the earth anyone who uses them have a brain malfunction. If you cannot be happy in a normal life and need drugs to get through, you are a weak and unable to enjoy a life like the rest of us, so insecure and second-rate. Drugs as we know make the user unstable, untrustworthy and susceptible to leading a life of crime.


Now I wish you  a nice evening, go and have a cool shower and give that sports body a lie down down on the grass to relax, ps grass you do not smoke i mean.


Ps I wish you could see what I was doing today, it would make you a laughing stock here on TV if you did.


Enjoy your night old mate.

Sounds you live in the wrong country


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25 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Me I like Tea and coffee, but drink too much of it, last count we did was 30+ cups a day every day


Drugs I know nothing about?


OK I have to bow to your knowledge as it sounds like you know more about me than I do. I just have to ask you do you know that top D dealer I helped to put away, how is he and a his mates, are they ok? Now the other guys who broke into houses to steel to fuel their d habit and  that guy 5 years ago that stabbed a female to death to get her bank card to get cash again to get dr>>>. Do you want me to ask you more about my life? hey what about the time a shooter came through my door after handing over that guy who dealt dr>>>? You know nothing I am afraid.


Drugs are the scum of the earth anyone who uses them have a brain malfunction. If you cannot be happy in a normal life and need drugs to get through, you are a weak and unable to enjoy a life like the rest of us, so insecure and second-rate. Drugs as we know make the user unstable, untrustworthy and susceptible to leading a life of crime.


Now I wish you  a nice evening, go and have a cool shower and give that sports body a lie down down on the grass to relax, ps grass you do not smoke i mean.


Ps I wish you could see what I was doing today, it would make you a laughing stock here on TV if you did.


Enjoy your night old mate.

I hope you are doing that on decaffeinated coffee as 30+ cups a day puts you in caffeine overdose territory. One of my ex-girlfriends had major medical issues on about the same coffee consumption as you are claiming. She started having fits and the doctors couldn't figure out what was causing them. In the end she went to a herbalist and the first thing she asked was how much tea and coffee she was drinking and when she told her she said "That's it; that's what's causing the fits" anyway, she stopped drinking the coffee in those quantities and after that she was fine!

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4 minutes ago, paulbj2 said:

I hope you are doing that on decaffeinated coffee as 30+ cups a day puts you in caffeine overdose territory. One of my ex-girlfriends had major medical issues on about the same coffee consumption as you are claiming. She started having fits and the doctors couldn't figure out what was causing them. In the end she went to a herbalist and the first thing she asked was how much tea and coffee she was drinking and when she told her she said "That's it; that's what's causing the fits" anyway, she stopped drinking the coffee in those quantities and after that she was fine!

No fits as yet, but some would disagree, Decaf on tea, coffee love that 3 in 1, I have to kick that habit, but it keeps me awake so can work 20 hours aday and have to after my last visit to a certain country that cost me £150.000. hard life but someone has to do it.

Keep well


PS thanks for the info will try it on the 3 in 1

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2 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

No fits as yet, but some would disagree, Decaf on tea, coffee love that 3 in 1, I have to kick that habit, but it keeps me awake so can work 20 hours aday and have to after my last visit to a certain country that cost me £150.000. hard life but someone has to do it.

Keep well


PS thanks for the info will try it on the 3 in 1

Am I supposed to glean some info from you spending £150, 000 in an unnamed country?

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4 minutes ago, paulbj2 said:

Am I supposed to glean some info from you spending £150, 000 in an unnamed country?

Where do most of the cons happen?

What country in the world has the worst corruption?

What country leader said they would have the worlds no 1 language in 20 years.


That must help


Final one


Spent the money defending myself from crooks and even one of the Lawyers sold my defense docs to the other size for 1 mill

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14 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Me I live in VPN Land but wonder what you thought.

This discussion seems to hinge on the appalling dangers of a bit of pot. That frankly, is nonsense. I find it hard to understand why people still believe it is so evil. There is zero evidence that supports that point of view. Alcohol on the other hand is a known massive evil in society. I cannot therefore understand why people go banging on about the evils of pot when in fact it is relatively harmless but ignore the appalling damage that alcohol does in society. For sure there are people who get so badly hooked on heroin, crack, methamphetamine and other substances that they will burgle, rob and do violence to satisfy their cravings however, they are a very tiny minority of the people who use recreational drugs just as those who become alcoholics are a tiny minority of those who use alcohol. The experince in Portugal and in the Netherlands has shown that that is the way to go and it would be very good for all concerned if the politicians got their act together, dropped the failed "war on drugs" policy and spent the huge sums that are spent on enforcement and imprisonment on eduction and treatment. I say that not because I'm a liberal snowflake but because it has demonstrated to work! 

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4 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Where do most of the cons happen?

What country in the world has the worst corruption?

What country leader said they would have the worlds no 1 language in 20 years.


That must help


Final one


Spent the money defending myself from crooks and even one of the Lawyers sold my defense docs to the other size for 1 mill

On the corruption front the world's worst are:


  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • North Korea
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Afghanistan
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Venezuela
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3 minutes ago, paulbj2 said:

This discussion seems to hinge on the appalling dangers of a bit of pot. That frankly, is nonsense. I find it hard to understand why people still believe it is so evil. There is zero evidence that supports that point of view. Alcohol on the other hand is a known massive evil in society. I cannot therefore understand why people go banging on about the evils of pot when in fact it is relatively harmless but ignore the appalling damage that alcohol does in society. For sure there are people who get so badly hooked on heroin, crack, methamphetamine and other substances that they will burgle, rob and do violence to satisfy their cravings however, they are a very tiny minority of the people who use recreational drugs just as those who become alcoholics are a tiny minority of those who use alcohol. The experince in Portugal and in the Netherlands has shown that that is the way to go and it would be very good for all concerned if the politicians got their act together, dropped the failed "war on drugs" policy and spent the huge sums that are spent on enforcement and imprisonment on eduction and treatment. I say that not because I'm a liberal snowflake but because it has demonstrated to work! 

You are so right Alcohol is a problem and to control it, do not ask me as I do not know


Drugs I have seen cause so much pain, its starts off small like so called legal highs and see this you wold not believe it and what people do, move on to grass, then the S>>> hits the fan fights between gangs who control areas on the streets, deaths of innocent people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the sad thing is to see your school friends die and not just one so young.


saw it happen and that made me the way I am I will not tolerate it anywhere near me and will call my old mates if I see it.


Its also not fair on the family or the friends who go to the end of their lives telling themselves they should have done more to stop it.


I know four people who lost their lives b they where 18 and boy do I wish I was at that age like I am now as I lost some good friends who I still miss today just like their mothers who I visit every month do. The nice thing is when those mothers say I wish >>>>>>>> had been like you. That kind of pain never ends, drugs are evil

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6 minutes ago, paulbj2 said:

On the corruption front the world's worst are:


  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • North Korea
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Afghanistan
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Venezuela

You missed one

We are talking driving also here

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4 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

You missed one

We are talking driving also here

India, Pakistan and Bangladesh - oh and I would guess Burma and Cambodia and I have heard from friends from that part of the world Vietnam and Laos

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Just now, paulbj2 said:

India, Pakistan and Bangladesh - oh and I would guess Burma and Cambodia and I have heard from friends from that part of the world Vietnam and Laos

They are all much of a muchness! I actually had to bribe a guy on the Indian railways to sell me a ticket - now that is a first!


Outside of the EU countries (well most of them), Canada, Oz, N-Z and the US, most countries are as corrupt as hell. It's the rule not the exception! The rule of law exists only in the imagination in most countries. 

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On 5/29/2017 at 8:46 AM, robblok said:

Your entiteled to your opinion.. and sure drugs do change you but humans have been using drugs since the beginning of time. Only if you don't do any alcohol would i consider your opinion valid. As alcohol is considered a hard drug.. and does far more damage. A pothead might assault a pizza.. we all know how much violence alcohol creates. 



All these grumpy old guys are like politicians who need to die before drug laws improve.


Sad that the world is not managed by good guys like Justin Trudeau <3



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21 minutes ago, paulbj2 said:

India, Pakistan and Bangladesh - oh and I would guess Burma and Cambodia and I have heard from friends from that part of the world Vietnam and Laos

Not been to India and Burma P and b either (did it not change its name. so like me on spelling then.) so cannot comment. Cambodia love it nice people, Laos a bit laid back but after what they went through I understand why. Vietnam now that is nice and you do not have to over pay either, hope it does not catch on from other countries. Some wonderful beaches and I was so surprised they speak a lot of the worlds no 1 language English (only for another 19 years though).

Do you know I have forgotten what this thread was about now.


OK just looked, Grass or m its bad for you.

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To a lot of people pot is the starting point of their drug use, and they advance to the hard drugs from pot.

  THAT is the point I was trying to make about pot.  But I see from the long winded slur  to my character by paulbj2

He is  upset by my opinion and comments. I tried this slur on a fellow commenter and was told I would be cut off for

24 hours for that, but I see that is not the treatment for every commenter on this forum.  So for paulbj2 and

I guess you are a privileged commenter.


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11 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

To a lot of people pot is the starting point of their drug use, and they advance to the hard drugs from pot.

  THAT is the point I was trying to make about pot.  But I see from the long winded slur  to my character by paulbj2

He is  upset by my opinion and comments. I tried this slur on a fellow commenter and was told I would be cut off for

24 hours for that, but I see that is not the treatment for every commenter on this forum.  So for paulbj2 and

I guess you are a privileged commenter.


You are so right the facts show it, but there are those who love the stuff and will argue, let them and move on as you will never change a idiot druggies mind. as for the slurs again ignore idiots who do it you are better than them and they know it.

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