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Sex Study: Survey reveals young Thais don’t know enough about sex and relationships

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9 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

I am quite prepared to accept that the results and conclusions of this  survey are true. But I do not believe for one moment that this a Thai specific problem at all.


It is a worldwide phenomena that affects just about all countries and societies to a greater or lesser degree and is most prominent in those countries where the cloying negative affects of religion prevail. Hence, it is more prominent in Asian countries, particularly Muslim ones, but I include all religions in this observation.


It is religion that induces mankind to think that, sex is dirty, a women must be a virgin, same gender sex is evil, contraception is against god's laws, sex is for procreation only, only chaste males can be god's servants. And the list goes on and on.


There is one thing that I am truly grateful for in my upbringing. It was a completely none religious one. But even so, it was completely devoid any knowledge whatsoever of sex or relationships. I had to stumble through it the hard way, with many pitfalls and mistakes along the way. Because, although my parents were none religious, they were still affected, to some degree by its inhibiting affects.




I'm kind of in the middle - religion has its good and bad sides. I'm a practicing Christian and my wife is Buddhist, and we both respect each other, I also go to the temple with her often - and I understand other people' points of view.


My requirement for virginity has nothing to do with religion, as Buddhism does not forbid extramarital relationships. It is simply because a virgin is likely to "bond" better to you, there is a feeling of cleaniness, it's good to know that she hasn't been intimate with other guys before, there are major behavorial differences in a relationship between a V and non-V. And it is statistically proven that women who gave their virginity to their husband have higher stable marriage rates. It also sets a good example when we will have kids, since we'll be able to pass on those values to our daughter and (hopefully) she will consider it.


However I know that my opinion is highly subjective (except for the stable marriage part), and every man is entitled to his own preferrences. I know that there are some quality non-virgins out there, but with 3 billion ladies to choose from and only 80 years to live, I prefer to maximize my chances.

Edited by SiamBeast
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A bunch of Sexpats going on about what's right and wrong and how to teach sex ed to Thai teens. 


Perhaps the next story will Thai bound Sexpats never the education needed not to not have sex with young teens.

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On 6/2/2017 at 4:16 AM, Stargrazer9889 said:

Thai adults have no quams with having sex with the underaged teens,but god forbid to educate them about sex and

how it can lead pregnancy and such.  This is the twisted logic of Thailand, at least in my opinion.  Something has to

change, but it won't for a while yet, as the adult minds in Thailand have to be changed


It will never change, because they dont care.Its their way of life, they just dont give a shit, its too much like hard work for them.An apathetic society, is a happy society.And,with all due respect, their minds will never change, because they dont want them too. Women here are just chattels, and possessions. Maybe that's why 'Somchai' hates us because we treat his women with a damn site more respect than he has been taught to.

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On 6/1/2017 at 9:03 PM, SiamBeast said:

Well, abstinence before marriage and preventing pregnancy is the way to go. Now I understand it won't always happen like that, but I told my wife several times, "the difference between you being my wife or being just a booty call is your virginity" and her family thinks the same.


You can see this whatever way you want, but many men refrain from marriage simply because finding a virgin is becoming harder. If my girl walked down the aisle in a white dress, I couldn't keep thinking about her previous relationship and that I'm marrying a girl that got deflowered by another guy before. It would always be on the back on my mind and would prevent me from fully enjoying the relationship.


Now, in this f(u)cked up generation, prevention is key - they should KNOW how to use condoms and birth control, WHILE being taught that no man in the world likes a former carousel rider. And leave it up to them whether they want to be a wife, or just have fun. And teens should be taught that getting pregnant is the worst idea in the world, and that if you pop out a kid as a teen, you completely destroyed your chances of ever finding a husband (unless you get old and find a sucker ready to take care of your kid "as his own", a.k.a. a weak man). In short, give her all options and all information, TRY to steer her towards the correct one, and let her make the final decision.

Are you a time traveler from the 1700s?

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On 6/2/2017 at 5:55 PM, tominbkk said:

Wow what an ugly and untrue blanket statement.  What happened to you here that made you hate Thai people so much?

I'm no fan of Thai bashing, but sorry, it IS an accurate statement.  Pedophilia in Thailand is so widespread as to boggle the mind.  I speak Thai close to fluently, and let me tell me you, it's unbelievable the amount of rural Thai women whose "first sexual experience" was rape at the hands of an uncle or older cousin, and that doesn't even get into the sexual assault by people who aren't related to them.


And just so you know we're not just picking on the Thais here, I include in this pedophilia problem a large number of the farangs who come to Thailand as sex tourists.  Mind you, I'm not saying anything is wrong with sex work...it's just a business, an occupation, an option for women (and men) to earn a living.  But if you're a farang, and you've partaken of sex workers at gogos in Thailand, and you claim a "preference for 18-20 year olds," then I GUARANTEE you have had sex with at least a few 14 or 15 year olds from gogo bars as well, probably not knowing it.  I guarantee it.

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9 hours ago, SiamBeast said:


I'm kind of in the middle - religion has its good and bad sides. I'm a practicing Christian and my wife is Buddhist, and we both respect each other, I also go to the temple with her often - and I understand other people' points of view.


My requirement for virginity has nothing to do with religion, as Buddhism does not forbid extramarital relationships. It is simply because a virgin is likely to "bond" better to you, there is a feeling of cleaniness, it's good to know that she hasn't been intimate with other guys before, there are major behavorial differences in a relationship between a V and non-V. And it is statistically proven that women who gave their virginity to their husband have higher stable marriage rates. It also sets a good example when we will have kids, since we'll be able to pass on those values to our daughter and (hopefully) she will consider it.


However I know that my opinion is highly subjective (except for the stable marriage part), and every man is entitled to his own preferrences. I know that there are some quality non-virgins out there, but with 3 billion ladies to choose from and only 80 years to live, I prefer to maximize my chances.

"Requirement for virginity" never has as its main basis religion.  It's all about treating women as objects to be possessed, and controlling women's sexuality.  Always has been, always will be.

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4 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

Are you a time traveler from the 1700s?

Great answer.I was going to say some thing about needles and haystacks. And if a man has to think about what his wife got up to before him, then he is no man, and will ruin both their lives with his jealousy, and his constant badgering of her, to make her feel like the guilty party. Girls,like all of us cant see into the future and see their future husband on the horizon.Geeze, whats the matter with some men. School children at heart i suppose.

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3 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

"Requirement for virginity" never has as its main basis religion.  It's all about treating women as objects to be possessed, and controlling women's sexuality.  Always has been, always will be.

Why is it, that men are allowed to screw about, and get called"good ole boys' but they all want to marry a virgin. My wife had boyfriends before me, and she has told me that she is glad that she did because now she knows what a 'real man ' is like. All these guys that want virgins fail to remember, that if she has no other to compare, she will always be curious, and we all know what curiosity did.

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15 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

I'm no fan of Thai bashing, but sorry, it IS an accurate statement.  Pedophilia in Thailand is so widespread as to boggle the mind.  I speak Thai close to fluently, and let me tell me you, it's unbelievable the amount of rural Thai women whose "first sexual experience" was rape at the hands of an uncle or older cousin, and that doesn't even get into the sexual assault by people who aren't related to them.


And just so you know we're not just picking on the Thais here, I include in this pedophilia problem a large number of the farangs who come to Thailand as sex tourists.  Mind you, I'm not saying anything is wrong with sex work...it's just a business, an occupation, an option for women (and men) to earn a living.  But if you're a farang, and you've partaken of sex workers at gogos in Thailand, and you claim a "preference for 18-20 year olds," then I GUARANTEE you have had sex with at least a few 14 or 15 year olds from gogo bars as well, probably not knowing it.  I guarantee it.

I've never been with a prostitute before, wouldn't have experience in that.  I live and work with educated mostly middle class Thais and my Thai is pretty good.  I don't see any of my Thai friends or acquaintances hanging out with hookers, they would be looked down upon.  


I would bet it's the same anywhere in the world, that if you solely hang our with people involved in the sex trade that you will be seeing a lot of underage sex.  I never did that though, here or in my home country.  Too afraid about AIDS and VD, abhor the idea of having to pay for it like that, and highly doubt that my intellectual or spiritual interests would be piqued through hanging around members of the sex industry.  Plus, for me anyway, the thought of a person having had sex with maybe hundreds of sex tourists gives me the shivers!

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1 hour ago, tominbkk said:

I've never been with a prostitute before, wouldn't have experience in that.  I live and work with educated mostly middle class Thais and my Thai is pretty good.  I don't see any of my Thai friends or acquaintances hanging out with hookers, they would be looked down upon.  


I would bet it's the same anywhere in the world, that if you solely hang our with people involved in the sex trade that you will be seeing a lot of underage sex.  I never did that though, here or in my home country.  Too afraid about AIDS and VD, abhor the idea of having to pay for it like that, and highly doubt that my intellectual or spiritual interests would be piqued through hanging around members of the sex industry.  Plus, for me anyway, the thought of a person having had sex with maybe hundreds of sex tourists gives me the shivers!

I can see your point, but when a guy meets a girl and a relationship starts, and he takes her out of the bar, that's when their lives together begin.When it begins, there is no past, for either of them. How long it lasts is up to them.I have a few friends that have married bar girls and are very happy. They generally move away from the area that she worked in, because, as one guy said to me "i know she has had customers, but i dont have to meet them" I can see his point.The Thing about the "getting the shivers thinking that she has maybe had 100's of customers" Well, my friend, that could be your own insecurity, due to the fact, that you may not be endowed in the tool department.

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7 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I can see your point, but when a guy meets a girl and a relationship starts, and he takes her out of the bar, that's when their lives together begin.When it begins, there is no past, for either of them. How long it lasts is up to them.I have a few friends that have married bar girls and are very happy. They generally move away from the area that she worked in, because, as one guy said to me "i know she has had customers, but i dont have to meet them" I can see his point.The Thing about the "getting the shivers thinking that she has maybe had 100's of customers" Well, my friend, that could be your own insecurity, due to the fact, that you may not be endowed in the tool department.

Haha, yeah I suppose that you would want to get them as far away from that environment as possible.  I would assume too that they may have some street smarts, or paddy smarts as it were.  I need someone that is open to literature, good music, documentaries, and intellectual pursuits.  I met my partner in a master program in the states, and we really hit it off.  I'm lucky, the whole family is educated and generous.  We get along very well.   I don't think I could be happy for very long with someone that wasn't interested in the higher pursuits of mankind.  I know I sound like some elitist, but if I had to dumb myself down in words and ideas so I could relate to my love, it just wouldn't work very long for me.


As for insecurity, well, I have never boasted about having the biggest pepper grinder on the shelf, but on the other hand I've never had a complaint as well!  :)  My shivers come from thinking of all the diseased goo being squirted into the hoes day in and day out, all orifices oozing and goozing.  I guess some guys would find that a turn on, to know their girl was well used by dozens or hundreds of strange men from around the world.  All I can say is, they're all yours!  :)

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17 minutes ago, tominbkk said:

Haha, yeah I suppose that you would want to get them as far away from that environment as possible.  I would assume too that they may have some street smarts, or paddy smarts as it were.  I need someone that is open to literature, good music, documentaries, and intellectual pursuits.  I met my partner in a master program in the states, and we really hit it off.  I'm lucky, the whole family is educated and generous.  We get along very well.   I don't think I could be happy for very long with someone that wasn't interested in the higher pursuits of mankind.  I know I sound like some elitist, but if I had to dumb myself down in words and ideas so I could relate to my love, it just wouldn't work very long for me.


As for insecurity, well, I have never boasted about having the biggest pepper grinder on the shelf, but on the other hand I've never had a complaint as well!  :)  My shivers come from thinking of all the diseased goo being squirted into the hoes day in and day out, all orifices oozing and goozing.  I guess some guys would find that a turn on, to know their girl was well used by dozens or hundreds of strange men from around the world.  All I can say is, they're all yours!  :)

Your last few lines prove to me that you are a very sick person.Orrifices oozing? seriously? As for being an elitist,  I cant claim t be that, however i can tell who is playing the violin solo to Vaughn Williams, The lark ascending,be it Tamsin Little or Iona Brown.You are a foolish man and you speak like one. And if you want what you say you want, what the hell are you in Pattaya? Oh yes i forgot, you only mix with hi so people. I think you are full of BS.I think that you are a pretender who has reinvented himself purely for this forum. My wife and i had two bars in Patts for 5 years, and i met your kind every day.

 Bother me no more.

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21 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Your last few lines prove to me that you are a very sick person.Orrifices oozing? seriously? As for being an elitist,  I cant claim t be that, however i can tell who is playing the violin solo to Vaughn Williams, The lark ascending,be it Tamsin Little or Iona Brown.You are a foolish man and you speak like one. And if you want what you say you want, what the hell are you in Pattaya? Oh yes i forgot, you only mix with hi so people. I think you are full of BS.I think that you are a pretender who has reinvented himself purely for this forum. My wife and i had two bars in Patts for 5 years, and i met your kind every day.

 Bother me no more.

Where did you get I live in Pattaya?  I'm in a Bangkok suburb, drive into work every day to downtown BKK, to my professional gig in one of the skyscrapers.  Why am I sick?  I'm not the one dipping my wand into the gooze.

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1 hour ago, tominbkk said:

Where did you get I live in Pattaya?  I'm in a Bangkok suburb, drive into work every day to downtown BKK, to my professional gig in one of the skyscrapers.  Why am I sick?  I'm not the one dipping my wand into the gooze.

You keep on about 'Gooze'nd other graphic details about bodily fluids. Thats what makes me think that you are a very strange individual indee. Ermmm, sort of like you have something to prove. Is your wife having an affair or something?

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On 6/6/2017 at 8:53 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

You keep on about 'Gooze'nd other graphic details about bodily fluids. Thats what makes me think that you are a very strange individual indee. Ermmm, sort of like you have something to prove. Is your wife having an affair or something?

Haha maybe!  Then again maybe I am too!

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Well, abstinence before marriage and preventing pregnancy is the way to go. Now I understand it won't always happen like that, but I told my wife several times, "the difference between you being my wife or being just a booty call is your virginity" and her family thinks the same.
You can see this whatever way you want, but many men refrain from marriage simply because finding a virgin is becoming harder. If my girl walked down the aisle in a white dress, I couldn't keep thinking about her previous relationship and that I'm marrying a girl that got deflowered by another guy before. It would always be on the back on my mind and would prevent me from fully enjoying the relationship.
Now, in this f(u)cked up generation, prevention is key - they should KNOW how to use condoms and birth control, WHILE being taught that no man in the world likes a former carousel rider. And leave it up to them whether they want to be a wife, or just have fun. And teens should be taught that getting pregnant is the worst idea in the world, and that if you pop out a kid as a teen, you completely destroyed your chances of ever finding a husband (unless you get old and find a sucker ready to take care of your kid "as his own", a.k.a. a weak man). In short, give her all options and all information, TRY to steer her towards the correct one, and let her make the final decision.

Are you living in the Middle Ages?

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Men don't have to.
Double standard? Maybe, but it's how things are.
Men, though, are expected to provide for the family. Have enough financial resources. Solve problems. Take care of the kids' education. Be a good male figure for the family.
In exchange, the only thing I ask my wife is to be a virgin. Just 1 thing, and I take take care of the rest. I think the deal is fair.
Just 1 thing. ONE thing. Is that too much of a task?

This really clear any doubt, you do live in the Middle Ages...

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- Girls were mostly virgins for their husbands, although a few carousel riders hid it well, and girls were way better wifes before feminism destroyed it all.

You forgot to say that the ones that were not virgin were sl....

After this I'm going to block you I cannot take it anymore...

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On 6/1/2017 at 9:16 PM, rkidlad said:

That's because sex is bad. People in Thailand only have sex to make babies. Us farangs come here and force our sexy sex on the locals. They know we do this because we are open about it. 


If you're a powerful man or woman, you can simply tell teenagers not to have sex. They have so much respect for you that they won't do it. Let's just ignore all the teens that do. 

I agreed with the first part, yes Thais often wonder why the Farangs like kinky sex, for them sex is missonary position then off to toilet to wash and go lie in bed and talk. BJ is dirty for them. I know because my GF said so. I missed it when I was with her I wanted to force her to do it but she looked so innocent so that put me off.

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On 08.06.2017 at 1:52 PM, madusa said:

I agreed with the first part, yes Thais often wonder why the Farangs like kinky sex, for them sex is missonary position then off to toilet to wash and go lie in bed and talk. BJ is dirty for them. I know because my GF said so. I missed it when I was with her I wanted to force her to do it but she looked so innocent so that put me off.

was she 14 or 15 years old?!!:passifier:

c' mon ... just kidding you...:cheesy:...hope your current girlie, blows you off the woods!!!

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On 2017-6-2 at 9:06 PM, SiamBeast said:


Men don't have to.


Double standard? Maybe, but it's how things are.


Men, though, are expected to provide for the family. Have enough financial resources. Solve problems. Take care of the kids' education. Be a good male figure for the family.

In exchange, the only thing I ask my wife is to be a virgin. Just 1 thing, and I take take care of the rest. I think the deal is fair.


Just 1 thing. ONE thing. Is that too much of a task?

I read both of your rants and your screen name, did a quick face palm and leave it at that. 

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On 6/2/2017 at 10:36 PM, SiamBeast said:


Men don't have to.


Double standard? Maybe, but it's how things are.


Men, though, are expected to provide for the family. Have enough financial resources. Solve problems. Take care of the kids' education. Be a good male figure for the family.

In exchange, the only thing I ask my wife is to be a virgin. Just 1 thing, and I take take care of the rest. I think the deal is fair.


Just 1 thing. ONE thing. Is that too much of a task?

You are talking absolute piffle. Are you going to ask your wife to be a virgin after the wedding?  It is up to you to find the virgin first, then comes the family, kids etc. And the only way to find out if a girl is a virgin is to have sex with her, if of course she had not ridden a bicycle or horse in her girlhood. 

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5 hours ago, wgdanson said:

You are talking absolute piffle. Are you going to ask your wife to be a virgin after the wedding?  It is up to you to find the virgin first, then comes the family, kids etc. And the only way to find out if a girl is a virgin is to have sex with her, if of course she had not ridden a bicycle or horse in her girlhood. 


I'm surprised you still buy that "horseback riding" excuse. I actually took a gamble with my wife - she promised me that she was, so I started developing a certain relationship with her. When the time came to do it for the first time, I was definitely convinced that she was. Unless she got reconstruction surgery, but considering her background, it is extremely unlikely.  She also took a gamble, because if I would have taken her V-card and dumped her, she's the one who would end up having trouble finding a husband. Anyway we both won, and we're both happily married with a kid on the way.


I follow a very simple protocol: I ask the girls when was their last relationship. It helps filter the virgins and the non-virgins. I can then start developing the "appropriate" kind of relationship according to that. Of course a V-card isn't the only criteria to be eligible for marriage - but it is the starting point. If she's not, there's no need for me to discover the rest. If she is (based on her promise, which I'll discover the truth later), then I look at the family background, qualities, etc. in order to see if she qualifies for marriage.


I know other men have different criteria - but I'm not lacking self-confidence enough to the point of settling down for a single mom.


Might look harsh, but I don't like beating around the bush so I tell you straight away how I do things. I don't necessarly agree on the "don't give you virginity before marriage", but rather, "give your virginity only once you found a man that you believe is good enough to be your husband and has proven himself"

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