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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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If there are 3,000 people who are considered potentially dangerous, perhaps it is time to stop the surveillance and round the whole damn lot up and beat the truth out of them, before sticking them somewhere very secure for the rest of their worthless lives. That should slow things down a bit.

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8 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

they will build another mosque

Oooo, but that requires approvals.... permits ..... money!


People allowing the building of Mosques.  Not so easy, especially when people are fed up with Muslims, their violence and intolerance.



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Just now, stephenterry said:

While you could be correct in your opinion, it is also practical to find solutions to terrorists or potential terrorists residing in the UK. And that has to happen sooner than later. Maybe, a hard-line approach is needed to enforce that message or these attacks will continue as the media is hell bent on 'raising the profile' of the attacks to the same level as a bomb attack on the Houses of Parliament with all the politicians inside.    

"it is also practical to find solutions to terrorists or potential terrorists residing in the UK. And that has to happen sooner than later."


Agree entirely, but it needs to be done in a way that doesn't result in even more Brit born moslems turning into terrorists.


Which is why I support all those moslems inciting hate being either immediately deported (i.e. those not born in Britian), or imprisoned in the case of those born in Britain.


Another poster (sorry, can't remember the name of the poster) also had a good idea - a non-moslem observer in all mosques ready to ensure anyone spouting hate is immediately either imprisoned or deported, dependent on whether or not Brit born.  The poster suggested the same in moslem schools, but personally I'd just ban them in the same way I think any religious schools should be banned.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

There's always an initial gentle white-wash from the same quarters who are active elsewhere on the forum. You know where... More of the same expected from Jeremy Corbyn who will mouth similar inanities in the next few days. One thing readers should note is that although above contributors will make a gesture towards condemning individual terrorist acts, they will never ever stand against any of the organisations behind them. Why is that? Because the above contributors hold to a formula of unconditional support to all those organisations seen to oppose imperialism (whatever that means and see nonsense above). And that is why we have seen hard left marching with Islamists against 'imperialism'. Also, whether any of the above contributors hails from a Stalinist or Trotskyist background we'll probably have difficulty finding out as they are careful in not letting it peep out.

Nonsense.  Show me anyone who is not prepared to condemn ISIS/IS/Daesh by name.

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5 hours ago, steven100 said:

Another incident at Voxhall  ....  according to the news report  ABC ...   live

3 or 4 incidents unfolding .....    this is an orchestrated attack on innocent public..

muslim attackers being hunted .... 

3 incidents but one was just your normal run of the mill London stabbing

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Nonsense.  Show me anyone who is not prepared to condemn ISIS/IS/Daesh by name.

Socialist Worker UK. Tuesday November 17, 2015. Article headline: "Our Job Is To Defeat Imperialism, Not ISIS' author Alex Callinicos.

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2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Socialist Worker UK. Tuesday November 17, 2015. Article headline: "Our Job Is To Defeat Imperialism, Not ISIS' author Alex Callinicos.


And that's just the intellectually honest one.

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3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Socialist Worker UK. Tuesday November 17, 2015. Article headline: "Our Job Is To Defeat Imperialism, Not ISIS' author Alex Callinicos.

Now let's see the rest of the piece in context.

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

I don't care what happens in Kabul .... it can disintegrate.

  I do care what happens in London ..  !!

484 innocent civilians killed in a US led air raid on Mosul, what ever you care about this does have an affect on terrorism in the West

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

travel ban for muslims entering these countries ....  

the less allowed in the less chance they can do attacks.

What about the white dudes and chicks that convert to becoming a muslim? Kick them out of the country and send them to some Arab land somewhere?

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5 minutes ago, stander said:

Terror timeline:

Reports of attack

Don't jump to conclusions

Might be terrorism

Oh, it is

Praise police

Light candles, recite poems


Invade Iraq looking for make-believe WMD. How did you guys make out with that one?

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19 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

484 innocent civilians killed in a US led air raid on Mosul, what ever you care about this does have an affect on terrorism in the West

What is your point? ISIL is using their own people as "human shields".


As you saying we should simply give up, and let the human shield work as a tactic?


Naturally, no one wants to kill innocent people, but this cancer must be destroyed and if that means some collateral damage ... that's unfortunate, but unavoidable.

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12 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

484 innocent civilians killed in a US led air raid on Mosul, what ever you care about this does have an affect on terrorism in the West

Collateral damage to kill the ISIL cancer.  Unfortunately it happens ... but we cannot just sit by and do nothing. I would do the same as the US and all allies  ...  build a huge army and just go after every last one ...

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3 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Collateral damage to kill the ISIL cancer.  Unfortunately it happens ... but we cannot just sit by and do nothing. I would do the same as the US and all allies  ...  build a huge army and just go after every last one ...

I've long since stopped being bothered by how taking the necessary steps to cleanse Europe of the Muslim threat would hurt innocent, peaceful Muslims, all wars result in innocent people on both sides being hurt, and make no mistake, Islam is at war with us, as it has been with the whole world for the past fourteen centuries.

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4 minutes ago, Watchful said:

What is your point? ISIL is using their own people as "human shields".


As you say we should simply give up, and let the human shield work as a tactic?


Naturally, no one wants to kill innocent people, but this cancer must be destroyed and if that means some collateral damage ... that's unfortunate, but unavoidable.

No not give up,ISIL must be destroyed but what would you say if 484 Londoners were killed by the army in order to kill 3 or 4 terrorists, fact is it doesn't matter if it happens outside Europe, that doesn't go unnoticed by the fanatical fringe who after all said and done are just murderers looking for a cause.

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You mean the same context which saw the SWP meally mouthed over 9/11 and 7/7? It took another Left publication to nail down what was going on: http://www.workersliberty.org/node/4514

The SWP has form on the issue of terrorism and is echoed when one listens to Corbyn's evasions. The London Bridge attack and responses from sections of the Left will not be a one-off.


So Sorry! But I forgot to include the headline title from the Workers Liberty article.

This was (re 7/7) "When The SWP Rationalised For The London Bombers"


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2 hours ago, Khun Han said:


They can't go underground. The security services know who they are. If they leave the country, great, revoke their passports. If they stay in the UK, hunt them down and intern them. And intern any friends and family who help them. Then start with deportations after a quick change in the law (telling the EU to do one will help with this). The vast majority have dual citizenship, so not a problem.


It's time to get surgical with this problem.


Bang on the nail.

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4 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:


Police are now saying the Vauxhall incident is not connected to the London Bridge and Borough attacks.

Yes. Just as we did in the IRA bombing campaign in the 80s. And not just Londoners; the risk of terrorism is fairly widespread.

Just out of interest, what race and religion is the mayor of London? I seem to remember a Muslim mayor being elected somewhere.Wasn't he the one that wanted all the pictures of ladies in their underwear removed from the moving staircases  in the tube stations. Didn't he give the excuse that they offended his daughters.He also tried to use the excuse that these women made girls everywhere believing that being a size zero was what all women should aspire to be, and therefore, girls would try to emulate them,and that's how drug taking and smoking in impressionable young women would begin.

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9 minutes ago, pegman said:

Invade Iraq looking for make-believe WMD. How did you guys make out with that one?

That's another can of worms but personally l don't agree that the gassing of many people is not considered as mass destruction.

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7 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

No not give up,ISIL must be destroyed but what would you say if 484 Londoners were killed by the army in order to kill 3 or 4 terrorists, fact is it doesn't matter if it happens outside Europe, that doesn't go unnoticed by the fanatical fringe who after all said and done are just murderers looking for a cause.

What in hell are you taking about?  


There are over 6,000 scumbag, cowardly ISIL sh*t-for-brains in Mosel. They should all be fried to a golden crisp.

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2 hours ago, transam said:

What was the geezer saying, I only understood one word....

If it was not good it is now in the media and bloke should be tracked down..If a "guest" in the UK should be sent packing...

Has anyone translated the couple of vids yet...I want to know what is being said. If it is what I think is being said I will pass it on to a "friend"...

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