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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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3 hours ago, transam said:

What was the geezer saying, I only understood one word....

If it was not good it is now in the media and bloke should be tracked down..If a "guest" in the UK should be sent packing...

He should be sent packing anyway and so should his companion.

Sky News is already getting on to the subject of repurcussions and 'hate crime' on social media.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Socialist Worker UK. Tuesday November 17, 2015. Article headline: "Our Job Is To Defeat Imperialism, Not ISIS' author Alex Callinicos.

OK.  One extreme example then.  Your comment implied that the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and the "establishment" will not condemn specific organisations like ISIS.  

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Mays response will only be a Tsar for terror, nothing is going to be done really and this will risk people taking up arms against Islamist's in a para military way as happened in Ireland. What other choice will there be if she just sits on her hands again?

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Your reply has been bugging me all morning, and I just realised why

The reason we have this problem in the first place is that our lords and masters didn't care about Kabul either. When the Mujahideen evicted the Russians from Afghanistan, the Americans stopped supporting the pro American element and the Taliban took over. I believe the guy organizing the support to the Mujahideen warned them of the consequences, but was ignored.

From to Taliban to Bin Laden in Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Syria, to where we are today. Direct line, IMO.

The Americans could have prevented it all if only they had stayed involved in Afghanistan and stopped the Taliban. If only, if only.............................

Lots of chest thumping on this thread, which is understandable given the circumstances, but few seem to realise that it is a futile gesture that will lead to more deaths.


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana.

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Just now, Grouse said:

Number of hospitalised wounded now up to 48


Time for robust response

Expect media reports of increased "hate crimes" against the Muslim population, as outrage grows. I'm NOT saying that it's "right", just that it's inevitable. 2 incidents with many dead and wounded within a month is 2 too many. Some will have lost their patience with the Islamification of Britain and will take matters into their own hands.

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27 minutes ago, transam said:

Not for a troop of SAS...I hope there is now one on standby in the city....

Reminds me of a cartoon that appeared in the Navy News after an SAS team took out an IRA cell back in the 70s in Gibraltar.  There was an uproar over the number of times they shot the terrorists.

The cartoon had these two guys drinking pints in a pub in Hereford, with their balaclavas on.  One says to the other, "why did you shoot that guy 11 times then?", the guy replies, "well, I ran out of bullets, didn't I?".

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12 minutes ago, billd766 said:


How about Gruinard Island?



I was thinking along the same lines but 'killing two birds with one stone'. Ship 'em all north of the border and then grant Scotland the independence they want - the Independent Scottish Islamic State. Hadrian's wall might need building up a bit but I am sure that the Donald could help to advise on that.

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10 minutes ago, vogie said:

I don't think that 'Health and Safety' would allow us to bomb mosques, but bulldozering would have the same end result. I do take your point though. 

I wasn't suggesting that the government do this. I was suggesting a popular revolt, similar to the IRA, apply "pressure" to the Muslim community to either begin helping or get the hell out.

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6 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I agree with what you said about sleepers.Its the same thing here. Considering the amount of mosques there are now, and soi Nerm Plab Wan, which i believe is called soi Muslim.How many of these Thai converts are waiting for the call to cast out the infidel and turn Thailand over to Allah? In our local market,there is a family who own the Chicken counter. The business is Muslim owned and all 3 of the daughters who work it all wear the head covers. One lady i see every week actually greets me with "Salaam Alekum" and "socran" when i pay her.I just wonder how, exactly, far they are down the road of radicalism.I have always thought that Thai people have a sort of apathetic way of life. It would surprise me if they were able to 'spring into action' if the Jahadi call to war, was ever cried.

Christ almighty (an expression of disbelief, rather than belief).


Admittedly I know few moslems, but the vast majority of those I've met have been extremely friendly and helpful.  Even the local moslem pharmacist when I told her I was looking for cheaper medications for my dog - as recommended by my vet.


Its quite possible/likely that buddhist Thais consider moslem Thais as "not quite as worthy" - but find it unlikely that war will break out on Phuket between Thai buddhists and moslems in the near future :laugh:!

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I haven't the faintest idea what he is saying, but he seems to be enjoying it?


If this is the case, he (like the 2 in the earlier video) should be easily found - and deported immediately.

Too true, I don't know what the point was of showing it on an English speaking forum

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11 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Mays response will only be a Tsar for terror, nothing is going to be done really and this will risk people taking up arms against Islamist's in a para military way as happened in Ireland. What other choice will there be if she just sits on her hands again?

Spot On!  Well Said!


What choice do the people have when the government does nothing?

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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Lots of chest thumping on this thread, which is understandable given the circumstances, but few seem to realise that it is a futile gesture that will lead to more deaths.


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana.

So how would you stop these terrorist attacks?

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1 hour ago, saminoz said:

...and, just to be fair and equal, I am absolutely certain that the Christian places of worship would welcome and encourage Muslim observers to their ceremonies.

Considering that Christianity, along with the Bible, is banned in the majority of Muslim countries there wouldn't be anything to observe.

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12 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

OK.  One extreme example then.  Your comment implied that the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and the "establishment" will not condemn specific organisations like ISIS.  

I made no comment at all about the 'establishment'.

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I watched Tommy's rant.  He has some good comments, interspersed with a liberal use of expletives.


One point he makes that I agree with.  Unless something is done by the British government to crack down hard against Jihadists AND their supporters in the UK, I can see the rise of anti-jihadist militant groups in the UK to permanently remove these scum from our shores.


Then things will rapidly escalate... 

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Just now, Watchful said:

So how would you stop these terrorist attacks?

A few posters have suggested ways to target those moslems recruiting supporters.


There is no way (conceivable) way to stop these terrorist attacks in the near future.  We need to concentrate on the best ways of preventing future Brit born moslems turning into terrorists.

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3 minutes ago, simon43 said:

I watched Tommy's rant.  He has some good comments, interspersed with a liberal use of expletives.


One point he makes that I agree with.  Unless something is done by the British government to crack down hard against Jihadists AND their supporters in the UK, I can see the rise of anti-jihadist militant groups in the UK to permanently remove these scum from our shores.

I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

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2 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

Considering that Christianity, along with the Bible, is banned in the majority of Muslim countries there wouldn't be anything to observe.

I think you might have missed, that we were talking about observing Muslim schools and Mosques in UK.  Someone said, we should also let Muslims observe Christian ceremonies.


My observation is Muslims would never let their people observe Christians in complete fear of conversions. Muslims are terrified of their people observing Christianity as they often...  convert!  That's why all converts must be killed. Disgusting religion!

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The thing I'm getting PO about is how every time the citizens are killed and injured by those the politicians have allowed into a country, the very same politicians stick their face in a tv camera and spout exactly the same old tired mantra about how terrible it is and how they sympathise with the families and the wounded and their "thoughts" are with the people, and they will make us safe.

They can stick their sympathy where the sun don't shine, and DO SOMETHING about it.


It is a war, against terrorists, and it's time for the Brits to cancel the election, form a coalition government and get off their PC butts and do something that will actually make a difference.

Otherwise the same timewasters will be making the same pathetic speeches again and again and again.


Trouble is, there aren't any Churchills out there now one is needed.



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These people are not human, it would be an insult to animals even calling them that. For me I blame the do gooders/human rights brigade, if we had been allowed to crack down on this years ago, this would not be as bad as this now. RIP the unfortunate victims.

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Sadiq Khan just spoke on CNN. London  "safest global city". He is completely out of his depth.

The police response was breaththtaking by the way , if only the politicians would take the gloves off the security forces these thugs could be contained.

Meanwhile you can't enjoy a night out without being run over or stabbed with 12 inch knives by men committing murder in the name of religion. 

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My British friends.

If your country could survive the V-1 fling bombs and the V-2 attacks in 1939 and 1940, a few "terrorists"  won't stop you  now.

Just remember, as the T shirt from that time sad, "Keep Calm and Carry On".

Your parents grandparents did it, and so can you.

I myself was in Vietnam or 5 years, and I survive the TET offensive in Saigon and one attack on the communications site I served at.

I remember shining a flashlight (Torch to you) to see that I was  standing in a pool of about 3 cm of blood from a wounded friend at that time.

Don't let your fear defeat you, that's what terrorists want,

Been there, and got the T-shirt as the saying goes.





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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Are you really suggesting that Brits start attacking innocent moslems?

Who is innocent when they harbor and abet terrorists?


The only way to end this is to use the time tested Mafia tactic.  Kill our families and you lose yours.

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9 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

Considering that Christianity, along with the Bible, is banned in the majority of Muslim countries there wouldn't be anything to observe.

Name some countries where Christianity is banned. 

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