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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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2 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

So here we are again. Same arguments, same rantings. No progress at all.


How many times do I need to keep saying it?: the problem is psychological, and addressing the root cause is the only way to deal with it. The root cause. Not immigration, or religion, or security, or :attacks on our civilisation/democracy" which are only the proximate interpretations. The root cause is one of international justice. Consider that this problem barely existed before 9/11 whereas Islam has peacefully coexisted for centuries before that.


Take this simple analogy: footballers get more yellow and red cards when they are losing. It's defensive-aggression. Muslims perceive themselves to be on the losing side. Why? I'm tired of explaining it - nobody is listening, and certainly the politicians aren't doing anything about it. There will be more attacks until they do. See you again in the next thread after the next attack.

So why are Muslim ISIS killing Muslim women and children with guns in Muslim countries....?

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19 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Perhaps we should go back over the last 20 years?


Depressingly, I need to immediately add that obviously I loathe the recent terrorists attacks in England.....


12 minutes ago, Flustered said:

I looked at that. It ran into thousands and thousands of Islamic Terrorist attacks. It would have filled too many pages.


But I am comforted when I keep on reading that these are isolated attacks and the terrorists do not represent Islam. In fact none of the terrorists are Muslims.....They are just terrorists.....Thousands and thousands of them.

So we need to ignore Western 'wars' in moslem countries and the number of civilians killed - that resulted in Brit born terrorists?


Surely its time to admit that 'we' screwed up over oil/politics and wealth - and start working on ways to prevent even more Brit born moslem terrorists.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Till people admit that we are in a war, it's not going to change.

During war, there should be a coalition government to avoid petty politics interfering with defeating the enemy.

Would you really want terrorist sympathisers Corbyn,McDonald and Abbott in your coalition government?

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Just now, stander said:

I, like most atheists, believe the world would be a better place without religion. If religion helps believers feel better about dying, then that is fine, but for atheists, religion is of no use to us.

While literal Muslims accept the "children of the book" ( Christians and Jews ) should be allowed to exist, they would kill atheists if they could.

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6 minutes ago, transam said:

So why are Muslim ISIS killing Muslim women and children with guns in Muslim countries....?

Because Islam is not compatible with Islam. Sunni like nothing more than killing Shia and vice versa

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5 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

So here we are again. Same arguments, same rantings. No progress at all.


How many times do I need to keep saying it?: the problem is psychological, and addressing the root cause is the only way to deal with it. The root cause. Not immigration, or religion, or security, or :attacks on our civilisation/democracy" which are only the proximate interpretations. The root cause is one of international justice. Consider that this problem barely existed before 9/11 whereas Islam has peacefully coexisted for centuries before that.


Take this simple analogy: footballers get more yellow and red cards when they are losing. It's defensive-aggression. Muslims perceive themselves to be on the losing side. Why? I'm tired of explaining it - nobody is listening, and certainly the politicians aren't doing anything about it. There will be more attacks until they do. See you again in the next thread after the next attack.

whereas Islam has peacefully coexisted for centuries before that.



You might want to do some research and find out how Islam was spread as far as Spain.

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Just now, stander said:

Because Islam is not compatible with Islam. Sunni like nothing more than killing Shia and vice versa

and the fundamentalists kill even the same sect if they consider them not sufficiently pious.


Christians used to do that in the middle ages, but they became enlightened and stopped doing that a long time ago.

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18 minutes ago, stander said:

I, like most atheists, believe the world would be a better place without religion. If religion helps believers feel better about dying, then that is fine, but for atheists, religion is of no use to us.

I am with you there buddy but it occurs to me that the type of people who commit these atrocities are probably predisposed to do evil anyway, It's just that this awful, medieval absurdity of a religion gives them a framework, support system and an excuse to commit evil in the name of their "religion".

I am not religious but (and correct me if I am wrong) did not the Christian Bible go through several iterations, re-writes and updates since the beginning?  Aren't these Christians the same religion as those "Crusaders" (as the radicals like to call them) who rode off to the Holy Land to convert or kill the locals?

Haven't they evolved and changed over the interceding years to reflect Christianity as a religion of peace and tolerance?

When was the last time the Koran had a critical eye ran over it with a view to aligning it with the very different modern world?

I think that practicing Christians would offer that people with evil intent exist in all walks of life but the goal of the Christian Church would be to educate them and teach them peace, not to encourage them to go and wreak unspeakable havoc using the Koran as a field manual? 


Edited by saminoz
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From an anti-terrorism perspective, multiple simultaneous attacks at different locations is meant to split up responders and shows a maturing of their methods. Next: They'll either use devices or lie in wait to take out those responding. 

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59 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I agree we should stop going to Muslim countries and, in particular, interfering in their internal affairs.  


With Donald Trump ramping up the rhetoric against Russia, Iran and North Korea, we must not allow our "special relationship" with the American people to be used as an excuse to drag us into yet more immoral wars of conquest and exploitation.

Krataiboy, we need to clarify a few things, because you went pretty fast there.


The US got into Afghanistan not because anyone thought it would be a good idea, but because the Taliban in Afghanistan were hosting bin Laden's group. This group killed over 3,000 people in NY.


Are you suggesting we should have done ... what? ... nothing? You think with bin Laden alive and strong in Afghanistan, London would be safer??  


Are you serious? Bin Laden hated all of the West and would have planned mega attacks against London as well, and you know It!


Now, I fully admit we made mistakes. Obama went for a big political gain by attempting to capture bin Laden.


I would have never risked the lives of our soldiers just for a political win.  Instead, once bin Laden was located, I would have sent our air force to blow him, his 4 wives and all of his children to hell. No risk of US lives and extinction for bin Laden and his family.


As for Trump, he's trying to convince Russia to work with us on Syria and ISIL.


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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and the fundamentalists kill even the same sect if they consider them not sufficiently pious.


Christians used to do that in the middle ages, but they became enlightened and stopped doing that a long time ago.

the date is AH 1438

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At this point in the discussion, I think it is best to leave Afghanistan and other tangential topics out of the thread.   Until more information is available on the terrorists, affiliations they have and nationality, let's stay focused.  

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42 minutes ago, saminoz said:

Maybe if we tell the terrorists that they don't represent Islam, they'll stop?

Perhaps that's why they also like scoring so many own goals by killing their own religion, albeit a slightly different shade of evil, a la Sunni vs. Shiite.

I'd have absolutely no issue if they would keep their action "in-house", so to speak.



Good Point! We could even sell guns and amo to ... both sides!

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8 minutes ago, Watchful said:

Krataiboy, we need to clarify a few things, because you went pretty fast there.


The US got into Afghanistan not because anyone thought it would be a good idea, but because the Taliban in Afghanistan were hosting bin Laden's group. This group killed over 3,000 people in NY.


Are you suggesting we should have done ... what? ... nothing? You think with bin Laden alive and strong in Afghanistan, London would be safer??  


Are you serious? Bin Laden hated all of the West and would have planned mega attacks against London as well, and you know It!


Now, I fully admit we made mistakes. Obama went for a big political gain by attempting to capture bin Laden.


I would have never risked the lives of our soldiers just for a political win.  Instead, once bin Laden was located, I would have sent our air force to blow him, his 4 wives and all of his children to hell. No risk of US lives and extinction for bin Laden and his family.


As for Trump, he's trying to convince Russia to work with us on Syria and ISIL.


Their anti-Americanism is totally serious and yes they would do absolutely nothing to respond other than rolling over.

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7 minutes ago, Scott said:

At this point in the discussion, I think it is best to leave Afghanistan and other tangential topics out of the thread.   Until more information is available on the terrorists, affiliations they have and nationality, let's stay focused.  

Just remember over 100 people were killed in Afghanistan just two days ago by terrorists bombings.  These attacks are related ... both done in the name of Islam.

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3 minutes ago, Watchful said:

Just remember over 100 people were killed in Afghanistan just two days ago by terrorists bombings.  These attacks are related ... both done in the name of Islam.

Yes and there is a topic open on it.   Please post there.  


Edit:   Here's a link to it:  


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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

 You might want to do some research and find out how Christianity was spread throughout most of the world!


It wasn't by peace and love.


 Again, you should do some research. Start with the Ku Klux Klan's activities against Catholics since the 1920s.


Sectarianism and the violence it leads to  is not, of course, just an Islamic or Christian evil; it exists in most religions.

And this is what some on the Left do. March off in a deflection route to give some cover to the Islamist terrorists. And why is that? As I have stated earlier; for them American Imperialism is the main enemy and they will not under any circumstances be diverted from that. Whatever the terrorist threat it is the fault of the West. And that is where these guys stand.

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2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

An emotional Tommy, pity the politicians don't get so upset



That's the boy Tommy.


He grew up in Luton, led the EDL, has had death threats against himself, his wife and his children yet still stands his ground. He's a brave man.

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20 minutes ago, saminoz said:

I am with you there buddy but it occurs to me that the type of people who commit these atrocities are probably predisposed to do evil anyway, It's just that this awful, medieval absurdity of a religion gives them a framework, support system and an excuse to commit evil in the name of their "religion".

I am not religious but (and correct me if I am wrong) did not the Christian Bible go through several iterations, re-writes and updates since the beginning?  Aren't these Christians the same religion as those "Crusaders" (as the radicals like to call them) who rode off to the Holy Land to convert or kill the locals?

Haven't they evolved and changed over the interceding years to reflect Christianity as a religion of peace and tolerance?

When was the last time the Koran had a critical eye ran over it with a view to aligning it with the very different modern world?

I think that practicing Christians would offer that people with evil intent exist in all walks of life but the goal of the Christian Church would be to educate them and teach them peace, not to encourage them to go and wreak unspeakable havoc using the Koran as a field manual? 


The Koran is regarded as the literal "word of God", so it can never be changed. Unfortunately, the "word of God" is still open to interpretation, and can be used pretty much to support any point of view.

Thus, the scholars in Saudi were able to find something in the Koran to ban women from driving in Saudi, even though it doesn't mention motorcars, and Muhammed's wife used to drive camels.

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2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

And this is what some on the Left do. March off in a deflection route to give some cover to the Islamist terrorists. And why is that? As I have stated earlier; for them American Imperialism is the main enemy and they will not under any circumstances be diverted from that. Whatever the terrorist threat it is the fault of the West. And that is where these guys stand.

And they couldn't be more wrong.


ISIS has told us, frequently why it commits these acts — it hates us first and foremost because we do not submit to Islam. 


Yet the politicians still can't bring themselves to hear this message. They sacrifice lives in the name of political correctness.

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